Tag: Taboo phone sex

It’s A Blizzard Blood Bath

bloody phone sex blizzardAnd there it was just as pretty as a picture. A gift left there just for me. The car was red, blood red. Stranded in the middle of the blizzard. Not a soul in sight. How much better then that can you get?

There wasn’t much snow accumulated on the hood, no tire tracks next to the car. This meant two things, it hadn’t been there long and no one had come along to help. Either the occupant was still in the car or not far up the road yet. My cunt was dripping as I approached the car. I could see the fog on the windows which told me the occupant or occupants were still in there.

Now my nipples were getting hard and my heart was beating faster with anticipation. I knocked on the window and when it came down my eyes took in the young couple, so grateful someone had come along. She was a little bit of a thing, I would guess 95 pounds soaking wet and he wasn’t much more.

I took out my gun locked and loaded and pointed it at his temple. “Get out of the car both of you and don’t try anything stupid, I really don’t want to shoot you right here.”

I don’t know if the shaking is from the cold or fear but it makes no difference to me. What is going to happen will happen.

“Take off all your clothes NOW! You may leave on your snow boots and socks and your underwear, that is all. UNDERSTAND?” With shaking hands they comply and the shivering increases to my delight.

“Now you have exactly five minutes to get as far a head of me as you can. I love hunting in the snow and you are my prey today. Your time starts NOW.”

Watching them stumble and run in the freezing cold, snow falling so hard now that I can’t see them after a minute or two. It’s all good, the poor visibility will make this more fun. I make sure my gun is loaded and I start thinking about their blood pouring out onto the lily white snow, I am cumming already and I haven’t even started the hunt. bloody phone sex karma

Hunting on a Snowy Night

bloody phone sex knife playI love winter, blizzards especially. Why? Because snowy, wet, cold woods makes a much better hunting ground. First, it slows your prey down. A blizzard is not only harder to run in, but the cold slows your victim down, makes it harder to fight. Second, you can track your victim better. Stupid prey all scared and panicky, are never as smart as Danny from The Shining. They never think to cover their tracks. Third, blood looks better in the snow. You can savor your kill, get off more intensely when you see that crimson red mixed in with the stark white. The juxtaposition makes my cunt drip every time. And the final reason, I prefer to hunt in a blizzard, is it acts as a freezer, slowing down decomposition. You see what happens is, the body freezes, stays intact for quite awhile, this allows me to visit my crime scene and get off a few more times at my handy work. I just leave a marker so I can find the site again in case the storm covers my kill. It also helps elude detection. The wild life either gets the body, leaving no identifiable remains, or the first thaw the body turns to complete mush , getting rid of any DNA evidence. I’d live in Alaska if it wasn’t for the fact that  there just aren’t many people per capita there.

snuff phone sex bloody killLast weekend, I hunted in the blizzard we had. It was impromptu, but I have had my eye on this chubby little coed twit that frequents my Starbucks. She is constantly being snotty, bitchy and demanding. Way too young, and way too plain to be so self entitled.  The snow was coming down hard, it was getting dark, so I followed her in my car, ran her off the road by the woods.  When she saw my big ass knife she started running. I knew she wouldn’t get far, they never do. I caught up to the stupid whore, held my knife to her throat, forced her to undress so I could watch her run naked in the cold. Then I stalked her some more. My adrenaline was keeping me warm, I’m sure hers was too. But like all prey, they run out of energy, give up. She fell to the ground screaming and begging for mercy. Her skin turning purple from the cold. I taunted her. Circled her like a wolf does his dinner. Informed her she would not be missed.

I then slit her throat and watched the blood and life run out of her. It was the humane thing to do. A much quicker death than hypothermia.  I got so hot watching the blood seep into the snow, watching snow fall on her body and mix with her hot blood.  I stood there watching her die, watching the ground underneath me turn into a crimson sea. I drew a heart  with her blood in the snow. A sign of respect for being such a fun kill.

bloody phone sex hunt prey

Merry Pharmacist Day!!

Fantasy phone sex

I had no idea what pharmacist even does outside of counting medicine, but I learned a whole lot about the profession today. Monday’s seem to be the slowest day for these guys, so it was the perfect day for me to wonder on in needing a pregnancy test. I was stuck at the counter when the pharmacist popped up on me from behind and asked me if I needed assistance in a deep sexy voice. One look at him and a high YES came jumping out of my mouth before I could stop it. He giggled when he noticed my embarrassment, and went on to help me grab the correct test. I followed him to the counter, paid and asked to use the bathroom. He took me to the back to the employees bathroom because the one in the store was broken.

The pregnancy test came back negative and I screamed with joy in the bathroom. The pharmacist must have assumed there was something wrong because he came barging into the bathroom with a scared look on his face. I laughed when I saw the look of fear leave and lust take over as he stared at me in my underwear breathing hard with excitement. I walked up, closed the door and fucked him hard right there in his tiny employee bathroom. He was tightly holding onto my waist and pushing his dick hard inside me. With his face stuffed in my tits I slide my pussy up and down his cock and pounded it right back on top of him. He was fucking me so hard that his dick kept popping in an out of my pussy, the last time he slipped out he slipped back in my ass and I nearly fell out. He fucked my ass with the same strokes he gave my pussy and it felt so good to take a big cock up my ass, stretching me out good. He gave me a huge load to clean up, I had no idea how I was to get all this nut off my back! I learned so much about the pharmaceutical industry that day.

No One Expects The Spanish Inquistion

Mutilation phone sexOh those crazy, crazy Spanish in the middle ages.  Using all sorts of delicious sharp objects to help the Heretics find Jesus.  All in the name of the Church and God.  Imagine sitting in your little mud hut, just feeling miserable because you have nothing to eat, lice are biting your body and head, you smell like piss and shit and in comes one of the King’s guards.  They snatch you and your wifey up and you are taken to the center of town.  There in all their pompous glory are Bishops from the almighty Catholic Church.  You just know you are fucked.

They read the charges, you deny them, they say you are not telling the truth so they take you to a dungeon.  Do they sit you down, offer you tea, read a few passages from the Bible and have you pray for forgiveness? Oh no.  They get right to the torture, because what is the Catholic Church without some sort of torture?  They take your wife, rip her dress off and expose her milky white breasts and push her up against the wall, tits first.  You cannot quite see what they are doing, but you can tell by her screams that they aren’t showing her the scenic views.

They step away from her and they ask you one more time if you are guilty.  You adamantly deny any charges, because you didn’t do anything wrong.  Of course you are wrong, everyone sins, so everyone must repent for something.  They pull her shoulders and she screams even louder.  You plead with them to stop but they continue.  Then the Bishop holds up his hand and says with a sickeningly sweet affect in his voice, “All you have to do is repent then your soul will be saved and you will be absolved of any and all sin.”  You cannot bare to hear any more pain filled noises from your wife, so you lie, admit to what ever wrong doing they insist you did and ask for forgiveness.

The Bishop nods at the dungeon guards who begin to push your wife forward then yank her back.  It only takes a few minutes for your wife to pass out from the pain.  They take her from the wall and turn her around, her breasts are ripped to shreds, the meat is hanging loosely from her chest.  Blood is dripping down to the floor in thick drops.

You are yanked up from your seat quickly and your head is placed on an oak block.  Before you can tell your wife you are sorry, your head is disconnected from your body.  Praise Jesus!  Your wife is left to return to your village as a warning, nobody will speak to her, or go near her.  She is forever ruined, she is forever marred by one of the instruments of torture used called the Breast Ripper, and your soul gets to spend eternity in hell for lying.  Seems legit.

Torture sex



I was in need of some pain today! I’m not sure had taken over me but I need a hard spanking and an even harder fuck! I wanted my pussy to be puffy by the time I let go of my last nut. I needed nothing but pain today, I can take it! I was past due for my monthly pain session anyway. My regular hadn’t bothered to come satisfy me and I was almost stuck in a rut until he finally showed up whip in hand ready to torture me! Desire was running all through me the moment I saw him. I just knew he was going to punish me good and put me right on my back. what

He started by kissing me hard, he must have known I missed him because he grabbed my throbbing pussy and twisted my clit, IT HURT SO GOOOOD! He wasted no time, immediately opening his bag and pulling out some leather restraints for my big tits, he wrapped each tit up so my nipples were popping out with need. I couldn’t wait for him to beat them with his leather whip! He ties my nipples up with clamps that had little weights on the end and the pain made my pussy throb even more. HE knew how much I enjoyed nipple play and he was taking me over the edge to make up for lost time. My nipples were so red and tender by the time he brought the whip around, he was pounding on them with his thick whip, making me scream out! Holding onto the clamps on my nipples he stuffed his thick cock inside me and pumped my pussy hard. He must have missed me as much as I missed him because he came right inside my pussy which is something he never does. I was still lost in desire, hanging there with a numb pussy when he packed his bag and headed right out the door. 

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair

rape phone sex fantasies mommy redheadI was set up on a date. I should have known he was too good to be true when he showed up with flowers and candy. We had a nice meal, he bought us several bottles of expensive wine. We danced. It was all like a page out of a Nicholas Spark novel. That should have been my red flag. Very little romance left in the world. I foolishly agreed to go back to his house for a night cap. That is when I met Dr. Jekyll.  I was not even to the couch yet, when he grabbed my arm, pulled me back and slapped my face. He said to me, “You are a worthless whore. Be prepared to act like one.” He threw me on the couch. Pulled his cock out that was already rock hard and started skull fucking  me.  Grabbed me by my hair and shoved me down on his cock until I  gagged. Usually I can handle rough oral, but he was restricting my breath. I accidentally nipped his cock with my teeth as he was skull fucking me so hard.

“You like it rough bitch,” he quipped. He smashed my face into his coffee table. I started bleeding immediately. The blood gushing out my nose turned him on further. He violated more than just my mouth. He ripped my panties off, shoved them in my mouth, and forced his dick in my ass. Hands around my throat choking me as he fucked my ass. After he shot his load up my ass, he kicked my ass, thrusting me down on the ground. He stood over me as I laid there battered and bloody and pissed in my face. He finished by spitting on me.

He told me I had 5 minutes to get out of his house or he would do it all over again. I scooped up my clothes and ran from the house. I knew he was too good to be true. Men never treat me that well.

How do you want to treat me?

Demon Cum

I knew you were evil and cruel, but I always thought your delusions about being a demon were a little too much to handle. I had began to change my mind the more you tortured me and the more I got to taste and smell you. Your cum has a certain flavor to it, and every time you cum, I swear I see steam coming off of your loads. I always figured it was the drugs you keep us slaves high on, and that my mind was playing tricks on me.

Last night you were in your full glory, black leather and you even seemed to be hot to the touch. You spoke in tongues I could not understand and I knew that us captives, your cum slut slaves, were in for extreme torture at your hands. I must have stared too long, because you caught my gaze. Your eyes were black and I felt weak immediately.  My legs went limp as you shoved me down on my knees. The darkness of the dungeon seemed to glow red somehow, again it must have been the drugs.

snuff phone sex

My pussy began to throb and orgasm as you pulled your cock out above my head. You kept chanting in your other language and even though my heart was racing in fear, my body was responding with lust. I know it is a deadly sin, that much you have shown me over the past year. I belong to you. You stop chanting and tell me to open my satanic mouth. I do as you say. I stick my tongue out, as you stroke your cock, and again I could swear I see steam coming out of the end of your cock. I know its your hot cum, ready to fill my mouth.

What comes next I will never forget. My head was spinning and my pussy kept throbbing over and over with waves of orgasm. You began dripping your cum on the tip of my tongue and it was actually on fire! Your demon seed was real and it was cumming out in flames that burned as they lit my mouth on fire. The heat from the burning cum made my face hot and lit up the room as the other slaves watched. You began chanting again, and I now know that you are everything you ever said you were, and probably even worse.

Venus’s Capitve Caged Beauties for Sale

Cannibalism phone sex knife play bitchYou would be surprised at how much one can get for human flesh. I’m not even talking sex trafficking here. Men from all walks of life will pay top dollar for females of all types and ages. Some keep women as pets, some as servants, of course a few for sex slaves, but where I make my big money is selling women for nourishment. Not everyone who likes the taste of human flesh is some crazed killer like Hannibal Lector or Jeffrey Dahmer. Many are just normal, middle to upper class men and women who have a sophisticated pallet. I cater to that niche in female human flesh.

I have a very in depth selection process. I was trained by Rick, an expert in let’s say the fine dining experience. I stalk my commodities at length. I look for women with meat on their bones. You know, the kind that can provide proper nourishment. The women I hold captive need  a certain amount of body fat  to sustain others. Before I take a woman captive, I need to know she is healthy and natural. By natural I mean no Botox, no plastic surgery, no silicone breasts, no perms or hair dyes….Real woman taste better. I specialize in organic, all natural meat.

So once I capture my women, I cage them. Yes, I know they are not free range, but can’t have them escaping. So yes they are captives, but I treat them very well.  They each have their own cage and I feed them a high fat, high protein diet. Lots of yummy cornmeal shakes. Some of them need fattened up a bit. I bathe them daily, strip their bodies of any chemicals. I love them like a farmer loves his cows and pigs. My captives are precious  commodities to me. I don’t beat them; bruised flesh does not get top dollar. They bring me top dollar, so of course I am going to treat them well.

kidnapping phone sex Cannibalism captivesI have a showing two times a week to potential buyers. They are always so impressed with my selection and how healthy and plump and natural my captives are. Now, I assume my buyers know how to cook flesh, but for an extra fee, I am happy to give a cooking lesson. Thanks to Rick, I have learned all about proper seasoning and filleting. I have even acquired a taste for flesh. Think about it. The world is over populated. So much poverty, so much starvation in the world. I am simply helping  to conserve resources and feed people, while making a good living.

My newest captive is my mother. She has some flesh on her bones, so I know she will taste yummy. Plus, I’m tired of her nagging me. Every holiday it is the same thing, when am I going to make her a grandmother. Never bitch. I’m not fond of little ones. And , I am not fond of you. But soon , she will be some one’s dinner, and no longer a nuisance. 

If you have a woman problem, perhaps I can help. I have clients who will pay top dollar for premium flesh. And if you have say some bargain meat, well I can get rid of that for you for free. Cheap sluts grind up nicely and make good feed for the pigs I slaughter to fatten up my captives. Come shop at my warehouse.  I am sure I have the perfect woman for whatever your purpose: dinner, sex slave, servant, pet, or even torture doll.

torture phone sex snuff

It Was The Perfect Place

mutilation phone sex karmaI had her for several days.  A little torture here and little torture there. By the time I was done she could scream no longer. Her throat was so hoarse she had no voice. That part of the thrill was over but the terror in her eyes was still there. That alone thrilled me to the point of making my pussy drip. Her body was beaten and battered by the time I decided to find some place to dump her. It was time to end it for her and dispose of the body.mutilation phone sex empty lot I found a vacant lot but not secluded. I wanted to be able to case it after I was done because I love the thrill of watching them find the body, or what is left of it. Picking the perfect time I dismembered her body and loaded her up. I dumped her in the perfect location and set up camp to watch. It didn’t take long and when they found her and all the emergency vehicles showed up. The confusion and out rage at the ghastly scene made me cum so hard I had to lay there in my hiding spot and recover. It was the perfect place.mutilation phone sex body


Bondage phone sexI love to decorate my body, I have ink done as you can see, I have piercings, I wear make up and I wear jewelry.  Sometimes however, a body needs to go above and beyond that type of decoration.  I am referring to marks.  The deep to the skin they go, the better.  Old scars healed over by time, rough, and imperfection against perfect skin that will never fade.  It is forever lasting.  Beautiful ugly reminders of a traumatic wound. 

There are times where I love to decorate others.  You know exactly whom I mean.  I think I like to play with those who consider themselves to be “emo”.  How stupid is that? Sad little cunts that know nothing about the world yet they bitch, cry and cut instead of just having a fucking conversation about what is bothering them.  Idiots, the lot of them. 

I give them a lesson on what pain is really like, how cutting is supposed to be done.  None of this bullshit little slices and nicks.  Oh no, I want to see the purple rise to the surface when the ropes are finally taken off of their ankles, wrists and throats.  I want to see real tears wash away that dark eyeliner.  I want to see them as I press the cold steel sharp blade of a knife deep within their skin.  Then we stitch them up and play with them again another day, so when they finally are kicked out they will be decorated with the most perfect marks in the world.