Tag: Violent Phone Sex

The Hunter

“In my mind’s eye my thoughts light fires in your cities.”
― Charles Manson

My half-brother is having a baby. Well, his slut fuck wife anyway. Wanna know a secret? Last night I closed my eyes and I dreamed about it . . . the creaky halls, warped floor boards, and silent groans of their Hollywood Hills home. As I climbed in through the kitchen window, echoing sounds ricocheted across the shadowy darkness. Passing the garbage disposal, and taking special note of where is was . . . I climbed upstairs, twisting around the banister, and opening the bedroom door, casting light from the hall across the room. While Bradley rubbed Hayley’s fat bloated preggo stomach, I leaned on my baseball bat for support. And when the lights started flickered on and off in the hall, where my hand was playing with the switches, my halfling got up to go check it out like the “good man.” I reached in my waistband, retrieved the shotgun I’d hidden down the leg of my sweatpants, and blew his fucking brains out. Cocked the piston, aimed it at his third eye, and, he didn’t have time to react with anything more than utter disbelief before I pulled the trigger. “Bye bye Bradley,” I whispered to him. His head snapped backward as it simultaneously splattered against the wall in a mass of bone, blood, brains, and dripping flesh. The sound of the gunpowder blowing back and the shell taking off his head sent shivers up and down my spine. I needed that. I was getting high. Without taking a breath or a pause, I dropped the gun where his head used to be. His body collapsed to the floor, nothing left of him except the shoulders-down. The scream from his fat breeding slut meant I charged in there with a Cheshire grin on my happy fucking face without even a pause or a breath. She was trying to get up from bed, so I whacked that bitch’s kneecaps out with the bat. CRACK! I didn’t want her getting away. She let out an ear-piercing scream. Such a worthless used-up pussy she is. Like a warbling, fluid fantasy, she fell to the floor groaning in horrible utter agony and I grabbed the slut by her hair. “Tell me what scum you are,” I seethed down at her. She obliged, begging for her baby’s life. “No,” I smirked, “I don’t think so.”

Royal Sadists Meet for Dinner

Snuff phone sex6

One of my oldest friends and mentors was visiting for the weekend. He tossed his luggage into the guest room without even entering it. He said, “Let’s go eat.” I began to move toward the kitchen; but, he reprimanded me, shaking his finger in my face, “No, no. We must hunt it, first.”

His evil grin sent chills through my body. I had almost forgotten about his predilection for human flesh. As if he could read my mind, he added, “Of course, my dear, you may torture it first.”

And, nearly as soon as we sat down on a park bench nearly adjacent to my house, here she came: our dinner. She was leisurely walking, and my mentor waved her down. His idle chit-chat evaporated from my mind as I examined her tone shoulders and sleek physique. But, then, I saw what drew my mentor to her: her ass. Plump, succulent, yet still muscular. He always did love asses, and it was comforting that some things never change.

I vaguely remember hearing words like, “my daughter” and “dinner”; I don’t know why I was surprised when she followed us back to the house. After all, it would be silly that my mentor could have lost his magical touch; in fact, I looked at his aging beard and thought that the exact contrary was true.

We enjoyed a glass of wine together as our guest became foggy, tentatively grabbing her head and finally following off her chair. I wish he hadn’t done that; I like them to be awake when I play with them. But, he helped hoist her into my torture chair, I had a better idea. I dropped her body and walked briskly to get the largest metal pan that I had. Of course, I had planned to use it for something like this—but now was the perfect occasion.

We placed her in the pan and I began prodding her. Whatever he had given her was strong. He pilfered through my spice rack and kitchen while I used a pitch fork to open up a few wounds. “I usually like different parts in different spices, cooked separately; but I think I’d like to make an exception given your beautiful set-up here, darling,” he whispered over my shoulder. I beamed with pride and returned to slicing her stomach open to put some of his spices. She yelled in pain, and I was happy that she was awake. I didn’t want her to miss the fun.

He told me which organs to remove, such as the intestines; I followed his instructions, enjoying her screams and gushing blood. I was sad to hear her cries stifle and die. He had already turned on the large oven that I had installed mainly just for him (and a few other friends). We lifted her up and slid her in. The smell of burnt flesh permeated the room and my mentor inhaled as if it were the sweetest aroma that he’d ever encountered. We took her out of the oven a few times; mainly, he was trying to help me satisfy my lust for blood. I’d slice into her, sauté her, tenderizing our dinner.

Dinner, indeed, was magnificent. We laughed, reminisced, drank more wine, and planned the evening’s agenda. “My darling, Victor Hugo’s last words were, ‘I see a dark light.’ Shall we go out and claim it for ourselves, my darling queen Jezabel?” He extended his hand and off we went into the night.

Bitch in a Well

Snuff phone sex Reagan

I watched her brats for her and now she is gonna stiff me my cash? She tried to tell me that I hurt her wee ones and now she was gonna call the cops? Who the fuck does she think she is messing with. I’ll show her! Now her and her bratty ankle biters will just have to disappear!

I am going to throw that cunt and her offspring down a well. Just like in that movie “The Ring”.  I want them  to stay alive for more than seven days though. So I found a well that no one even knows about.  I will put my travel trailer near it, toss those bitches in, and listen to them scream for as long as I can keep them alive.

Snuff phone sex Reagan

First day the family is down there I want to throw some rotten food to them. That way when they are hungry they will have no choice but to eat it. Then every day after that I will throw things down there to drive them mad! Like rats, leaches, even insects that survive in the water but love to bite! Every now and than I will tell them they are not going to get out of that well. Eventually as the screams grow tired I wont have anything to feed my amusement.. so I will just have to start filling it up slowly. Soon the screams will stop, and I will have to cover the well up.. so all you see is the ring…  

snuff phone sex Reagan

Highway 666

There’s a little place I know where the dead walk and roam . . . a place of evil that’s trapped inside the walls. Can you hear the groans? It’s sick. I want to know what’s underneath. I scratch at the antique paper coating the places I can’t go . . . slivers pierce my fingernails and rodents bite my ankles here. I want to escape. But it’s too late. Once you let it in, you have to stay inside. There’s no way out. You’re trapped here now. Look into my eyes. Do you see my soul? It’s black and aged . . . here, you should never go. I can’t stop manipulating. Every word out of my mouth is a lie belated, waiting. Waiting to sink my claws deep in you and drag you to the depths of all unholy creation. The world through a monster’s eye. There’s a cabin off the road on Highway 666. It’s a shack I go to sometimes when I’m in the mood for a little hunting and driving. Sometimes both at once–other times, I’m a patient little fuck. When it gets dark outside and the trees are swaying back and forth, I hear whispering in those hollow logs that echos through the weeping willows. The last time I was there, I could’ve sworn I saw a stupid bitch running around out there. It was about 2AM, and I decided to go see for myself. When I got out, I heard crying coming from all directions. “Come here honey,” I called out in a sweet-as-sugar voice, dripping with the kind of evil that grabs your ankles and twists around you. Squeezes the good outta you from the inside out. Takes it, destroys it, and leaves you dark and cold forever . . . I found the little twerp sitting underneath a big maple tree out in the woods around the cabin. I took her hair in my hands and looked deep into her eyes . . . She was shaking and shivering in fear–guess she didn’t like what stared back at her.

Take Your Punishment

Nothing pleases your Mistress more than seeing fresh meat like you bound and gagged and waiting for me to arrive for your torture session. You know better than to look into my eyes until I have given you that right, and you pass the first test.

Seeing you there, your arms bound above your head hanging from the ceiling, ropes around your chest and ankles get my pussy dripping wet in anticipation at what is in store for my new pet. I see your big thick cock harden and begin to throb when you see me all in black shiny latex and thigh high stiletto boots with a flogger in my hands.

I ask if you’re ready for your punishment, any you mumble yes Mistress. Mmm, very good slave. And then I proceed to whip your body all over with my intimidating leather flogger, you impress me with your strength and fortitude.

It makes me very happy and very wet when I see how hard you are trying to show your Mistress just how serious you are to show me your complete devotion and submission. I remove the ball gag and give you a deep passionate kiss and get onto my knees and ask if you would like your Mistress to tongue your throbbing hard dick that’s just dripping with sticky pre cum.

Oh and you beg and plead for me to, and I give you a little treat and slowly tongue your cock up and down and suck up all your delicious pre cum. You thank me over and over and I accept it but now the fun begins, and I proceed again. It’s going to be such a long night of extreme pleasure and pain, but I have that certain feeling about you and I can’t wait to prove myself right. Are you ready for more?


Anus Mundi

Torture Phone Sex

There you are.  Do not be nervous.  I know you are used to your other home care nurse, but she fell unexpectedly…ill.  No I am not with the service, I am a friend of your care provider.  You just lay back and relax.  I just need to take off my coat and get situated.  You may notice the way I am dressed.  I know it may be a little bit overboard, but I think it creates a certain aura.  It helps set the mood so I can do the necessary work I need to do.

I was informed of your Heritage.  I found it very interesting to say the least.  I was wondering if anyone in your family may have found themselves in a camp during World War II?  Perhaps working there? I did some research on your name and I was astonished to find that you had some very close relatives that wore a certain uniform whilst working at these places.  Does my Uniform maybe remind you of those relatives? It does? You are ashamed of them? I see. What is that they say? Guilty by association? Sins of the Fathers?

Excuse Me while I get the necessary instruments out.  You and I are going to reminisce about the old times.  Now if  you will just lift your arm up just a tad, I can place these restraints on your lower arms.  Now onto your legs. There, all snug as a bastard in a rug.  Open your mouth for me so that I can place this bit in your mouth.  Believe me when I tell you, you will want something to bite down on. 

Where should we begin? I am thinking the eyes.  A nice sharp hit upon the end of a chisel with a hammer right on the outside of your orbital socket should do the trick.  Then perhaps onto the hands.  You do not really need ten fully functioning phalanges now do you? The possibilities are endless, and so is the amount of fun I am going to have.  Welcome to your own Anus Mundi. 

Evil phone sex

Nightmare On Elmo Street

torture phonesex elmoShe is one of the youngest ones I have ever taken. She was sitting there in the department store in front of the television sets watching Sesame Street. Singing the little songs and counting with the Count. I waited a long time and no one came around. It was like she was put theere just for me. She didn’t resist when I asked her to come with me. She seemed like she was in a trance almost. It was just eerie enough to be perfect for me. Tonight she would see Sesame Street in a whole new light. I am going to give her A Nightmare On Elmo Street. Elmo was molesting all the little ones on Sesame Street. The grown ups all got together and cornered him in the alley by Big Bird’s nest and set him on fire, burning him alive. He will exact his revenge by waiting until the characters of Sesame Street fall asleep. Then he will creep into their dreams and kill them one by one. Big Bird is first since it was by his nest that he was set on fire and burned to death. Sesame Street wil become Elmo Street when he is done. All this is going to haunt her dreams with nightmares as Elmo finishes with everyone on Sesame Street and comes to kill her in her sleep. Her bed time story will paint a graphic picture of bloody images of Elmo terrorizing Sesame Street as he dismembers everyone from the Cookie Monster to Big Bird. When he is done he is coming for the little ones and she is going to be first on his hit list. I can’t wait till she falls asleep and begins to toss and turn from the nightmares as I do Elmo’s bidding and kill her in her sleep. How evil for me to twist such a sacred show designed to entertain and educate the brats for years on how to be kind and share and be fair…..This is just going to be more fun then I can imagine, and it was dropped right into my lap!torture phonesex angie

My Little Victims

torture phonesex karmaThey are little reminders of my sweet little victims. I play with them and love them and cum as I recall the horror I caused the ones that they represent. There is the sweet little one that I dismembered. Cutting her up and then carefully reassembling her limp and lifeless body piece by piece. Carefully stapling each body part back together until she resembled my own little Frankenstein. Ahhh remembering the screams of agony as I kept her alive as long as possible strategically cutting away. Then there was the lovely little one that looked so sweet and innocent. Bashing her skull and watching her brains and blood flow out and down her pretty little dress. I regret ending her so quickly. I should have made her suffer so much more. Then there was the mouthy little wench that I call Chatty Katie. She was so cheerful and oblivious to what was about to happen. A fucking little ray of sunshine. I had to sew her little mouth shut before I started on her.  The muffled screams were just what my evil heart needed after listening to her for far to long. And the cute little blonde whose eyes I gouged out with precision, causing her pain and agony. Watching her flounder around unable to see. Trying to run away and running into trees. That was a glorious afternoon of mayhem. And my favorite, my little demon son with his little bottle full of blood. The little one that I hope to have some day when my Master impregnates me with his demon seed.torture phonesex creepy doll

My Master

torture phonesex demon1My Master, King of the Demons, Satan, Beelzebub has me in the palm of his hot and slimy hand. I live to please my Dark Lord. When I please him with my evil deeds, when I bring him pure and young sacrifices not yet tainted by man he rewards me with his huge red hot cock deep inside me. He fills me to the point of ripping my flesh open so that he can consume the blood he has produced. The heat of his breath on my skin brings beads of perspiration from both desire and anticipation. I know he will fill me with his demonic seed and one day I will carry his son and raise him to adore his father and to do his bidding just as I do. My cunt flows with juice that soothes his long, hard, pointy cock as he stabs me deep inside, pushing all the way into my womb.torture phonesex demon2

The Perfect Accomplice

torture phonesex karmaI love it when a plan comes together. My cunt gets all worked up as we grab the little bitch and carry her off. His dick is rock hard and he can’t even wait till I get home. He pulls his hard cock out and shoves it between her lips, in her mouth and all the way down the back of her throat making her choke and puke in my fucking car. For that I punch the bitch square in the face and blood spurts out of her nose all over the seat. When I get this cunt home I am going to fuck her up the ass with a wooden stake before my accomplice has a chance to touch her. We are a good team, he and I. We know just what the other likes and how to fuck up young girls that are born and bred for one thing and one thing only, to be our worthless fucking whores and be tortured for our pleasure. Her ass was so fucking bloody when I got done with it that he couldn’t resist shoving his cock up her and getting her blood all over it before making her lick it clean. And this is just the start of our fun today. Back to fucking her up I go with a fresh drink in one hand a cigarette in the other and one immediate goal in mind, to burn this bitch and pour alcohol on her open sores while we listen to her scream!torture phonesex bloody dick