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Made for Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI was made for snuff movies. That is what he told me when he kidnapped me. I was so scared. I had no clue how I got to this guy’s place. I had no idea who he was, but he knew everything about me. I was shaking like a caged animal. I could hear him talking on the phone. He was haggling prices for a side of beef. I suddenly got the idea that I was that side of beef. He kidnapped me to sell me on the black market. The best case scenario would be sex trafficking. The worse case scenario would be snuff porn. I was sold to be a sex slave or a dead whore. There were other women in the room with me. They were passed out. I figured they drugged them, like they would me too. Easier to smuggle meat that is quiet. After a few hours, a man in black came to talk to my captor. He gave him a large sum of money and the mystery man hand selected me. The man revealed himself once I was in the back of his van. I knew him. He was a friend of my father’s. He forced fucked me many years ago when I was a small school girl. Was I bought to be returned to my prick of a father? Turns out he wanted me all to himself. We pulled over somewhere so he could fuck me in the back of his cold, rusty perv van. I fought, but he was strong. I didn’t want him then, and I didn’t want him now. After he nutted in my ass against my wishes, I knew I had an advantage. I grabbed his balls and squeezed so hard, I severed a testicle. I kicked him in the face and fled out the back of the kidnap mobile. I know I am in a lot of trouble now. I was bought and sold by two men who will hunt me down and kill me. I just need to hide out for awhile until things cool down. Maybe you can hide me. I will be your willing slave in exchange.

Violent Phone Sex Boyfriend

violent phone sexThe new man in my life is the violent phone sex kind of man. He enjoys hurting women. I am not his sub; I am not really his girlfriend either. I guess I am his rough sex buddy. I have a wild attraction to bad boys. I always have. I know it is risky, but I can’t help it. Nice guys are boring as fuck. Roger was in a rougher mood than usual. I got the booty call around 1 am. I dressed in something slutty that wouldn’t stay on my body long. I wore his favorite perfume and did my make-up like a whore. The little touches he loves so much. When I arrived, he pulled me by the hair caveman style into the bedroom. I was wet because he was so forceful. I love a strong dominant man who takes control of me from the get-go. He tossed me on the bed, stripped my clothes of and sodomized my dry asshole. He never uses lube because he wants my ass to bleed. He pulled my arm behind my back in such a way that I suffered a spiral fracture immediately. I heard the bone snap, so did he. I felt it shortly thereafter. The pain was incredible. He just looked at me and said, “Suck it up bitch. You can’t leave until I nut in your whore ass.” I was fighting back the tears because my arm was useless. He still pounded my ass while my broken arm dangled at my side. I prayed he would nut soon because I needed medical attention. He liked fucking me while I was in pain. Eventually, he came.  I had to try to dress myself with a broken arm and drive to the hospital because he didn’t care about what he did to me. My top was unbuttoned, and I drove poorly. I walked into the ER and passed out. I now have a pretty pink cast for 2 months. The price of liking bad boys like you and Roger.

Snuff Sex Hook Up

snuff sexI signed up to swing with a couple, not for snuff sex. In their ad, they stated they were a kinky couple looking for a blonde buxom playmate for bedroom fun. They said light bondage and BDSM. It sounded fucking hot and not dangerous. I guess if I would have thought with my head instead of my cunt, I would have known going to a stranger’s place is always dangerous. Things started out fun. No read flags went off for me until the wife handcuffed my hands behind my back and shoved a spiked dildo up my ass. One moment we were laughing and spanking each other affectionately, the next moment she was treating me like I was her slave. The husband retreated from the room for a few. He came back with an executioner’s mask on and a spiked cock ring on his dick. When he skull fucked me, the skin on my lips and inner cheeks started to tear. All I could taste was blood in my mouth. When he came, it stung, and I pleaded for mercy.  She fucked my ass harder, and he followed suit with my mouth. I was swallowing blood and it was dripping down my ass too. They told me they always wanted to make a snuff porn and I fell right into their laps. I used an anonymous hook up app that was untraceable. I was in trouble. They fucked me for hours with spiked objects, while I bled. She branded their initials on my ass. They burned my flesh for some perverse pleasure. Finally, they grew tired of me for the night. They left me chained in the basement while they went upstairs to sleep. It was hard to fall asleep when I knew I was dead in the morning. I heard the door to the basement open. Down came a young boy. Fuck, they had a son. I pleaded with him to let me go. He did, but not after he forced his little dick in my battered ass. Like father, like son, I guess. I would have let him impregnate me if it meant I could escape. I ran out of the house like a bat out of hell and never looked back. No more online hook-ups for me.

Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex fantasies consume me. I am an erotic asphyxiation girl. I get a rush from blocking my breathing as I masturbate. I am often found with purple rings around my throat. I use scarves, ties and belts, whatever I can to get that euphoric feeling before I orgasm. Last night, I wanted something more, so I went to an asphyxiation club. It’s an underground club only. The patrons are vetted by the owner to keep out criminals and cops. I found this one guy who made my cunt wet with a glance. He put his hand around my throat like I would a big fat dick. He wanted me to know he could crush my larynx with a squeeze. He was the one. We got a private room. He chained me up and put a vibrator on my clit. Holy fuck that vibe was moving a mile a minute on my clit. It was hard not to just cum then. He could see I was near orgasm and he tightened his grip. It was such a tight grip that I passed out. I woke back up with him skull fucking me. His hands still around my throat, I was struggling to breathe again. This time the orgasm was his. He dumped a huge load in my mouth, then tossed me across the room. He was done with me. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were blood shot and my neck purple. I’m so glad this club is here. Makes erotic asphyxiation hotter with a partner.


Snuff Porn Auction

snuff pornWhen you are a snuff porn actress, you have a deviant mind. I had this idea for some fast cash to pay the rent. I would auction myself off to the highest bidder on the dark web. I hid my IP address. I set up a Venmo account and told the viewers I had a death wish. I rambled about what a worthless whore I was and that I wanted to die a violent and gruesome death. I let men bid for the pleasure of killing me. I even let them pay for me to cut myself and do other things that would mutilate my body. I thought I hid my IP well enough not to be found. It was bogus. I just wanted to steal money from wealthy sickos. My plan backfired. Mr. X showed up at my place last night intent on collecting his package. That package was me. I tried to tell him I would give the money back. I had not spent all of it yet. He didn’t want his money. He wanted his snuff sex slave. He tied me up to my bed. Next to my bed, on my side table, he laid out a some scary instruments. This dude was seriously going to get what he paid for. He started by pulling out my teeth. When he started to drill with no numbing meds, I screamed bloody murder. He was a sadist and I was his victim. Mr. X was some computer genius who traced me even through a hidden IP address. He ruined my mouth. Pulled out most of my teeth, left holes in the rest. My mouth was bloody. I was sick from the pain and swallowing blood. I begged him to kill me. He made me ugly, so very ugly. I didn’t want to live. He carved an X on my forehead as a reminder that I am just a dumb whore and cannot outsmart anyone. Now, I really want to die.

Taboo Phone Sex Fetish for Master

taboo phone sexWhen you are a taboo phone sex slut, guys come to you for all sorts of things, even very rare fetishes. Some of my masters have some strange fetishes too. My current master is into pyschrophilia. I had too Google it when he told me he wanted me to help him with his fetish. Do you know what it is? It is getting your dick hard or your pussy wet seeing folks extremely cold. My guess is it is somehow linked to necrophilia. I mean if you are getting a boner from a girl freezing in the snow, maybe you want to fuck a corpse? Master wanted me to find him a hot young thing for his fetish. I know his type. Young, dumb and blonde. I found a mini me that fit his type at the mall. The mall is a cesspool for young, dumb blonde girls. Stacy was her name. It was up to me to lure her, so I needed a good story. I told her I was a scout for a sporting store mogul who needed a fresh-faced girl to model outdoor apparel. She bought it hook, line and sinker.  Snuff porn was her true job. Master was very happy with my selection. We did some test shoots and the camera loved her. I spiked her drink, so she would comply easily. Either the drink worked super quickly, or she was just a slut. Regardless, she was naked outside in the snow faster than either of us expected. She was wearing a scarf and a hat and boots. The colder she got, the harder my master’s dick got. I could see his boner in his pants getting stiffer the bluer her skin got. She didn’t realize she was hired for a snuff. Master left her chained naked in the snow all night. We watched her slowly die of hypothermia. She looked like Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shining, only sexier. Master fucked her dead frozen body. He likes sex with dead bodies and pyschrophilia. I am just his subby accomplice. I bring him girls to murder however he wants.

snuff porn

Home Invasion Phone Sex Fantasies

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex calls get me wet. When I was 19, I was hooking on the streets to afford my slum studio. One night, I was sound asleep when a stranger broke into my place through an open window.  He attacked me in my bed. He wasn’t there to kill me or steal from me. He was there to force fuck me. I didn’t know him, but he knew me. I never knew who the man who force fucked me years ago was. I may never find out. But it was so violent, I needed medical attention afterwards. I was left bruised, battered and bleeding in my bed. I had no phone, so I could never call for help. It wasn’t until 4 days latter when a girl I hooked with came looking for me and found me. I was getting around a little, but I was covered head to toe in bruises and my ass was prolapsed. She took me to the ER and I stayed in the hospital for days. I had internal injuries. I knew something was wrong with me then. I fantasized about that violent stranger attacking me in my bed again. I got wet laying in a hospital bed romanticizing torture sex. Here I am today, over a decade later, a pain slut with a death wish because of one hot violent random home invasion.

Taboo Phone Sex Need for Violent Sex

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies make me wet. I am a sick twisted woman. I like violent sex. I went to this underground club over the weekend. I was looking for an executioner and I found one. This BDSM club is underground, off the radar and known for violent sexual encounters. Just what I was in the mood for. I knew I found the right man when I saw him towering over me in a leather mask.  He put a chain around my neck and dragged me to a room. He never spoke. He ripped my clothes off while he sodomized my ass. He put his strong hands around my throat and squeezed tightly as he rammed his cock in and out of my ass. His balls were huge. They slapped on my ass making a rhythmic noise as I struggled to breathe with his hands on my throat. He was violent. Ass rape porn stars wouldn’t be able to take what he was giving me. He had a spiked cock ring on that was tearing my asshole to shreds. I asked for this. I like pain. I like blood. I don’t know what is wrong with me. When he came it stung because of the tears in my asshole. When he pulled out, he pushed me down. I assumed he was done with me. He used me and now he had no more use for me. I got up and headed toward the door. He grabbed my blonde locks, pulled me back and punched me several times in the face and in the gut. My nose was bleeding now too. He just laughed and pointed at the door. Now he was done with me. I was bleeding and struggling to walk normally because of the sucker punch in the stomach. I wanted violent sex and I got it. I need to be careful about what I ask for.

Torture Sex Nightmare

torture sexI had a torture sex nightmare last night. I woke up in a ball of sweat, scared for my life. You were not very nice too me. In fact, you could have killed me. I think you wanted too but I woke up. I remember we met at a bar. You bought me a lot of drinks. Perhaps, you spiked my last drink, or it was just one too many because I don’t remember leaving the bar. My memory was foggy, still is. I was at a bar with a cute guy then I was chained to a wall in a basement. The first face I saw was yours. You were whipping my voluptuous body and calling me a whore. I was scared but trapped. I acted like a pain slut but that made you whipped me harder. I know I am not the only girl you did this too because I saw the collection of purses in the corner. You have been at this awhile. Somehow, I got away. I may be the only one who got away. Honestly, I thought I just had an awful nightmare, but I woke up this morning and I couldn’t find my purse. Then, when I went into the bathroom, I saw the welts all over my body. It wasn’t just a bad dream. It is just I can’t remember who your were or how I got out.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenario Got Real

kidnapping phone sexI found myself in one of my kidnapping phone sex scenarios on New Year’s Day. I was celebrating the end of 2018 at a high-end club downtown with some girlfriends. We had gone to the salon to get our hair and nails done in preparation for the night’s festivities. We were dressed in sexy new outfits that screamed GFE material. We were hoping to snag some new sugar daddies for 2019. This club was full of eligible men for the role too. We thought we found our men in a trio of lawyers. Older men, sexy as fuck and rich as a fuck too. The last thing I remembered before waking up chained to a dungeon wall was drinking with them at the club bar. We were drugged and later caged like animals. Those men saw us as cheap bimbos out of our element. One of the guys told me as I was asking what had happened that you can’t make a pig pretty. I could hear my girlfriends screaming in pain from another room. I guess they were in a similar restrained state like me in other parts of the dungeon. I screamed out for them. That was met with a heavy blow to my face. Blood trickled down my cheek. Louie was my tormentor. He was the oldest of the three. Not sure if he was the leader or not, but he put me in my place. After listening to him shame me, he humiliated me further by making me eat dog food off the floor. I didn’t even get a bowl. He told me I was a poser, not sugar baby material, nothing more than a wild mutt trying to be a prized show dog. I could only imagine my friends were being used as ass rape porn stars like me. Louie force fucked my ass raw until I shit all over his dick. That mishap came back to haunt me quickly. He made me eat my own shit as he pissed on my face. For days, we were tortured and debased. I think I was the only one of my friends who secretly loved every moment.