Tag: Taboo phone sex

Keisha Kills Again!


My master surprised me this past weekend. He came into my basement and started having a conversation with me about my family. He wanted to know who they were, where they lived and how many of them could come over for Sunday dinner. I was really sure that he had lost his mind or he must be far too intoxicated to even understand what he was saying to me. Since I’ve been captured he’s told me everyday that he is my only family and I should forget the rest of the rats that I came from. I had been with him for so long that I was convinced, and I followed his every word never questioning a command. Even in my state of confusion I gave him as much information that I could remember.

To my surprise he wasn’t joking and actually had a good reason to dig up my past. They all arrived at dinner on time that Sunday and we sat down as if we all knew each other. They didn’t really seem like the family that I had left behind all that time ago. They seemed to be looking at me as if I had done something wrong, I was wondering what he could have told them. My snappy little sister is always the one to say something smart, so it didn’t surprise me when she started talking shit about our living arrangements. What did surprise me is how defensive I got over this place, the same place I’ve been trying to escape from. I was yelling at my sister loosing control and she just wouldn’t stop. Before I knew it, my hands were around her neck and I couldn’t stop myself from strangling her. I felt her body go limp in my hold and I knew in that moment I had went to far. But the death of my sister turned me on even more and I let my master take me right there next to my baby sister’s limp body.


The Devil Knows How To Do It…..

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Having dreams about him are my favorite nights. My Dark Prince, with his skin that shines with a beautiful red hue. His massive horns adorn his head and remind me of his huge rock hard cock. His body is well defined, muscular chest, six pack abs. His face is chiseled and his eyes glow with lust. His skin is hot to the touch. The sight of him makes my body respond instantly. I can feel the warmth of his breath against my skin as he spreads my legs and inches toward my quivering cunt. His tongue licks my already wet slit, it is rough and thick and I feel it invading and stretching me. I can’t help but grinding my cunt into his face giving him what he wants, my hot flowing cum. I can hear him groaning deep in his throat and chest as he follows the movements of my body, bringing me closer to the edge. Finally I explode in his mouth and in my sleep I feel the fluid covering me. Breathing heavy I wake up in a hot cold sweat, my legs and crotch soaked, my panties sticking to my body. Reaching down and scooping up fingers full of cum i eagerly suck it up. Closing my eyes I fall back to sleep and he reapers. This time his massive cock is hovering over my face. Longing to taste it, I cover it with my mouth and he shoves deep into my throat. It feels as if it grows larger the deeper he pushes into my mouth. Thrusting harder and deeper I can feel his balls begin to tighten and I know that he will be filling my mouth with cum soon. I can’t stop and I just hope that after I have pleasured him with my mouth he will honor me by ripping my cunt open with his huge dick. I want to feel it deep inside me.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

 Blasphemy Phone Sex1

 I had it rough growing up. My mother was very religious and my father was a drug addict. My mother was forever convincing my father to go to church, to find God, and he’d come around, until Sunday came, and then he’d throw a fucking fit and my mother would end up going to church with long sleeves and sunglasses. Everyone knew, but he was the man of the house, so either no one spoke up or no one cared. I’m pretty sure it was the latter. My father beat me  often. My mom never believed me until the time she walked in. My daddy was humping my face and his friend was fucking my cunny. My mother took a frying pan and smashed both of their heads in. She left their limp bodies on my bed, threw me over her shoulder, and put me in the truck. She drove all night to her brother’s house, where I climbed into the nearest bed, my eyes sewing themselves shut and my body aching for rest and sleep. And there I had the strangest dream.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My father killed me, which wasn’t very surprising, and I went falling through nothingness and I fell into Hell. I was tied up, whipped and fucked by the devil Himself for eternity. I was just a dirty cum dumpster for every man that landed there. I was routinely beaten and slapped and choked out and that was my life. Forever. Satan’s dick was really, really hot. Excruciatingly so. I awoke from the dream when I realized the pain was not in my dream, but in real life. My cousin, 2 years my junior, had tied me to his bed and was fucking me with a plugged in curling iron. I realized what was happening and he stuffed his limp little cock in my mouth and pissed down my throat, continuing to fuck me with the curling iron. My pussy felt like it was melting shut and in fact, still bears scars from that night. I wasn’t sure whether I’d rather be taken advantage of by my Daddy or my cousin, but it didn’t really matter. Psalms 9:9 states The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. and Psalm 9:9 is bullshit. I’m just a little pain slut, and I deserve everything I have coming to me. Is it your turn?Blasphemy Phone Sex

An Angry Black Man

Rape phone sex fantasiesI met him at a bus stop.  He was looking at me to the point where I actually felt uncomfortable.  I finally asked him what the fuck was he looking at.  He said loudly that I look like the bitch his grandmother works for.  I told him that I was not the bitch he thought I was.  He said he knew but I still looked like her.  I asked him why he referred to the person that his grandmother worked for as a bitch.  He told me that she treated his grandmother badly and didn’t pay her enough for all the work she did.  This gave me an idea.

I asked him what he would do if he could do what ever he wanted to her to get back at her for the way she treats his grandma.  He laughed and said, “If only!” I said, “What if you pretended that I was her since I look a lot like her.”  He told me that I must be shitting him, I told him I wasn’t.  I gave him my number and made it very clear that he could do what ever he wanted, that I was into pain.  I got on my bus and I hadn’t heard from him so I thought he would never call.

Eventually he did.  He sounded a bit unsure when I showed up, but I told him that I wouldn’t go to the cops, and I went into great detail about my recent past and how it excited me.  He then asked me what if he goes too far, I said then you go to far, I don’t care.  It took a bit but he finally got into it.  I’ll tell you what, he ragged out my cunt worse than I have ever had it before.  He slapped me around, he choked me with not only his hands but his cock as well.  He used me and violated me in every way he could come up with. 

I had so much cum of his on my face at the end that it looked like I stuck my face in marshmallow fluff. It was just what my pain slut self needed.  When he finally was exhausted he went to say he was sorry about how brutal he was.  I told him to save it, I loved it and if he ever was that pissed off again at the bitch who employed his grandma that he should call me.  I gave him a kiss and left.

I’d Rather Be Fifty Shades of Black and Blue

domination phone sex big tits blowjobOne of my girlfriends invited me to a high end BDSM club. They were having a sneak preview of “Fifty Shades of Grey” and women were admitted free. We put on some sexy latex outfits and decided to go meet ourselves a Christian Grey. I knew it would be lame. The club was swank. Not the typical dungeon I am usually in. Unfortunately all my girlfriends think that the BDSM in the novel is representative of all BDSM life. I look at it as vanilla BDSM or BDSM lite.  If my friends knew some of the sick things I have done, they would understand why I call “Fifty Shades of Grey” nothing more than a glorified Harlequin Romance novel. This club was like any other bar on a weekend to me, just with more hot bitches in dog collars and latex than most.

I’ve been cut. Beat to unconsciousness. Mummified. Whipped so hard I required stitches. Been fucked so brutally in my ass that it prolapsed. Been branded. Burned. Bones have been broken. I have been deprived food and water for days. Forced to swallow piss and eat shit. My nipples have been pierced with sharp objects and cut with knives. My cunt lips sowed together. Stoned. My skin has been sliced. I’ve been gang banged. Had buckets of cum dumped on me. Been suspended over flames. Had my face held under water until I passed out and had to be brought back to life with CPR. Been buried alive. Been forced to entertain the farm life. Had parts of my flesh cut from my body to be cooked and eaten.  Countless jagged and sharp objects have fucked my holes until I bled profusely.

Girls like my friends who are obsessed with “Fifty Shades of Grey” make me giggle. They think they are so bad ass cuz they get tied up and spanked a little. The moment a man tries to put them in their place, 6 feet under the ground, they’d be calling the police. I don’t consider it BDSM unless I’m fifty shades of black and blue. Most women have no clue what it means to truly be a slave, a servant, but I do. I’m yours to use.

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Journal Entry

Friday February 6th

They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.

Rape phone sex fantasies

New Meat Market for Dinner

annibalism phone sex knife playI never grow tired of hunting my prey. This world is full of victims. Stupid worthless whores and jackasses surround  me making it easy for me to find someone to fill my need to kill. Finding suitable food for my peculiar tastes, however, is a bit more taxing. My personal chef, Rick, has taught me many things; he has given me not only a taste for flesh, but an appreciation for meal preparation.

cannibalism phone sex big tits A good meal is much harder to come by than a good snuff victim. Why? Because so many women are not natural and are underfed. They are concerned with appearance more than health. To find a good meal is challenging in the era of size 6 girls, bleach blondes, Botox and fake tits. I found a new hunting ground for my meals: www.sophisticatedhotties.com.  There are lots of natural beauties here. Some need fattening up and a handful need to have the silicone removed from their bodies before cooking, but the bulk of girls here will make a tasty meal with little prep work.

accomplice phone sexThanks to Rick, I know to be patient. Ginger, Felecity and Divina need to be plumped up a bit, but they look tasty. I can store the girls in cages for a few days and feed them healthy weight gaining corn meal shakes.  Three lovely women for three scrumptious meals. All whores that won’t be missed. Two strippers and a spoiled trophy wife can serve a higher purpose as nourishment for me and my friends. They are not fooling me. Sophisticated my ass. Worthless dirty whores, all of them.

cannibalism phone sex blonde whoreTake a look at these lovely ladies. They pride themselves as classy vanilla girls who would never be into snuff or anything dark. Stuck up bitches need to be put in their place, don’t you agree? I won’t have any guilt over stalking, kidnapping, skinning, basting, slow roasting and eating any one of these self righteous cunts. And the ones that do not end up in my belly, well they might be fun play things to cut, snuff, bleed, torture and force to do all sorts of perverse  things sexually. 

cannibalism phone sex ebony hottieThere is a meal for every taste. Older flesh, younger flesh, meaty flesh, skinny flesh, white meat and even dark meat. Who looks like the best meal to you? Think of all the fun we can have together hunting and preparing our meal together.

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Accomplice phone sex with Toni: Sex Offender Registry

Accomplice phone sex

When a convicted rapist moved to my neighborhood everyone was freaking out and loosing their minds about it. Every time I left the house I would overhear conversations about him. Their lives must be more typical and boring than I thought because they literally had nothing else to talk about! Did they think telling stories about what he done would scare everyone? Probably. If that’s what they were doing than it must have really disgusted them when they found out about what I done. Those nasty little tales they were rambling on about didn’t make me afraid at all, they actually turned me on! I wasn’t about to stay home and rub my aching clit to a snuff porn video either! So I decided to go out and have some fun…
The first time I went looking for him I didn’t expect to find him, but I did. Just seeing the way people started to act anxious anytime they got near his house made him stick out. While I waited on his front porch my cunt got soaking wet and started to throb. I was that excited to meet him and once he opened the door I liked what I found. snuff porn videoThe instant he opened his door I let myself in without an invitation. Then, I started to undress and demanded that he tell me all about what he done. It didn’t take long before he admitted everything, all while his cock was stuffed down my throat.
Precum was leaking out from his thick pulsating cock while he told me about the 2 girls he had raped and beat on. That was already hot, but when he started to tell about crimes that the courts didn’t know about it nearly made me cum. Countless murders, torture, molestation, rapes, and even arson! It’s even more exciting that he got it away with all!!
We were having so much that we decided to share it with everyone. They didn’t seem to like it very much, some even told me how much it disgusted them. Seeing me walking down the street wrapped in his arms made their weak stomachs turn. I did enjoy it, but it wasn’t enough. That’s when I decided that we should just fuck in front of everyone.
I choose semi-public places at first. You know, places like parks and playgrounds. We would hide in the bushes in the late afternoon and make each other cum. It wasn’t over until someone discovered us, then we run. We never ran home either, just to the next location to have more fun. Word spread quickly, the entire neighborhood was horrified. One of the younger boys even recorded me sucking Mr. Rapist’s prick under a bridge!

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Sissy Fairy Fag Vampire Killer

bloody phone sex torture submissiveI don’t remember much about that night. I was partying too much with a particular master and his friends. I knew there was something odd about them.  But, I’m trained to not ask questions, to just do what I am told. But when I woke up pale, cold and with an unquenchable hunger, I had to ask. What had I become? I knew the answer, but I did not want to admit it. Were vampires real? I had fangs, heighten senses, was pale, the light burned my skin and I needed to fuck like my life depended on it.

I called my Master but he said I had a new master now. I had been sold . I was created to breed a new era of vampires; to rid the world of  sissy fairy faggot blood suckers that give real vampires a bad name. A hot vamp like me would not only breed a sturdy manly stock, but I could attract real alpha males to turn, as well as lure the sissy blood suckers easily to their death.  Only a fellow vampire can give another vampire a true death.

bloody phone sex vampire evilI was created to ethnic cleanse the vampire race. To restore it back to a race of men not fags. My first assignment kill this fairy vamp named Edward. You see he gives vampires a bad image. He supposedly sparkles in the sunlight. Everything about him screams sissy fairy fag. He even has baby fangs. If I can rid the world of tiny fanged sissy faggot vampires, I am happy that I was turned.  I will bite off his pecker, wear it around my neck as a warning to beta vamps that the race doesn’t accept anything but real bloodsuckers; vamps who can feed without remorse; vamps who can take women against their will and turn them into their sex slaves not their girlfriends.

Look out sissy fairy fag bloodsuckers, your days are numbered. Only real vampires, real men get to live in my world.

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I Can’t Escape!


Here I was again, stuck in the same dungeon I had escaped from. I don’t know how he found me, I thought that I had fell off the grid. I made every attempt to get away from him. The last time I got away I didn’t think I would make it out, so I promised myself I wouldn’t come anywhere near anything that reminded me of him or that terrible terrible place. I never stepped foot back in that city and I didn’t stop running until I felt safe. I skipped state on a greyhound bus and decided to settle in a new small town where no one knew me. I had finally felt at home after a few months of staying there, I was getting to know my way around town and had even made a few friends.

torture-sex-keisha.jpgWe were out one night when I felt like something couldn’t have been right. Everyone was being too nice to me, I was offered many drinks but it wasn’t until after I had a few that I really felt in danger. My mind was starting to get away from me and no one looked the same. I woke up in the same place I told myself I’d never be again. He had the restraints on me tighter today, I guess he wanted to make sure I couldn’t get away. I was strapped down with no other choice but to take his nut. I laid there strapped up and afraid as he pounded my naughty nigger pussy to shreds with his big white cock. He only took the ball gag out of my mouth to hear me call him master, all the rest of my cries were muffled into the gag he was trying to make me swallow. He was pissed at my attempt to escape him and he was determined to teach me a huge lesson.