Sure, accomplice phone sex sounds great, but the one time I tried to take on a trainee and make a twisted little mentee in my image, it went horribly wrong! I thought I could create a cute and cum thirsty killer just like me, but, boy, was I wrong.
I was on the prowl one night when I came upon a big piece of property with a small little house on it and an old shed tucked way out in the back forty. I lurked in the shadows and crossed along the perimeter of the land until I reached the out building, where I could hear muffled screams coming from the inside. I quietly dashed over to the door and slowly slid it open to find it was a makeshift bedroom obviously set up for abuse and torture. The target of all of that pain was laying shackled to a bed with big, greasy fuck pig on top of her, rough humping and pushing her face hard into the mattress.
The flashbacks to my past were staggering but fueled my instantaneous rage. I jumped on that jackass like a jungle cat and started stabbing him in the neck over and over again until he gurgled and spurted and collapsed on top of the captive girl. I pushed him off of her, unlocked her blood-slick shackles and quickly absconded with her into the darkness.
Of course I felt bad for her so I took her under my wing and brought her into my lethal life of sex, drugs and severe sadism. I even told her to pick a new name for her new life, just like I did, and, after a little deliberation, she went with “Dawn.” She was into all of it, didn’t even freak out in any of the weird rooms in my house of horrors! Dawn took to kidnapping, torture and using whatever lousy fuck she wanted to please her pretty little pussy with no problem. She took to her new life with vigor and extreme violence. And that was kind of the problem. She was a little too into it and way too into me.
Sure, we were lovers, we did a lot of fucking together. That wasn’t the issue. She didn’t just want to be with me, she wanted to BE me. We would plan a simple stalking or subway throat slashing and then Dawn would go off on her own and do it before our agreed upon scheduled time. Also, every festering little fuck pig we brought home she would take control of the situation and have all of the fun with them herself. Like she would edge me out of the situation and cut all of the juiciest spots or fuck all of the biggest cocks herself and try to just leave me with some sliced up and bloodied bodies and a bunch of limp dicks! I was not having it.
The fuck straw that broke the killer camel’s back was when I found her in my bed wearing my lingerie and fucking the corpse of a guy I actually liked. He didn’t deserve that, he was one of the good ones. But, in true Jennifer Jason Leigh style, she didn’t like that he and I had any sort of friendly connection for one reason or another so she put a stop to it. So I put a stop to her.
Sometimes you can’t get close enough to a person, either to have a real connection with them or to simply kill them. So, when you’ve failed to successfully assimilate them into your lurid life and if you don’t want to risk what they might do to you if they manage to get their hands on you, in that case of having absolutely, positively no other choice at all, I bring out my .45 ACP. I might not have been able to trust the crazy cunt I created, but I can always trust my Colt.
Poor Dawn didn’t have a chance. Truthfully, I should’ve known better. Sure, we started out the same, but Willow was created and crafted by the dark, but Dawn was created by Willow. Kind of like a copy of a copy. I’m an imperfect being, nothing I do will ever be perfect. But I guarantee you I’ll never try to teach an abused bitch how to be me, ever again.