The Magic Potion for Snuff porn

evil phone sexBlack magic and voodoo spells. Don’t fuck with what you don’t understand. They’ll take your heart, your soul, your life. Just the way I like it. I had mixed up a new batch of shit that I called Euphoria 666. It was my own special blend and I needed to test it on a human subject. It was a mixture of  mind-bending herbs, a drug that exploded the sex drive, a paralyzing agent, and one special ingredient that jacked up the blood pressure. It was time to hunt.

I picked him up at a local dive. He was half lit and horny. He followed me home like an obedient mongrel. I fixed him a drink and he downed it in one gulp. I watched closely as my potion took effect.

His eyes grew big as it kicked in and he found himself almost unable to move except for his fingers, toes, and eyes.  His cock began to rise until it was almost purple with blood. His face was red and he was sweating. His eyes begin to dart back and as the demons in his mind came out to play. He screamed out loud only to be silenced by me stuffing a dirty rag in his mouth.

I had created a human dildo. A man that could be used for sex who then self-destructed. I could do anything I wanted to his cock. I teased him with my tongue as the veins on his nutsac began to expand. He choked underneath the rag as I stroked his hyper-swollen fuckstick. Perfect. A cock with no brain and no defense. He was so hard now that blood began to ooze out of his dickhead along with precum. I knew that if he wasn’t forced to cum soon, he would explode. That thought turned me on as I poked his balls with my stiletto. His eyes were bulging along with the veins in his forehead. I lowered my pussy onto his shaft and gave him several strokes before walking away. A whine came from his throat as he tried to move.

He exploded. I don’t mean just his cock. I mean his entire fucking head. Chunks rained back down onto his carcass where his cock was still pulsating, a chunk of meat with no body. I laughed and dipped my finger into the blood to taste it. I forgot to make an antidote. Now I’d have to start all over with another man. Oh well, men are trash. I had just created the perfect one. A Bic lighter of a man who could be used and disposed of. Imagine how much fun women could have with my potion. Fuck him and watch him explode. No more relationship problems for us!!

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    • Frank D on April 18, 2016 at 11:27 am
    • Reply

    You can put a spell on me any day goddess.

    • craig on April 18, 2016 at 11:38 am
    • Reply

    I’ll be your test subject mistress!

    • William on April 18, 2016 at 1:44 pm
    • Reply

    Mmm ur as evil as me

    • Tony on April 22, 2016 at 2:50 pm
    • Reply

    You are so fucking hot Natasha! I love your blogs!

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