Castration phone sex is a wicked good time for me. Perhaps, not you so much. Guys seem particularly attached to their balls. Even, small worthless balls are hard to part with. What men don’t understand is that testicles are a privilege. Not every guy deserves them. Sure, you are born with nuts, but if you have proven time and time again, that you don’t know how to use them properly, they should be revoked. Just like if you get too many DUIs, your license is permanently revoked. I revoke balls. Too many men have balls that don’t know how to use them properly. I met Daniel at a Goth bar last week. He was sexually harassing the women there. He called a friend of mine a freak and lots of other far worse names. This fucking loser walked into a Goth bar and started insulting the patrons. That shit didn’t go over well. I don’t put up with trash talking. You don’t like Goths, get the fuck out of our bar. He was drunk and looking for trouble. I am trouble with a capital T. He just had no clue how much trouble he was in. The folks in that bar had my back. I spiked his drink to lessen his strength and two guys lifted him on top of the bar for me. I shoved someone’s panties in his mouth, stripped him naked from the waist down and showed him what happens to disrespectable pricks. The owner of the bar gave me a few things to select from, so I picked the rusty old chainsaw in the back. All my fellow Goths and sadistics were cheering me on. I sawed off his nuts with a rusty chainsaw. He was bleeding all over the bar. Girls got out their lighters and burned the wound shut. He would live, but he was not going to procreate, and he would likely never get laid again because I left a nasty scar. At least he learned a lesson. Don’t come on to my turf and insult me and my friends. I have lots of torture phone sex stories for you as a sick bitch.