As little ones, we are force fed obey your elders, respect you parents. It’s bullshit. Not all parents are created equally. Not all mothers deserve to live. My mommy dearest was a strung out welfare whore who cared more about her next fix and her next check than she did clothing and feeding her brat. I saw the Bad Seed as a wee one and it excited me that someone so young and angelic could be a murderous little brat. She was my hero.
I plotted my mother’s demise for years. Then one day the opportunity presented itself like a gift from God. She dragged me through the belly of the city late one night to score. I watched her fuck some gross old man up against a dirty alley wall for some money to give her dealer. We were in the subway and it was not very crowded. It was dark, dank and creepy. Like out of a horror movie. I saw a door past the subway car and I wandered off, hoping she would come look for me. The only folks in the station that night were hookers, johns and junkies. No one would remember seeing a little Goth girl.
I stood waiting for my cunt mother to come find me, half expecting she wouldn’t even notice me gone and thwart my evil plan. But she came yelling at me like a crazed junkie jonesing for her next fix. I stood there in the door frame refusing to come to her, until she was right next to me grabbing my arm. One shove with little hands and down went the junkie whore. As she bounced down the creepy old subway stairwell, I heard her cries. I heard her bones break. I heard her skull crush. I walked calmly down the stairs, getting aroused by the blood splatter until I saw her dead body. I took her cell phone, snapped a picture of her laying there broken, battered, bloodied and dead. My first kill memory. I took enough money to get home and left the rest.
Went back home unnoticed in the night, crawled into bed and slept like a baby knowing my worthless whore mommy was dead. Police ruled it an accident. Another dead junkie no one would miss. I went to live with my Uncle and his brats. Had a much better life. Grew up to be smart, creative and even more deadly. If you can kill your mother, you can kill anyone.