I have a pig for sale. It never ceases to amaze me how many worthless fuck pigs turn over their entire lives to me. Just a flat, “do with me what you want mistress for I am a worthless pig.” Yes you are a worthless pig, and you bet your pathetic ass I will auction you off to the highest bidder for whatever twisted, perverted thing I want. I could auction you off to be tortured, to be snuffed out, to be castrated, or to just serve as a slave, fuck or house.
I was on the fence for this particular pig. So, I ran an ad just seeing what kind of hits I would get. I got offered $10,000 by a chick who recognized him as the ex boyfriend who gave her an STD. She wanted to castrate his disease ridden cock, take away his manhood so he couldn’t infect any more girls. I am a greedy bitch, but I told her she could take his junk for free. I can sell him without his man bits to be snuffed out or used as a slave. I have no allegiance to stupid fuck pigs with a death wish anyway. But I do like to help a bitch out, especially when it’s all about revenge.
She was salivating when she saw him in his cage. We taunted him like a monkey in the zoo. Rattled his cage. He was blindfolded, but he recognized her voice. Shit himself too, just like a dirty animal. I pulled him out of his cage, made him clean up his mess, then forced him in the castration chair. It’s this little device I made which has a wood plank for a worthless pecker to be stretched out on, and straps for the arms and ankles. He tried to back out. Pleaded to keep his nasty dick. I have a strict no refunds no exchanges policy. You pay me to do whatever I want to you, fuck your cold feet.
I pulled his pecker to elongate it as much as I could considering its diminutive size. I nailed his balls to the chair too. I gave his disgruntled ex my big knife, but the bitch had a change of heart. WTF? I hate pussies. I yanked the knife out her hand, stabbed her in her worthless cunt repeatedly. Left the bitch alive but bleeding profusely; pretty sure she wouldn’t reproduce ever. The world needs less pussies. I then took the knife dripping in her pussy blood and took her ex’s dick right off. Didn’t go slow, didn’t numb him, just pulled his worthless balls out, twisted them into a knot, then a swift whack and his junk was gone. I then shoved his disease ridden worthless pecker in his wimp of an ex girlfriend’s mouth. “Suck on that bitch. Teach you to back out on a deal with me,” I yelled at her
Nothing went as planned, but at least I ensured two pansy ass stupid fucks who can’t follow through will never reproduce. Need a license to do just about anything in this world, but any fucking moron can reproduce. Well two less fucking morons can reproduce now.