Tag: Taboo phone sex

Next Level Red Wings!

Bloody phone sex

Next Level Red Wings

This snuff queen has the cure to your Bloody phone sex fetish. I am sure you have heard that when women hang out together their cycles sync up. So, me and two of my friends are going to come visit you. 

On day 2 of our periods we are going to come over. The three of us are pouring blood out of our cunts and you are going to be our maxi pad. One of us is sitting on your face smearing that hot red liquid all over. While the other 2 pick spots on your body to spread their legs over. Rubbing their warm dripping snatches up and down. 

Pushing ourselves to cum over and over again. Each orgasm makes our uterus gush out blood. We are going to leave you looking like you were an extra in the movie Carrie. Covering every inch of you in our aunty flow.

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Cassandra Brings You Young Product

accomplice phone sexI am known as an accomplice phone sex partner. I was not always one though. Most of my life I was the victim. Both willing and unwilling. Not anymore. I love helping men fuck and kill brats. My former master gave me my freedom for 100 little whores. It took me almost two years, but I brought him one little bitch after another. Now I freelance for him when he needs product. He likes his product young, blonde and tight. It is easy for me to find him just what he likes. I pose as a beauty queen scout and the mothers just give me their brats. I am always amazed at the stupidity of women. Sometimes, I kidnap a brat, but most of the time, I do not need to because the women just give them to me. They buy whatever bullshit I am selling. The little brat I brought my former master was for a teen rape porn he was making. I think this was for his personal use. He loves to fuck jailbait pussy and ass. I was always too old for him, but I was easy fuck meat. Anyway, I brought him a cute little angel to destroy. He paid me upon delivery of the product, but he wanted me to stay around to help him film the destruction of her little holes. She screamed so loud when he penetrated her baby asshole. I was holding the camera. My former master loves force fucking tiny girls. He takes pride in destroying virgins. Do you? I have grown to love it too. I mean it is not me, right? The underground world of sex and snuff is based on a survival of the fittest. This little girl did not make it. She did not survive. I am a survivor. I have lived past my 9 lives. As an accomplice, I can help make the snuff porn now.

Rape phone sex fantasies fulfilled at summer camp

One year I went to summer camp and I learned the men there use you for their Rape phone sex fantasies. The first night they advertise your body during swimming lessons and at night all the men take turns going into the cabins to fuck who they chose for their sadistic fantasies.  When I woke up to my body being dragged into the bathroom, I panicked. But then I remembered all that I learned about perverts like this. Most want you to fight back, it makes it more exciting. His cock was rock hard when he shoved it down my throat, choking me with his cock meat. There was no point in fighting back when he slapped me and busted my lip. I knew it would only get worse. I sucked on his dirty dick hoping to make him bust his load and get it over with. He had something else in mind once his pre-cum was dripping he bent me over and rubbed his cock on my tight asshole.  He started fucking my ass hard and a few other guys walked in with a video camera ready to film some Gangbang rape porn. They all cheered when my ass and pussy were bleeding from the abuse. Finally I started feeling cum pumping inside me and I knew soon they would be done using me.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies on Your Mind?

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies on your mind? You are in the right place. Who do you want to kill? I know someone comes to mind. It is only human to have those kinds of thoughts. If I think it, I do it. I am not the kind of person who holds back. I will slit your throat for looking at me twice. I look at myself as a do gooder. I rid society of brats, teen whores, cunts, tools and general assholes. I make this world a better place. I got rid of an annoying brat this week. This little crotch fruit likely would be your ideal fuck meat. A cute little blonde girl with curls and an angelic face. Behind that face, however, was an evil cunt. She said some nasty shit to me and a large woman at the convenient store. I had pulled into the store for a Monster drink. I was coming back from a kill, so I was not in my county. That meant I could kill her. She was running her mouth because she wanted to cut the line. If she had been a polite little girl instead of a nasty cunt, she would still be alive. Your rape phone sex fantasies could come true with this little whore. I needed you with me. I needed an accomplice. It is a waste of perfectly good fuck meat if no man around to fuck hat little cunnie. She was too young to be out on her own. I was in Hicksville though. I waited hours until after our encounter. I  stole her from the trailer where she lived with her druggie parents. Meth heads. That explained why she was at the convenience store alone. I was putting her out of her sad existence. I took her into the woods at knife point. I did not kill her quickly though. I cut into her flesh a little at a time to hear her scream. Then, I gutted her like a pig. Dumped her naked mutilated body in the river behind the trailer park. In that town, I am just a drifter. Her murder will go unsolved. Only me and you know I made her my snuff sex victim.

begging for mercy

Taboo phone sex

Do you ever get the urge to use a girl like me? The kind of girl that got everything she ever wanted from Daddy and Mommy. Ever since I got into taboo phone sex thru a  friend who was really into nuts, that’s all I can think of when I want to get in the mood. It’s so good to be able to not be in control or get my way. I think the fact that I am so submissive it works out.   Its true I only want to be tied up, abused, and tortured until I plead for mercy. The one thing that I want is a master that can prove to me that I am a subby slut. He wants me to get on my knees and beg you to make me your property.

Accomplice phone sex Victim Harper


Accomplice phone sex Accomplice phone sex calls have me begging for my life sometimes. The tables turn on me and I enjoy the fuck out of abusive men who want nothing else but to destroy me. The sicker the better. And I get lost in my victim calls with you creative other fuckers. I prefer to be your little accomplice who helps you get what your evil soul wants.  I consider myself a dark switch of sadistic roleplays.

And by offering up my body to you in your snuff dreams, Im helping you get off to the most insane torture methods a babysitter could ever go through. I can scream and cry for you during nasty home invasion phone sex and it makes my cunny so wet to be tortured and treated like shit sometimes. It was bound to happen to me, I came from a dark and traumatic sexual assault past. Men just have to take control of me and snuff me out sometimes. Not to say I don’t deserve it. I truly do as my caller told me last night. This is punishment for all the horrible things I do!

I had just put the brats to bed and was  sleeping on the couch when the intruder broke in. He grabbed me dragging me kicking and screaming to the tot’s bedroom!  He pushes me down on my hands and knees with a knife!  Told to be quiet or my charges get it he used the sharp blade cutting the skin and cut my jeans and panties off.  He starts grabbing tyke toys in the room forcing them in my tight teen ass. One by one ripping…taking a booger remover sucker; pushing air into my urethra expanding my bladder in a painful way! My little boy Tyle wakes up and he grabs him and removes his diaper!

Now he is making me suck him in his dirty diaper. This strange man assaults me by shoving the boy’s diaper in me with all of the shit and piss. And now everything he shoved in my ass exploding out …losing control of my body as He pull my legs farther and farther apart! Watching the little boy exploding piss and shit and his first load of cum in my mouth!  Then he starts pulling my teen joints out of the sockets! As he lives out those Rape phone sex fantasies!

Snuff Movies Can Be Brutal and Deadly for a Desperate Whore

snuff moviesAuditioning for snuff movies can be brutal. I hate the casting couch auditions, but it is part of the process. I am a submissive and desperate woman. I cannot get coke the normal way. I either need to fuck and degrade myself for a couple bumps, or whore myself out however I can for money to buy coke. I am not a fan of snuff flicks, but they pay well and, on the spot, once the film is done. I knew this guy was no Steven Spielberg. He was just an amateur living out his dream of brutalizing a woman. Most snuff flicks are like this. And it is a gamble with your life. You never know what may happen. This was a nerdy guy. Total incel vibe. This was likely the only way he could fuck a woman. This computer geek incel dudes are the worst though. So filled with rage because women reject them. They somehow think women owe them their pussies if they smile at them. But I needed coke. If snuff porn was the means to the end, it was what it was. I got the job, but in hindsight it was not worth it. He just wanted to beat a woman. I was the target of all his years of rage. He tied me up so I could not escape. I saw the cash on the table. I was his willing accomplice. He just needed a desperate whore to beat up who would not go to the police. I never go the police. Snitches get stitches. I did not snitch, but I still got stitches. He beat me so hard; my face is unrecognizable. Today, I am swollen and purple. He fucked me too. Forced his cock in my ass for an added ass rape porn scene. I had to go to the ER for stitches. I have a broken ankle too. I told the ER docs I fell down my basement stairs doing laundry. Told my husband the same thing. If he found out I let a man do this to me for coke money, he would leave me.  I will heal. I always heal.

Domination Phone Sex with Sexy Switch Cassandra

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what he wanted. It is what he got. I met this man at a bar. He was loaded and talking shit. I knew he was a worthless creature at hello. He was calling me names, yet at the same time trying to get in my panties. He was easy prey for me. He had a big role of cash in his pants. I guessed that he rolled up his cash and put it in his pants to look like he had a bigger dick. I cannot be fooled like that. I took him home. I was not going to fuck him, but he did not know that. I had plans for him. Most men who have worthless dicks can still serve a purpose. First, I liberated him from his money. I thought it was just a bunch of dollar bills, but it was $100 bills. He had a couple grand in his pocket. It is mine now. He is now the prized pet to a taboo phone sex mistress. Second, I put him in my dungeon room to sober up. I did not want him worshiping my cunt and ass if there was any chance that he may puke on my pussy. The next morning, I woke him up by sitting on his face. I almost smothered him to death with my juicy ass cheeks. He woke up gasping for air, but once my whip cracked down on his balls and tiny dick, he knew what was up. He started tonguing my asshole while his nose rubbed my clit. I told him this was all he was good for because it was. With a tiny dick like that, no woman would every willingly fuck him. I pissed on him too. I had been saving my morning piss for him. He guzzled it down and used his tongue like toilet paper to clean up the mess. Not sure how long I will keep him locked in my dungeon. But I am not getting rid of him yet. He is a great ass and cunt licker. Plus, I want to peg him for a homemade ass rape porn.

Bloody Phone Sex Sessions are Best with a Male Accomplice and a Virgin Girl

bloody phone sexI love a bloody phone sex session. I think virgin blood is the best lube ever. I have a new man in my life. He is my neighbor down the lane, and almost as evil as I am. I helped him dispose of a hooker last week. That was a bonding experience. Mark was over this weekend, and we talked about our next endeavor. This is less a boyfriend relationship and more an accomplice situation. We have deliciously evil minds. He is just beginning, but I am a seasoned killer. I am his mentor. Mark wanted a virgin this time. He wanted to destroy a young pussy. I told him we would have to kidnap something pretty young, because there are hardly any teenage virgins these days. I know where to find young talent and I know how to snatch them with no detection. He needed my knowledge for his rape phone fantasies to cum true. He is so glad we are neighbors, because we found a tender age piece of meat at the park. Her teenage babysitter was more into some teenage boy than her charge. A puppy and a blonde wig were all I needed to lure her away to her death. Well, we did not kill her immediately. Where is the fun in that? Mark fucked her cunt bloody raw while I filmed it. This was prime meat we had. He had to savor every last bite. The bright blood of her cunnie was mesmerizing to us both. I love the sight of blood. I even love the taste of it too. I ate her bloody cunnie then kissed Mark. He enjoyed the taste of her virgin blood too. We made out while she laid on the floor, bleeding and crying. Of course, we had to kill her. Our DNA was on her tiny body, and she could pick us up in a lineup. Mark wanted to keep her like a pet, but that is too risky. This is why I am the accomplice phone sex partner. I take the risks so you can have the fun. Mark and I will have many more days with young, virginal playthings. Maybe one day I will let him keep one for a week at my kill shack.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Dark Fantasies Seem Real with Me

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex is a secret fetish of mine. Most men who snatch up women, want girls, or maybe coeds. You know, fresh meat. But Max wanted a milf. I thought he was going to kill me or even worse, sell me on the black market for the sex trade when he snatched me walking home from the corner market. I had just gone to the store late at night for a pack of cigarettes. I sneak out at night when my husband and boys are asleep. This time, Max was waiting. He needed a milf whore for his dark fantasies. He had spotted me a few weeks ago and has been stalking me ever since. I just was not paying attention to my surroundings. He had a taboo phone sex fantasy he needed to act out, and I was his perfect prey. I fought and screamed, but no one heard me, or no one cared. He shoved me in the trunk of his car. I was so scared that I pissed myself. I was sober. I knew this was not some sort of dream or warped fantasy. I just got nabbed. I was pounding on the trunk from the inside. I felt like I was suffocating. Perhaps, I was. We got someplace where the car did not move for a long time. Eventually, he pulled me out of the trunk and dragged me by my hair across a gravel road. We were in some shack. Like a dirty, rustic old fishing cabin. It smelled like death. Maybe, I was going to die. Maybe, I was not the first woman here. He left me tied and gagged for what seemed like forever. Then suddenly, there were a bunch of other men in this cabin. They had their dicks out, and I heard one man say something about a milf gangbang rape porn. I was in trouble. I was sober. I was going to feel all of it. They sodomized me for hours. Fisted my fuck holes when they could no longer get it up. Some one filmed it. Another live stream, but this time not for my stepson. I was choked too, so I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I woke up the next day naked in the woods near the highway. I was left to fend for myself and find my way back home.