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Evil Phone Sex with Cassandra: House of Horrors

evil phone sex big tits subbyMaster is very fond of scaring me. He claims I constantly need broken in; calls me his stubborn Philly. Last week he had me kidnapped by a bunch of frat boys. He paid them some beer money and they snatched me right out of the mall and took me to this house of horrors. They left there and told me to find my own way home. There was no electricity, no heat, nothing. The house was so old too. Like I could fall though a floor at any moment. I was afraid I would hurt myself. That was not what I should have been afraid of however.

As I felt my way around every  corner, I encountered a horrific find that had my heart racing. My Master put me in a nightmare. He created a house of horrors just for me filled with everything that terrifies me the most. There was a room filled with slimy slithering  snakes. I had to crawl on the floor feeling them run  all over me. I peed my panties. Another room had spiders. Big hairy fucking spiders. I squished some with my fingers. So gross. I hate creepy crawly things. Master knows this. I was sure he was filming this and getting off somehow.

I had my cell phone with me, and although I could not get a signal to call for help, my flashlight app worked. I was trying to conserve the power, but I was getting more and more scared. The next room had something hanging from the ceiling, like punching bags that I had to navigate through. When I got something slimy on me I used the flashlight to see what exactly I was pushing my way through. Big mistake. It was like I was in a slaughter house. Dead pigs and cows everywhere. Gutted and bloody. The stench was nauseating. Master loves  playing survival games with me. Testing my will to live.

I have survived worse than a house of horror. I have been buried alive, submerged in water, forced to kill… I can get through a creepy house.  Suddenly, the floor fell out from underneath me. I was falling and landed in something wet and sticky. I fell hard too. I knew that smell, that taste. I was in blood. A vat of blood. No clue what kind of blood, didn’t want to know. I felt like Carrie at the prom. My long blonde hair was covered in blood. I fell in a tub. I crawled out and at least now I knew I was on the next level of the house. I crawled on the floor when pain hit. I was now crawling on broken glass. It hurt like hell. But I went as quick as I could. I was covered in blood, my own and someone or something else’s too.

I crawled right into a person, a live person. I thought it was my Master, but when I used the flashlight I saw it was something grotesque. A freak of some sort. It picked me up by the throat and throttled me. I was gasping for air, kicking frantically to free myself. Then the freak through me hard against a wall. I hit the wall, then fell through another floor. My Master and his friends were there waiting for me, laughing. I was  covered in blood, bleeding, banged up and they were laughing. My pain amused them. Does my pain amuse you?

evil phone sex blonde domination

Evil Phone Sex with Cassandra: Buried Alive

evil phone sex bondage blondeI thought today would be an ordinary day. Not that a professional submissive has ordinary days, but I thought I would be playing normal bondage games with my master. He was in a much more evil mood than usual. He put me on a rack and elongated me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tombstone and a wooden casket. I got really scared. He was going to kill me. This was the day I would be snuffed out. I knew it was coming, but didn’t think this soon. I pleaded with him, said I would do anything, any sick depraved thing he wanted, just let me live.

He approached me with a menacing grin and said, “Oh Cassandra, I am not going to kill you. I’m just going to bury you alive. If you die, it’s your fault for not fighting hard enough for to live.” Then he carried me over to the casket and dumped me inside. He nailed the coffin shut. There were little pin holes in the wood so I could get some air. But once I was under dirt, it would become difficult. I was pounding the coffin in a moment of panic, when I remembered all the horror movies I have seen and my master’s words. I need to not panic, save my energy and my air. I could feel him pulling the coffin. He put me in the truck and took me somewhere. I would later find out it was an old abandoned cemetery.evil phone sex torture whoreMaster was prepared. He had the ground already dug up because he just dropped me in a hole. Then I could hear the dirt hitting the casket and some dirt was coming in through the holes. I was trying my best to conserve my air and think. Think how I could survive being buried alive. I have really long finger nails. I tried digging at the wood , but that was taking too long and would not work. So, I used my nails to push up the nails. My fingers were bloody and I even ripped off several of my nails. My fingers were sore and broken, but I got several nails out. Enough that I could use my strength to push up the top of the casket.

Dirt started pouring in. I closed my eyes and my mouth and dug myself out. I pushed my hands up and clawed over and over and over as fast as I could. Luckily, I wasn’t down too deep. I could feel worms in my fingers and all sorts of other creepy crawlies. I was trying not to wig out but it was gross. I got my hand out through the dirt and felt cool air. I was close. I went faster, as fast has my hands could scoop and dig. Finally I broke through the ground. Dirt in my ears, my mouth, up my nose…I puked up some dirt, was coughing and gagging, but was alive. Master was sitting on a tombstone with a timer and laughing. It took me 3 hrs and 22 mins to get out.  He was impressed. 

It was quite scary, but exhilarating at the same time. Despite all my snuff fantasies, I did want to live, and fought for my survival. Master now will have more survival tests for me to pass. What survival games should you and I play?

evil phone sex buried alive MILF

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blaze and Cassandra

home invasion phone sex blonde subDoes home invasion phone sex get your cock hard? Well, I have a story for you.  I was selling my elliptical machine on Craig’s List because I joined a gym and just don’t work out at home anymore. This older lady was the first to say she wanted it. So I arranged a time for her to come over.  I heard the knock on the door and answered it; but it was a younger girl. She pushed her way right in and announced her name was Blaze and that she was here to make me her bitch. She pulled a huge ass knife on me too. I was scared, but at the same time wondered if one of my Master’s was punking me. Blaze was a little waif of a girl. How in the fell could she dominate me?

With that big ass knife that she threaten to slit my worthless whore throat with, that’s how. She threw me up against the wall, put the knife to my throat and told me to beg for my life. Blaze was a tad crazy if you ask me. I asked her if I knew her, if I had offended her in some way. Even asked if she worked with one of my masters. She informed me I was a worthless stupid cunt who posted an add on Craig List’s inviting mayhem into my life, into my home. She slapped me hard, then started cutting my clothes off with her knife until I was naked. She cut my breasts making blood  trickle down my breasts. Blaze said only a whore would have such huge fake titties. I tried to fight her, but she was stronger and more deviant than she looked.

There were repercussions for my resistance. She took that knife and shoved it up my cunt. I fell over in pain, bleeding all over the place. I passed out. I woke up in a dungeon, her dungeon. I was strapped to a bondage device. I was bleeding out on the floor and Blaze had affixed some  makeshift medical device to my wounded pussy to clot my blood so I would not bleed out. My breath was shallow and my skin turning purple. Blaze was smiling and giggling like we were playing some school girl game. I asked her for mercy and she started pounding my breasts with her fists.  They were her punching bags. She decided to beat my stomach too. I could feel myself fading again. I was in so much pain. I begged Blaze to let me go. No such luck. I pleaded again for an answer for her cruelty. She cut my leg and whispered in my ear, “Because you invited a stranger into your home.”

I was strapped to the wall, bleeding, battered and bruised, when Blaze suddenly cut me down. She looked at me slumped on the floor, kicked me in the gut and said, “Next time don’t be such a stupid cunt.” Then she left. Before she went upstairs, she opened a cellar door so I could leave. I was naked and in bad shape, but I got myself out of Blaze’s  dungeon of terror. I promised myself I would never again mess with Craig’s List.

Do you have home invasion phone sex fantasies? Perhaps, you are just into extreme bondage or torture? Whatever it is, I am your perfect victim and Blaze is your perfect accomplice.

home invasion phone sex bondage torture

Domination Phone Sex with Cassandra: Controlled with Poison

domination phone sex big tits submissiveOne of my Masters invited me to dinner. It seemed quite benevolent of him, so I had my suspicions. As soon as I arrived, he ordered me naked. I was the appetizer. He forced me on the dinner table and started to fuck my holes. Master is never gentle with my holes. To describe how he fucks me as rough sex is an understatement. He always fucks my ass and my cunt to the point they are swollen and gaping open. After he came in my holes, he tied me to one of the chairs and said he prepared a very special dinner for me that I should feel honored to eat.

I was scared. What in the hell was he gonna shove down my throat. He claimed it was a delicacy in Asian countries. I thought to myself, oh great, I am going to have to eat something gross like guinea pig or octopus, or maybe even man’s best friend? Wrong, wrong and wrong. He brought out some blowfish looking thing. I thought fish, I could handle that. Then he told me it was a puffer fish. Pufferfish are generally believed to be the second-most poisonous animal  in the world, after the golden poison frog. Certain internal organs, such as liver, and sometimes the skin, contain tetrodotoxin and are highly toxic to most animals and humans when eaten; nevertheless, the meat is considered a delicacy when eaten properly. Eaten not properly, it can be deadly.

Master told me I had to eat it and he warned me to eat carefully. He was gonna take sick pleasure watching me try to eat a highly lethal piece of meat. I had never eaten Pufferfish. I was clueless about how to eat it to prevent death or extreme illness. I decided to go slow very slow small bites to see if I could feel a reaction. This was working for awhile until I suddenly felt drugged. I was light headed, dizzy and going numb. Master grabbed my head and shoved my face into the plate, forcing more in my mouth. Then my whole body felt paralyzed. I started vomiting and feeling my heart race. My tongue was numb, my lips swelled and I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. Master was going to let me die. It would look like I died on my own accord from eating poisonous fish. Technically Master had not laid a finger on me.

Then, Master stabbed me with a needle. Within minutes I could breathe and within hours all the feeling came back in my body. Master grabbed me by the hair and made it clear that he could take my life when ever her felt like it so I better be a good fucking cunt all the time. His message was clear. He owned me and my every breath was under his control.

What will you do to control me? Show me that you have the power and I will always be powerless.

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: Arachnophobia

torture phone sex bondage punishmentI have new master. He is Australian; fancies himself a Crocodile Dundee type. Very rugged, very manly, very outdoorsy.  I thought he was just in spanking. I love being whipped and abused, especially my tits. But my new Master is a twisted fuck. After an hour of whipping me all over my body with a paddle, he dragged my red swollen body to a bedroom in the basement. He tied me to the bed spread eagle. I thought he was going to force himself on me or fuck me with a dildo. He just looked at me and said, “I hope you are afraid of spiders.” Then he closed the door and left. I was laying there on the bed not knowing what was going to happen when I started seeing things crawl across the ceiling. Before long the ceiling was infested with spiders: big hairy creepy ass spiders. It was like I was in a bad SyFy Channel movie.

I struggled to get myself free but he had me tied well to that bed. I started to hyperventilate. I would not say I have arachnophobia, but thousands of spiders above me makes it reasonable to panic. They were so many of them they started to fall on my body. Spiders began to swarm my breasts. The feeling of all those legs on me freaked me out. I was scared. I was panicky. They started biting me. I could feel the stings, the pain. It was worse than being paddled. I had no idea what kind of spiders were covering my body. I wanted to scream bloody murder but feared a spider would get in my mouth. I tried to escape in my head, but no such luck. I could not escape my fear. I had this vision that they would encase my body in a web. I was really starting to panic.

torture phone sex blonde big titsI started to cry. Deep sobbing kind of crying. My body was shaking. Master came in wearing some sort of body suit to keep the spiders off him. I begged him to let me go. Said I would do anything he wanted; that I would be the best submissive pet he ever had if he just let me go. I could hear him say, “Be careful what you ask for Cassandra, you might just get it.” But I was serious. This was torture. I would do anything to get these fucking spiders off my body. He let me go. He said it was a form of breaking me. In his world, spiders, snakes and rats are often all a stubborn bitch needs to be compliant. Well, it worked. I will fucking do anything he wants now. Anything is better than being helpless with a hoard of spiders covering your body.

Well, at least I hoped…..


Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Master’s School for Unruly Slaves

bondage phone sex ass worship sadisticMy master took me to an underground bondage club this week. There were several other slaves there too. Master said I needed taught  obedience. The club owner was a hot bitch. A hot dominate mean bitch. Master left me in her care. Master told her to “Break the whore.” She began by making me worship her ass. She forced my face in her ass for hours. She practically suffocated me on that ass. She made me clean her asshole with my tongue. it was so humiliating.

bondage phone sex anal tortureAfter ass worshiping, she tied me up, exposing my holes. She started shoving big ass dildos in my ass and cunt. She didn’t go gently either. All the while, I was getting  my ass paddled by her assistant and skull fucked by another dildo. My Master was sitting with the other masters jacking his dick watching me get anally tortured. I had a foot long black dildo crammed in my ass at the same time that I had one in my cunt. Felt like I would never shit the same way again.  Every time I cried, or whimpered or even grimaced like I was in pain, I got fucked harder.

bondage phone sex rough oral painMaster was getting so turned on, he came over and smothered me with his ball sac. I could not breath. I came close to passing out when he shot a load of cum all down my stomach and over my tits. He then started smacking my tits so hard they turned purple. The head mistress yanked me up and shoved me on the ground and forced me to suck every Master’s cock in that room. So many dicks being forced down my throat. And that was not all. She told them all to fuck my ass. It was gaping open at this point from her dildo torture. I could hear the men laughing as they dumped load after load of cum in my sore asshole.

bondage phone sex torture analI was covered in sweat and cum when she strung me up by the rafters with the other slaves. All of us bound and gagged and suspended  by our arms. She, her and her assistant all moved around us torturing us in various ways. I would get paddled, have something crammed up my ass, have my tits hog tied and electrocuted, be forced to suck cock, get slapped and punched by her and all the masters. This went on for hours until we were all have conscious and begging for mercy. You could smell the piss, the shit, the tears, the fear in the dungeon. We were all begging for mercy, promising to be obedient slaves.

bondage phone sex big tits sex toysSee, I am actually a very obedient slave. I do as all my Masters tell me to do, but some masters still enjoy inflicting as much humiliation and pain on me as they can. What  kind of Master would you be too me?

Strangulation Phone Sex with Cassandra: My First Victim

strangulation phone sex subby blonde

I have a few masters, but one who is far from a benevolent master. In fact he is quite sadistic. He takes great pride in hurting me so badly that I come close to death. Today’s session was no different, except for the fact that we were not alone. He had another slave with him. A thin, young looking girl. She looked a bit strung out on drugs. Master said today I become an accomplice or die. I questioned what he meant and he smacked my face so hard I bit my lip. He then started to choke the life out of me. But, he stopped. Ordered me to strangle his victim. He said she was a worthless drug addicted disease ridden whore and the world would not miss her. I didn’t want to hurt her. She looked at my with glazed eyes like she was clueless about what was going on. Master probably gave her some good junk.

I started to protest, to resist. I am the victim, the slave. I don’t hurt and kill others, especially not some random girl. But Master got out a big coarse rope and said he would hang me from ceiling fan if I did not strangle the cunt. I thought he was kidding, that this was a joke. I ran upstairs to the bathroom to hide. But this made him angry. He ran after me, dragging the girl by the hair behind him. He kicked open the door and punched me hard in the face. Blood started gushing out my nose. He threw the girl in the tub, grabbed me by the throat and said “Strangle the cunt or I strangle you both.” He was serious.

strangulation phone sex accomplice snuffMy hands were trembling. I kept saying “I’m sorry,” over and over and over again as I put my hands on her throat. I closed my eyes and squeezed her throat as hard as I could with both hands. I could hear Master jacking off. He is so sick. She was thrashing about and scratching my hands. But, I was stronger, bigger and she could not really resist me. Didn’t take long. I felt her body go limp and I opened my eyes. Horrified at what I had done. I fell backwards; in shock at what I saw. Her throat  was purple, her eyes bulging, blood dripping at the corner of her mouth. She looked like a bruised rag doll; limp and purple. I started to cry, then master shoved his cock in my mouth to shut me up. He shot a load in seconds. Turns out it is an aphrodisiac for him to force me to be his accomplice.

Master says he is gonna make me kill again. He says I will grow to love it. I won’t know by what method or when, or who but he likes forcing me to do his dirty work.  My life is never going to be the same.

Bloody Phone Sex with Cassandra: Master’s Favorite Thing to Cut

bloody phone sex kidnap tortureI have a few sick masters who enjoy hurting me. Some of them call me for bloody phone sex too. One in particular is obsessed with blood. My blood. The other day he was in a particularly sadistic mood. You see he wanted to fuck me, but it was my time of the month. He likes to hurt me until I bleed, however he finds me dirty and disgusting when I’m on the rag. I got punished extra for menstruating. He said if I was going to have a bloody pussy, I might as well be all bloody, everywhere. He then tied me to this restraint device that resembled some medieval torture rack. There were little razor blades all over it and I could feel my skin slicing open and bleeding the tighter he made the ropes. He then took a razor blade and sliced my clit and one of my pussy lips right off. He said, “You are just a stupid, nasty cunt. You don’t deserve pleasure, just pain.” He then made slices of all my body. Master knew how to make me bleed all over without killing me. He want me to hurt. And I did. I could feel myself getting aroused however by the feeling of my crimson hot sticky blood running down my thighs. Master was not pleased. He took that razor blade and sliced off each nipple. He dangled them in my face and said, “Now your big ass titties are as worthless as you.” He then forced them in my mouth. I wanted to gag and puke. How disgusting to be forced to swallow your own nipples.

bloody phone sex submissive tortureMaster sliced just about every inch of my body. He eventually put a ball gag in my mouth to stop my whimpering. I could smell my blood. I was getting cold and starting to shiver when he left the room. The blood was running out of my gashes faster than in the past. I was afraid he was so pissed this time, he might actually allow me to bleed out. He has gotten close in the past, but always spares my life because as he says, “If I kill you, where am I gonna find such a hot bloody worthless bitch to cut up?” You see, I am Master’s favorite thing to slice and cut. Will I become yours? Bloody phone sex can get us both off.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: Bonfire Smorgasbord

cannibalism phone sex big tits milfThese girls from the gym that I do Zumba with invited me to a bonfire one of them was having out at her family’s farm. They said bring a friend, but female as it was a girls night. We were gonna get drunk, smoke weed and just have fun. Sounded great to me. I grabbed my BFF, got in the jeep and we headed to rural Kentucky. We joked a bit on the way that it seemed like we were driving through the area in one of those Wrong Turn movies. We got there and the girls were naked and dancing around the bonfire. I told my BFF, they just witches wannabes and we giggled. When in Rome, right? We took off our clothes started dancing around the bonfire with them drinking moonshine.

Next thing I know, my BFF and I are bound, gagged and tied to a stake. That moonshine  I guess was spiked. I thought is this a joke? Then the girls swarmed around us like bees on honey. They started calling us bitches and stupid cunts. One girl tried to claim I stole her boyfriend a few years ago. Really? A few years ago, not last week? Get  over it. My smart ass comments didn’t go over well with the Witches of Eastwick and I got slapped hard and an apple shoved in my mouth to shut me up. I still thought this was some sort of payback and would be over soon, but then they were dousing us in some buttery sweet smelling liquid. Did I smell pineapple? They appeared to be seasoning us. WTF? My friend looked scared; I was still in this is a joke mode. But, one of them said we were not only the guests of honor, but we were the main course.

They moved us over the bonfire. We were stacked on top of each other. The flames were so hot. We were literally melting. The main witch just kept turning us around and around and poking at our flesh. I could feel my skin frying, getting crispy. The pain was awful. We were like pigs at a luau. We would be dead soon. Dinner for the Witches of Eastwick. Have you ever smelled burnt hair? Burnt flesh? It’s nauseating. These crazed bitches were continuing to dance around the bonfire , watching us cook to death. Getting off on the smell of our flesh. We were helpless, powerless, almost cooked to death. That’s when I heard the evil ring leader sing, “Cassandra roasting over and open flame….” But this wasn’t a joke. I was dinner. I was nothing more than a side of beef.

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Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Kidnapped and Tortured

bondage phone sex pain submissive torture

Last week, one of my best friends was kidnapped while at the park with her pooch. A guy came right up to her, chloroformed her and she woke up in bondage being sexually tortured by some guy she snubbed at a bar earlier in the week. He had stalked her for days like prey and then got his revenge. Evil SOB too. He put a cattle prod in her cunt and shocked her repeatedly telling her he hoped he had ruined her female parts because she didn’t deserve to have them if she wasn’t going to use them. She was found in the woods, barely alive tied upside down to some makeshift torture rack.

Little did I know, I had encountered and snubbed the same piece of shit. He tried to pick me up and he looked like some gang banger wanna be. I told him as much. Well, he must have slipped something in my drink and kidnapped me right from the club because the next thing I knew, I woke up in a dungeon hog tied and being sodomized by that asshole. But this time, he had several friends with him, who were all forcing their dicks in me. I was tied tightly. My breasts felt like they were going to pop off my body the rope was so tight. My legs were spread wide and tied to wooden posts. His friends were laughing at me and saying, “who is the gangbanger now.”  They were all forcing their cocks in all my holes. After they had tortured me for hours with their cocks, I laid there, covered in jizz, praying to be let go. I thought about my friend and how he let her live, barely, but she was recuperating in the hospital now.

kidnapping phone sex torture bondageThen I saw him with a huge knife. He licked it, then spit in my face, calling me a whore. I started trembling wondering what was in store for me. Then he ran the knife across my scared flesh and taunted me. Said I had a beautiful body and it would be a shame to mark it all up; but that a stupid rude cunt needed to be put in her place. I started screaming all sorts of things to him. I said, “a real man doesn’t need to force himself on a girl. A real man can handle rejection.” Big mistake. I let my temper get the best of me, and for that I was about to pay a painful price. He retorted, “A real woman doesn’t need big fake ass titties.” Then he took that big ass knife and sliced a nipple off. I screamed in pain, and then he lobbed off the other nipple. I was still hog tied, bleeding,  scared… I like pain, but this was sadistic  and being inflicted not by a master but by a scorned psychopath.

He had an evil glimmer in his eyes as he saw the blood oozing out of my breasts where nipples use to be. Then he plunged the knife into my left breast and cut off the whole aureola and nipple. He started slicing away at the flesh, carving my breast like it was a turkey. I peed the floor, which angered him and resulted in a hard slap, a cattle prod in my ass and the knife severing my breast from my body. Blood was spraying everywhere. This only turned him on. He started jacking off until he came on the bloody part that used to be my breast. Him and his sicko pals left, with my breast. I was still tied up and bleeding, in some dank dungeon, left wondering if I would be as lucky as my friend and be found barely alive.