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Hardcore Rape Porn Fantasies Now On DVD

ass rape porn

I keep saying I want to get into my own hardcore rape porn fantasies production company. Not your run of the mill snuff either, I am wanting some real extreme rape porn that would make you squirm. My collection of my own private stuff is still relatively small. I have started to add more of a variety to what I am doing as well. Everything from ass rape porn to murder fantasies are displayed proudly on my media shelf in my dark basement room. My favorite are the little tiny p rapes where I get to take advantage of all the little brothers and sisters off the ass wipes who make my life what it is today. I love going on adventures with my daddies to swoop up and grab our latest catch. I have lots of Daddies and that is okay because they are each special in their own way.

hardcore rape porn fantasies

They will each have their own sub categories in my snuff porn production company. One of my Daddies loves to make house calls to little skanks around my age. We watch them and figure out their schedule. We get to learn their parents schedule too. Than when we are nice and ready we wait for her parents to be gone and presto murdero bitch is getting a dick in her ass and my knife to her throat. It gives me such a rush knowing that her parents could be showing up any time and catch us too. She thinks they will as she begs like the pathetic little slut she is “Daddy, Daddy…” Stupid bitch, Daddy is here and tearing your add hole wide open while he fucks your ass with his cock and his glock. Ha Ha, My Daddy is so silly, I shall call this movie Glock on cock and it will sell well with all of my p friends. I can see the movie being such a big hit, and being a great producer, real hands on.

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Mother Goose Gore

taboo phone sex

I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.

My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;

1, 2 I am watching you

3, 4, gonna taste you whore

5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick

7, 8, Let you bake

9, 10 That’s your end.

The old lady who lived in a shoe

There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten

Some of the ass holes were even eaten.

Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)

Im a little Pgirl

Tiny and thin

When you come over

My knife goes right in

Lets have a good time

Help me out

Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.

Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)

Wha, Wha,

        Stupid Slut

Wanna Suck

          His Cock?

Yes please,

          Yes please,

Till my bellies full.

Knife to the kidney,

Tear open your ass

              Your about to

              Die you cunt

               Better hope

               You die fast

Ha, Ha

              Stupid slut

Still wanna

               Suck that cock?

I’ll take your silence

               That you have no guts to stuff. 

Erotic Porn Snuff Production

killer phone sex

I know everyone knows my love for snuff films and how I have always longed to make one of my own. To be able to watch a dumb bitch get her shit all fucked up, something that I could watch over and over again while I played with my pussy. I have spent hours dreaming of making my own erotic porn snuff film. I just dreamed the day would come where I would meet the man who would let me help him. I met that man the other day, he wanted me to make outdoor rape porn with him, and the fact that I desired snuffed just made it a match to die for, literally. We decided on this beautiful chick that I had my eyes o from the mall. Daddy, I shall call him, was super talented in fucking up her engine. When she broke down she pulled over on the side of the road. It was dark and luck enough she lived off a dark back road.
Daddy approached her vehicle with caution while she looked under the hood, steam flowing over the engine. He was dressed like the perfect approachable house dad but she stepped back with caution anyway. Good skank. I could see him point towards me who was sitting in the car. This was my turn to put her mind at ease. I got out of the car in my dress and pigtails and introduced myself.

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I said my name was Hillary of course in case the little piggy got away. We wore our glasses, see here is a secret about my Daddy, he is loaded and our glasses were recoding every encounter with little cunty. Daddy said he was going to check something under the hood and it risked spraying up with hot skin melting liquid and directed up to the side of the street. She turned her back as I lifted up my skirt and SWANK stabbed that bitch in the back.
She turned over grabbing at it and then looking at the blood on her fingers. As she went to scream I held the blade under her throat and told her she better shut the fuck up before I slit her throat. She whimpered and tears began to well up in her eyes. I knelt across her chest. My dress moved up over my highs and reveled my shaved teen pussy. I stood up placing the knife between her skin and blouse tearing my knife through it. Daddy took over and began to play with her nipples while I tore through her short revealing her hairy pussy. I took the knife and began to insert it into her. Blood drained from her. I let daddy know she was nice and wet. Blood dripped from her pussy down her ass creating the perfect lubricant for Daddy as he began to ram her in the ass. Stupid bitch made the wrong move screaming. I walked over to her trunk and removed her four way and then buried it into her chest. Flood flowed over her perfect tit. I kissed her dying lips with mine; I took in the taste of her sweet blood and then kissed Daddy as he came in her.

outdoor rape porn

Sitter Smoothies

         babysitter phone sex

I decided I need to make myself a little bit of cash. It is not like a have a high set of skills besides murder, death, kill, and rape either. So I was walking on my way home from school and saw a sign for sitter needed hanging on a tree.  I took it into my hand and ripped it down. OUCH. The paper snagged my finger causing it to bleed. I smirked a little sticking into my mouth and reading the advertisement. It advertised for a sitter for their three brats so that they could go out. There were phone number tabs on it but I just decided I would cut out the competition and take the whole thing. I called the number when I got home and tried to sound super chipper.

    The parents rattled off a list of requirements that came with watching he little ass holes, like no gluten, organic and all that bull shit. I had no problem with it at all. I was ready to just do what I was paid for and leave. When getting ready I made sure to dress like a good little slut and put my hair into two pigtails. When I showed up I acted like a stupid preppy twat with an ear to ear smile. When they left the little maggots and I stood on the front pouch waving good bye to their parents as they pulled out of the driveway with haste. I did not know why they pulled away so fast until the little brats become total fucking terrors. The oldest little bitch kept demanding I make her a smoothie. I did not know what a smoothie was nor was I going to make one for a stuck up bitch who thought she was entitled because mommy and daddy had lots of money.

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                She would not quit so I decided that I was going to teach that dumb bitch a lesson. Next time she came in to bitch at me what her demands were of me because she felt as though I was working for her I hit that dumb blonde brat over the head and watched her knock to the floor. While she was knocked out I tied her up then put the other two brats up stairs and tied their mouths shut stuffed with a sock. I heard her start to wake up so I went down stairs and straddled her lap. Her eyes got large and she tried to scream past her gag. I giggled as I slid the knife up her torso tearing her shirt. I told her that I was going to make her a smoothie and I was going to fit in everything she loved. She looked puzzled and with that I lopped off her hand. I giggled as I went over to the counter and stuck it into the blended. I mocked her as I ground it up, told her how good she was going to taste to herself. I continued to cut and blend fitting both arms meat into the blender. She started to gurgle and I realized that she was not fun anymore so I shot her in the head so I could start to figure out what to do with the body.

                I looked all around and decided I would blend the rest of her up and toss her into an old container to take with me. She fit into a old five gallon bucket in the garage and was surprisingly light. Her bones broke up easily and I knew a friend who would reuse them for various art projects. That is how I could make extra money, I could get rid of the dumb cunts that continued to mess with me and sell their remains to those I know had interest. Look at me being crafty with my skills. 

Mutilation phone sex

XXX Snuff Porn Desires

Torture sex

I love watching xxx snuff porn so much. I love sitting in front of my TV on the edge of my bed and watching bitches get their throats slit while their blood is used as lubricant for ass rape. I will watch different snuff films for hours. You know what I do while I am watching guys be castrated with chain saws in the public square? I am sitting there with my finger in my gooey cunny making myself squirt all over my floor for my mom to clean up.

I love it when they scream, the noise their voice makes when it is so raw from all that screaming. I miss bathing in the blood of my enemies and my list is down to the floor and out the door.

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I miss being the accomplice to little p cock fun. Chop up and feed them to my mother for dinner lol.

Her fat ass would eat them and never know anything different. I want to kidnap this perfect dumb ass whore from school named Erika and make my own little snuff film to watch over and over.

Take her to a private place with you and spread her perky ass cheeks wide while you ass rape her. We can make out to the soundtrack of her pathetic screams. Recoding it all we will make our own anal rape porn that others will wish they had. She will beg for us to stop while we knife he in the twat. She is so full of shit while she apologizes; let me spread her mouth so you can shit in there. Make her eat it just to prove a point. I am all wet just thinking about all the ways we are going to pluck this stupid bitches life from her body.

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Mindgames with the little brats….

I am trying to look into different ways to take advantage of the little brats that I babysit.  Bondage, force, manipulation, drugs and alcohol are all cool, but I figured it is time for a change:

So, I am learning about and practing hypnosis now.  It is a way to get these little sluts to willingly submit to being used as rape fantasy fuck toys for your hard cock.  It works pretty well.  They do what I tell them to and turn into willing little whores while you fuck the hell out of their tight little holes.  It always turns me on, watching you stretch open their tiny fuck holes with your hard, strong cock.  I fuck my tight, bald pussy and cream all over myself when I watch you use those little sluts.

Without a Face

There are some who don’t like the way that I look and judge me. Calling me white trash, wierd, ugly.  That’s okay because, Evil has no face.  The things that I am capable of doing and have done don’t need a ‘pretty face’ to do them.  I still get laid, I still party, and I still think about and do bad things.

I am thinking now about the things  that I want to do to that pretty little bitch who thinks that her pussy is too good for anyone.  She laughs at me, turns her back, and walks away with an attitude-until I help you to capture her.  She quickly finds out that her little bald pussy is for the taking.  She learns some things that school never taught her:  and that’s how to become the helpless victim of people who want to use her and  hurt her, and when its over, shooting  huge cum loads down her throat. I choke her and punch her in the face, until she passes out. Her once pretty face is all bruised up, bloodied and swollen. (Her mother has been roughed up and force-fucked).

I hate that bitch, so when it is all over, I lay on top of her motionless, frail body with my little wet pussy rubbing against her’s, as the man who fucked her against her will switches off from fucking my hot, creamy pussy and ass to her motionless cunnie and asshole. He cums again, but this time it is all over her beautiful, long dark hair. I cum with him and kiss him as I cream all over his cock. Then I rub my creamy little pussy back and forth, all over her quiet and swollen lips;  wiping my cunnie juices all over her  face.  He and I are so turned on from what we did that I finger her little pussy while he shoves his hard  cock down her throat until he blows another load. When she  wakes up, she will know what its like to not feel pretty.  Fuck that Bitch.

Drunk Pathetic Parents

Over the holidays, so many people get fucked up, that it makes it easy for bad girls like me to do bad things. My boyfriend wanted us to break into his neighbor’s house to steal some pot.  We entered through the basement window, wearing ski masks and found their younger daughter in her bed, fast asleep while her stupid parents were laying on top of each other, naked and passed out on the living room floor. We carried the lil’ brat into the living room and dropped her on top of her parents. They were so drunk, that they didn’t even budge.  The little brat woke up startled and started crying, asking us who we were and what we were doing. We ignored her, bagged up the nose candy and returned to the living room, once we had packed our bags full with drugs, before leaving, we forced the drunk daddy to fuck his daughter’s tight little pussy, in front of her mother. Even though he was wasted, his dick had no problem getting hard. We rolled him onto his daughter, after removing her cute, little pink panties.  I got crazy-horny and felt my pussy get creamy as he forced his big daddy cock inside of his daughter’s little hole. I looked down at my boyfriends crotch and saw that he got a major hard-on. We laughed our  heads off because the parents were so pissy drunk, they had no idea what was going on. The little brat cried, screamed, and tried to fight her drunk dad off of her while her fucked up mom looked over at them, drooling and moaning like a drunk bitch. When my boyfriend and I left the house, we were so horny that we fucked like dirty, pervs in his car.  We did a roleplay: he pretended that he was the dunk daddy and I was the screaming, crying little brat.  He pulled out of my pussy and shot a huge load on my hard nipples.  I came all over his dick, as he covered my mouth, to stop me from screaming (like the little brat screamed). 


Creamy Pussy Sadistic Girl

My parents always told me never to open the door to strangers…

Hey, What’s up?  Nice to meet you….

 I spend a lot of time daydreaming and playing with my pussy.  I think about little brats getting used as raw meat for hardcore rape fantasies. I fuck my tight asshole till it swells up, using my favorite dildo.  I love to read about or see news of stupid bitches getting murdered and fucked, either before or afterwards. When I think about body parts getting sliced up or beaten to a bloody pulp, my nipples get so hard. Thinking about killing you in creative and sexy ways, makes me wet.  When I think about someone snuffing me out, I get so hot and horny….I cum over and over again when I do things that I shouldn’t do.  I love to be the star of a hot wet dream.  Because I have a tiny voice, no tits and a mini slut-like body, I get chosen a lot to be a  pure and innocent virgin victim. I’ve been called a nympho-maniac, and a perverted,  sadistic whore.  Maybe I need need therapy? Who knows? Who Cares?

I would love to lure a stupid little brat into your hands…I’ll finger my pussy, watching your stiff cock rip her wide-open.