The Silent Lover: My Necrophilia Odyssey

 Necrophilia phone sex

Yeah, I’m that girl—the one who finds dead men appealing. You see, I have a thing for silence, and a fresh grave has never looked so good.

The whole ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ thing during sex turns me off big time. So, I took matters into my own hands, literally. If I can’t find a guy who fits my bizarre needs, I kill him. Simple as that. And guess what? A dead guy’s cock is a girl’s best friend.

Rigor mortis and an erection? Now, that’s a winning combination. The best part is, they don’t talk back, don’t expect anything from you, and their cocks stay rock hard for hours. It’s a necrophile’s dream!

My latest conquest was a tall, handsome hunk with hands that screamed ‘big dick’. I seduced him, knowing full well what I’d do. We headed to his place, and as I rode his thick cock, I pulled out my trusty knife. One swift movement, and his life was history.

His blood drenched me as it gushed from his neck wound, becoming my personal lube. And guess what? His cock twitched as his life ebbed away. The rush of power was insane!

I rode that stiff cock like my life depended on it—which it technically did, in a twisted kind of way. The silence, the sense of dominance, the sheer ecstasy of it all—it’s like nothing else.

Sorry, fellas, but if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And if you cross me, I might just send you to the great bedroom in the sky—where the sex is silent and the lovers are lifeless!

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