Ahhh magical potions you say? You want something that you can drink right down, something that will immediately make you grow strong and powerful, and make your cock big and thick too? Well why didn’t you just say so?! I am quite sure that if I just reach into my magic bag here I can cook you something right up! You’ll go from wimpy little bitch to a big ole strong man in just seconds! Or… Maybe, just maybe you will just pass the fuck out instead. When I give you my special cocktail it was really nothing more than a powerful sedative and once I had you knocked out it made it so much easier to tie you to my rack. Ohh it was so amusing to see you wake up so thoroughly confused, poor little man, you were expecting muscles and a long throbbing cock and instead woke up to tight ropes binding you, cutting into your flesh and rubber bands tightly wrapped around your pitiful little shriveled up cock and balls. You looked so frightened because you knew what was coming next, you knew that you would be very lucky to survive this! You shouldn’t have pissed me off pet, you shouldn’t have acted like you did nothing wrong after the fact too and then to have the nerve to ask me to make you a spell as well?! You deserve your punishment whore so grow the fuck up and take it like a man!