Gothic phone sex is what they deserved to be tortured with. I was here working, maybe around 1am when I heard some noises outside. I have a hearse parked in my driveway, it’s beautiful, my fucking pride and joy. I step outside with my big man eating beast and take a look. It didn’t take long to see five little fuckers hovered around my fucking baby. That fucking hearse is more than a car to me it’s my baby, and No One fucks with it. I grab my sawed off shotgun from behind the door and let Valor loose on them. I’m not letting these losers get away. I grab a little punk assed nigger bitch by her braids and kick her in the stomach making her keel over while I attend to her fucking ghetto monkey co-conspirators. One of these black boys start coming at me I knock him in the head with the butt of my rifle, he’s down for the moment. The other three Valor took a bite out of they were trying to limp away. No worries I get on my phone and text my gang that stays two houses down. Those bitches ain’t getting far. For now I have these two to have some fun with. I haul the bitch in by her braids and tell her to shut the fuck up, no one cares. I bash the butt of the gun in her whore mouth, breaking a few teeth. The nigger monkey teen was a little difficult so I just said fuck it bashed him real good in his skull, opened his trousers, oh look, it’s a big black cock. He won’t be needing this shit anymore, but I will. I grab my knife and cut it off. I leave him in the carport to bleed out, it’s ok it’s already covered in a plastic sheet. I go inside, take that severed penis and toss it to Valor for his treat. That nigger bitch, well, I will have some fun with her, and so will the guys in my gang.