Torture phone sex


I’ve grappled with the unsettling suspicion that something might be amiss within me, a whisper of insanity beneath the surface. Despite the facade of a perfect life and the accolades of beauty, I perpetually viewed myself as unattractive. A pivotal moment arrived when an odd sense of beauty emerged, not from an injury, but from a deeper source within.Torture phone sex

Rather than seeking aid, I reveled in the peculiar pleasure of the pain, immersing myself in a dark realm of self-discovery. This twisted journey propelled me to intentionally inflict pain for gratification, masked as mere clumsiness to the outside world. The desire swelled, morphing into an insatiable yearning for external torment and torture. My pursuit of pleasure transformed into an unquenchable thirst for someone to fulfill my darkest fantasies, even if it meant plunging into the abyss of non-existence. Inextricably entwined in this forbidden kink, I yearn for the creation of a sinister playground, where extreme taboos and dreadful conclusions reign supreme, bringing my ultimate, horrifying fantasies to life.

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