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Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is all I know. My life mirrors that of a taboo submissive whore, so I understand the kinky desires of men. My callers are not the only ones with dark desires. Many of the men I meet on the BDSM circuit have dark desires too. Henry seemed like a normal man. Well, he seemed normal for a dominant man. When I arrived at his house, we were not alone. There were several other women there, along with a bunch of men. When I asked, what was going on, I got slapped, restrained and gagged. It was clear this was a slave auction. I have heard about these things. Guys bid on whores for things like gangbang rape porn, even snuff. The highest bidder on a whore wins her the night. They go off into a room, maybe the girl comes out alive, maybe she doesn’t. I was hoping that the guy who won me wouldn’t be a sick bastard. He was rough, but he didn’t seem into snuff. I was tied up still. He had no interest in unbinding me. As he skull fucked me, I heard blood curdling screams from other rooms. I felt grateful that at worst, my ass would prolapse and I might puke on a cock. After being skull fucked until I indeed puked, I got sodomized. First by his cock, then his fist and finally a baseball bat. My ass was swollen and bloody, like a pacifier, it hung on the outside. I was battered and sore, but I know a gift when I get one. He let me live. Other girls at that auction were not so lucky. It could have easily been me screaming for my life. As I crawled out of the room, I got a foot to the back of my head. “Not so quick, whore. Did I say you were through yet,” the guy who brought me there said. I knew it was too good to be true.

I Should Be in Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI was told I look like I should be in snuff movies. That is not a good thing. It means like I look like I should be killed and tortured. It gets me in a lot of trouble. Last night I was in the wrong part of town. My master sent me to pick up his coke. What he failed to tell me was that he owed his dealer a lot of money and he worked out a deal that included me. Not just me blowing him or fucking me, but him and his friends roughing me up. I walked into the crappy little house that doubled as a meth lab and knew I should run. But, I knew if I came home empty handed, master would hurt me far worse than any drug dealer would. “You are hotter than I expected, Cassie,” he said to me as he grabbed my titties. Out came a bunch of black men. Rough looking black men too. Tats, piercings, all in leather. I think they were bikers. “We heard you are a nigger whore, bitch,” one seethed as he pulled a monster cock out of his pants. I was surrounded by black cock. Huge black cock. I swallowed hard, knowing I was about to star in a gangbang rape porn. I felt a smack to the back of the head and I was down on my knees. They shoved cocks in my mouth so deep and hard I puked. I felt my jaw pop. They roughed me up with their dicks. Skull fucked me till my mouth and nose bled. Fucked my cunt and ass until both holes tore. I pissed and shit myself as they forced fucked be into oblivion. I was coated in cum and blood. They just snapped pictures and laughed at my disgrace. I was so battered, one of the guys had to drive me back to my master. “Debt paid” was branded on my ass. A bag of coke was shoved in my asshole. Master beat me til I shit it out. He kicked me in the pussy and told me to sleep tight because he was sending me to his heroin dealer in the morning.

Taboo Phone Sex Fuck Slut

taboo phone sexI’m a taboo phone sex queen. I was raised a fuck slave. I enjoy being submissive to men. I met Matt on Tinder. As we texted back and forth, I was clear about my submissive state. He presented himself as a dominant man, but when he arrived, he acted all vanilla and shit. Sure, I like being titty fucked, but only if you use nipple clamps or pierce my nipples with needles first. I did something I rarely need to do. I pushed him to be dominant. As he was banging my boobs and my mouth, I bit his cock hard enough to draw blood. I was hoping he would hit me. No such luck. You would have punched me hard enough to knock out teeth, I bet. Plan B. I bit his nut sack. He was raised not to hit a woman, he informed me. What the fuck? I reiterated my stance that I like it rough. I told him I like my fucking to be a fine line between rough sex and snuff sex. When he again stated his position, I spit in his face. That he didn’t like. That made him shove me; shove me hard. I shoved back. Now he was getting the picture. I raised my hand to smack him, but he blocked me and punched me hard enough in the stomach that I fell to the ground. Once I was down, he started kicking me in the stomach and pussy. He hurled nasty names at me while pissing in my face. I was curled up in a ball on the floor, but he was not stopping. I brought out his inner demon. All that pent up rage came out as he kicked the shit out of me. I was a bloody bruised mess. I came so hard. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Snuff Porn Doll

snuff porn

Snuff porn doll is my screen name on a few extreme fetish sites. I am a fetish circuit staple. Men know my reputation as a nasty freak who does anything because I am a stupid submissive whore. I know one of these days my luck is going to run out. I court danger way too often. I joke that I have more lives than a pussy. Friday night I met up with these sick guys I met online. They were looking to snuff a girl. I was way too old for their victim type, but I convinced them to let me be an accomplice. I can lure young girls away from their parents or friends easier than any man. I had to endure some pain to prove that I was not the police, but it was worth it to go along for the ride. They were tweakers. They are the worst as far as sick minds go. I tried to downplay my bimbo looks so I could play my part. I knew if I failed them, they would snuff me instead. I found an angel who fit their description. I used the lost puppy  story to lure away the young girl from her pack of friends. Lured her right to the white van where my new friends gagged and drugged her. I didn’t even know where we were taking her. We ended up in a fishing cabin a few hours from town. I swear it looked like a torture room in the Saw movies. Rusty knives, chains and medieval torture sex devices. I was beginning to have regrets. They were going to snuff this little girl out in very painful ways. Not before they force fucked her first, however. I watched as their man dicks ravaged her tiny virgin holes. They showed no mercy. But that was nothing compared to what came next. I watched as they dismembered her tiny body. Her blood splatter covered my body. They fucked her limbless body too.  They watched amused as she slowly bled out. They told me I made a great accomplice. “Keep bringing us little whores like this, and you can stay alive Cassie,” the ring leader seethed.  I thought to myself, what the fuck have I started here.

Bondage Phone Sex is Not Always Tame

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is about the tamest thing I do. I’m a dark woman. Phone sex is a way for me to explore the more depraved things that I fantasize about without really ending up dead.  In my real life I am a frequent face on the BDSM circuit.  I’m sure you are familiar with the Fifty Shades of Grey movies and books, right? Every time one of the those insipid installments comes out, my clubs are jammed packed with the curious and lonely hearts. A BDSM club is looking for love in all the wrong places. I have learned that hard lesson a time or two. Because my favorite clubs were packed with newbies curious about the bondage lifestyle, I had to go to this underground club with a bad reputation.  This is the kind of club girls go missing from and show up later in snuff porn never to be seen on the circuit again. I know. Why would I go? Because I am a bondage junkie; a submissive whore who needs a dominant man like she needs water and air.

snuff pornWhen I arrived I could smell death. That club always has a smell of fear: blood, cum, piss all combined into one aroma. I was not greeted with pleasantries nor offered a drink like at my favorite clubs. I was put in a leather mask while chains went around my neck. A man with a guillotine dragged me to a dungeon room. Before he shoved me in, I saw some money exchange hands with a couple guys who later were in that dungeon with me. They tagged teamed me first. Hardcore anal sex, but that is nothing I can’t handle. With their cum leaking out of my ass, they strung me up and whipped the flesh off my body. I felt like I was being lynched. The pain was even more than I could bear. I heard similar screams echoing from other dungeon rooms.  Blood dripped down my legs like a waterfall. When my mask was removed, I saw the  knives, pissed myself and passed out. My dark fantasies were about to become realities…

Strangulation Phone Sex Fun

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex? I know, you wonder how that works. A couple ways actually. I love to choke myself. I practice erotic autoerotic asphyxiation. I have an array of scarves I can use around my neck, even a few belts. I know how to choke myself. Of course I prefer you to strangle me. I have this guy who enjoys throttling my throat as I give him head. I masturbated with him. Sometimes I cum right before I pass out. I go to clubs where I can practice autoerotic asphyxiation to hone my craft. But I digress.  I just wanted you to understand that I take strangle fantasies seriously. The other way this works is with roleplay phone sex. I love fantasy calls that result in my dismemberment even death. Why? Because I am a twisted girl with very dark desires. Strangulation phone calls really get me off because I can practice auto erotic asphyxiation while we fantasize about your hands around my neck. I can be your cheating whore woman. I can be the chick that dissed you. I can be the submissive whore that I am. The girls on this site are here for your taboo phone needs. Nothing too extreme or taboo for me; but if you call me for a strangle fantasy, know that I will be wrapping a pretty silk scarf around my neck and rubbing my clit.

Gangbang Rape Porn Friday Night

gangbang rape pornFriday nights are gangbang rape porn nights for a blonde bimbo. I went to my local hole in the wall bar to drink and pick up a guy. Picked up more than one. Not nice guys either. I was slipped some sort of pill that made me a bit loopy. The next thing I knew, I was in a disgusting bathroom getting gang banged by more than the guy I was flirting with earlier. I think every male patron was in that bathroom. It smelled awful. This was a dive bar for sure.  Reminded  me of the bathroom in the movie Saw. Men were groping at me, calling me names, spitting on me, even pissing on me. Some shoved drinks down my throat, forcing me to get drunk, well more drunk. I tried to get up, but I was forced back down on the dirty floor with every attempt to leave. I felt sick and confused.  Cum just started hitting me all over. Almost felt like a bucket of jizz was doused on me. These men were laughing at the dirty cum whore. As I was being forced to swallow cum, I puked. The booze, the drugs and cum all caught up with me. No chivalry, just laughter. Someone put their boot to the back of my head, slammed my face in the dirty cum puke while they all chanted “lap it up whore.” I need to learn to stay home and drink.

Near Death Experience

ass rape pornAss rape porn is a good living for me. I am a submissive whore, so I started answering ads for fetish BDSM models when I was 18. I was a runaway and by the time I was legal to start nude modeling, I had been living on the streets and in hostels for a couple of years. I knew this other runaway who did hardcore anal and bondage films.  She disappeared one day. Answered an ad she saw on Craig’s List, when they still allowed adult ads, never saw her again. The word on the street was that Haley answered an ad for a snuff porn and it was a real snuff movie. That has lingered with me for years. Part of me believed anything was possible including the fact that she was killed for an underground film, but the other part of me thought she just moved to a different city like all runaways. I found out recently what really happened to Haley when I showed up at a studio for a fetish shoot. At first, nothing seemed off. I saw lights, cameras and BDSM  equipment. I even signed a waiver of liability if hurt during the shoot. I thought why would snuff producers have me sign a waiver if they intended to kill me?  They gave me a Xanax to relax, which is not uncommon. However, it looked off, so I didn’t swallow it. I just acted groggy. Maybe one of the few smart things I have ever done. I saw another girl all fucked up like I was supposed to be. They dragged her to a room that looked like a medical examiner’s room. I watched as they dismembered her. Blood splattered everywhere. Her screams were deafening. While they were distracted sawing her limbs off and thinking I was passed out, I snuck into the basement to see if there was a window I could escape through. On the wall were pictures of limbless bodies with severed heads being held proudly as if big game hunts. I saw Haley. Her dead blue eyes staring at me. I threw up before I squeezed my big tits through a small window and ran as fast as I could from that house of horrors.

Torture Sex for Women, Not Equal Rights

torture sexTorture sex is what men think when they meet me. They don’t see girlfriend material. They see a blonde bimbo they can fuck and humiliate. While millions of women were marching for equal rights over the weekend, I was being a submissive whore. I don’t deserve equality. I’m a stupid bitch. That is what Tom kept telling me as he bound my titties and used them as punching bags. He even had on boxing gloves. Left right left right double jab then right left and so on. I was hanging from a ceiling beam like a punching bag. He attached electrical currents to my body, including a cattle prod attached to my pussy. He would punch me then shock me. He enjoyed my pain. Tom kept asking me if he thought women deserved equality. I had to say no. A yes likely would have cost me my life. I know I am inferior to men. I know I am here to service them. I know I should not enjoy  the same rights as men. I don’t think I deserve any as a stupid bimbo. So as he punched me repeatedly, I told him to punch me harder. I wanted him to ruin my whore body. “Don’t grab me by the pussy, punch me in the pussy,” I screamed. He loved that idea. He punched me so hard and so often that my pussy swelled up.  My body was black and blue. Not from marching for rights, but for taking my punishment for being born a stupid whore.  I know you think equality is bullshit too.

Bondage Phone Sex Party

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is fun, but the real thing is dangerous. The last thing I remembered was being at a party with friends. It was Master / Servant party which means the men were all dominant and the women were all submissive whores. I guess I drank a spiked drink. Not sure if it was meant for me or not. If not, whom ever spiked the drink took advantage of the situation . I woke up in a room. I wasn’t even sure if it was a room in the house I was at earlier. It had a dungeon feel to it. I was chained up. My tits were bound.  There was an electrocution wand attached to my pussy and something rather large in my ass. I saw no one. I appeared to be alone. No such luck. The door opened and in came a bunch of men. Men I didn’t recognize. Apparently someone at the party I was attending took it upon himself to sell me for some money. I was informed that I was a bought and paid for whore. I started to ask a question, but was punched in the eye.  My eye immediately swelled up so I could barely see. Whomever hit me, enjoyed it. He hit me again. This time in the lip. I felt blood trickle down out of the corner of my mouth. Then I felt a belt smack my back. I felt like a slave.  I was one. For hours they whipped me, punched me, electrocuted my pussy and ass, and fucked me with various anal devices.  No apparent reason why than for shits and giggles. If I even whimpered, I was whipped harder. When they were done with me, they finished by cumming on my face. They left me tied  and chained until the next morning. They let me go, but not before they abused me some more.