Torture sex is my hobby. I love inflicting pain. I want to hurt my victims. Not because I want revenge. Honestly, I am never invested enough in anyone enough to go through the hassle of revenge. I just do it for the fun. The truth is that your screams or the screams of a young girl or boy, gets my motor running. I went to a haunted house over the weekend. It was an outdoor event, in the middle of nowhere. I have gone to this haunted attraction before and have enjoyed it for its remoteness and darkness. I got behind some teen sluts in line. I wanted to stab one of them to death. Not sure which one, but one if not all of them were going to die. I like to rid the world of vacuous teen sluts. They grow up to be gold diggers and cock teases. Waste of space. I was solo this weekend. When I am alone hunting for teen meat, I am not too selective. It becomes more about access and getting away easily. When I am hunting with someone like you, can stalk our prey and find the one that gets your cock the hardest. I am a great accomplice. I can lure any young thing away and explore your rape phone sex fantasies. Once we were in this haunted corn maze / barn, it was pitch black. Only the stars guided us. People were jumping out and giving their best lame scares. In the darkness, social distancing standards were not being followed. Even better. It is like these girls were walking right into my hands. They started screaming at some man dressed in a creepy outfit. I was all in black, hard to see me. I stabbed a few times in the back hitting flesh. As their dying screams blended in with haunted screams, I left the haunted attraction undetected. I read about the massacre the next morning and my pussy got wet.