Torture phone sex with a slave

torture phone sexTorture phone sex with a complete slave is all my master ever wanted. I had heard him say some outright crazy things. I had no idea how deep and dark his fetish would go. One day I got a message, and it was from him. I opened up the message like a good slut. Master likes quick responds. When I opened the message, I was startled. The last thing I was expecting was a picture of my friend Naomi. Naomi and I had met in Christian academy years ago. Naomi was a naturally subservient girl. It had been a while since we talked, so I had no idea if she was going to be okay with hanging out. We were living two different lifestyles.

I invited her over, and that was the beginning of a downward spiral. Naomi would no longer have a voice and would forever be a submissive cum slut. I was surprised when she decided to meet up. I wish she didn’t, but I knew it was my best interest for her to come. The more pets, the less stress I have. I knew master would love her from head to toe. I was ready to have a mini break and have the attention focused elsewhere.

Masters eyes widened at the sight of Naomi. I knew he was thinking about all the devious things he could conquer up in his head. I was sure he wanted to fuck her till her holes were bleeding. A prolapsed asshole and tender twat were all he wanted. I knew he was going to choke her till she was blue in the face. I did not doubt in my mind Naomi was going to endure pain like she never has before. Without a pause, she was going to be an obedient whore. For once it was all about another pet. I could see the marks all over her body and his raging cock was ready to rock and roll. As soon she made it in she was dead meat. Line after line of coke and our master was high as a kite. Whenever the coke hits him, he is ready to fuck and torture for hours on end. Poor Naomi couldn’t walk or swallow for weeks on end. Quickly she understood her new role and why I popped back into her life.

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