I am in the business of making snuff movies. Sometimes, I make them for personal pleasure. Sometimes, I make them because I was paid to make them for someone like you. I enjoy making both. Sometimes, however, like this week, I throw a monkey wrench in a man’s plans because he is the one who should be dead. I am no women’s libber or anything like that. Honestly, I hate most women. I hate most people. I did not like Clint. He was my client. Something about him just rubbed me the wrong way. He was egotistical and a narcissist. He wanted his wife killed because she cheated on him. I have killed someone for less. I rarely look a gift horse in the mouth, but the more I listened to him ramble on about why his wife needed to die, the more annoying he became. All I could think about was making him the star of a snuff porn. When I met the woman who I was hired to kill, she was not surprised to see me in her house. She did plead for her life, but not in a typical way though. She doubled what Clint paid me to kill him instead. She had big brass balls and I sort of liked it. I asked her to tell me the truth about her ex. She confirmed everything I was thinking. Because I liked Tiffany and loathed Clint, I took the same fee that Clint paid me. We staged her death, so I had pictures. I can make some decent deep fakes. Then she came with me to kill Clint. When I arrived at this no tell motel for the rest of my money, Tiffany surprised her husband. The victim was now my accomplice phone sex partner and her husband is now dead. I lent her some of my big ostentatious knives and she slaughtered him as good as I could have. She had lots of rage built up in her. I understood. I knew him less than 24 hours and wanted to kill him. Now, I have a bad ass new friend who is coming into a lot of money, and a tool of a man is dead in a sleazy hotel. You can hire me to kill for you, but I might decide I like your victim more than you. It is a risk you take with me.