Tag: Torture phone sex

Wanna Know My Hot Fantasy of My Demise?

Home invasion phone sex is possibly one of my hottest fantasies as the worthless victim that I am. You see this hot piece of groomed snatch gets so fucking wet when i daydream of my demise. I literally just get all creamy and crave dick, and not just dick to fuck me normally, fuck normal! I want a guy to fantasy rape my snatch as he takes out his aggressions beating me, slapping or cutting at my perfect fake tits, or even fantasy raping my cunt then once he came in it he takes a knife and starts to fantasy rape my perfect snatch with it. As the wounds are made his salty spunk oozes into them and causes this most terrible burning, stinging sensations.

I really am a worthless fuck whore, am I not?

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Snuff My Life Out

Taboo phone sex phone sex,I want you to come to my house and do so many nasty things to me. I want you to destroy all 3 of my holes. Tear the shit out of them making them a gaping mess. Take a knife and gut me, but don’t kill me just yet. Make the knife hurt as you dig into my flesh releasing my blood. I also crave a good old fashion beating. With all the kicks, and fists you can spare for my worthless body. I have a gas stove and lots of metal objects you can use to brand me. Get as nasty as you want. I need to explode before you give me the ultimate pleasure by snuffing out my life.

I’m Going To Feed You Your Own Cock

You are a completely useless piece of shit and that thing between your legs has you thinking with the wrong head. I believe castration phone sex is the only answer for you as I have had it with the countless times my little sister has been treated so fouly by you, and well, I held off as long as I could… per her request that I don’t do anything to you… and cannot let this go on. In fact I think I will assist any other females from enduring your loser ways.

I invite you over for a party and tell you how you cannot tell my little sister, after all you are too cool to not be invited… *god I nearly choked on those words!* You show up and I have a few biker friends over for good measure and ask you to the back bedroom because I need to talk to you. I get you back there and pretend to be all over you and get you undressed. I push you into a chair and before you realize what is happening I am duct taping your wrists and ankles to posts. I text my bros to crank up the tunes. I then grab a big game gutting knife and straddle your legs. With a swoop of the blade I have severed your penis and ball sac and leave you bleeding out. I go to the kitchen and sautee this delicate.. and small piece of meat up in a pan and return to feed you your own cock. Choke on this dick meat and die mother fucker.

Castration phone sex

Suzie Homemaker

Sadistic phone sex I know I look so prim and proper. Just like Suzie Homemaker. But really I am a nasty slut. I like to be brutalized. The harder you pound on me and tear my flesh up. The more I fucking squirt. Pulling out a knife to use on me is like pulling out a dildo for the average slut. Beating the shit out of me is foreplay I fucking love. Are you one of these dirty men who can make my flesh bruise and bleed before you fuck me? Can you strangle me so tight I fucking pass and you don’t stop fucking me? And to wake me up you punch me in the gut and bitch slap me in the face. There is an evil submissive slut lurking beneath this normal look.

Castration Phone Sex: I Will Revoke Your Balls

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is a wicked good time for me. Perhaps, not you so much. Guys seem particularly attached to their balls. Even, small worthless balls are hard to part with. What men don’t understand is that testicles are a privilege. Not every guy deserves them. Sure, you are born with nuts, but if you have proven time and time again, that you don’t know how to use them properly, they should be revoked. Just like if you get too many DUIs, your license is permanently revoked. I revoke balls. Too many men have balls that don’t know how to use them properly. I met Daniel at a Goth bar last week. He was sexually harassing the women there. He called a friend of mine a freak and lots of other far worse names. This fucking loser walked into a Goth bar and started insulting the patrons. That shit didn’t go over well. I don’t put up with trash talking. You don’t like Goths, get the fuck out of our bar. He was drunk and looking for trouble. I am trouble with a capital T. He just had no clue how much trouble he was in. The folks in that bar had my back. I spiked his drink to lessen his strength and two guys lifted him on top of the bar for me. I shoved someone’s panties in his mouth, stripped him naked from the waist down and showed him what happens to disrespectable pricks. The owner of the bar gave me a few things to select from, so I picked the rusty old chainsaw in the back. All my fellow Goths and sadistics were cheering me on. I sawed off his nuts with a rusty chainsaw. He was bleeding all over the bar. Girls got out their lighters and burned the wound shut. He would live, but he was not going to procreate, and he would likely never get laid again because I left a nasty scar. At least he learned a lesson. Don’t come on to my turf and insult me and my friends. I have lots of torture phone sex stories for you as a sick bitch.

torture phone sex

Demented minds

Gothic phone sex  Every since I started watching ID. I cant stop. My pussy gets wet watching homicide. I have been getting off to it. I watch so I can fuck myself to it. Murder and blood excite me. I watch all documentaries when I want to get my self off. I cut myself and bleed , I’m demented and chase it like a high. I have a friend that I fuck that comes over and we play sick games. Fantasy shit all cases that we watch then we play. If you want to hear myself playing with my knife, cutting myself, or banging my self with drugs hit my line I’m in the dark thinking of nasty little fuck like you would love to call me right now. Fuck your fantasy out with me tonight. We deserve it baby (;

Gangbang Rape Porn Turned Deadly

gangbang rape porn

Gangbang rape porn is something I enjoy. I am a super freak. I love rough anal. I love being double stuffed. I have been doing fetish modeling since I was 18. I was a teen runaway. I never finished high school, so job opportunities are slim for women like me. Why would I slave at a fast food joint to make money that I can’t live on when I can work in the adult industry and make bank? There are no rocket scientists in porn. Just a bunch of stupid bimbos smart enough to know that making money off their bodies is better than wearing a polyester uniform and asking folks if they would like to supersize their value meal. I am known on the fetish circuit as the woman that takes the modeling gigs no one else wants. I told you I was a super freak. Sometimes, I end up in the ER or barely escaping a deadly situation, but I think I get off on the risk, as well as the pain. When I heard that a snuff porn director was looking for an actress, I answered the casting call. This director was notorious for his graphic and realistic films. The story was simple. A dumb hitchhiker takes a ride from some rednecks and ends up in an abandoned cabin in the woods. It read like a Last House on the Left meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It made my cunt wet. I showed up for the first day of filming. I was brutally sodomized, making it hard to fight off the crazed man with the chainsaw on the loose. When the masked man got close to me, I realized the chainsaw was no prop. This was real. What the fuck had I signed on for? My ass was bleeding and prolapsed and now I had to flee. I found a loose brick on a step as I was running out the door screaming. I threw it at the chainsaw. Dumb luck it made the guy chasing me slip and fall onto his chainsaw. I was covered in blood and guts. This was real. I ran naked through the woods for hours until I found someone who rescued me.  No one believed my tale. They thought I was having some acid trip. But I know snuff movies are real. I escaped one.

She was a screamer

snuff sexI found a little whore all by herself so I figured I’d have a little fun with her but what I didn’t know is that this little bitch was a screamer! Good thing I live out in the middle of nowhere huh? Seriously, from the moment I took her out of my car she was screaming for her mommy, I guess she was terrified and all but really I was just annoyed and she was giving me a headache! So I got out my special dick gag, it’s kind of like a ball gag but instead of a ball there’s a giant dick on it that goes right down her throat and stopped all that fucking screaming quick. It’s hard to scream when you’re trying not to suffocate on a big rubber dick yanno? Anyway, she was a lot of fun after that, I broke her little bones and cut her to pieces and even tore open those little fuck holes with my giant strap on cocks until she finally died. All that violence really helped my headache too once I shut that bitch up!

Abduction For Hate Fucking

You’ve been watching me ever since I turned down your advances at a friends party and all you can think about is torture sex and hate fucking me. The very fact that you feel that I think I’m better than you and treated you like the maggot you really are just really got under your skin. So one afternoon you waited in the shadows and grabbed me from behind as friends drove up and you shoved me in the back of an suv. Your friends were quick to knock me out and tape my wrists behind me.

Once we made it to the destination, a patch of woods secluded and set up just how you needed it. I was face fucked and pistol whipped by one friend as you took my pussy and ass back and forth rough and hard. You marveled at how much of a whore I was as my cunt just got wetter the rougher you got with me. Finally the third one joined in and took my ass as you thrust in my cunt with your hands grasping my neck tightly until I passed out. The three of you continued fucking all my holes until you were satisfied and left me there like a used condom.

Torture Sex

Victim of the Party

snuff porn

Getting wasted with my friends is so much fun. Every time we go out we make it a contest to see who can just the sluttiest. It was obvious that I won this night. My red dress literally covered barely any of me. All of my ass was hanging out and only my nipples were covered I was basically begging to be fucked. When we got to the party all eyes were on me. I loved twerking and dancing for everyone. There was even a pole there and I got up and put on a show. Moving my hips swaying back and forth dropping my ass low and slowly licking up the pole. Every man in that place wanted my pussy. The last couple of drinks just tasted so weird and then I blacked out. when I woke up I couldn’t see a damn thing. It was so dark but my feet weren’t touching the ground. All I could make out were two poles they were on each side of me. As I moved around I could tell I was tied up my arms and feet where behind. I could barely move. Just as I realized this two men came in the room. They started to whip me and burn my body with oil. I loved the pain and begged for more. They lightly started cutting my skin. First was my stomach, putting a few scratches here and there then my legs. I screamed out in pain and pleasure but they made my restraints tighter and everything started to hurt. They cut into me deep and started whipping me so hard I had bloody marks all over me. they told me if I kept quitting they would reward me with there cocks. So I bit down on my lip each time they hurt me never allowing myself to scream until finally, they let me fall to the ground and tied me up like a pig. They fucked me hard it was so painful but I loved it one of them wrapped his hands around my throat and choked me so hard and furiously that  I cried and my eyes went red but I never wanted them to stop. And since that night I have changed I love being dominated ill follow anything you say just please punish me.