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Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Random Acts of Violence

knife play phone sex blood gothIt’s Halloween time. My favorite. Normally, I am not a knife wielding psychopath unless provoked. If I am gonna cut a bitch or stab a tool, they have usually deserved it. But something about Halloween brings out my inner Michael Myers.  You know, stone cold killer, no rhyme or reason to his victims. Last weekend, I was walking around my neighborhood and I just felt homicidal. Felt compelled to kill. To just kill for fun. So I started creeping around in backyards looking for blood to spill, flesh to tear.

Then I saw them, a family of four on their back porch carving pumpkins. They looked idyllic, almost like out of some Good Parenting magazine or something. That made me hate them. Made me want them snuffed out, even the little ones. I walked right up on their porch too. Showed them my knife collection and asked if I could help carve pumpkins. They looked a little taken a back, but still they invited me in. A strange woman, with knifes, trespassing in their back yard. Yeah they deserved to not live.knife play phone sex  evil snuff

I played the game with them for awhile to give them a false sense of security, then the carnage and mayhem began. I tied them all up to chairs and put them face to face. Mommy son, daddy daughter. I like to watch the fear in their eyes. I like to see the “why us” look in their faces. Sometimes there is no why. Just opportunity. Like today. And maybe if they had been a bit smarter they could have lived.

I like to play games with my prey. I told Daddy if he wanted his sweet innocent offspring to survive he was gonna have to prove his love.  I told him to kiss her, a big romantic one too. And he did. He hesitated and got a knife in his thigh, but then he did. I told him I could spare her life if he fucked his baby girl. I told Mommy the same thing about her son. You would think they would do anything to spare their wee one’s lives. Guess love does have some bounds. Sad really. If my life depended on it, If the life of a loved one depended on it, I would saw off my arm.  And Mommy and Daddy won’t have sex with their offspring. Would you do anything I said if your loved one’s lives depended on it?

knife play phone sex evil killI snuffed them all out right there on their porch. Total blood bath. I went into a frenzy with my knives. Slaughtered the innocent lambs first so I could enjoy watching their parents cry and plead. I enjoyed telling them too that their blood was on their hands. They could have prevented the slaughter. My knives covered in blood, I let mommy and daddy have a taste. Sick, I know, but fun too. They didn’t really love their brats or they would have done whatever I asked without hesitation.  The pumpkins they were carving now covered in their blood too.

knife play phone sex bloody sadisticThe real fun was slaughtering mommy and daddy. Random senseless acts of violence make me feel good. A knife in an artery with a slow bleed out while looking into your partner’s eyes as you die, pretty darn entertaining. Oh the shit they say to each other. The confessions they make. Guess they wanna die with a clean conscious or some silly shit. But I sat there, watching them make  their dying confessions, profess their love yada yada yada. Blood spurting everywhere. Turned me on actually. Blood spraying me like that is an aphrodisiac. I need an accomplice. Someone I can trust. Be so much more fun to share both my random and not so random acts of violence with a partner who gets off on the blood, the violence, the torture too. Is that you?

knife play phone sex bloody

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: My Favorite Movie

bloody phone sex torture gothIt is pretty clear that I am not your typical girl. No amount of money would make me go to a Nicholas Sparks movie. Vomit. Eli Roth flicks are more my speed, especially Hostel 2. I enjoy the torture porn flicks. Bloody films with extreme violence, torture and sexual depravity get my cunt wet. Like all of the Hostel films,  the rich and the depraved pay for the thrill of killing some innocent lamb in whatever sick, twisted, perverted manner they desire. I relate to the female lead in this film, Beth.  A rich girl on vacation with her BFFS, meets the wrong people and finds herself kidnapped and in a room about to be prey to some submissive nerd who she rebuffed sexually because well, she has standards. But Beth turns the tables on Stuart; refuses to be his victim. She not only tortures him, but cuts off his worthless pecker and feeds it to the dogs, before snuffing him out and buying her way out of the torture chamber. My kind of girl. My hero. Beth and I are a lot alike, I torture and snuff out worthless pigs who have wronged me in some way. My victims are not so innocent. They are stupid, pathetic, weak, self entitled pricks who need to be taught a lesson, sometimes a deadly lesson.

bloody phone sex knife playNo man gets the better of me. And any dude who tries, finds himself castrated, bloody and likely no longer breathing like Stuart. Like Beth, I take no shit from men and I refuse to be a victim. Now, every now and then, I spare the life of a worthless prick just so he can become my torture doll. You can turn a dominate man into a submissive one. I have one Stuart like guy who tried to sexually assault me at a party once when I was intoxicated. Not only did I take his balls, which are in a jar on my mantle piece, I took his dignity. I own him now. He PAYS me to torture him. A rich motherfucker that until he met me, thought all women were on earth to service him and that his money could buy anything, and  anyone.

bloody phone sex evil killHis money can buy anything; it can buy the privilege of my sick, twisted attention. He pays me to bleed. In a twist on Hostel, he pays me to torture him, and he even tortures himself because he knows how much I enjoy it.  His neutered ass, slices his flesh and bleeds for me. He cuts hunks of his flesh off and gives it to me as presents. He even brings me sweet young things to play with, play with in my sick twisted way. Beth inherited her money; I was not so lucky to come from a wealthy family. However, I am rather cunning and crafty, so I am quite comfortable financially because I know how to milk pathetic losers like you. My love for money, however, does not outweigh my need to stalk and mutilate poor excuses for human beings. So, I will hunt and snuff you out for free. I don’t need to pay some Elite Hunting group in Slovakia for the pleasure of kidnapping, torturing and snuffing out pathetic losers. If you are reading this, you are fascinated by me. You have dark desires to hurt yourself for my pleasure; to pay me to cut and slice or even castrate you. Pay me to gut you like a pig and bathe in your blood.

Just like the woman in the opening scene of my favorite movie, I will suspend you above me, slice your arteries, and get off as your warm blood cascades over my body. I love it when you bleed for me. A goddess can never have enough loyal subjects to bleed and mutilate. I cannot wait to pierce your sweet, but worthless, flesh. And, I cannot wait to rape your wallet while I do it.

bloody phone sex snuff kill

Evil Phone Sex with Venus: Just a Little Ole Halloween Prank

evil phone sex bloody knifeI am not exactly the kind of girl to punk someone or even play a practical joke. I’m more the dark serious type. However, I have no problem pulling an evil Halloween prank, especially on someone I cannot stand like my best friend’s cheating, lying, tool of a boyfriend. If I could kill him I would. But then I would have to hear her whine about him being dead even though he is a worthless prick. I decided to scare the piece of shit. I invited him over to make peace. Me make peace that should have been the dipshit’s first clue. I knew if I came on to him, he would be all over me like Mrs. Voohrees on horny camp counselors.

He took the bait and was trying to fuck me in kitchen. I instructed him that if he wanted me, he had to work for it. First, I told him to get naked and go into the dark bathroom and sit on the toilet waiting for me. Said I would be in momentarily. Made up some shit about liking to fuck on the toilet. And I’d turn on the light once I got naked so he could bask in my beauty. I amazed myself.  When he went in the bathroom I waited for the screams. Then I heard them. I knew he had done just as instructed. I went in, flipped the light and saw him stuck to the toilet. I had glued a thousand tacks onto the seat so when he sat down naked, his flesh would be pierced. He won’t bleed out or anything, just hurt pretty good and be stuck for a bit.

I turned on the light and came over to him with my big knife and made him think I was going to castrate him. I told him he did not deserve Taryn and his cheating miserable excuse of a boyfriend didn’t deserve to have his pecker. I put the knife under his cock and made him plead to save his worthless dick. He cried, and begged and made promises of fidelity. I may have accidentally on purpose sliced him a little. Once he promised he would keep his dick in his pants and treat Taryn like the princess she is, I told him it was all just a evil little Halloween prank. I never planned to lob off his manhood. But, I made it clear to him that I was an evil bitch who loathed him and could just as easily castrate him for real if he was to ever trip and accidentally fall into someone else’s vagina again. He seemed to get the idea that I was a rather psychotic prankster. I then made him get up, warning him, he may have a few tacks stuck to his ass. The look on his face when he thought I was going to rid him of his manhood was worth the blood on my toilet. Sadly it was just a prank, albeit an evil one. But, I have castrated men for far less offenses than cheating on my BFF. Hell, I’ll castrate you just for the fun of it. Not every man deserves a cock.

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: How Do You Wanna Be Butchered?

knife play phone sex goth bloodyOctober is my favorite month. Why? Because freaks like me blend in with the natives. During the month of horror and terror, knife wielding psychotics like me are actually celebrated. Knives, hooks, scissors,  axes, metal fingers….. are all thought cool. See silly people think Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhes and Freddy Krueger aren’t real. But there are knife loving socio paths like me whose heroes come straight off the celluloid screen. Every day in October, I butcher someone in the fashion of one of my idols. I have never been caught. Variety and seemingly random victims are the keys to not being caught. 

How would you like to be butchered?

knife play phne sex butcher gothBy a psychopathic wooden puppet named Blade with a knife? By a sweet camper girl named Angela, wielding a big ole butcher knife? Victor Crowley style with a hatchet? Vengeful fisherman style with a rusty old hook? Or maybe you prefer your hook Candyman style with the added benefit of a swarm of bees to sting you to death? Then there are your garden variety crazed killers fond of basic kitchen cutlery like Ghostface , Jack Torrence, Chucky, Dexter or Patrick Bateman? Lizzy Borden style with 50 whacks? Jason style with a menacing machete? Maybe you have mommy issues and would like to be butchered Norman Bates style? Freddy Krueger style with sharp metal fingers?  Hell, I will even go all Fatal Attraction on your ass and kill you and your bunny. My favorite way to butcher is Michael Myers style. Big fucking sharp knife, cold dark stare, never say a word. Just butcher you and move on to the next victim.The possibilities are endless when you have a knife loving  serial killer groupie like me. My only MO is that I use a sharp instrument. I love slicing, cutting and mutilating flesh. Such a turn on to watch a worthless POS bleed. I can imitate any one of my many knife wielding idols.

Indeed October is my favorite month. Tomorrow the games begin. Maybe you will survive, maybe you won’t.  But you will bleed, a lot.

knife play phone sex bloody sadistic

Evil Phone Sex with Venus: The Devil Made Me Do It

evil phone sex goth girlI was home alone, in bed. Not even out of school yet. I had only been getting my period for about a year. I felt him climb into bed with him. Half asleep, I opened my eyes and what I saw was not my father, but a monster of sorts. Half man, half serpent. The man part looked oddly familiar. Like my dead grandpa. Surely I was having a nightmare. Then I felt it on top of my body. My hands were pinned behind my head and then I felt it enter me. It was ice cold. I was a virgin; I had never felt one inside me before, but I didn’t think it was suppose to feel cold as ice. And it was pronged,  like a fork. I still thought I was dreaming. Having my first wet dream.

It hurt but at the same time felt good. When I think back to my first time, I am still perplexed by what penetrated me that night. It honestly felt like a cold knife going in and out of me. I felt wetness between my legs. A cold milky substance was running out of me.  But what was it? Semen was suppose to be warm not ice cold. It was all over quickly, and who  or what ever fucked me just disappeared into thin air. I convinced myself that it was all some dream. But when I woke up the next morning my sheets were covered in blood and semen. My pussy was raw and swollen.

evil phone sex knife playMy door was still locked from the inside. My bedroom window still locked too. Yet I was clearly no longer a virgin. Something or someone had entered my room in the middle of the night and fucked me, taken my virginity. I became obsessed with the occult, with demons and witches. I did all sorts of research and was certain that I had been violated by the devil. I tried to tell my parents, but of course they thought I was crazy. My mom accused me of fucking my dad, taking advantage of him. He was the only man in the house. If someone fucked me, it had to be him.

I missed my next period. When I told my father  I was certain I was pregnant and carrying the devil’s spawn, he slapped me and called me a whore. That was the night I started cutting myself; the night I became obsessed with knives and blades and blood. The night I knew I had to get rid of my parents.  Parents are supposed to protect their offspring, believe them, support them…. They were worthless. I didn’t need them.  I prayed and prayed and prayed not to be pregnant and for my parents to disappear.  Then, I heard a voice tell me I had to get rid of my parents if I didn’t want to have the son of Satan.  That was an easy choice. Just like in the Amityville Horror, I went in my  parents’ bedroom and stabbed them repeatedly. The blood spraying on my body felt intoxicating. That was my first kill, but far from my last. Guess you could say the Devil made me do it.

My period came the next day. I moved in with my grandmother and the death of my parents to this day remains an unsolved homicide, likely just a “random, senseless act of murder.”  I didn’t need to have the Devil’s spawn; I was evil incarnate. I still am. The Devil still speaks to me. Maybe he will tell me to castrate or kill you next.

evil phone sex goth bloody

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus

knife play phone sex goth girlOne of my callers asked me how I got into knife play phone sex. My love for knives is actually hereditary. My great grandparents were carnies. Yes, circus freaks. They both threw knives and swallowed them.  I inherited their knife collection along with some other vintage carnival items like their morphine needle. It is great to use for subduing victims, even today. I fancy myself a knife thrower like my great grandparents. Only I am no circus freak and it is not for entertainment, well not public entertainment.

knife play phone sex sadistice pain

I have these stairs that lead down into my basement where I practice my knife skills on worthless humans, usually men.  Just the other day I picked up this stupid guy who thought he was gonna fuck me.  Really, do I look desperate and so cheap that I would go fuck some guy because he said I was pretty? I have zero tolerance for stupidity and even less for horny pervs who don’t know how to treat a woman. I told him in my basement was a love den. Yeah right, I look like I have a love den. But it got his stupid ass down those stairs. As I was following him, I injected him with my grandparents old morphine needle to incapacitate him. That shit works fast too. He got all woozy and began to stumble.knife play phone sex drugs butcher girl

He actually fell down the last few stairs which was perfect. I then strung him up to the concrete wall where I practice my knife throwing techniques. The less they squirm or move around, the less the likelihood I will hit a major artery. Moving targets I have not quite mastered yet. While he was semi conscious, I broke out my grandparents knife throwing collection. They were all nice and sharp too. I just tried to concentrate and throw them along the outline of his body. I usually do pretty well. But this guy was fat and maybe he needed more morphine because he was not as limp as other practice playmates have been.knife play phone sex goth girl killer

I told him be still or he would fuck up my aim. He started getting belligerent with me and calling me names. The fat fuck of a pervert had the audacity to call me a fat whore. So, I decided to practice with a blind fold on. My grandparents could do it. Turns out I can’t. As I was throwing blindly, I heard  screams and yelps. Kind of just turned me on. No one would miss him. The more he screamed, the harder I threw and the less I concentrated on where the knife was going. I wanted to hit his flesh, impale him.  I wanted to make him bleed. After I went through all the knives, all I heard was gurgling sounds. I giggled in amusement when I took my blindfold off and saw about 30 knives in his flesh. Even one dead center between his legs. I literally nailed his balls to the wall. He didn’t deserve them anyway.

I made quite a mess as it turns out. He bled out, slowly, but he did pool his blood on my floor. I kind of like the red stains on the wall, so I just cleaned the blood and sinew off the floor. I don’t really care if I never become a master knife thrower like my grandparents. I enjoy the sport of impaling flesh with sharp objects. Especially flesh on worthless pieces of shit. Are you a worthless piece of shit?

Mutilation Phone Sex with Venus: Some Guys Don’t Deserve a Cock

mutilation phone sex knife play tortureMutilation phone sex is perfect for a sadistic bitch like me who enjoys castrating useless men. And let’s face it, there are lots of useless men out there. Let’s just say I subscribe to the old adage if you can’t use it properly, then you should not have it. Case in point. This total tool I encountered on the subway last week. It was rush hour, and we were crammed in like sardines. This loser in a business suit sits down next to me. He tries to make idle chit chat with me and is oblivious to the fact I don’t give a fuck about what he is saying. He actually put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him, and very calmly stated, “Touch me again pervert and I’ll castrate you.” He recoiled his hand and I thought he got the message. That was until he set his briefcase on his thigh to block the view from the other side of the train and whipped out his pathetic cock and started stroking it. I knew what I had to do. Indecent exposure equals not deserving a cock.

I followed him off the train even though it was not my stop. I had my favorite knife in my backpack.  He was so stupid, he didn’t even realize I got on the same bus with him. I sort of stick out in a crowd too. I could tell he was trying the same thing to this chick on the bus. I could read the horrified expressions on her face loud and clear. Yes, this douche bag falls under the category of if you can’t use it properly, you should no longer have it. I got off at the stop he did and stalked him to his house. I waited a few after he went in; realized no one else was home yet or maybe he lived alone. Hard to believe that this pathetic fuck had a wife or family. But there are lots of stupid, naive cunts out there.

I knocked on the door, then pushed my way into his home wielding my big ass knife. “Remember me asshole,” I screamed as I lunged at him with my knife in the forefront. I backed him into a corner, till he slid down on the floor like a coward. I sliced his hands a few times so he would feel some pain and it would weaken him a bit. I grabbed him by his suit tie and strung him to the kitchen faucet. I tied his bloody hands to the pipe under the sink. So he was on the ground, struggling for air, tied to his kitchen sink. I took my knife and slashed his thighs a few times. Big baby was whining. “Did I whine when you jacked your worthless pecker in front of me bitch,” I yelled angrily. I then unzipped his pants with the knife exposing his worthless pecker. He looked scared and all I could do was laugh. Payback is a bitch.

mutilation phone sex castration bloodyI took the knife and mutilated his chest. I carved Loser into it. I mean you have to be a loser to expose yourself on the subway to a total stranger, right? He was shaking and crying and I just kept carving up his flesh. Mutilating his skin, but saving his cock and balls for last. I was enjoying this. Mutilating flesh on a worthless human is so fun. So fun it makes my nipples hard and my cunt wet. We were both covered in his blood. I kept licking the blade too. As he lay there covered in a pool of his blood, I grabbed his testicles.  I twisted them until I thought they might pop off on their own, then I sliced the right one off, followed by the left one. I shoved his balls in his mouth as a ball gag. “Shut the fuck up loser,” I quipped.

I left his penis, his dick, his worthless little pecker, whatever the fuck you want to call it, for last. I carved my initials in it first, then I lobbed it right off. Blood spurting everywhere. All I could do was laugh and masturbate. I told him he asked for everything he got and then some. I went and got a mirror so he could see his mutilated body. I told him be lucky I didn’t kill him for what he did. All I did was  take away his cock and balls and maybe mutilate his body a wee bit. If you don’t know how to use your dick, you don’t deserve to have one. Pure and simple. I left his balls in his mouth but took his severed pecker and put it in a zip lock baggie and left it on the kitchen sink for him. I explained I was being generous this time buy not flushing it down the toilet or feeding it to Fido over there. Perhaps a skilled doctor could reattach it. They was of course, if anyone finds him before he bleeds out.

Do you deserve to have your cock and balls? Because if you don’t, I am happy to take them away for you.

mutilation phone sex castration fantasy

Violent Phone Sex with Venus: Bloody Acts of Violence

violent phone sex knife killer

Violent phone sex really gets me off. I guess you could say I am prone to violent tendencies. Vanilla is not my thing, never has been. I was fucking Wednesday Adams as a wee one. I wanted to play with knives not dolls. Now the only dolls I wanna play with are the living breathing kind, but they never stay like that for long. All ages, both genders, all races…I am an equal opportunity violent offender.

Just the other day I was feeling all bitchy and sadistic, well more so than usual. I let myself in to this old farmhouse where I knew a middle aged couple lived. They reminded me of my parents. I hated my parents. The woman was home alone. I decided to butcher her first so that her husband would come home to find her bloody, dismembered body all throughout the house.  She was easy to take too, barely put up a fight. Kind of no fun. But I had fun with my massive knife collection cutting off body parts and leaving a trail for dear old husband to find. I started at the front door with a hand, and ended in the bathroom with her head.

violent phone sex knife playI relaxed in the old claw foot bathtub, with my favorite knife and her head, covered in blood and waited for Dad to come home. I heard the screams, the tears, the footsteps following my bloody presents. When he entered the bathroom, I bolted up from the tub wielding my knife, covered in wifey’s blood and went Lizzy Borden on his ass. He got 50 whacks, 50 deadly, violent whacks. I was covered in even more blood now and it was intoxicating. Blood, death, pain, violence are all aphrodisiacs to me.  As I laid there in a pool of blood, I rubbed my clit hard. I came, gathered up my knives, cleaned up any evidence that could lead back to me, and headed home. See, random acts of violence perplex the authorities. They always think a family member responsible. But, sometimes violent acts are just committed by random strangers like me in need of a good hard cum.

violent phone sex taboo goth.gif

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: There is More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

knife play phone sex goth girl mutilateThere is more than one way to skin a cat as the saying goes. And for me, there is more than one way to skin a useless piece of shit. But my favorite is the dorsal incision. It is an ancient medical practice of circumcision, but I apply it to the entire body to skin a POS alive. It is slow and painful because I do not believe in numbing the body. The point is to feel pain, to feel your skin tearing from your body. For the dorsal incision, I start with the POS lying on his back or hanging upside down and start my incision several inches from the armpits in the center of the chest and cut down the center of the chest cavity, stopping right above the pelvis. Then flip the body and do the same down the spine. I always use a scalpel blade, which is sharp as a razor. This provides a nice clean cut, tears the flesh smoothly and evenly. Just takes a steady hand and a hell of a lot of patience. Because I got to pull the flesh from the rib cage and off the back. Pulling the skin away from the center.

After the main incision is complete, and the flesh is off the torso, I move to the legs. I start at the feet, working the scalpel blade up along the outside of the leg and then the inside. This provides two flaps of sort for which I can pull the skin off. It takes patience to keep separating the skin from the leg until all the skin is removed around each leg leaving the arms, sex organs and face to skin later. The key is to go slow and keep working the skin away from the body. That scalpel will tear the flesh well and get it to a point that it’s like peeling the skin off a piece of fruit.

knife play phone sex sadistic accomplice Once the skin is off the body, I move to the face, I take my scalpel, and make a slice along the gum line. I start in the rear of the mouth, and work forward on the lower jaw. After I have made this cut, I start at the front of the lower lip and skin the whole lower jaw area back to the corner of the mouth so that the skin is free from the skeleton. Giving a Joker like appearance. Repeat for the upper jaw. Now the fun part. I return to the neck area, and pull the skin over the skull. I grab the skin like a rope, just in front of the nose, and keep pressure on the skin as I work the skin toward the nose. I then start to cut around the scalp line and around the ears. Once I have skinned around the ears, I pull the flesh back towards the eyes. I have to put my finger inside the eyelid, and pull forward as I skin. I slice through the membrane on the back of the eye, and cut slowly until the skin around the eye is free from the orbits. Then I pull the loose flesh off like a mask toward the nose. You have to work from the bottom to the nose, then form the scalp to the nose. Then I stick my fingers in the nose and scrape the skin off if it doesn’t just peel off easily.

I try to peel the skin off evenly, but I am not a pro yet so sometimes its messy and I take a huge hunk of flesh or tissue with me. Ooops me bad. Once the skin is off the torso, legs and face, I can focus on the worthless pecker. This is the easy part. I make a single incision along the upper length of the foreskin from the tip to the corona, exposing the glans, then I peel away the flesh. But because I am a sadistic, I then cut off the penis and testicles and stuff them in the POS’s mouth. Sometimes I will salt the skin and try to tan it like the hide of  cow because I can. Sometimes I am lazy too and use a bone saw to sever off the feet and the hands, making it easier to pull the skin of the limbs.

Regardless of how you skin your victim, make sure you have plenty of sharp knives and a knife sharpener as flesh and bones will dull even the best knife money can buy. And never do it in your house. It is messy and the screams of your victim will alert the neighbors. I’m still practicing my methods as I am a novice butcher still. But I enrolled in taxidermy school to learn more ways of skinning a POS. Seeing a skinned body for some reason gets my cunt all wet.

Wanna help me find worthless pieces of shit to skin? Or maybe I can practice on you. Or at least castrate you? Few guys deserve their cock and balls anyway.



Gothic Phone Sex with Venus: My First Taste for Blood

gothic phone sex knife tortureI’m not normally the type of girl that goes to clubs or parties. I am actually a bit of a loner because most people annoy the shit out of me. But, this girl I worked with convinced me to try a new a new Goth bar called Underworlds a few years ago. That night, that club, changed my life. The club was supposedly different from all the others in the town. It catered to the Goth crowd; more specifically the vampire obsessed subculture. I was not necessary into that, but it sounded cool; different from typical meat market crap. When I arrived, Jessie was waiting for me. When she saw me she couldn’t believe my outfit. I had on a black mini vinyl skirt, red and black plaid button up top, and fishnet tights with knee high military style lace up boots. Black lipstick. Part Goth, part Steampunk.

gothic phone sex vampire lesbian“Did you  think I would wear jeans and a t-shirt,” I replied.  At that point in time I was a tomboy. She told me I looked hot as a Goth, but no way was I as hot as her. She was gorgeous. Tall, long red hair, pale skin, legs that never ended….She had the body for her sexy little fishnet outfit that was for sure. I went to the end of the line, but Jessie said,  “No I’m a member so all I have to do is show my card we are in. Everything is on me tonight.” Once inside Jessie eyed this girl wearing a PVC black leather mini dress with black leather pumps with studs on them, torn black stockings with jet black hair. Jessie took her hand and led her to a private room with all these couches. I got to tag along. I was excited. Had no idea what I was about to witness. This room had a private bar, and the bartender obviously knew Jessie and asked if she wanted her usual. She indicated yes and he brought out a big bottle of red wine with 3 glasses. Jessie paid $300 for that bottle. I’d never had wine in a bottle, let alone wine that expensive.

Jessie grabbed my hand and had me sit in a big velvet red chair, while she laid her friend on a matching chaise type chair. Jessie inquired as to how I liked the club thus far. I shared that it was really different, but I loved the crowd and the creepy hymn type music being played over the speakers. Jessie poured us each a glass of this expensive ass wine and we toasted to new experiences and broadening our horizons. We all took a sip. The wine was thick, sweet, not like wine I had ever had before, but it was yummy. Suddenly, I realized no one else but us three in the room. I asked where everyone else went, and Jessie said a private room, where we were about to head also.

I was getting oddly intoxicated fast on this scrumptious wine. The three of us walked down a dark corridor, passed other rooms. I could hear screams, moans past every door. I thought, I am at a sex club. Jessie and the girl she had picked up seemed to know their way around, even in the dim lighting. I started to get wobbly, and Jessie helped me into one of the rooms. They seemed to both have a higher tolerance for the wine than I did. We got in the room which was pitch black. I stumbled and must have passed out. Next thing I realize, I wake up and Jessie has her gal pal hanging upside down by her feet from some rafter, butt naked with a ball gag in her mouth and a spreader attached to her feet. Jessie then bit her companion on the neck hard. And while blood tricked out her neck, over her breasts, Jessie started to lick up the blood. She motioned me to come over and instructed me to bite her victim too and taste that blood. I was scared at first, but I was getting turned on. I love blood. Never tasted it, but I love to cut people and watch the blood run out of them.

gothic phone sex evil bloodAs soon as I sunk my teeth into her flesh, I realized I had tasted this before. It was the bottled wine that Jessie purchased. I had been drinking this girl’s blood all night and enjoying it. I was really turned on now. As I continued to drink her crimson nectar, Jessie got on a tall stool and buried her face between her legs. I thought she was going to eat her pussy, but instead she bit that major vein in her inner thigh and we both drank her blood. I was new to drinking blood and went a little deep. Blood was spurting everywhere, like when I cut a jugular. I looked at Jessie for advice, but she was covered in blood and masturbating. I continued to drink the blood as it was so intoxicating and started to rub my pussy too. Before long I realized this girl was losing too much blood. Her skin getting paler, her breathing shallow and skin cold to the touch. I think we had damn near killed her, drained her.

gothic phone sex vampire bloodI asked Jessie what to do. I was half panicked, half aroused. Well, more aroused. I had certainly cut  a few folks at that point in my life, but never anyone who didn’t deserve it. I had no issue with this chick. Jessie said it was okay. We could drain her dry if we wanted because she paid to die. WTF? Paid to die? If she wanted to die, she could have paid me for the honor lol. Jessie explained to me that this club was highly exclusive and the subs and the domes paid good money for an anything goes evening. Well, I had no problem draining her now. She was a stupid cunt. Neither Jessie nor I could drink anymore, so I got out my knife, made a few incisions and we laid naked underneath her as the blood flowed out of her body and onto ours. When we were both covered in hot, sweet, sticky nectar, Jessie got out her doubled headed dildo and we fucked our brains out, coming wildly with blood all over us. My first lesbian experience too. That night was interesting to say the least. My first taste of blood, my first Goth bar, my first taste of pussy, my first death….. None of which would be my last.

I ended up returning to that bar often with Jessie. I now embrace the Goth life. I embrace drinking blood. I embrace the natural born killer in me. I am the perfect accomplice. I am the perfect deviant.