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Ass Rape Porn: My First Female Master

When I was in school, I was a total bitch. I was a tall beauty and walked around like my shit didn’t stink. I guess you could say I was a mean girl. I’m not that girl anymore. I am a good  submissive whore now. I have been broken many a time over by a Master.  Last week I ran into a girl from high school. Let’s just say that I was a mega bitch to her in school. She was fat and socially inept. I made her life hell. She looks amazing now. Really transformed herself. I suggested we have drinks, get caught up and put the past behind us. She agreed.

I went to her place. Turns out she has not forgotten  how awful I treated her. In fact, she has been plotting revenge ever since. She drugged my drink. I woke up in her bedroom tied up. She had an evil sadistic grin on her face. She slapped my face, spit on me, and called me a worthless cunt. She then proceeded to fuck my ass with this huge dildo. I thought that was bad, then she brought out a baseball bat. OMG. Not saying I did not deserve anal torture, but that thing was huge. She fucked me until my asshole prolapsed.

Hours of anal torture as payback. I was bleeding. Covered in blood, piss and even some shit. I never knew she had that in her.  I think I have my first female Master.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: Thanksgiving Dinner


cannibalism phone sex kidnapped submissiveI was on my way to yoga when I got a flat tire. This nice young guy came to my assistance and gave me a lift. He did not take me home or to the garage. He took me to his place where he preceded to break me into submission. He said I was a stupid worthless whore, but he could find a good purpose for me; he just had to break me first. After a week in a cage deprived of my narcissistic wants, I came to accept that I had a greater purpose in life; one that revolved around serving and helping others.

During this month of thanks, I now find myself grateful for my healthy, ample body. You see at 5’9 170 lbs with good muscle tone and excellent health, I can feed a less fortunate family for an entire year. I lack the financial means to support an impoverished family;  I can barely support myself. However, I can nourish them; provide a warm meal on a cold day. My life has purpose now. HE made me see that. I have been eating like a bird and working out daily and using all sorts of chemicals on my hair and body to just be a vacuous dumb Barbie who only serves her own good. That all changed the day I met HIM.

cannibalism phone sex torture evilHE had been watching me, stalking me, knew I needed to find meaning in my life. To give back for the gift of beauty and health I was given. My tire being flat was not a random act; there are no random acts in life. It was a calculated chance to renew my life; to become a better person. I just needed HIS help to realize this. In that cage for a week being fed cornmeal and protein shakes, I realized with HIS assistance that I can give the ultimate sacrifice to help others.cannibalism phone sex snuff

So, this Thanksgiving, dinner will be served and I will be the main course. HE has been preparing me for a feast. HE has been preparing other lucky women too. From my feeding cage I can see him harvesting organs, preparing them in a special manner as to provide the most nourishment for others. All the women HE has collected have a purpose. I am just happy to be the main course. I will soon have a large skewer up my ass, an apple in my mouth and thermometer in my cunt as I slow roast over an open flame.

cannibalism phone sex blonde submissiveI love cannibalism phone sex. How can I serve you? Or perhaps the better question is, how will you serve me? Maybe with a butter base, carrots and potatoes?


Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: The Ultimate Sacrifice

cannibalism phone sex hunt preyWhen my car broke down, I started to walk for help. I didn’t get far when an arrow hit my back.  It was a flesh wound, but disabled me. He had been watching me, stalking  me. He scooped me up like a dead animal, threw me over his shoulder and carted me off to his cabin in the woods. Tossed me in the basement. Trembling, I asked him what his intentions were. He told me  I was a “delectable piece of meat.” I thought he was going to force himself on me, but his intentions were way darker.

He told me I smelled like a dirty tramp and needed to be bathed; to be cleansed of all the chemicals ruining my natural aroma, my natural taste. He submerged me in warm water and scrubbed my skin. He hogtied me so he could inspect every ounce of my flesh. He was fixated on my fleshy thighs and ass. Just kept telling me I was going to taste delectable. Said I had tender flesh, the kind that could nourish a sturdy man like himself for weeks, but not all of me was meaty. My belly was flat and toned, lacking his preferred substance. He force fed me peanut butter milkshakes for days in a cage he kept me in, plumping me up. He even charted my growth, measuring my body parts daily.

Once he decided I was plump enough for him, he brought out a spit pole and a big bowl of some sort of butter sauce. He poured it over me, then he lubed the pole with it and patted my head. Said, “thank you for dinner.” I felt cold metal pierce through my anus, tearing my insides apart. It came out my mouth. I was bleeding, in pain, barely alive.  He carried me out side. I could see the fire pit. I knew what came next. As I was roasting over the open flames, feeling my flesh singe and burn, I heard him say, “Thank you Cassandra.” I paid the ultimate sacrifice. I hope I tasted yummy to him. I hope he savored every last morsel of my flesh. I hope I provided the needed nourishment.

I am here for your pleasure. Your darkest desires. Use me, beat me, fuck me, kill me, cook me, eat me….  Thanksgiving is approaching. I would look great adorning your table.

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Tortured Phone Sex with Cassandra: Bloody Bats

torture phone sex evil submissiveI went  to sleep in my bed, but woke up in a dingy basement.  I was cuffed to a cell door. I heard screaming. Someone was being tortured.  Darkness was all around me. I heard a strange noise. It was a fast clicking sound, almost chirping. It was getting louder and louder but not loud enough to drown out the horrific screaming. Then I could feel it. Tiny claws on my legs, or was it teeth? My flesh was being bitten, scratched it was painful. My hands were bound so I had no choice but to let the creatures tear my flesh.

The screaming got louder, then sudden silence. Silence is never a good sign. At least if screaming, still breathing. I said hello several times.  I heard another woman’s voice say hello back. Then another and another and another. There were at least 10 other women in cells too. We tried to keep each other calm.  They too had something living in the cell with them, eating their flesh. Rats? Then another woman started screaming. This went on and on for hours. Screaming then silence. It was harrowing. Before long it was just me and the woman in the next cell. Then I heard the keys and her struggling. After a few minutes she started screaming. I was yelling frantically. Then keys unlocked my cell, I was dragged by my hair in the dark and the lights came on.

torture phone sex sodomized whoreI wanted to puke. I never seen such carnage. Dead bloody women with baseball bats shoved up their asses piled up like garbage. The baseball bats covered in blood. Shit, blood, urine, and human tissue on the floor. Bats drinking out of bowls of blood. Women were being sodomized to death to feed bats? That must have been what was biting my flesh. I was so scared. I was the only woman left. Only one still alive. I begged to be spared. Explained I came from money, that my parents would pay good money for my life. Money was not what they wanted.  He dragged me to the center of the floor. Made me suck the bat that would likely kill me, eviscerate me. While I was face down, I grabbed the bowls of blood on either side of me and threw them on my tormentor. The bats swarmed him like bees on honey giving me my moment. I grabbed the bat and swung hard against the back of his head. I heard his skull crack. He fell to the floor, blood gushing out his head. The bats were drinking his blood.

Perhaps if I had  not been the last chosen for death, I would not have walked out of that torture chamber alone. Apparently my will to survive is stronger than I imagined. I had my captor’s blood on my hands and it made my cunt wet. I love survival games. Being pushed to my limits, forced to survive. Maybe with you I will live, maybe I won’t.

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Suffocation Phone Sex with Cassandra: Death Pond Asphyxiation

suffocation phone sex torture bondageI woke up in a basement. Not sure whose basement, or how I got there. It was cold, damp and musky smelling. I could feel spiders crawling on me as I laid on the floor groggy and bleeding from my head. I suspected I had been hit over the head with some object and kidnapped. I tried to speak. Ask where I was, barter for my freedom. A big huge man in leather and one of those S and M masks that obscured the face, grabbed my blonde ponytail and dragged me across the cold cement, and strung me upside down from the rafter.

He started to shrink wrap me. I had been mummified before, but this was not quite the same. This felt sinister, even darker than bondage. He wrapped my face so tight I could not breathe. He was suffocating me with the plastic wrap. I was gasping for breath. I was in a panic  but trying to breathe slow ; trying to breathe period. I couldn’t move or breathe. Suddenly, he inserted a small tube in my mouth, giving me an airway. But, very little air was coming through, so I was still suffocating, struggling to breathe, struggling to stay alive.

I could hear voices, but the plastic wrap was so tight on my face I could not open my eyes. Then suddenly I was moving. Three men were carrying my mummified body like a coffin out of the basement. I was struggling to understand them. I was moving but not sure were. I was getting weak from lack of oxygen. Then one of the men made an opening where my eyes were. I heard him say, “We want you to see where you will take your last breath.” It was a creepy ass pond or lake. I could see hands sticking out of the water. They were going to bury me alive in a liquid tomb. I was starting to shake.  I even said a prayer. I felt myself being submerged in the slimy noxious smelling water. It smelled like death; like rotting flesh. They buried me up to my chin. The horrifying thing was I could see other women struggling to breathe like me. And I could see the decaying hands of the women who were unlucky to stay afloat or keep their head in such a manner that they did not suffocate.

My breathing was so labored. I could feel myself suffocating. Very little air could get in through that tiny tube. Wind was making the water splash into the tube. The pond water tasted nasty. My head was cramping in the only position that kept me alive if even barely. I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up in a fisherman’s boat. Never been so close to death before. I was the only one that made it. The rest suffocated or drowned in that death pond. I still don’t know who took me or why. It could have even been my kind rescuer. I am grateful to be breathing again, but I will always live in the fear that my captors will find me again once they realize I did not perish in that death pond like they intended.

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Satan’s Sex Slaves

Evil phone sex torture submissivesMy girlfriend Stephanie invited me to a Halloween Party. She met this hot guy at a club and scored us an invite to an exclusive underground club. I was pretty excited actually. I needed a good time. We both did. The location of the party was a secret. We were told to be at a warehouse at 9PM and we would be driven to the party destination. Stephanie and I arrived promptly at 9PM looking very sexy. There were other women there too, but they were not hot like us. None of us seemed to know  what was going on, but I beginning to feel uneasy.

Then several men arrived. Very handsome men and Stephanie and I lost our senses. We are good submissive fuck pigs. Men tell us what to do, we do it. We know no other life. These men instructed us to get into this white bus. All of us, got on that bus, somehow knowing it might be the death of us. Like lambs to be slaughtered, we followed.

evil phone sex bondage bitchWere drove in the dark, in the woods, for several miles until we stopped at what appeared to be an abandoned church and graveyard. A creepy ass old church in the middle of nowhere. This could not be good for Stephanie and I, or the others.  They led us into the church. I saw the pentagram, the candles, the blood… It was clear we were in the church of Satan. Why, we were not sure, but Stephanie and I were scared. There was blood all over the alter.

Stephanie and I were together, but the other girls they separated from us. Stephanie and I got tied up in the back of the church. I did my best to calm her. I had a plan. If we could convince our captors that we were good fuck toys; good breeders for virginal sacrifices, perhaps we could  survive. We were clearly the pretty ones in the group. The Satanists seemed intrigued. Stephanie and I were forced to watch as they slaughtered the other girls at their bloody alter. Each girl was bound, gagged and forced to lay in the center of a burning pentagram. Their breasts were cut off, their pussies sowed shut, some sort of animal blood spilled on them, then they were lit on fire. It was the most horrifying thing either of us had every witnessed. And as subby fuck pigs, we have seen a lot. I can still smell their charred flesh and hear their screams.

evil phone sex sacrifice virginsI looked over at Stephanie and told her to trust me. We had something those women did not. We had rocking bodies and pretty faces, and we had youth on our side. We could appeal to their primordial urges. It worked. They did not kill us. Instead they took us to the basement. It appeared to be a sexual torture dungeon. All sorts of S and M devices.  For days we were Satan’s sex slaves. Fucked in all our holes. Whipped. Tortured. Deprived of food and water. Forced to pee and defecate on the floor. They even forced us to play with each other as they jacked off on us. They were insatiable. They didn’t seem to need sleep. They did, however, need to fuck.  They were determined to breed us.

evil phone sex satanic ritual killerWe survived the church of Satan. We survived being the devil’s sex slaves. But barely. They passed out after being up for close to two days. I’m double jointed and freed my hands, then freed Stephanie. We ran naked through the woods, in the dark and the cold until we reached the highway and the kindness of a stranger. I’m not sure if the devil exists, but he certainly has followers who believe and they kill and fuck in his name. What would you do to us in the name of Satan?

Let My Flesh Nourish You

cannibalism phone sex torture subbyMost women masturbate thinking about being eaten. But I bet they don’t get off thinking about being eaten how I think about it. I could care less about having my cunt eaten out or pussy worshiped. I want to literally be eaten. I want a master with a particular diet; one that requires human flesh to survive. I want to nourish my master and maybe his cruel accomplice. Look at me. I am tall, with big beautiful breasts and some meat on my bones. You could sustain yourself on my flesh for quite awhile.I bet I am delectable. 

cannibalism phone sex snuff blondeI want you to hunt me like a wild prey. Abduct me. Keep me locked up while you force feed me like a pig to fatten me up for slaughter. Then I want you to tenderize my meat, season and butter my skin. Shove and apple in my mouth and slow roast me over a fire. I wanna feel the flames engulfing me; I wanna feel my skin charring, falling off my flesh while I am slowly cooked to death for your sustenance, your survival. I wanna die slowly, painfully for your pleasure, your amusement. I want you to get off on my screams, my pain, my pleading for survival.

You know I look tasty. You know I would be scrumptious.  I bet we could cook up all sorts of yummy scenarios together. Let me feed you and your family.


Beat Me, Bleed Me, Torture Me, Today, Tomorrow, Forever…

bloody phone sex torture submissiveThis new Master I knew was unusual, not like the others.  I only saw him at night. He was pale. Skin was cold. He was sensitive to light. He was an amazing lover. Strong as an ox. Keen senses. Could heal my wounds he inflicted quickly and quite miraculously. He was extremely into blood play too. I should have known. I have seen enough horror films. But I had trouble rectifying reality from fantasy. That was until the night my Master made me his. Really made me his.

It was a dark and dreary night. I was tied to a wooden table spread eagle. Master had made over a 100 small but deep cuts on my body; on my worthless flesh. Blood was covering my body. Master was hard at the scent and sight of my blood. He would get off not so much on my pain like other masters, but on my blood. He would lick it off my body and never seemed to get enough of my sweet tasting crimson juice. If I got too weak from the bloodletting, he would cut his wrist and make me drink up. It somehow made me stronger, healed me.

This particular bloodletting, Master hit an artery on my neck by mistake. Blood was spurting out everywhere. I was choking on my own blood. I knew I was going to die. Then Master bit me, hard. I felt a chunk of my flesh separate from my neck. I began convulsing, twitching, dying. But then I awakened, almost like new. Master released me. I immediately looked at myself in the mirror, but I had no reflection. My skin was pale and cold. I was on sensory overload. I could hear bugs in the wall, birds outside, toilets flushing. And I was ravenous. So hungry. It scared me. I looked at Master and I knew. I just knew what he was, what I now was.

I have an unquenchable desire for blood now. I’m in need of accomplices to bring me something to feed on, preferably young and tender. In my new found state, I can be beaten unrecognizable, tortured, bled, mutilated, burned; anything brutal I can handle because I have the power to heal myself. So please, hurt me, destroy me, snuff me out.  I assure you I won’t stay dead long. I will heal myself for you to hurt, destroy and snuff out another day.

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Evil Bedtime Stories for Worthless Whores

Sadistic phone sex bondage milfWhen I was a little girl, my Daddy would read me bedtime stories while I was tied to the bed. And not your typical bed time stories one tells a wee lass. These were more like horror stories designed to scare the crap out of me and keep me pure. I remember all his wicked bed time stories, but one in particular stands out. It was about these evil little dolls that lived under my bed. They could only be seen at night. They only came out to torture bad little girls who touched themselves or had sex or were disobedient to their parents.  They had sharp teeth and sharp spikes and would tear the flesh off of bad little girls. They would even penetrate naughty girls’ pussies and asses ruining them for future enjoyment because if a girl did not know how to use her privates properly she should not have them at all. A girl’s special spots were for her daddy’s enjoyment, not her own and certainly no other man.

One night, I woke up screaming in pain. I had masturbated in the shower that day. The evil little torture dolls must have know what I had done.  I felt a blindfold go over my eyes and a sharp instrument inserted in my pussy and asshole. Hurt so bad. I screamed for my Daddy but he never came to save me. When the sun rose, I could see I was covered in blood. My daddy came in and said he knew the creatures visited me last night because I was a filthy dirty whore. He could not save me because I was not worth saving. A knife or some other sort of razor sharp object had fucked my cunt and ass, shredding both. Leaving them a bloody, tortured mess. I was in so much pain, I could not go to school the next morning. I could barely walk. There would be many more nights those evil creatures woke me up in the middle of the night to teach me a hard lesson about being impure. First time I tried to masturbate, first time I got my period, first time I kissed a boy, first time I told my Daddy I did not want to suck his dick… all marked by a visit from the torture creatures who would mutilate my female parts.

As I got older, I realized it was daddy sneaking in my room at night to torture his slutty baby girl. He always knew when I was bad. He took sadistic pleasure in hurting me; ruining me for other men. My body belonged to him and no one else. Daddy believed I was a worthless whore who did not deserve a pretty ass or pussy or tits. What do you think?

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Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Mummified

bondage phone sex taboo painMy Master told me he had just come back from a weekend long seminar at the Serious Bondage Institute in San Francisco. He learned a new bondage technique-mummification.  Essentially this meant I would be severely restrained and wrapped up like a shiny package or mummy.  I have seen mummies. I was scared. I mean not being able to move an inch, and possibly being denied much oxygen scared the crap out of me. But, what am I to do? I am a worthless whore at the mercy of her Master.

First, Master put me into a tight, sexy neoprene hood. Then he laid me out on what is called a Gingerbread platform. He started to wrap my body in a transparent pallet wrap from head to toe, and then from my toes back to my head. Master put me in this contraption he called a “Vertical Vac-Cube.” It felt like a mummy’s tomb. I was completely immobile and trapped in this rubbery thing with a tube in my mouth to breathe. Master then dumped buckets of ice water on me. So cold. The idea behind any of the vac toys, Master said, was “To put the victim in between sheets of latex, and then attach a vacuum cleaner to the space in between the latex sucking the air out, collapsing the latex around the victim and essentially vacuum sealing them in the pallet.” When he extracted me from the Vac-Cube, I looked like the vacuum packed products you buy at the store. It was like I was shrink wrapped. I started to panic because I could not move an inch.  

bondage phone sex torture evilI could breathe through a little tube Master put in my mouth, but because the plastic wrap was sealed so tight on my body, my rib cage was constrained, making breathing very difficult. He laid me out on the slab then wrapped me even further on to the platform. It was now becoming extremely hot in that saran wrap. I was vacuum sealed with another layer around me to restrain me even further. My body was on fire. I was cocooned under two tight layers of thick heavy plastic wrap. I was sweating and my breathing was becoming labored.

Then I heard a strange noise. It was faint as my ears were wrapped tightly like the rest of my body but I could not move my head to see what the noise was. Then I felt duct tape going over my face blinding me, and it felt like he put a layer over my stomach to further immobilize me. I couldn’t even cry I was restrained so tightly. I swear my eye balls couldn’t even move.  Pressure was building up in my body. I was mummified. It was a strange feeling. I felt almost dead. Completely motionless. Hot. Swallow breathing. Darkness. Not much different from being buried alive.

bondage phone sex blonde bitchThen I felt the table I was on flip. Master turned me upside down so the blood rushed to my head. Felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets. My head felt like it was going to explode. It was all I could do to not vomit. If I did, surely I would choke on my own puke and die. This was the most excruciating bondage position Master had ever put me in. When I thought it could not get worse, I felt the vibrator between my legs. My clit was being over stimulating sending pain all through my body. I could not shake. I could not convulse. All I could do was lay their motionless praying for it all to be over soon…. Soon came hours later when I passed out. I woke up feeling like my bladder would explode too since I could not even pee. If I did surely it would go back up into my bladder. After almost 22 hours of being mummified, Master released me. But I was weak, so very weak and I suspect a few pounds lighter. Master said that was just the beginning, that this was only one mummification technique out of many that he learned. I was in serious trouble.

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