Taking Up Space

Torture phone sexI love abandoned hospitals and asylums.  I hate new ones.  Although there is a lot of heart ache, pain, agony, and death in them, I think people should just fucking die if they are sick.  Why hang on and drive up the cost of everything for those of us whom are healthy, just die already you fucktards. 

I think instead of hospitals humans should do the decent thing and just turn themselves over to be eliminated.  Just think of how wonderful the world would be if we just killed the sick, cull the heard of the dying so to speak.  Health Insurance would come way down, maybe even go away all together.  Over population wouldn’t be an issue, because…killing.    Think of the businesses that would crop up, it would be like going home in that movie Soylent Green but without the biscuits. 

What I would love to do is get an abandoned asylum and just push those fuckers inside.  No food, no water, no care.  Just let them fend for themselves until they just give up the ghost.  Of course it wouldn’t just be them roaming around complaining that they are hungry.  Hell no, what fun would that be…for me.  I think once a month we would have a hunt.  You know, big money, sick minds, and booze.  Sounds like a party to me. 

Can you imagine paying money to kill someone?  And it would be totally legal.  Happiness!  I know this all sounds a lot like “The Purge” but it wouldn’t be, if you cannot pay the funds then you do not get to slaughter, plain and simple.  To make it even more fun and deviant, I think that if there was someone who could actually conjure demons to play with the guests would be great too. Oh, and to make even more money for myself, there could be some sort of reality show about the whole thing. 

What do you think of my idea? The wheels in my head are spinning and I’m getting giddy just thinking about it! VIVA LA TORTURE in all forms!

Violent phone sex

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