Tag: Torture phone sex

A Kiss Goodbye

Sadistic phone sex

Those lips, those pouty, full, perfect lips.  Soft, warm, untouched, parted ever so slightly.  This isn’t a princess in some fairy tale, this is prey in a nightmare of our making.  I run my fingers lightly from the ankles up the leg to the shattered pelvis, up the small incisions in the stomach placed there to induce a scream or two.  There were more than usual since she decided to try to be brave, keep it all in, the pain, the fear, show us that she couldn’t be broken so that we might give up.  That never happens though, we always finish.

My hand moves up across those barely there breasts watching as her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.  They are tender to the touch, she flinches back slightly, she has no fight left, no energy, no hope.  I watch as bruises start to form, turning from red to that lovely deep color as the blood pools below the skin.  Traveling up her clavicle, broken, fractured as a matter of fact. I study the sheer white of the bone protruding from the skin, jagged.  Up to the nape of the neck, already yellowing bruises forming from fingers pressed tightly into her flesh.

Then up to that mouth.  I brush my thumb over it.  Thinking back to how it looked slipping up and down your hard cock.  Her cries being stopped from the manic thrusts which press your throbbing head into her throat time and again.  I stand at the top of the table by her head.  Looking down at her I notice that her eyes loose focus,  she knows what is coming, she is trying to slip away into her safe place to pretend this isn’t really happening. Oh, but it is.

The table wobbles slightly under your weight as you spread her legs to make room for you.  I toss you the ropes that have been previously tied to the legs of the table, you wrap each one around her thighs, tossing the unused portion back to me so that I can secure it to the legs as well.  The rope digs in, I can see her skin being pinched, the lower part of her legs turning pink, then red.  The circulation is being cut off, she moans, her eyes go blank, one single tear trails down from the corner of her right eye to splash on the table.

You rub your dick over her swollen cunt, sore, red, raw.  You press in, another moan from her, you start to move, more tears, her eyes begin to focus on my face.  I can see the pleading in them, yet those lips do not move to protest, more tears, she knows it will be better for her soon, she will be helped so that she can slip away, but not yet, you aren’t done but you are close.  I lower my head down as your noises become more guttural, the table legs slightly scraping on the floor, filling the almost empty room with bangs as you pump into her.  I put my lips close to her ear, waiting for you to cum, I whisper “Goodbye fuck rag” just as you release your hot sticky jizz deep into her. I then place one last kiss upon her lips so I can taste her last scream as you finish her off.

Green Eyed Monster

Snuff phone sex

“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.” ~ Havelock Ellis

I very much enjoy seeing jealous feelings in others.  I myself do not get jealous, there is nothing for me to be jealous of, I don’t like people enough to be jealous of them.  However, when that ‘green eyed monster’ rears it’s head in others, oh, how spectacular it can be.  Watching as people spiral down, seeing the depression set in, the obsession, the crazy, the whole delicious thing.  Granted, not all people fall all the way, but there is always that one, that one that goes above and beyond all others.  How is it that you can supposedly love someone so much that you kill them because they no longer love you? That is fucking hilarious!

Knowing that right now there are men and women out there who are plotting the death of someone that they state they love so much that they can’t be without them.  I’m crazy, I admit that, but those that I am speaking of are in a league all their own.  Perhaps I don’t understand it because I don’t love.  Let me rephrase that, I do not love people, I have never loved anyone, never will.  I think I am incapable of it which is fine.  I am not missing anything.  If I want to get fucked I go and get fucked, but other than that I really don’t want to be with someone day in and day out.  That would be horrid. Anyway, let us get back to it.

The best part of this whole jealousy thing is, that only one of the two know what is going to happen.  There is the jealous one, and the one who has moved on.  Can you imagine how shocked they will be when they find themselves in danger? Maybe it will be a simple gun shot right to the head.  Or perhaps some torture will be involved, dismemberment, evisceration, skinning, and so on and so forth. All because the person you loved, no longer loves you. Just once, I would really like to take part in one of these killings.  I wouldn’t want to get involved, but I sure as hell would want to watch. I want to see that dragon take it’s victim by the throat and bite down.

By the way, killing someone with a gun is a pussy move.  If you are going to kill someone, put some flair into it for christ sake.  It might be the only chance you ever have of taking a life, so make it your opus.  

Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In

Snuff phone sex

We are either Wolves or pigs, one preys upon the other.  All those not on my level I consider pigs.  Some say pigs are smart, cute, majestic, and are wonderful creatures.  Pigs are nothing more than food, grunting, and worthless.  Their only defense is their squeal, they have no real power.  Fat Sows and Hogs taking up space, rolling in dirt, snorting, just disgusting things. At least that is how I see them.  That is how I see 99% of all the people on the face of this Earth.  Young and old alike. 

Imagine, scaring the shit out of some babysitter and her piggies.  How much damn fun would that be? Knocking on the door, wearing a wolf mask, just yelling Little Pig, Little Pig, Let Me In! Oh how those piggies would squeal, but little do those piggies realize but wolves hunt in packs.  The distraction at the door means the other wolves can sneak in the back, grab all the piggies and I can just walk into the front door. 

What happens to pigs when they get to be the right size?  They are butchered.  No emotion, no thought given to the other pigs watching, just gutted, cleaned, chopped up and then consumed.  The biggest pig goes first.  Oh how those little pigs would yell, cry, beg, maybe even piss themselves as they watch the biggest, strongest piggy get killed.  That pig was supposed to protect the little ones.  Now with the sow gone, what is going to happen to them?  Such wonderful, vile things, that is what.  Wolves of the world unite and get your piggies because the Hunt is beginning.

The First Of Many

Torture phone sex

There we were.  Just you and I, and our special guest.  I will never forget how they looked as we waited for them to wake up.  I also remember how your cock jumped when I slapped her down on the floor of the van.  She was knocked out cold.  I even took a moment to pull her tiny t-shirt up and run my tongue over those puffy nips, before climbing into the passenger seat so we could take off. 

Once inside I had to almost laugh because you were extremely excited.  You just kept walking over here, messing with your belt trying to get your zipper down.  The fact that your hands were shaking made it possible for me to step in to shoo you away.  You had wanted this for so long that I didn’t want you to waste it.  This one would matter, it would be your first.   I wanted you to take your time, enjoy it.  Go too fast then you would look back with regret.  I didn’t want that for you.

We drank some beers in silence.  Then those eyes fluttered opened, the look of panic on her face made your dick grow again.  I went over and whispered in her ear, telling her some of the things that were going to happen to her.  The tears started, I licked some of those salty drops from her cheeks while looking at you.  You downed another beer then got up. 

She was tied so tightly to that chair, the sound of those chair legs scraping around the floor as you made her scream will live on in my memory forever.  The abuse to the flesh was amazing, I didn’t think she would survive it, she did though.  Then we moved her to the sofa where she was made to scream again, over and over until I had to stop her screaming once and for all.  You thrusting into her, violently as my fingers slipped around her throat.  I wasn’t sure which you enjoyed more, the sound of her neck snapping or the unbelievable orgasm you had.

Punish the Nosey Neighbor

Sadistic phone sex


Tie me up, strap me down and give me some of your pain treatment. All I’ve been thinking about is gore I want to be treated like the fucking cum-filled slave whore. I just can’t stand it, how much I want you I need you, and I’m going to get you. Don’t you know I don’t care about your stupid fucking wife she’s nothing to me. She’s just getting in between all of the fun that you could be having right now. You can treat me like you want to treat her because she’s so fucking vanilla I know she gets on your nerves when she screams at you after you’ve worked all damn day. Punish me like you want to punish her but you can’t because well you know why. Let me be the object of your torture tonight. I like to be stuffed with a cum-guzzling amount of cock I want you desperately to be horrible to me. I’m caught up in the way that you look at her when you’re screaming. I’m the nosiest neighbor you’re going to ever meet, but I promise I’ll be discreet when I get you. You can hurt me I’m begging for you to do it I need it more than anything. I want you to stuff your fist up my ass and bang me hard. That’s right love I like it extreme super hardcore I even like the thought of stitches. Why don’t you go into my mind and tell me just how you want to victimize me don’t worry I like it all every bit of it. I have fantasies of being captured in these sweet seductive salacious rape fantasies I get taken. All of my body is bloody for you beat me like you want to beat her. She’s always screaming at you and causing trouble I know because I look out my window and I can hear everything. I feel so sorry for you because I know you want to slap her fucking face, but you always digress. Aren’t you mad at me for being so nosey? Don’t you want to teach me a lesson? I know how she makes you feel less than a man because she’s such a fucking cunt. Do you want to know something else, I know you love a woman who isn’t faithful at all while you’re at work the mailman the Water Guy, the gas man they all get cookies. I want you mad at me because I never told you this before your wife is a secret slut. Now I just want to know one thing are you angry at me for spying on your cunt of a wife and not ever telling you that she was fucking every guy that knocks on that door when you’re gone? Forgive me for laughing, but I dare you to do something to me about it.

A Mother’s Damage

Taboo phone sex

Where does it all being? With your Mother of course.  Sigmund Freud was right about a lot of things.  A Mother’s love can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes a Mother’s love can fuck you in the head so badly you turn into one of the most deviant fucks of all time.  Aren’t Mother’s great?!?! I don’t have any cuntlings of my own.  I don’t want any either, can you imagine a little me running around? Fuck no.  I mean, I guess I could teach them how to be like me, which might be fun, but all that other bullshit that goes along with it? That’s a huge Nope.

I have a friend who we all call “Sausage”.  Is it because he has a big dick? Nope. It is the opposite in fact.  He is messed up and seriously crazy. Dude has been in mental institutions for crimes before.  He can be pretty fun to hang out with once in a while.  I met Sausage at a party, he was in the corner all alone, drinking straight from a vodka bottle.  I sat down next to him, and when he turned to look at me I could tell he was way off.  He was motherfucking creepy.  I even told him that to which he replied, “You have no idea.” Then he handed me the bottle.  I got to know him and he would tell me the many fucked up things his Mother would do to him from when he was young.  He hated her.

Once in a while he would ask me if I would show him my tits.  I would, didn’t bother me in the least.  He would sometimes suck on them, but he never did anything else.  He didn’t try to dry hump me, or rub on his tiny dick, he would just suck on them and close his eyes.  Then after a few minutes we would go back to drinking and talking.

Then the day came when he went into great detail about his Mother’s death.  Turns out Sausage killed his Mother.  It wasn’t just a quick shot to the head type of deal either.  The man took his time.  She used to bite his cock and balls when he was tiny, so the first thing he did to her was to pull out her teeth.  Had her tied up and pulled out her fucking teeth, one at a time.  Do you realize how long that would take to do that, and the strength that would involve? Then he moved to her tongue, used some sort of garden snips or something like that.  He said he shoved her own tongue up her ass. He mutilated that bitch. This went on and on, until finally he couldn’t keep her alive anymore so he tossed her at the dump.  

He told me that when he was sent to the mental hospital for killing her he was happy.  For the first time in his life he was truly happy.  The only thing he didn’t touch on her body were her tits.  He said because they were too perfect to harm.  That is why he wants to see my tits some times, because mine remind him of his Mother’s.  I don’t care of course, as long as he doesn’t end up shoving my own tongue up my own ass, everything is good.

What Some Candy Little Bitch?

Taboo phone sex

So many juicy little cunts out there, so little time to fuck with them.  What is it with them and candy? How utterly stupid can you be to put yourself in danger over some fucking candy? It happens, a lot more than what you may think.  It makes for easy pickings.  The trick to it working is that you can’t look like a fucking weirdo, or creeper when offering.  Plus, you never approach, you let them come to you. I’ll give you a for instance …

I was waiting for my bus when I pulled out some hard candy.  I wasn’t thinking anything of it.  I noticed a little one with their Mother watching me.  I smiled, they smiled back.  I saw the Mom look at me and I said, “I think they want a piece of my candy.”  The Mom and I made some small talk then she let me give the little snot a piece.  Then the Mom’s phone rang, you know how people get when they are on their phones, they pay no attention. I started talking to the sticky faced shit seated next to me.  The whole time the Mom never looked back at us.  I waited for about ten minutes then I did what any self respecting twisted deviant minded woman would do.  I asked “Miss Sticky Face” if she wanted more candy.

You should of seen the look on her face.  It was pure joy, and I couldn’t wait to smash it off that tiny head of hers.  I put my hand out, she took it.  As we made our way around the corner the Mom was still on the phone, laughing.  I wondered if she would be laughing that hard when the newspapers reported finding the mangled body of her little bitch.

Torture Sex is My Religion

torture SexTorture sex is my religion. I am a total dark pain slut. I do shit I know could get me killed. I answered a fetish modeling ad on the dark net last week. Any ad on the dark net could end up with me dead. Guys troll for dumb bimbos like me. I am not really that dumb, however. They just think no woman would really want that much pain and torture, but then they never met a woman like me. I have been a cutter all my life. I was daddy’s fuck slave and punching bag before I was even a school girl yet. I have grown up with pain. I crave it now and my threshold has only increased. That is why I am on the dark net hooking up with men for torture fun. Regular Joes can’t fathom the kind of pain I can endure. The kind of pain I want. Thursday night, I showed up at the warehouse I was told to be at. It was dilapidated and filled with cobwebs and creepy crawlies. I followed the light. There I met three men who just introduced themselves as Master 1, 2 and 3. Their faces were obscured by leather masks. I saw the torture chamber and it made my cunt wet. Knifes, blow torches, rope, clamps and piercing needles. They tied me up spread eagle to an old wooden board. They bound my tits so tightly that they immediately turned blue and purple. My pussy was juicy from the pain. They cut my flesh, gave me electric shocks and burned my hair. They wanted me to beg for mercy, not plead for more. I knew they had never seen a whore like me before. When they all started fucking me at once, my ass rape porn star side shined. I begged for all three dicks in my ass at once. They gave up. They were pussies. They could have killed me if they wanted too, but they either wussed out or didn’t want me to enjoy the pain. You won’t wuss, out will you?

Sealing The Deal

Evil phone sexMy boss had an important deal on the table with a local contractor. This was a huge deal with lots of money attached to the deal. It was really important for my boss to nail this. He was on my ass all week and punishing me when I was not moving fast enough to get things ready and set up for the meeting. Usually, when he has big deals my services are needed to ensure the deal. I am a pain slut sex addict 3 hole whore. I walk in there and let them know I will do anything at all it takes to make sure they do business with my boss. I let them know how rough I love it and how much I crave their cock.

Autumn Air Brings Killer Phone Sex

Killer phone sexI step outside tonight and took a deep breath. I noted the slight chill in the air and looked over to the tree beside my apartment. I noticed a few leaves had already made their descent onto the ground. I felt a chill up my spine but a aching between my legs. Fall is arriving and I know exactly what that means. I’m not sure why but I notice during this time of the year men tend to be more animalistic and give into their really dark desires. I find more willing men to inflict those fantasies and craving onto me. I guess in a way it’s my favorite time of the year, in fact since I stepped outside I haven’t really been able to stop touching myself, thinking about all of the nasty things I got up to last year. Not to mention the really hot intense Killer phone sex that the Fall wind blows my way. I don’t think it’s a coincidence I do believe there is some dark power that drives men during this time of the year. So fight it, but other embrace it allowing their dark instincts to surface. I bet you are feeling them creeping up on you now, that’s why you are here. It’s ok don’t be ashamed to think about afflicting horrors onto me. I invite evil in, take me and do as you wish.  Even now I type up my invitation slowly as my free hand toys with my eager pussy, twisting and tugging just to feel a little pain. I need you to understand that I have always looked for those who appreciated my affection for the dark and my craving for death. This is the best time of the year for me to really connect with those like minded. I can’t wait to die by your hand soon.

Evil phone sex