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Sissy Fairy Fag Vampire Killer

bloody phone sex torture submissiveI don’t remember much about that night. I was partying too much with a particular master and his friends. I knew there was something odd about them.  But, I’m trained to not ask questions, to just do what I am told. But when I woke up pale, cold and with an unquenchable hunger, I had to ask. What had I become? I knew the answer, but I did not want to admit it. Were vampires real? I had fangs, heighten senses, was pale, the light burned my skin and I needed to fuck like my life depended on it.

I called my Master but he said I had a new master now. I had been sold . I was created to breed a new era of vampires; to rid the world of  sissy fairy faggot blood suckers that give real vampires a bad name. A hot vamp like me would not only breed a sturdy manly stock, but I could attract real alpha males to turn, as well as lure the sissy blood suckers easily to their death.  Only a fellow vampire can give another vampire a true death.

bloody phone sex vampire evilI was created to ethnic cleanse the vampire race. To restore it back to a race of men not fags. My first assignment kill this fairy vamp named Edward. You see he gives vampires a bad image. He supposedly sparkles in the sunlight. Everything about him screams sissy fairy fag. He even has baby fangs. If I can rid the world of tiny fanged sissy faggot vampires, I am happy that I was turned.  I will bite off his pecker, wear it around my neck as a warning to beta vamps that the race doesn’t accept anything but real bloodsuckers; vamps who can feed without remorse; vamps who can take women against their will and turn them into their sex slaves not their girlfriends.

Look out sissy fairy fag bloodsuckers, your days are numbered. Only real vampires, real men get to live in my world.

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Angie’s Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain

domination phone sex orgyOne of my Master’s traded me to a female domme, Mistress Angie. He never told me why, but she showed up and claimed me as her newest bitch. I wasn’t sure about this; I’m accustomed to male masters. She informed me I was going to fit right into her Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain. When I tried to question her she punched me so hard, I was knocked out cold. She transported me to an abandoned building. An old insane asylum she uses for torture sex shows. When I woke up I was in a BDSM outfit . A big guy picked me up off the floor, threw me on a table and started taking my ass. I tried to see what was around me. It was dark, but there were these flashes of light that let me catch a glimpse every now and again of the depravity going on around me.

torture sex snuff mutilationAs my ass was being violated, Angie let me know that things could go two ways for me. I could be part of her pleasure palace where I am fucked for her hardcore bondage and anal torture clients. Or, I could suffer a worst fate. Mutilation, torture sex, and snuff for her more sadistic clientele. The screams I was hearing came from women who were not good fuck pigs, but torture dolls. Women who apparently didn’t know how to survive.  Angie was a sadistic bitch. She had women in various rooms all suffering  genital mutilation and torture while she filmed it. This abandoned building was a warehouse of missing women. Women, like me, who were sold or traded, some even kidnapped. Angie was operating some sort of underground sex fetish hotel . Guys have a selection of woman: women to fuck and play BDSM games with, and women to torture and snuff.

bondage phone sex femdomI am a pain slut, and a good submissive, but some of the things I saw guys paying for sickened me. This was beyond nipple torture and whipping. I saw a guy shoved a live rat up a girl’s cunt and staple her pussy shut. I heard a chainsaw and screams. Anything goes in her dungeon. You can smell the blood and death and fear in the air. I prefer to live. So, I will let men fuck me however they want if it prevents my pussy from being mutilated and keeps me alive.  But if you are looking for whores to torture and kill or just fuck against their wills, she has a wide selection of women available, from teens to grannies.  I’m going to be a good whore so I avoid Angie’s wrath. She said Master spoke highly of my obedience, so if I do well as a fuck pig, I will get promoted to her accomplice. If it is a matter of my life, I will snuff out a slut and enjoy it. Fuck female bonding, it’s all about survival.

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Gangbang Rape Porn with Cassandra

Gangbang rape porn bondageGangbang rape porn is what was in store for me today. I was at a party, sipping on fruity drinks, dancing with a bunch of studs . That was what I last remembered. I woke up in a dungeon.  At first I saw no one, heard nothing. It was dark and damp. I was tied up with a gag in my mouth. Then suddenly there was a white strobe light flashing. I could see shapes. Then out of nowhere, a creepy mother fucking clown reared its ugly head right in front of me. Scared the crap out of me. I HATE clowns. He grabbed me by my throat, dragged me to another part of the dungeon. Forced me to look at the dead bodies hanging from the ceiling like sides of beef. He looked at me, lifted me up off the ground where I was trembling, and said, “This is what happens to bad little whores who don’t do what I say.”

I still had no clue what was in store for me, but at this point I would have done anything to not end up dead, mutilated and hung upside, wrapped in plastic in some unknown dungeon where no one would ever find me.  “Do I have your attention now, Slut?” he quipped at me. “Yes, I will be a good whore, just let me live,” I replied. He then dragged me to yet another part of this huge ass dungeon that looked like a studio. There were cameras everywhere. Bondage equipment. A about 100 naked well hung men. One chick and a 100 men. This did not look good for me, or my ass and cunt.

Gangbang rape porn evil snuffCreepy clown fancied himself a porn director. Director of Bound Gangbangs Productions. I guess it was a disguise so I would not be able to identify him. He told me he hoped I liked things rough because he was going to make me the hottest thing in ass rape porn. He tied me spread eagle to a work out bench. The men gathered around me, cocks out.  They just shoved them in my mouth. I was gagging. So many cocks, I could barely breath. I was being choked by cocks, skull fucked. My mouth was being gangbanged. When they started cumming, I was choking on cum. Drowning in it actually. They didn’t care that I couldn’t breathe. They started fucking my cunt and ass. Sometimes shoving 6 or 8 cocks in a hole at a time. I felt so humiliated. I was in pain. Could feel my ass gaping open, cum running out of me. The camera was rolling. Pennywise behind the camera. I felt like I was being anally tortured by the Insane Clown Posse.

My holes were cum drenched, gaping open, swollen, even bloody. My ass was prolapsed. I had been bound and gangbanged for an underground porno. But I survived. Creepy clown director let me live. Dumped my battered, cum filled body in an alley like garbage. “Garbage belongs in alleys,” is the last thing that clown said to me.

Starring in Another Ass Rape Porn Film

ass rape porn blonde whoreMaster told me today I was the queen of ass rape porn. I love anal sex, but what he does to my ass is not sex, but torture. He threw me in a cage telling me “to shut the fuck up.” According to him, whores should only be used never heard. I had to back my ass up through the cage so he could prime me. He began with fingers, then worked his way to a full fist up my ass. He doesn’t use any lube. He needs my ass to hurt, he needs it looking raw and sore. Oh and totally gaping open. That’s what sells ass rape porn: mutilated assholes.

After he has my ass properly primed, I am permitted out of my cage so I can be tied to a sawhorse. This is when he inserts the anal speculum, cranks it open wide and starts cramming shit in my ass. Whatever he can find to torture my ass: baseball bats, broom sticks, wine bottles, candles… anything that will make my ass bleed, gape and prolapse. He is always amazed at how big he can get my asshole to open up. Once my ass was bleeding, practically shredded, he fucked me. Fucked me for hours and brought in over 50 to guys to fuck my ass too. Camera rolling the entire time. Anal gangbang torture gets my master off. Does it get you off?

The key to a good ass rape porn film master told me is a ton of cum pouring out my ass. So much so that there is a puddle of cum on the floor that I am forced to lick it up. The film ended with my face being forced into a bloody, shitty pool of cum.

Can my ass serve you, Master?

Ass Rape Porn with Cassandra: Candles and Firecrackers

ass rape porn submissive sexI put on a slutty little outfit to meet my girls at the club. We were having fun, sipping on fruity drinks, getting drunk and dirty dancing. Last thing I remembered was dancing with the bouncer right before closing  time. The next thing I remembered was being with my girls tied up on our knees in some dingy living room. There was an alter covered with flowers, candles and a skull. Next too it was a table of sundry candles, dildos, and anal torture devices. Turns out the hot bouncer and some of his friends have a side business in ass rape porn.  We were going to be his next stars, even if we did not want to be.

He said he struck gold with us “hot bitches.” He was especially impressed with Shelly whose ass was tattooed to look like a flower in bloom. He bent her over and fucked her first. No lube or anything, just violently shoved his cock in her. Even told her to “squeal like a pig.” His friend was filming him forcing his cock, as well as a ball bat, in her ass. By the time he was done her ass was bleeding and swollen. She was in tears. I felt so helpless.

ass rape porn bondage dominationMy next friend got anally fucked with fists, a fire poker, various tools, even a cattle prod. Her ass was so damaged it prolapsed. They made us suck on her prolapsed ass like it was a pacifier. I felt sick to my stomach violating my friend that way. When it was my turn, I thought I would be okay. I mean I have had a lot of cock in my ass, even a lot of foreign objects. But, never have I had a dozen or so candles shoved up my ass. Not only did he turn my ass into a candelabra, he lit them. Hot wax was dripping down my taint, into my cunt and down my thighs. Burning my flesh until the candles snuffed out in my pussy. The hot wax melted my clit and severely burned my ass and pussy lips. The torturing of my ass was all caught on film.

For hours our asses were violated for some underground ass rape porn movies. The last of us to be tortured was Leah. They shoved firecrackers up her ass and lit them. Her ass not only burned, but exploded. Blood, shit and tissue splattered our faces. Shelly threw up. Poor Leah’s ass is forever ruined. And for what? So some tool can beat his meat to ass rape porn? When they were done using our asses for their profit, they dumped our battered bodies in a van and tossed us out like garbage along the side of the road. Leah is still in the hospital. Her ass will never be the same. Mine will go back to normal in a few weeks, but I will have burn scars forever.

Just when I think men cannot get more depraved towards women….

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Torture Phone Sex: Beauty Equals Pain

torture phone sex big titsI usually only have male masters. Sin, is the exception. She is a beautiful hot dominant bitch. I can’t help but give in to Sin.  I met her years ago at an underground sex club. She was the only female domme there. The rest of us girls were just subbie bitches there to be used and abused by the male patrons. She took a liking to me. I think because I am quite beautiful. I look like a goddess, but I am no stuck up bitch. I know my place. Sin called me last weekend as she wanted me to check out this new female centered S and M club. I was not Sin’s date for the evening; I was her pet.

I wore a diamond encrusted dog collar and crawled into the club on all fours like the dog I am. If I pulled or crawled at a pace too fast for Sin, she took her riding crop to my exposed ass. The club was packed. Lots of beautiful dominant goth goddesses with pretty little subbie pets like me. Sin took me into a private VIP room. The room looked far more inviting than what was about to happen to me. Purple and black crushed velvet disguised the torture room. Sin had me get up on this table and she tied me spread eagle. I was gagged and my hands and feet exposed.

Sin informed me that in medieval times, pretty, painted whores were denailed. I was not familiar with thistorture phone sex evil bitch archaic practice, but I did not like the sound of it. She brought out a tray of torture devices. I saw sharp sewers, hot oil and sulfur, pliers and a host of sharp objects. I was scared. Sin was a dominant bitch, but I was about to meet her sadistic side. She told me I knew better than to show up with painted nails and toes trying to outshine her. She dipped the sewers in the hot sulfur and slid them under my toes and fingernails. The hot sulfur not only loosened the nail from my flesh, it scaled my flesh. My screams had to pierce her ears. The pain was unbearable. I never knew a woman could be so cruel to another woman. I thought I was a pain slut until this moment. Nothing in my S and M world, prepared me for the pain of denailing.

Once my finger and toenails were pliable from the hot sulfur and oil, Sin used the pliers to rip the nails from their root, leaving me with bloody stumps. The pain was unlike anything I had felt before; so excruciating that I passed out a few times. The entire time Sin was denailing my once pretty extremities, she smiled. It was as if she was creating a work of art, her masterpiece to be proud of.  Even the air hurt as it touched my exposed fingers and toes. Every tear, every wince, every scream, brought a smile to Sin’s face.

I learned a valuable, painful lesson that night. Never try to be prettier than your Master. My vanity, my pride, my beauty, paid a high price for that lesson. But I will never make that mistake again.

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Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra

rape phone sex fantasies big tits subbyI was in Mexico on vacation with a male friend. We were walking down the road, shopping at little street vendor carts, when a van suddenly stopped and 2 big men got out. They shoved me and Billy in the back and sped off. They pinned me down and started forcing their cocks in my cunt and ass while they made Billy watch. He looked helpless. I could tell he felt bad that he could not stop them from assaulting me. My assailants didn’t speak much English, but I could piece together what they were saying. I was going to be sold into white slavery. A blonde beauty like me could demand a lot of money on the street.  I was a worthless blonde American whore. No one would miss me.

They dumped us in some dingy bathroom in a bleak warehouse. We were in stalls; separated, but in the same room. I was on the cold floor, scared, waiting to be assaulted again or maybe even worse. I heard men come in and grab Billy. They were beating him senseless. I heard his screams, heard his bones breaking; it was horrible. Then I saw his body limp on the floor, through the stall door. His leg was mangled, bloody, broken. Broken bone  sticking out. I reached my hand under to feel him, see if he was alive and a baseball bat smashed my hand. Bill was expendable I guess, but me, a blonde buxom bitch was a rarity in Mexico. I was a commodity about to be bought and sold repeatedly.

The door swung open and my attackers were standing over me with baseball bats. The dragged me by the hair and tossed me on a dirty mattress. I saw a line of men  waiting with money in their hands and bulges in their pants. I knew what was next. Men paid my captors money to fuck me. Not just fuck me, but to violate my ass, piss and shit on me, beat me, strangle me, choke me, burn me, cut me. I wanted to be dead like Billy. When all the men that had paid to abuse me had left, I was thrown back in that dingy bathroom stall. My ass gaping open and bloody; bruises all over my body; and a face, if I could see, unrecognizable. They told me to get some rest because tomorrow the fun really started.

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Ass Rape Porn with Cassandra: Wanna Play Russian Anal Roulette?

ass rape porn big tits cum whoreOne of my Master’s is obsessed with my  ass. He loves rough anal sex, anal torture and anal training. But now, he has decided to pimp my ass out to men for money. Let them stick whatever they want in my ass, no matter how big or dangerous so he can film it. There is a new genre of porn called ass rape porn, and I am his private model. I had to let several guys violate my ass yesterday while he got his jollies watching. One guy was one of the most sadistic fucks I have ever encountered. Fucked my ass with a gun.  He called it Russian Anal Roulette. Every time he crammed that gun in my raw rosebud he pulled the trigger. I was crying and so scared. There was one bullet in the gun. He would fuck my ass hard for 5 minutes, pull the trigger, then pull the gun out, make me suck it clean, then spin the cylinder, cram it back in my ass and do it all over again. He did this 5 times. I am lucky, because certainly the 6th time would have snuffed my life out.

ass rape porn sadisticHe was playing a game of chance with my life and Master let him. He fucked my ass so hard it prolapsed. Master thought this was great  for ass rape porn. In fact after my harrowing game of Russian Anal Roulette, he made me fuck that sadistic fuck. Told me his cock could push my ass back inside where it belonged. More men came to fuck the anal whore. Baseball bats, cocks, a gun, dildos, fists, various foreign objects all violated my ass. By the time Master was done filming me being anally tortured, my asshole gaped open so wide you could see China.

I still cannot sit right. I feel like my asshole has been stretched beyond repair. It’s pretty much eviscerated. Bloody, swollen , raw and gaping open. As Master says, the perfect product of ass rape porn. He plans on violating my ass even more next time.

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Domination Phone Sex with Cassandra: Holiday Slaves

domination phone sex big tits submissiveMy master had me and another one of his slaves over for an early Thanksgiving dinner. We thought we were going to be having dinner with him. He had other plans. There were other men there from his office. He was having an early holiday party/Thanksgiving dinner. We were there as slaves in every sense of the word. After I served everyone dinner, I had to be the centerpiece on the table. At first I thought this was not any big deal. Lay there naked and look pretty. I was there for the men to use. Some fucked me while the others ate. I was both an appetizer and desert to some of his guests.  To others I was a toilet.  They would piss in my mouth and then put the ball gag back in my mouth so I could not spit out the piss. Some used me as a garbage disposal. Cleaning their plates off in my mouth, forcing me to eat what they didn’t want. A few even shoved turkey bones up my cunt.

My fellow slave suffered the same humiliation at the other table. After dinner, the men were more drunk and twisted. One guy said we were dirty birds and should be stuffed accordingly. They stuffed us first with cocks. Then with fists. A few stuffed us with kitchen cutlery. Master, however, stuffed us with fire pokers. Hot ones too. It felt like the inside of my pussy was being branded. In fact, Master said now everyone would know I belonged to him. He branded my worthless cervix. The pain was excruciating. Master is normally not this dominate, but I think he was putting on a show for his friends. Trying to look like a total bad ass.

domination phone sex bondage snuffMy fellow slave got branded up her worthless ass. She called him out. I know better than to talk back to a Master.  I had to pay for her disobedience. We got the crap beat out us. All the guys got to throw a punch to our faces and bellies. We were covered in bruises and blood. We were slumped on the  floor when they started pissing on us too. I was only half lucid, but I remember what came next. Master had a few guys drag us to the back yard, naked in the cold. He threw us together in a coffin and buried us in the back yard like a little boy buries a jar of pennies. We were together, scared, cold, in pain, in that coffin for a day before Master dug us up. I was grateful to be alive. My fellow slave was not so lucky. I wanted to be sad, but she was weak. She did not know how to be a good slave. If you are my master, I promise I will never talk back. You can do whatever you want to me and I will never complain.  Good slaves are meant to be abused not heard.

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