It was a torture sex night for me. I was not prepared for it. I was out dancing with girlfriends. I hooked up with this guy who told me to call an Uber when we were done fucking. He said he doesn’t drive trash home. I was embarrassed and humiliated, so I left. I called the Uber, but I got in the wrong car. Boy, was it the wrong car. He had a fake Uber decal. I never paid attention to what my driver looked like or what car he was driving. This poser drove me to some underground club. He pulled me out of the back of his car kicking and screaming. We were soon inside some dark club. It was a BDSM looking place. It was far more sinister than BDSM, however. This was some sort of torture chamber. As he dragged me downstairs and through hallways, I heard screams. I got glimpses of women being tortured and mutilated. The driver got to a room, knocked then handed me over to another man in exchange for money. He was just the wrangler. This tall handsome man looked me up and down, then strapped me to a table. I saw all the medical instruments next to me on a little metal tray. He started to cut my flesh and peel back layers of my skin. He branded me too with his initials like some cult leader. He fucked me while pouring acid on my tits. My screams of agonizing pain made his cock harder. He started stabbing my big fake boobs as he fucked my ass. My blood made him harder too. I was in pain, crying, screaming and he just kept fucking the shit out of me. The more I cried, bled and screamed, the harder he fucked me. The fake Uber driver drove me to my death.