Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps.

Violent phone sex             Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps. Water torture. The violence of it all. It all makes me wet. Horny. Gasping. To be sure it is the best time to fuck. Be it water, whips, chains, oh the pleasure, and it must be remembered the pain. Have you ever used water torture? Try it. By all means use it at on me. As shown above I am a freak for pain.

            Now I may just be the Queen bee killer. I do like every aspect of violence. Whether it is doling it out or receiving some of the pain. Knowing how to water board, to torture using chain, whips, most assuredly water. Turn them into bloody stumps.

            Give me that Torture sex. I need to have it. Watch as I get wetter. Let the juices flow.  You start with the torture and this hot blonde will finish you the only way. That way is to finally make you explode from the pressure.

            In summary you need the torture as much as I do. Going to show you the bloody stumps. Using whips, chains, and water hoses. As shown above it will make it raw and bloody.

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