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Cannibalism phone sex gets a cock bit off.

            Cannibalism phone sex gets a cock bit off. Play with me. If you don’t want to play, then I am going to get very peeved. With this in mind, what I get my teeth sunk into tends to go bye-bye. Now all the greats were greatly misunderstood.

            After all, take a look at one of my heroes. Lorraina Bobbitt was simply misunderstood. Same thing with Jeffrey Dahmer. Now me personally, I like to combine the two. I will bite that cock off. Gobble it down.

            Next thing you know I am Roleplaying that I am Hannibal Lecter. Having that dinner part. Would you like to join me? Besides serving up a cock. Eating it down. It must be remembered that the brains are an important part of the meal.

            Now the great thing about brains is you can eat them while the person is still alive. Should we use a spoon? No, never. How uncouth.

            The Evil phone sex comes into play when I feed you, your own brains. Oh to be sure you are going to really like the taste of yourself. Distracting you with my tits. Injecting you so that you don’t feel as if I remove the top of your skull.

            Cut away at the brain. Little by little. Continue to serve you and eat you. Until you finally succumb to the mortal wounds that I have inflicted.

Cannibalism phone sex

Bondage phone sex and water play is pure evil.

            Bondage phone sex and water play is pure evil. That is after all why is it so prevalent in the bible. It must be remembered that water torture is ancient. Used on witches, enemies, old and young. The Chinese had an ancient water torture that included bondage.

            Now I know what you are thinking, how is it torture. Well, they would bind you. Tie you tight. Then let one drop of water every few seconds hit you in the middle of the forehead. Oh, to be sure you are thinking this will not bother me.

            Bound tightly. Not able to move. Hours later you feel like you are being drilled into the head with an ice pick. This is a slow torture.

Bondage phone sex          Evil phone sex when it comes to water explained.

Whereas at the same time, the puritans would simply use bondage to hold you to the chair as you were fully immersed in a pond on a chair. At the same time when I think of this, I like to picture at a carnival the person you throw balls at to dunk.

Same concept. Dunked down into the water. For this reason, we have made a game out of it. In the long run you are going to learn that water torture really is some of the worst tortures out there.

From time to time, you may be thinking how is water torture so evil? To point out that it is wet, and you like to swim in it. From a great height it would be like hitting concrete. Not at all present.

Once more there is the fact that Christians have used it for killing witches for hundreds of years. It is said that fire will release the soul of a witch as she was born in the fiery hell.

Given these points if you drown a witch there is no place for her to return to. Doomed to suffer for all eternity. In summary which would be preferable? A quick death and return home to the bowels of hell or slow and painful.

Bloody phone sex adds in William the bloody.

            Bloody phone sex adds in William the bloody. A.k.a. Spike. Now he got that name for driving railroad spikes into his victims. Now I know you want to be his victim. A Goth girl will know who he is and beg to be bitten by him.

            As Vampires go, he was and still is the saucy sexy man to bite you. Driving the spikes down into the middle of your head. Seeing the rippling body right before you are snuffed out. At the same time knowing that he is going to be mutilating your teen dead body.

            I will be his accomplice in all of it. Having dispatched Drucilla. In fact, until she was fixed by the blood of her sire, she was weak and pathetic. Just like you. It must be remembered that they don’t make angry mobs like they used to.

            I do so like it when we find a fun victim. Even Billy Ford fell prey to the esteemed William the bloody spike. He gets a chip in his head and still the women flock to him.

            In summary I am the Snuff sex Killer Queen Angie. Having taken over for Drucilla. Going to have fantasy rape, killer fun, and drive those spikes in. Right alongside of William the bloody. We are going to bathe in your blood.

            Until they end when we are finally depleted for the moment.

Bloody phone sex

Blasphemy sex is in the eye of the beholder.

            Blasphemy sex is in the eye of the beholder. To be sure what one sees as blasphemous another will see as acceptable. Now take for example incest. If you are looking at blasphemy, then Adam and Eve committed such atrocities under the supervision of God.  

            Another thing that must be remembered is that Moses built an arc and proceeded to repopulate the world with only his family. Now you must think about how old people were at that time. After all Jesus supposedly lived to be 33 years old. Married a whore. Magdalene was a whore.

Blasphemy sex             At the same times Mary was supposedly a virgin and got pregnant just as she became a woman which is early teen or even a bit younger when she had Jesus. On the positive side if you are looking to compare to the bible you are hitting blasphemy.

          Blasphemy phone sex just going through the bible.

            Now that is not say that the bible is all about the taboo now. Not then. Then they used to use water as torture to see if you were a witch or a heretic. Generally speaking, it was death in the long run. It must be remembered that it was a sin to question anything.

            With this in mind not many people really enjoyed being stuck in a cage and drown. Slow and painful. As shown above I like it. In fact, I look forward to playing. All things considered, what was taboo is no longer.

            After all what most consider taboo phone sex is anything that you find wrong. Almost too evil to talk about. That is to say with anyone but me. Come for the fun. We will discuss everything.

            In due time you will learn that nothing is off limits to someone like me. For I will tear apart your beliefs. At the same time making you cum.

Blasphemy phone sex decimates the church.

Blasphemy phone sex             Blasphemy phone sex decimates the church. To begin with we need to find the perfect church. Going to fuck on the pulpit. In the confessional. Next will be the virgin Mary’s arms. Once we have spread the cum around. Going to move onto the next church.

            For the most part fucking in a church is super naughty. However, adding in the blasphemy of doing it on the cross in every church adds to the element of super nasty. Condemning us to hell. Lucifer or Samiel as he was originally named will be waiting.

            In the long run, I will pass you over and take on Lucifer as my lover. Sitting alongside of Satan making the priest fuck the virgin Mary while hailing him. Say it. Say hail Satan.

            Choir boys and girls need to be fucked. All dressed in white. Taking that virginity. The Evil phone sex will drive you wild. Get down under me. Lick that pussy. You know you will like it. Beg for more.  

            Suck Satan’s cum out of me as soon as he has filled me up. Watching as he fucks me, and I ride him yelling Yee-haw. Not oh God. It’s Satan give me more. Hail to the almighty Satan.

            Join us in the path of destruction. Following behind us. Cleaning up in our wake. Watching the decimation of the church.

Babysitter phone sex gets super nasty in the dark of night.

            Babysitter phone sex gets super nasty in the dark of night. Down on your fucking knees. Never disobey the babysitter. In fact, the punishment could be dire. As shown above torture is never out of the realm. Don’t think to blackmail me. I do have an accomplice.

            It’s a bloody big knife. Now you may be thinking that’s not a knife. Well, I have news for you. It most surely is. To be sure it is sharp and lethal. Don’t tell mom the babysitters’ dead. You could only dream. In the long run I will be the one doing the snuffing of life.

In fact, Torture sex is on the menu.Babysitter phone sex

            As has been noted, the pain is the pleasure for me at least. Among my many traits I don’t really care about little brats’ feelings. With this in mind, tie them up. As soon as I entered, the parents were gone. The torture begins. Immediately the toys are brought out.

            Unleashing my killer blood lust upon the innocent. Going to fuck ever single one of the little demons. With this in mind I wouldn’t say no to someone coming along and joining in.

            Ultimately the screams wet the pussy. Tingling through the body. Cum right alongside of me. Watch as my pussy squirts. From time to time using a whip on the wet covered bodies.

            Just to hear them scream.

The Snuff sex is orgasmic.

            There is nothing like the screams of agony. A throbbing cock thrusting into the lifeless body. The blade slipped silently to finish them. Blood pounding and draining. In due time the bodies collapse to the ground. To be sure the end is nye.

            In summary never mess with a demonic evil snuff queen like me. To be sure it will be deadly fun especially in the dark of night.

Ass rape porn is the way to my fucking juices.

            Ass rape porn is the way to my fucking juices. To begin with you don’t fucking ask if you can. You fucking take it. I need help guiding it in. That not fucking fantasy rape. Listen up little boys you need me as you accomplice to fucking show you how it is done.

 Ass rape porn           To begin with, I was sold. Now I am the leader. You want fucking wet and nasty sex. Then you will learn to just take what you like. See it, like it, fuck it. Make that the damn motto.

            Next is the ass porn that you need to be watching. See how they are slamming that ass. Not once have they asked for permission. Grow a damn pair.

As your Accomplice phone sex whore, you get help.

Obviously, I expect you to know how to do something. Anything. At the same time as your helper, I will guide you to the sites that you need. Walking you through. Telling you just how fucking hot I think it is.

Listening to the screams. Pleading to go easy. Are you going to? Of course not. Fuck. You want to get to these fucking juices? Then crank up the Ass porn and let us get it on.

To be sure you are going to be fucking this god damn ass. Fucking hop to it if you want to be hearing any of the fantasy rape stores that I have. They include little teen whores. Just like you would like to have them be.

First thing you need to do is bring a victim. Fine, I will bring the victim you just have to tell me how old you want the bitch whore to be that is getting plowed.

Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim.

Accomplice phone sex            Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim. That makes three. You want me to be the helper or you the helper. I do so like making you the helper. Taking charge is what I do. I like the killer fun time that is to be had. After all, what is the killer bee if not the executioner. Want to make it dirty and nasty naughty. Then to be sure let us make it bloody awful.

            Pick the tools of the trade. As my accomplice you need to be prepared for everything. All in all, I am a knife wielding fucking whore. Like to cut up the inside and yank them out with a flick of the wrist. Too bloody for you. Need something to warm up too.

            We can always start with a suffocation phone sex call. A pillow over the face. Start with dry drowning. The possibilities. As long as you are getting hard. You must try screwing them once they have been snuffed out. Once they are caput the muscles contract. It will be the tightest passage you have every fucked. We will move up until you are used to the blood. The gore.

            The pain and suffering.

Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps.

Violent phone sex             Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps. Water torture. The violence of it all. It all makes me wet. Horny. Gasping. To be sure it is the best time to fuck. Be it water, whips, chains, oh the pleasure, and it must be remembered the pain. Have you ever used water torture? Try it. By all means use it at on me. As shown above I am a freak for pain.

            Now I may just be the Queen bee killer. I do like every aspect of violence. Whether it is doling it out or receiving some of the pain. Knowing how to water board, to torture using chain, whips, most assuredly water. Turn them into bloody stumps.

            Give me that Torture sex. I need to have it. Watch as I get wetter. Let the juices flow.  You start with the torture and this hot blonde will finish you the only way. That way is to finally make you explode from the pressure.

            In summary you need the torture as much as I do. Going to show you the bloody stumps. Using whips, chains, and water hoses. As shown above it will make it raw and bloody.

Uncategorized killer queen bee takes everything.

Uncategorized            Uncategorized killer queen bee takes everything. After all that is what some bees do. Like how the males are kicked out as soon as the Queen is done breeding with them. Use them and toss them. They are the victims right alongside the worker bees. All women those bees. Buzzing around. Abusing the males. Join the ranks to be abused, to be fucked, and finally to be snuffed.

            As soon as you are brought to the Queen you have a job to do. See how gorgeous she is. Immediately you know you are going to do her bidding. On bended knee. The Roleplay will continue until you have finally been finished off. Permanently. After all that is what a Killer queen bee does, she takes everything.

            Now that you know that I will be sucking on your cock. Pulling all your nectar out. Using you up. Take all that you have. Time after time. First thing to remember is that I will use you, abuse you, take you, drain you, among many other things. In fact, I may decide to pimp you out to the workers.

            That is to say this will all be done before I finally finish you off. To point out that you will go out happy is a consolation for you though. Being snuffed is a great way to go when you are having one last sexcapade in your miserable existence.