Tag: Teen rape porn

Time to unwrap a present!


I have decided what I want for Christmas. I want to unwrap a present. First I have to find the perfect present. I want her young, tender, and innocent looking. I love replacing that innocent look with fear and terror. I know just the little piece of meat I am going to take. She lives down the street. Always wondering the neighborhood. Never wants to go home. A cute little thing. Long dark hair and wispy frame. She is so fucking cute. The biggest brownest doe eyes. I got the shop ready. Had the work bench set up. All my tools laid out. And I waited. I knew she would be coming by sooner or later. And I was right. She wondered right by the shop. I called her to the door and asked if she would like to make 20 bucks. I just needed a few box’s hauled to the trash. She was so willing. She didn’t even notice when I locked the door behind her. I picked up a large wrench and cracked her in the back of the head. When she woke up she was naked and tied down with a ball gag in her mouth. She could scream but it would be to muffled for anyone to hear. Then I showed her the knife I was going to use on her. I could see the fear. The panic. And I could smell the piss as she pissed all over herself! I started at the feet. Slowly peeling away the skin. Not to cut to deep. I didn’t want her to bleed out! It was like a puzzle. A test of my skill. Slowly methodically peeling way her flesh. She cried and whimpered. She even passed out a few times. BUT I did manage to wake her back up. I worked my way up her legs. Pain painstakingly working around her pretty pussy! It took ALL my will power to not rip that little pussy up! I worked my way all the way up to her perfectly perky tits. Pretty large for her age. I decided to leave the nipples on and just pull the skin away for her little tits. I skinned all the way up to her neck. She is trying so hard not to move. I know the air is burning against her flesh. I was going to just slit her throat… BUT it is Christmas. ‘Tis the sharing season. I wonder if I can find someone wanting to help me with this little present!


Mutilation Phone Sex with Reagan * Here Piggy Piggy

Mutilation Phone Sex Reagan

Fuck I love releasing my anger with every slice. It felt so good to take it out on something so small. Sweet Marley, hitchhiking again. So predictable. Easy prey.  I am here only to release you from the piggy.

Piggy, you being such a piece of shit you had no idea that when you tried to coerce me into sex for a promotion you would have set your own little girl’s fate in motion. “Even my little girl takes Daddy with no resistance!” So you like to fuck young cunt do you? As Marley’s blood pooled around her frail young body, I reassured her that I was only saving her from a life of taking daddy’s cock up her cunt.

Now I toss all Marley’s mutilated body parts to the hogs at the local pig farm. I chant to myself “Here piggy piggy pig… “ Daddy is a fucking pig isn’t he little ones? They love eating bloody meat, as I have fed them so many times before. My sweet little piggies.

I wonder just how worried Daddy is? I laugh to myself saving the last piece of her. Such a cute little piggy for a Daddy Pig. RIP Marley

Mutilation Phone Sex Marley

Bad Mommies Need Torture Sex to Punish Thier Cunts

Torture Sex Reagan

Bad mommies are the best victims of torture sex. I had a bad mommy, you see. And the things I will do to a bad mommy today, are only things I wished I could have done to the cunt that shit me out. When I find bad mommies, there cunts must be punished.

She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. Wondering how much longer she would have to endure, she found herself slowly loosing ground. Her vision was almost completely blurred and her head was spinning. She felt her empty stomach cramping again. With nothing but stomach acid forcing itself up with every gag, she no longer tried to turn her head. It was way too heavy now anyway. She just choked down the bile, and began to swim in the pain that began again.

I warned her. I told her what would happen. “Bad mommies get their cunt punished”. But she chose to ignore. I looked over at the small bodies discarded like trash. Suffocated in their sleep by the one who was trusted to nurture them. When I met this woman months ago, she was looking for a way out. She no longer wanted to carry her small baggage with her. She thought I could offer her a solution. Instead I became her judge and jury. And it was her sentence now that I carry out.

Torture Sex Reagan

She spread her thighs, and with care I bound them with rope. The past two days were hard on her I know. We started the process with purging. She was hog tied and force fed a nice concoction to remove her stomach contents. I get much amusement out of watching a whore being forced to vomit while she is bound to a variety of vibrating sex toys. My robotic machine now took over as her lover as it pumped a rubber cock into her ass, and than into her cunt. Yes, It was an amazing sight to see how deep and fast my machine could work a cunt. Once her vomiting turned to dry heaves, I moved on to the emptying of her bowels. I pushed the rubber tubing inside her anus and started to slowly empty the warm soapy water into her. She cried in protest when she realized I was not going to be removing the large rubber cock that was slowly moving in and out of her prostate. I stepped back, admired my work, and left her there to slowly expel her fecal matter and lay in her vomit. That is what she is now, shit and vomit.

Later that evening I rejoined her and was pleased to see her cunt looked like hamburger meat. I opened up my hand and showed her a little glass container. She cried, knowing what I would be doing with such a thing. “Open your legs, bad mommies get their cunt punished”. She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. I started to open my little jar of salt.. such a beautiful thing I saw. Just like salt poured on a slug.

Torture Sex Reagan

Babbysitter Phone Sex: Revenge by Proxy

babysitter phone sex evil bloodyNever underestimate the power of revenge. This guy from the neighborhood I grew up in, who let’s just say took advantage of me against my will when I was little, asked me to babysit his little brat. First off,  do I look like the type you would want to watch your little ones? And two, would you even for a moment think that after a pretty heinous act committed against someone, you could even trust that person in your home, let alone with your precious spawn?  After some discussion, it was obvious he had no clue I was the little girl he violated in her home so many years ago. I agreed of course to watch his brat, because at the very least, I could have some revenge by proxy.

babysitter phone sex evil bitchI arrived at his house;  met his too perfect wife and their angelic girl. Once they left, the mayhem began.  I flipped the fuse box rendering the house dark and put creepy fucking dolls all over the house to scare the brat. My love, my accomplice, John, was in on the scare, so I could look like an innocent third party. The poor little brat was terrified of the dark. Made scaring her more fun. It started out rather juvenile. John rattling windows, shining flashlights in the house, pounding on the door excessively, moaning things “I’m gonna get you…” Made the poor thing piss her little panties.

But then I escalated things with disturbing dolls. When you are an ankle biter and seeing images of creepy dolls in your house through shadows and faint light, you shit your pants. Even more so when you think they are alive and after you. Who knew it was so fun and easy to terrorize a little one? I never saw anyone tremble and scream as much as she did. I have to admit, it made my cunt wet. Fear is such an aphrodisiac for me. I don’t believe little ones are innocent, especially not ones from the same DNA as evil pricks. Chances are good this little girl would grow up to be a self entitled prick like her daddy. I was just doing the future generation  a service by putting this cunt in her place early in life.

My original intent was just to scare the piss out of her, torment her for hours like her daddy tormented babysitter phone sex murder fantasiesme. Then my perfect accomplice suggested something more nefarious.  He made it look like he was violating me; like he was just an intruder and the brat and I were victims of chance. I came so hard on John’s cock during our rape fantasy, but I made my screams sound fearful, not joyous.  The house was pitch black and my little charge was tied up so she could not escape. She thought I was being forced. I could hear her whimpering, smell her fear. babysitter phone sex killer accompliceIntoxicating as usual. She knew she was next. I put on my strap-on and violated her tiny little holes. She had no idea I was her assailant. I roughed her up good too. I was just a tad older when her daddy violated me. I too was a virgin. Virginity is overrated. So is innocence. I fucked that little whore just like her daddy fucked me; even choked her a little bit. I wanted to leave some marks on her porcelain white skin, leave her broken and sore, leave her scared, leave her holes bloody and swollen.  Just like I had been left decades earlier. Revenge is sweet, just like his little girl use to be!!!

When I was done violating the brat. I kissed her forehead and tossed her a bag of frozen veggies just like her daddy did to me. I left her in the dark , bound and gagged for her daddy and mommy to discover when they arrived home. I was hopeful her Daddy would remember me now

babysitter phone sex torture violent

Ass Rape Porn with the Snowman

I had the craziest nightmare. I guess its all the xmas decorations everywhere and the cold weather combined, and it all got inside my twisted mind. I drove home late last night and had seen a snowman in a neighbors yard. I am sure some neighbors had made it earlier that day, but something about it creeped me out. Instead of having a carrot for a nose, the neighbors had stuck the carrot where his cock would be – I am sure trying to be funny. I figured I was just tired and needed to get inside away from all this xmas crap.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch and next thing I knew it seemed as if I had woke up and it was freezing cold. As cold as it would be outside in the snow. But I was inside. In some house I didn’t recognize. It was dark, but I could see, and I was naked. My nipples were hard from the cold, and I could see something lurking in the corner of the room. It was huge, and it didn’t quite look like a man. It stepped into the light where I could see, and it was the fucking snowman from the neighbor’s yard!

This thing was alive and coming towards me. My heart was racing and everything was going in slow motion like it does in dreams. It grabbed my naked body and its grip sliced into my arms. I tried to pull away, but it pressed its frozen body against mine and it was so cold that it felt like it was burning my naked tits. Then I felt something sharp and cold poking me between my legs, and I remembered the carrot! I tried to pull away again, knowing this thing was going to try to fuck me. It was so strong, and caught me as I spun around.

It gripped me tight from behind and shoved its carrot cock right in my ass. It was sharp and cold and dry and tore my asshole as it stabbed its way in. I felt like I was in the weirdest ass rape porn video ever made. I was screaming for this snow beast to let me go, and just when i felt its arms begin to wrap around my neck and tighten, I woke up. My heart was pounding, and as I gathered my thoughts I realized that I had cum all over the couch. I stood up`to go get a towel, and realized that somehow I was naked, just like in the dream. When I put my feet on the floor I stepped in a huge puddle of ice cold water – it looked like something had melted all over the floor.

I made my way to the window and peeked out to see if the snowman was still there. Sure enough, it was, but it was looking towards my window with that carrot cock pointing straight at me, the tip of it dripping with blood.

A Playground For A Predator

Facebook and Twitter are part of our every day lives.  I do not post on them much personally (unless it is for our site), I follow, and weed out the prey.  It’s a Mother Fucking breeding ground of potential fuck pigs and low self esteem young things.  All you have to do is post a few pics that make you look good, and all of a sudden you have a bunch of wanna be thugs telling you how much they like your tits.  Or you get those inbox messages from girls wanting to know how you do your make up and could you teach them.  It’s all too easy.

Then inevitably I get the request to talk on the phone.  I do.  I give them the number to my burn phone of the moment.  Almost immediately the phone is ringing and this is where the game gets juicy.  I never talk about sex, I just flirt a bit with the boys, or befriend the girls, I become almost like a sister. 

A few months later I am meeting them.  They are so excited, and to be honest so am I, but for different reasons.  The possibilities of the things that I or another can do to them once they are secured, knocked out, or just simply held down are unlimited.  The looks on their faces is worth all the effort put in to get them here.  The boys are the funniest.  They try to get into your face, show off their swag, but in no time at all they are crying like little newborn bitches.  This when I tell them that they should of never left the safety of the Facebook and Twitter Playgrounds to meet up with someone like me.  A Predator.

Eyes Forced Open

Rape phone sex fantasiesHello there little darling, I take it you are taking a short cut?  Don’t you know that pretty things like you shouldn’t walk down alley ways like this in broad daylight, let alone this late at night.  I am sure you have heard stories of what can happen in them.  That’s right, pull your coat around you tighter and walk faster, surely nothing bad will happen if you do that.  You do not have to worry about me, I’m perfectly safe.  However, I’m not sure that the Gentleman whom is with me is.  He noticed you as soon as you turned down this long dark alley.  He saw how you kept looking over your shoulder and pulled your purse hard against your body. 

He pulled on my hand and pointed to you.  I knew right then from the smile on his face that he was thinking of having some fun.  Not fun for you though, only fun for him and of course Me.  As you passed us it was all I could do to keep him at bay until you walked a little further up into the darkness.  The funny thing is that when you saw us you lowered your head never taking your eyes off of the ground before you. That was a huge mistake my dear. 

If you had simply walked down this dirty, filthy, dimly lit path that you have chosen with your head held high and giving off the sense of confidence perhaps you wouldn’t be about to be in delicious pain. 

I watch as he runs up behind you.  Your scream is stifled by his strong hand against your mouth.  He turns you around forcing you against the wall, pulling from you your coat.  You try to fight but there is no use and for him…that is part of the fun. Your eyes are forced open as he plunges himself inside you.  He is brutal, he is unrelenting and he is having the time of his life.

Sadistic phone sex