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My Innocence is a delusion

Young voice phone sex

My face is so angelic right along with my smooth beautiful pussy.  It’s no wonder my prey falls into a trance. They look into my eyes and follow my sweet soft voice. Unaware of the evil that is coming next. I like to marinate my cunt before I engage in any kill. Laid across my white sheets and pleasuring my tight fuck hole and clit. My victim is tied up a few feet away watching me with fear and curiosity in their eyes. I never cum before I kill. I just like to get my cunt wet and leaking. As soon as blood is shed then I will cum. The more blood I spill the harder I nut. You should let me cum on your cock while we both watch our victim bleed out until death.

CaStRaTiOn PhOne SeX

Castration phone sex

What I do to most of my victims is suck their cocks before and after a slaughter. I like to see the pleasure on my men’s faces. As I enter their stiffness into my warm wet mouth. I suck their dicks as if it was my last meal. The humor of it all. It is actually their last blowjob. Right after they cum I slice their dicks off with a quickness.  They loose so much blood that they pass away. The whole time they are bleeding out of their gash of a hole where their dick use to be. I am standing right over them. Their bloody cock in my hands and I am twirling it around my mouth. Sucking on it so gently. The face of horror and shock that they give makes me so fucking wet. I enter the detached cock into my vagina and fuck myself until I cum. Sick bitches like me have to have a little kick to my sex life. Maybe we can engage in cutting someone’s cock off and while I am sucking on the bloody head you are smashing my cunt from behind? The ball is in your court.

Bondage Phone Sex





Bondage phone sex

This kinky fuck slut whore loves to suck a big fat white cock while having a dumb blonde bitch tied up in the background. Making the dirty whore watch me give her boyfriend the best blowjob his tiny little mind has ever had in his fucking life. Of course the mothafucker doesn’t resist such a beauty like me. Especially having my big full juicy lips completely devouring his cock. Just in case  the fucker might try something slick. I do have a pistol pointed to his head and will not be afraid to pull the trigger. I would love to splatter his brains across the wall and make his whore eat my cunt as she grieves her boyfriend’s death. But for now he seems to be cooperating just fine. Once he has busted a nice load into my mouth I am going to tie his ass up right next to her. Let both of them watch me play with my pretty soft kitten. As I purrr and my kitty gets so wet and juicy. I bust a good nut all over my fingers. Then I make them taste it. Then, before they knew it I blew each of their brains out. Just for the fuck of it! A nice little game of kill and cum. My favorite sport!

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies

Before I kill my victims I like to watch my accomplice torture the bitch while I slide my dildo into my shaved brown pussy. I slide my dildo in and out my hole to the point my dildo is slippery and wet. I taste the juices with my tongue then walk over and tongue kiss my victim. I call it the kiss of death. I slice the bitch’s throat while she is looking me into my eyes and her soul leaves her body soon after. She is now giving me a blank stare.  I put my strap on and I fuck this her tight shaved cunt. It is still warm. I pump inside of her over and over again and watch her limp body move to the rhythm of my hips.  I order my accomplice to fuck her and cum all in her pussy. He does as he is told. I then slice his throat as well. They both lay lifeless on the floor and I lay right next to them and pleasure myself some more. Oh My! I came so hard that bloody cold night. I can’t help but to kill and cum. That’s how I like to do it baby!

Cheap phone sex

Cheap phone sex


Last time I checked I was that bitch that made women skin crawl and their voice tremor. As far as the men, I make their dicks hard and make them come even harder. I am that evil bitch that kidnaps bitches for my pleasure and forces my man of the night to rape fantasy her pussy while I watch and please myself. This morning I caught me a nice white whore going for a jog at the park. I snatched that bitch up so fast by her hair and threw her in the van. My male accomplice was the driver. We drove to a nearby lake and had our way with the bitch. He fucked every hole on her body while I sliced ever part of her body. We played a nice game of hide and go seek the bloody limbs. And the winner got to get 3 hours worth of head. That motherfucker won! So I sucked his dick until the cows came home.  That is always one of my favorite games to play. Any more games in mind that we can play?

Bloody phone sex


IBloody phone sex

There is nothing that satisfies me better than playing with my hot wet cunt while watching a murder flick. There is something about the sight of blood and inflicting gruesome pain on an innocent soul that makes me so fucking horny. Do you know what makes this bitch cum so fucking hard? Cum dripping all in my satin silk panties? I bet you do! What makes this bitch satisfied is killing a bitch and watching her blood leak out of her body. The pain in her face. The screams from the torture. Watching her skin go pale as her life leaves her body. That is the type of shit my friend that Mistress Jade needs in her life just to be satisfied. I love to smear my victim’s blood all over your cock and you come fuck the shit out of me. Fuck me so hard! I want your dick to enter my cunt and pierce out of my fucking throat.

Snuff sex




IfSnuff sex

If looks could kill all you bitches would be dead. I know my body and face attracts any man or woman that comes my way. That is how I lure my victims into my sick twisted ass world. I use my angelic looks to make them feel safe and  feel like I will do them no harm. Little do they know as soon as they get to my home I am slicing their throats and fucking my accomplice right there in the warm puddle of blood. I have two bodies right now at my home. I just caught my victims last night. I sliced the throats and let all the blood spill out onto the floor. I then laid in the blood and made myself a bloody snow angel with my body. You know when you make a snow angel in the snow? Yeah its the holidays so fuck snow. I am using blood instead. That was so much fun I then played with my pussy and bust a hard nut and passed out and feel asleep.

Feel my wrath


A pAprettyViolent phone sex

A nice pair of tits like mine is not hard to come by. Do you know what is hard to come by though? A sick twisted sadistic slut like myself. I am the perfect evil bitch you have been dreaming about. Not only am I drop dead gorgeous(literally), I also have the sicko mind to match. Do you know what I like most about Violent phone sex? Is taking my victim by the throat. Wrapping my hand so tight around her fucking neck. Choking that bitch until her eyes are bulging out of her eye sockets. All the while you are fucking her tight almost dead cunt. Just the sight of her fighting for her life is making us both horny as ever. As soon as that bitch is taking her last breathe you start to cum. I stop your right there in mid stroke and stick your dick in my mouth all the way to the back of my throat. You bust a mouth full of demon seeds all into my jaws and I swallow with pride. We both look down at this life less piece of shit and slice her open from neck vertically down to her stomach. We both fuck in the pool of blood. I want to go a 3rd round. Don’t you?

Last nut and your last breathe

Suffocation phone sex

I had an invitation to a friend’s wedding. You already know I am not a vanilla type of bitch. I damn sure didn’t want to go to some fancy lame ass wedding. I just agreed to support my friend. I always seem to make my day interesting no matter where I am. I have to nut and I have to kill while busting a nut. It is just that fucking simple! One of the groom’s best man kept staring at me. So I lured his green ass into another room after the reception. I laid my sexy sadistic ass onto the day bed legs spread wide open staring into his eyes. Like magic he was under my spell. I did not have to utter one fucking word. He quickly took his black suit off dick hard ass a rock. He slide his thick snake into my pussy and pounded my walls. I flipped him over to get on top. I rode him like a wild bull. As soon as he started to bust a nut his eyes were closed and I used that opportunity to grab a pillow and cover his face. He tried to buck and get up but I am far to powerful and strong for his scrawny ass. He took his last breath. His last nut. At least he went with a bang!

Dead on the outside but alive on the inside

Sex with dead bodies

I fuck my victims right after I kill them. The image of their lifeless bodies and the warmth on the inside makes me so fucking horny. I am not talking about men. I am talking about these dumb ass useless whores in this world. After you kill a bitch the inside of her cunt is still warm. I have a bitch I just got rid of last night. After putting the whore out of her misery I took my fingers and fucked her and slide my tongue up and down her soft warm clit. I usually have a partner there with me. A male of course. I make him stick his hard dick in the bitch and fuck the shit out of her. I know her pussy is so warm. She lays there like a lifeless doll. I scoop up her blood and smear it on the inside and outside of her cunt. Making it wet so my male accomplice can nut all in her shit. Even after death the whore is still useful. A cream filled bitch that is. She was a whore in real life and still is after death. I know this is the type of shit you want to do with me. We find a bitch. Kill her slowly or quickly whatever floats your boat. Then you fuck the shit out of her dead ass while I watch and play with my pussy. Until we both cum with pleasure. Two sick fucks getting a nut!