Last week, one of my best friends was kidnapped while at the park with her pooch. A guy came right up to her, chloroformed her and she woke up in bondage being sexually tortured by some guy she snubbed at a bar earlier in the week. He had stalked her for days like prey and then got his revenge. Evil SOB too. He put a cattle prod in her cunt and shocked her repeatedly telling her he hoped he had ruined her female parts because she didn’t deserve to have them if she wasn’t going to use them. She was found in the woods, barely alive tied upside down to some makeshift torture rack.
Little did I know, I had encountered and snubbed the same piece of shit. He tried to pick me up and he looked like some gang banger wanna be. I told him as much. Well, he must have slipped something in my drink and kidnapped me right from the club because the next thing I knew, I woke up in a dungeon hog tied and being sodomized by that asshole. But this time, he had several friends with him, who were all forcing their dicks in me. I was tied tightly. My breasts felt like they were going to pop off my body the rope was so tight. My legs were spread wide and tied to wooden posts. His friends were laughing at me and saying, “who is the gangbanger now.” They were all forcing their cocks in all my holes. After they had tortured me for hours with their cocks, I laid there, covered in jizz, praying to be let go. I thought about my friend and how he let her live, barely, but she was recuperating in the hospital now.
Then I saw him with a huge knife. He licked it, then spit in my face, calling me a whore. I started trembling wondering what was in store for me. Then he ran the knife across my scared flesh and taunted me. Said I had a beautiful body and it would be a shame to mark it all up; but that a stupid rude cunt needed to be put in her place. I started screaming all sorts of things to him. I said, “a real man doesn’t need to force himself on a girl. A real man can handle rejection.” Big mistake. I let my temper get the best of me, and for that I was about to pay a painful price. He retorted, “A real woman doesn’t need big fake ass titties.” Then he took that big ass knife and sliced a nipple off. I screamed in pain, and then he lobbed off the other nipple. I was still hog tied, bleeding, scared… I like pain, but this was sadistic and being inflicted not by a master but by a scorned psychopath.
He had an evil glimmer in his eyes as he saw the blood oozing out of my breasts where nipples use to be. Then he plunged the knife into my left breast and cut off the whole aureola and nipple. He started slicing away at the flesh, carving my breast like it was a turkey. I peed the floor, which angered him and resulted in a hard slap, a cattle prod in my ass and the knife severing my breast from my body. Blood was spraying everywhere. This only turned him on. He started jacking off until he came on the bloody part that used to be my breast. Him and his sicko pals left, with my breast. I was still tied up and bleeding, in some dank dungeon, left wondering if I would be as lucky as my friend and be found barely alive.