Vibrating Despair: A Journey to Filthy Sadistic phone sex

 Sadistic phone sex

I was at the mercy of my tormentor. His cold, steely fingers trailed down my body, measuring my curves like a butcher assessing his meat. I shivered in anticipation and fear—this man was a force to be reckoned with, a true sadist. But I was his willing victim.

The vibrator, oh that wicked device, was producing sounds that whispered promises of agony and ecstasy. He teased me with it, running the buzz along my soaking slit, making me beg for release. But he was in no rush. Instead, he lingered, enjoying my desperation.He angled the toy, pressing it against my aching clit. The vibrations were intoxicating, sending volts of pleasure through my body. But it was his cruelty that really got me going. He knew how to push me over the edge, and I was desperate to fall.

The toy disappeared, only to be rammed inside me roughly. I felt like a helpless rag doll as he penetrated my core with vicious determination. The vibrator’s buzz massaged my insides, and the sheer power of it had me seeing hallucinations of erotic delight.My captor’s lips were against my ear as he hissed filthy nothings. He called me a “useless little slut,” a “whore begging for release.” It was degrading, humiliating, and yet, it turned me on even more.

The toy’s relentless vibrations continued, sending me into spasms. My body quaked and convulsed as I squirted, the fluids soaking the floor. Yet, the tormentor showed no mercy, no signs of slowing down. He wanted to push me further, past the boundaries of endurance.

I was left a shaking mess, my cunt aching, and my body begging for more.


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