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Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.

Sadistic phone sex             Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.  It must be remembered that everyone has something they fear. Being sadistic is finding it, exploiting it, hearing the blood curdling screams of torture.

            Next, we tie in the torture games with the sadistic mind set of a snuff whore like me. What do you get? A sadistic torture loving freak that has no boundaries, if they are made, I walk over them.

            Cocks and balls are meant to be to be infected and tied up. Clitoris gets the scalpel just like the penis. Circumcisions are meant to be torturous not some bar mitzvah. At the same time, I could see throwing a party to cut off the head of a penis.      

            Now that is wicked. Seriously, you get money to be mutilated. Mutilation phone sex parties I do so like it. Get your cock cut off and be mutilated and pay me to do it. Make it a party.

            To be sure the Jews got it right there. Quickly now, let’s all line up to have our dicks cut off and give money to one person and collect with the other hand at the same time. Who wouldn’t like that.

            Talk about being sadistic and finding a weakness to exploit. A whole religion does that.

Roleplay phone sex a game has deadly fun in the sun.

            Roleplay phone sex a game has deadly fun in the sun. Just like devil’s snare. Who shall you be? Now, this roleplay has it all, for there is the killer, the hero, and of course numerous nasty women.

            Shall we not skip to the end and enjoy the nasty victories of the bad guys. Like the torture curse. After all, what is blasphemy without torture. What is the role play without the bad man in it.

            Come on, let me play Hermione or even better Bellatrix. Now, everyone has watched the movies, but the books are so detailed. Like the Fantasy rape the Bellatrix does on our heroine, well okay I added that part.

            To be sure it is a lot more fun and nastier to have Rape phone sex fantasies. They are deadly fun in the dun. Be the killer of the fantasy. Your cock is the wand. Shoot from it the deadly acid that can’t thrive in the sun.

            Shooting it up into the cunt. The heroine doesn’t stand a chance. I will be there encouraging and holding the victim down. Until suddenly she is completely lost to us forever.

            Tortured into being snuffed out.

Roleplay phone sex

Rape phone sex fantasies end in bloody suffering.

            Rape phone sex fantasies end in bloody suffering. Some things are worse than death and this whore knows how to make you, or any victim suffer. Torture is real, shallow cuts, barely any blood. Peg you hard. Part of the rape fantasy is the torture. Bringing the pain onto you.

            Shattered glass into the back, sit on you and rub in the alcohol. Listen to the screams. Not my first rodeo. Buck under me. Let me hear you scream. As soon as you think the pain stops, I will find a new torture for you.

            Like twisting your balls into a knot. Can’t cum if they can’t leave the balls. Now to really enjoy the rape fantasy going to make sure your prostate is pressed into. Forcing the hardon.

            The race is on for Torture phone sex is real. Going to torture you makes you suffer, then sooner or later, most likely sooner when you are screaming for release. I will untie your balls, and give you consent to cum.

            Maybe. All in all, you will be suffering, and you will be bloody. My coming with your torture alongside my rape fantasy is enough to make me orgasm.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Necrophilia phone sex dead and gone never coming down.

Necrophilia phone sex             Necrophilia phone sex dead and gone never coming down. Now that is the first thing to remember when you get to be dead and gone. Talk about a stiff cock, hard as rock. At the same time, when I take your life to be sure you will be hard, and I will have ridden you to death.      

            Drop a house on you. Just my cunt.  Tight as a vice grip around your cock. May not be pumping but rigor mortis will be setting in. Keep it stiff. First this is the beginning of the fun.

            Before you are dead and gone, going to have you as my very own helper in your demise. Shall it be suffocation. As soon as I start fucking your cock pulling your face between my tits. Suffocation phone sex will be the death of you for now at least.

            Death with your cock buried deep inside of me. At the same time, I am riding you my tits will be squeezing in on you pressing in tight. Thighs gripping you. Crushing your ribs. Cutting off your air in all directions. Suffocating you, until finally ding dong your dead and my cunt has you secure for the riding pleasure.

            It must be remembered you died with a smile on your face, a mouthful of tit, and more importantly your cock in a pussy.

Mutilation phone sex going to slice and dice you up.

Mutilation phone sex            Mutilation phone sex going to slice and dice you up. The first thing I am going to do is mutilate your inner thigh, just missing the artery. After all, don’t want you to go before the fun is over. Another key point to remember is manners.

            Did you know that everything can be controlled in the brain. In fact, mutilating your skull will grant me access. Take the top of the skull off. At the same time, order you to mutilate your very own cock. Tie up the balls.

            As soon as I have the cap off, I’m going to cut out a piece of your brain. Frontal lobe does sound like a good place to start. It must be remembered that Hannible Lecture would know more about the brain. Where to begin. With this in mind, I do believe I will continue with his work.  

            Like as I mutilate and fuck you going to feed you your own balls and brains. After all, it is what the good Dr. Lecture would want me to do. Have a dinner party. Invite another to play. Accomplice phone sex with a second whore involved. Now we have two of us.

            Shall I feed you to her before we finally snuff you and fuck you. After all necrophilia is a fetish that we both do so like to do. A stiff cock that will never go down again.

Murder phone sex Fantasies involve torture and mayhem.

Murder phone sex Fantasies            Murder phone sex Fantasies involve torture and mayhem. All in all, you want someone with no conscious. After all, sadistic is a way of life. The torture will be agony. Digging deep down to find what truly terrifies the unsuspecting victim.

            What will it be. Cock and balls tied up and punctured. A clown dancing around. Humiliation and degradation. As can be seen, not lacking imagination. You have 206 bones in the body to break, not including the cock of course. Without delay, root down into your subconscious. Immediately, seek your biggest fear.

            Blackmailing you with the exposure. Whipping your balls into Bloody phone sex messes. Pounding them into dust. Sooner or later, you will reveal your darkest fear and then I will have the murder fantasy.  Next, the fantasy will be reality.

            After all the Snuff queen never stops short. In due time it will be a bloody mess, but I do so like to take my time before I finally fulfill my fantasies. Like the murder needs to at least be blood and torturous for you at least.

            Obviously, I will at the same time be getting off on it. In fact, my pussy will be oozing the juices down my leg. Perhaps in the middle of the torture you will learn how much piss stings in an open wound.

            As soon as you lay dead at my feet, the murder fantasy complete, I will have to begin all over again. For once is never enough.

Medical fetish phone sex- doctor, doctor, fuck all about it.

Medical fetish phone sex            Medical fetish phone sex- doctor, doctor, fuck all about it. Pussy cunt is open for the business. Now we bring out the toys. You in the coat, nothing else, me bare-naked. Bring out the medical supplies. After all the fetish is medical and the pussy separator can be used on the ass too. Now don’t forget the pear.

            In fact, once the scalpel is out the pussy cunt is wet.  In this case we get to play the fantasy out hard, deep, using all the medical jargon that we can. Like doctor the labia lips are tingling. Think we need to open them up and take a closer look.

            Naughty nurse, even naughtier patient. All in all, your Roleplay phone sex doctor fuck all about it here for business. As shown in the picture just to left, this pussy cunt is pink. It needs to be looked at it. It really is tight, and the vagina separator will have to click open to stretch it wide.

            At the same time, use the anal probe to get deep into the cavity. Open them wide enough that you can get your cock between. Really gape it open. This is all about fantasy. The medical fetish. Come doctor, fuck me all about it.

            Use medical jargon at the same time. Make me squirt cum up inside me. Use the fetish to fulfill the roleplay. Keep me gaping open. Doctor, doctor, I need you now. Come fuck me.

            Use all the toys and tools at your disposal. Everyone of them should be used on this pussy cunt before the fantasy is done with.

Knife play phone sex how low can you go?

            Knife play phone sex how low can you go? Like can you slice all the way through? Just a little? It has become a game now, doesn’t it. How low can you go with the knife. That is the point to end him. To be a killer? Looking to make it bloody? If so, then you need to nick the artery with the knife blade. Don’t want it to be bloody, avoid it and you a pin prick on the tip of the knife.

            By all means, sharpen the knife. Make it razor sharp. Next, we find the victim. I will lure her in. Be your Accomplice phone sex whore. That is after all just what you need with your knife at the ready.     

            In fact, you might just say that your knife is like your phallus. An extension to you. All you need to decide in the first place is how they will meet their demise. In other words, let the game begin and may they forever not be in the victims’ favor but in yours.

            Without delay I will bring them in, help you with the pain, the pleasure, and finally the knife play. After all your knife is your phallus and I do so like being a good accomplice and wielding them both.

Knife play phone sex

Killer phone sex whore takes you apart nice and bloody.

Killer phone sex             Killer phone sex whore takes you apart nice and bloody. All in all, I do like to make a mess of things. Getting in there with a knife. Shallow cuts. Lay down in a bed of roses as shown above. The thorns pricking you, making you bleed. Shallow cuts.

            Next, I will use a knife for cutting you. All the shallow cuts. It must be remembered that shallow cuts not only cause a twinge of pain, but the same as a paper cut, they sting longer and in the end cause even more pain. Obviously, this will make me get all wet.

            In fact, watch as I slice my cunt with the thorns of the roses that I lay in above. After all, it is not only about cutting you up but also feeling the sting of the thorns myself. A good killer whore does like to take you apart nice and bloody like.

            Knife play phone sex is all about the flick of the wrist. Getting it to slide smooth and even. Shallow cuts alongside the throat. It will be bloody, but you will live longer. This killer likes to play with knifes. All in all, there are many ways to kill a body like yours. Bloody and knives are only the beginning. After all, we must never forget the roses and the thorns that can be dipped in poison too.

            How will this killer take you apart?

Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.

            Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.  After all, it is New Years Eve. We bring out the baddies tonight. In fact, going to wear a mask, kidnap an unsuspecting victim. Who shall it be? Someone little? A little older? Man or woman. Will it be you. Are you going to be the victim? Perhaps the accomplice.

            At the present time, it works for you to be the accomplice. Coming in the dark of the night. The marauder carries the supplies and cares as little as I do. Snatch them from their beds. Take them into the night. While the parents are off drinking the night away. We slink into the house.

            Up the stairs, around the corner. The first room we come to is going to have the fantasy rape that you so long to have. The second room is the one where we take the brat along with us. To finish our Rape phone sex fantasies that to be sure will end in the snuff games we play.

            All the nasty ones. They will not only be taboo, but they will also have teens. Now is it going to be teen pussy or teen cock. Namely, either or will be fun for me. For the most part I don’t care which it will be like.

            I just want the accomplice by myside as we kidnap, torture, fantasy rape the little brat. All in all let’s bring in the new year with a BANG!Kidnapping phone sex