Tag: Taboo phone sex

While He Lays Sleeping

Taboo Phone SexThe subconscious is a wonderful play ground.  It stores hopes, fears, irrationalities, then when you least expect it, it brings them up as you sleep.  I remember growing up next door to a family that were overly friendly.  They wouldn’t let their insanely happy future pole riders play with me, but nobody left their offspring play with me.  The middle one, he would get picked on all the time.  He wouldn’t talk, but he would whisper things all the time. It didn’t bother me at all, because we all know that Ruby Girl always whispered to me.

One day his Mom was drinking coffee in the kitchen with my Mom and she was telling my Mom that she was scared for him.  This peaked my interest.  I walked softly to the door and heard her say that he had stopped going outside because he was deathly afraid of bugs, and if he saw one he would start to scream and flail around violently.  I didn’t know what flail meant, but I guessed that it was something weird and scarey.

It took me three days of being ‘nice’ to get the neighbor’s daughter, who was around my age to invite me over to play in the yard.  I could see him looking at us outside.  I told his sister that I had made him a card to make him feel better.  I asked if she could give it to him.  She ran upstairs and I saw her hand it to him.  He placed it down on the window sill and walked away.  That stupid bastard!  I wanted to see what would happen.

A few nights later my Mom came flying into my room.  She was yelling about how evil I was, and how terrible I was.  I had my hand under my pillow touching Ruby Girl’s hand.  I didn’t flinch, I didn’t back up, I just laid there as she told me how horrible I was.  Big deal.  She finally sat down on my bed and looked at me for a few seconds.  She leaned in and told me that she didn’t understand me, and what I did to the neighbor boy was one of the worst things anyone could ever do.  I asked her what she was talking about.

She said that the card that I made the boy wasn’t nice.  I tried not to smile.  She told me that he cannot sleep because now of the bugs that fell out of the card I made him and they crawled away.  Now he thinks there are a ton of bugs in the walls and keeps having nightmares.  I heard Ruby Girl giggle.

I often wonder about him, they moved a few weeks later.  I hope he thinks of me, I hope those bugs still slither and crawl into the walls of his subconscious so that he can have sweet terrifying dreams of them as he lays sleeping.

Play Date

Taboo Phone Sex

He told me he had a secret.  He asked me if I wanted to know what it was.   I told him that I do not like secrets.  He said, “Then I better show you.”  As we drove through the cool night I became a bit nervous.  He was blaring music and not speaking.  This always meant he was in one of his moods, and someone would be taken only to not survive the night.  We pulled into the old factory district. I relaxed because he had mentioned earlier in the month that he was looking for a loft, so I thought he was going to show me his new place.

We got out of his car, he came around and kissed me full on the lips then said, “You are going to want to get naked, it’s easier to clean up.”  I just stood there, he slapped me on the ass and yelled into the night, “Come on!  Come play with the Devil!”  I got undressed and followed him into the building.  It smelled like rust and rot.  It was comforting.

He said, “Do not take your shoes off though, shit is all over the place down there.”  I thought it was kinda funny to be walking around an old factory in six inch heels and naked, I started to laugh.  He opened a huge steel door and I immediately smelled piss, shit, and decomposition.  It smelled sweet.  He looked at me, he was almost jumping up and down, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dank darkness.

I could hear her.  I stopped.  He said, “Awww come on, why is this any different then anything else we have done?”  He had a point, there was no difference.  He yanked open the door and she ran at us.  He punched her square in the face. He yelled out a “YEEHAW!” Then went in the direction he sent her flying.  I followed laughing.

I have never heard someone bitch as much as she did, complain, complain, it was fucking annoying.  He had me hold an old pipe up to the back of her head, he kicked it through her spinal column right at the base of her cerebellum.  That sure as hell shut her up.  He yelled, “Look Ma, No hands!” Then reverse skull fucked her.  I could see the tip of his cock sticking out from her semi closed mouth.  After he was done, I understood why he wanted me naked, this was a fucking messy play date.



Grab That Bitch!

That bitch is dead meat. This stupid fucking cunt at the town fair was pissing me the fuck off and I got her good. Rounded up ten cars full of my buddies from the state penatentrium and took the fucking slut like the whore she was. Was. Haha. That dumb little fuck toy is good and dead now. I made sure to ream that asshole with at least twenty-five cocks before I fucked her throat with a spiky stick and shoved hot coals up her pussy. That stupid fucking ho is done with. She can’t recover from that shit. Never again will she be able to run amuck and steal innocent teen’s tickets for the local fucking fair rides. I mean, I was just trying to have some fun . . . but it turned into a much wilder celebration than I thought. Ya see, there’s this funny thing called retribution. I serve it up nice and hot. Burning hot. Searing, piercing, horribly agonizing pain. What that dumb little bitch thought would be an easy pickpocket turned into a nice gangbang for me. Sadistic shit gets me off! I’ve got the power baby.

New Fuck Meat!

 Accomplice phone sex with Blaze

So I’m babysitting a new pair tonight. Two girls. I had a friend come with me. Their parents left and we sat them down. I told them they were gonna be learning about the body tonight. They seemed excited. I set up my camera and we got to work. My friend picked the older one and I took the younger. Me and my girl watched the others first. He slid his cock inside of her teeny virgin pussy and fucked her brains out. Her eyes got so wide at first, almost scared like. Then they turned to what seemed like pleasure. I was so hot and bothered watching them go. She got the hang of it and started to put her own hips into it. Pumping her hips in motion with his dick. Then he came inside her. I was so horny I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed up my girl and stripped her clothes off while my friend pulled my clothes off. I got down to her and spread her legs open so that I could eat her tiny pussy. There was no fear in her eyes. She liked what I was doing. I flicked my tongue up and down, in and out, all over her little bitty pussy. And then she started cumming in my face. We sat up and I told the girls to go clean up for bed. I watched the video. Oh yeah, I was going to make a fortune on this one!! I went to tuck the girls in and they were curled up asleep on there bed. They had a big picture of “Starry Night” by Van Gough… hanging up their bed. I have always LOVED that picture. I just never knew had good it would look as a back drop on one of my home movies!

Accomplice phone sex with Blaze 2

All Is Fair

torture phonesex karmaI love the lights and rides, the smell of food and little faces all sticky with cotton candy and candied apples. It is a variable smorgasbord of little flesh for the taking. So many people that bodies are one against the other and getting caught up in the crowd and excitement creates just enough confusion to let me snatch cute little innocent bodies with out being noticed. Until it is to late that is. I had my eyes on two little girls. Identical twins. Long dark hair. Big oriental shaped eyes. Hoping up and down on one foot with anticipation of what was coming next. Pulling this way and that and giving the adults with them a hard time keeping up. The perfect combination for a quick abduction. Following them in the crowd was easy for me. Waiting for just the right moment was a tad harder. My hand on my cunt the whole time, imagining what they were gong to look like with their hair matted to their skulls from the blood that would be covering their little bodies. As soon as I had them in my grasp I knocked their little asses out. Tonight will be full of cunt dripping fun for me, I can’t wait to hear their screams as I torture them until they pass out from the pain.

Fucking Bitch


Accomplice phone sex with StormI fucking hate snobby bitches. They deserve nothing. But they always get whatever the fuck they want. And I saw her. I was friends with her when we were little. But then she became popular. And snobby. And a fucking bitch. I hated her! She started rumors about me that I was a fucking dyke. I’ll show her. I kept close contact with her as she walked with her gaggle of bimbos. She was talking about how she had her parents house to herself all weekend. Perfect! This is my opportunity. I lived a couple houses down, so I could see her house from mine. I went home and waited for her to be alone. Fuck!! Do stupid bitches have to go everywhere together?!She has to fuck up all my plans! Her and her bitches deiced to go to the street fair at then end of the block! Of course I have to follow. I wait until she walks behind a tent. I think to piss what a dirty bitch! I nail her up side the head with a brick. I have to move quick to pull her off before anyone see her. And damn if I didn’t have to carry her all the way home! Stupid bitch has to make everything so fucking hard on me. Finally I get her home! I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her. I hurried thru the house house. I made sure all the doors were locked! And made my way back upstairs.When she finally woke and looked around she screamed. I grabbed her mouth and told her to shut the fuck up or I’ll kill her before the show even starts. She wanted to know what I was doing there. “You said I was a dyke. So I’m going to show you what a dyke can do to you.” I forcefully grabbed her arm and chucked her on her bed. I tied her wrists and ankles to her bedposts, and cut her panties off. She was pleading with me not to do anything stupid. I just laughed. “You wanted me to be a dyke. So here you go, bitch.” I started sucking her nipples viciously and shoving my fist inside her small tight pussy. I ripped my clothes off so she could see my lingerie and crawled on her and grinding my wet pussy all over her body. “You like that, you whore?!” I yelled at her. “You like when I rub my soaking cunt over yours? What about your tits? What about your face? You like when I sit on your fucking face?!” I continued to yell as I smothered her face with my wet pussy. I was so horny. I couldn’t wait to get to the good part. I am going to make you fucking suffer you fucking bitch!

Hunted at the Fair

taboo phone sex 1

I traveled a bit of distance to the county fairgrounds where I quickly blended in with my surroundings. I spent a great deal of time watching the folks walking around laughing and having a good time in general. I had to find the right one. The right one who was innocent, angelic. I saw a few good ones, but she had to be perfect for my other toy waiting bound back in the basement. My other toy had been a good bleeder and screamer, and I thought he should have the perfect wee one to help torture even if I forced his hand. Than I saw her, she was alone waiting by the restrooms, probably waiting for her others while they pissed or shit. I acted quick and with great force dragged her into the bushes behind the bathrooms where no one could see me tie her up and silence her. She felt like a rag doll as I carried her to my car parked close by.

Once we were down in the basement I gave the rag doll a kick to the stomach to wake her. It took a kick or two to get her to open her eyes, and when she realized she was bound naked, she started to cry and plead. Such a pretty youngster with tears dripping from her eyes.  My adrenaline started to pump and my body reacted so wonderfully to her every cry! Her wrists were tied very tight to her ankles. I must admit to tying her a bit too tight, her extremities were already turning a bit blue. My sharp blade went through her skin like she was made of butter and her blood started flowing free.

My toy was looking at me in complete horror as I explained to him what he must do. He tried to refuse but each time he did I cut her deeper and deeper. I laughed at him because his cock liked it much more than he realized. It was growing with every scream, with every cry. I slowly slipped the sleeve over his cock.  His eyes pleading with me as he saw the blades attached to it. He was going to fuck her to death. I love watching blood rush out of a virgin cunt.

Then he mounted her and forced his cock into her juicy untouched cunt, she screamed! Piercing amazingly wonderful screams! That’s when he realized the power I had given his cock and picked up the pace not being able to control himself. I know it was a lustful pleasure that he had never felt before. Faster he pumped his blade bound cock into that whore’s virgin cunt. So much blood and now cum mixed in. By the time he shot his pig fuck load her life was gone..

He was a good toy, but in the end I slit his throat.  Once they taste blood dogs are no longer any good.

rape phone sex fantasies


rape phone sex fantasies

I hated malls growing up, and I hate them even worse now. There are so many stuck up cunts walking around with their latte’s and coach bags, really pisses me the fuck off. I only went there to upgrade my cell phone since it was the only store local to me, but that’s when it happened. This stupid cunt with her pink everything asked me why I was dressed like it was Halloween. Then those bitchy friends of hers all started laughing. They wouldn’t be laughing for long. I simply stared at her and asked her name. “Honey.” she said, hmm fitting.

I followed that rich cunt home and waited till the wee hours of the morning and rang the doorbell. What a dumb whore. I quickly subdued her and dragged her to my car. It was time for a trip to my Daddy’s farm. His honey bee farm. A place for bitchy “Honey” too!

She was still passed out when I slapped her awake. Oh that look on her face was sheer terror! She tried to struggle, but I had her tied to that utility dolly good! I ripped her nightgown off and I started painting her with pure honey. Oh what a sight. I poured it in her mouth, shoved it up her nose and shot it in her ass and cunt. There was this cute apparatus that I stole from my gynecologist.  You know the one that opens up your cervix? Mm hmm… those bees were gonna find treasure up in there! I put honey on this “Honey” treat all spread eagle like, honey dripping from her gaping cunt,  and her asshole. Hell I even shoved it in her ears.  Can you just imagine how loud and hungry those buzzers are gonna sound in her actual eardrum! Maddening I tell you! My cunt was getting wetter and wetter!

I wheeled in that screaming teen and the crowd went wild! I literally jumped up and down with excitement as this young meat was stung, stung, and stung again. You could see those winged devils crawling everywhere they found a taste of honey. Her bites eventually turning to oozing bloody welts. There were so many bees in her cunt, and down her throat. It was sheer magic.

I bet you would love to have seen this!

taboo phone sex


Taboo Phone Sex

I was recently asked by one of many sick adorable freaks who call me, if I ever get aroused.  This made me chuckle, of course I get aroused.  My arousal comes from things more along the lines of death, mutilation, torture, forced sexual situations, decay and all around heavy taboo fantasies dealing with depravity.  Meaning, the nastier the better.  By nasty I do not mean such cliche things such as “Oh, yeah face fuck me harder.  I love your cock in my sweet pussy.” I am referring to the nasty that swims inside the deep pools of the sexually insane mind.  Those  thoughts that form in the darkness of madness and are done with a happy heart.

However, if nasty to you involves a blow job where you release your nut paste into the back of My throat, then I implore you not to phone Me, as I am not into that type of thing and I find it very dull to say the least.  That does nothing for Me, it bores Me to tears.  I become aroused at the thought of skin peeling away from flesh, the high pitched screams of pain echoing through the alleyways in some low rent crack infested housing project.  I take pleasure in the pictures that stream before my mind’s eye where there is something frail and delicate tossed to the wolves of human cruelty then left to whimper until their mind can take no more and it shatters into psychosis. 

This is what arouses Me.  This is what I like.  This is your answer to the question you posed. 


Creep Up On Ya

What’s lurking in those deep dark shadows . . . distorted shapes that seem to be twisting around your ankles, and clawed hands that grab, the sharp fingernails digging in deep. Nightmares come from this inherent fear of the evil that lurks beneath the surface. Do you know what else nightmares are born from? Parties after dark . . . social hour. Everyone believes that more bodies means more safety. Isn’t that the idea behind the so-called “buddy system?” Haha. I know the truth.

More bodies just means more wicked fun. More sinister persuasion. More merciless fucking. All of those scantily-clad whores and drunken rich boys. Gyrating bodies and unsuspecting prey. The great thing about already being on a boat is the fact that there is plenty of rope lying around. This comes in handy when a sick, twisted slut like myself wants to tie up a couple of hos and man whores with tight, circulation deadening sailor’s knots. I like to maim penises. Some chicks like to tie hair bows, but I’m a little different. I especially love the feeling of a firm, juicy, cum-filled ball weighing down heavily in my hand. When the party guests wander off and leave their drinks unattended, I’m looming over the bar, shaking a little bit of magic potion in there to put them fast asleep.