Tag: Taboo phone sex

I do it for you…

Domination phone sex

Some times I do bad things on purpose, so You will punish me, I guess I need more training…. I don’t know why I do it, defiance, punishment, pain, pleasure it all starts to merge together and not make sense to me, and I can be very good for a while, but I love to touch my tight pussy, I will beg to touch it, I know I deserve to be punished severely when I disobey You, and I am at peace with that. The pain makes me high. It puts me in a place that is more pleasurable than having sex. I disobey you for a reason. I am your dog, your slave, your bitch. I obey you most of the time.. but There is this wild animal in me that needs to deify you. I need to see you angry. Watching you bite your lip, squeeze your fits and hit me, make me so fucking wet. Seeing the anger in your eyes is intoxicating. At that moment I know I am your next torture product until you feel better. Spending hours with you, watching your evil smile as you cut into me. Makes me more than high. 

Torture phone sex


The Notebook and Torture Sex

torture sex killer knife playTorture Sex makes me wet. Ever since I was a young girl watching slasher and horror films I knew that I would never be a Nicolas Sparks kind of chick. In fact, his movies, like “The Notebook,” make me homicidal. I lost a bet when that movie came out. I was just a teen school girl then, a goth girl with few friends, much like today. After the movie, I wanted to punch kittens and stuff, but I like animals way too much, so I took my aggression out on some pussy instead. There was this insipid girl sitting behind me in the theater. Perfect hair; perfect nails; perfect boyfriend; perfect bitch.

I followed her after the show, until I knew she was alone. Drugged her with some chloroform, dragged her back to my place, threw her in the basement and waited for her to wake up to play. I had her naked on a table, bright lights blinding her. I had my own private torture chamber. I still do, just now it has grown, become even a darker, more twisted place. I affixed mouse traps to her pussy lips and pulled them as far to the side as I could.  I had fun sticking hat pins in her clit; fucking her with metal rods; burning her cunt with cigarettes…. The best was jabbing her uterus with an ice pick. To say it made me hot to ruin her girl parts would be a gross understatement.  I was wet, but I wanted to get off harder. I put a chain around her neck and rigged it so there would be a chain hook attached to her worthless pussy too.Mutilation phone sex torture pornAs I hoisted her in the air, the chain pulled and tugged at her clit, eventually yanked it right off. Blood spurted from a hole that was once associated with pleasure. Her screams, her tears, her blood got me so wet that I had to touch myself. I came so hard knowing I had mutilated her junk. The more she pleaded and begged and asked why, the harder I rubbed myself.  I even squirted on her. When I let her down, her pussy was so mangled it looked like raw hamburger meat.  I wore a mask and with the lights, I knew she could never identify me. I resisted the urge to snuff her out. I left her alone on the table sobbing in pain and fear for a few minutes. I returned with my sewing kit and a rat. Her pussy was gaping open so I shoved the rat deep inside her, then stitched her worthless cunt up so the rodent would gnaw and scratch its way out.

I tossed her naked, tortured body along the highway then went home to do my schoolwork. The next day I got off again reading about the random act of violence against a local socialite in the newspaper. This was my first foray into torture sex, but certainly not my last. Bonus, now every time someone mentions that awful movie “The Notebook”, I get wet remembering my first torture sex. Not enough to make me endure it again, however.

medical fetish phone sex torture uterus

Mother Goose Gore

taboo phone sex

I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.

My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;

1, 2 I am watching you

3, 4, gonna taste you whore

5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick

7, 8, Let you bake

9, 10 That’s your end.

The old lady who lived in a shoe

There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten

Some of the ass holes were even eaten.

Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)

Im a little Pgirl

Tiny and thin

When you come over

My knife goes right in

Lets have a good time

Help me out

Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.

Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)

Wha, Wha,

        Stupid Slut

Wanna Suck

          His Cock?

Yes please,

          Yes please,

Till my bellies full.

Knife to the kidney,

Tear open your ass

              Your about to

              Die you cunt

               Better hope

               You die fast

Ha, Ha

              Stupid slut

Still wanna

               Suck that cock?

I’ll take your silence

               That you have no guts to stuff. 

The Wrong Bar to Score Drugs

ass rape porn dirty motherI knew the moment I walked in to score some coke, this was no ordinary bar. A wholesome looking soccer mom with a dirty habit stood out like a sore thumb in this leather biker bar. But, the bartender is known for having the best coke for the cheapest price in town. I tried to act like I fit in as I walked up to the bar, but I was shaking in my pumps.  “You look like someone I want to abuse,” the bartender informed me. I felt eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. “I’m clearly in the wrong place,” I stammered. I pivoted on my heels to leave, but he grabbed me gruffly by my red mane, yanked me back. “Not so soon MILFY. I know what you want and I got what you need,” he seethed before slamming my face down on the bar.

Dizzy from the blow to my head, I teetered in my pumps until I collapsed over a table. Before I could regain my composure, strangers were pulling my clothes off. Dazed and confused, men violated my holes. I felt fists being shoved up my cunt and my ass. Men were pissing down my throat. I was being violated in the worst way. The creepy bartender came around me from behind. Grabbed my red locks so hard I thought my hair would pull out from the roots. He started force fucking my ass. I started to cry, but I got my mouth muffled with huge cock. “Nothing more we hate than soccer moms slumming for drugs,” he spewed. They used my ass as a cum dump for hours, my body as a punching bag.

When they were finished with me, they spit in my face, tossed me an eight ball and the bartender told me to get my skanky ass out of his bar. Battered, filled with cum, bloody, sore, humiliated, I crawled outside to my car where I guess  I passed out. I woke up with WHORE written across my forehead in what appeared to be my blood. I knew that bar looked sketchy, but I needed a fix badly. At least I got it.

Working Girl

Teen Rape PornI got another job last week and the job was so fucking easy to get away with. Their mom’s a drug addict totally out of her mind so setting her up to take the blame for what I did was as easy as tying the brats up. Their mom was out probably on an all night binge, so I had plenty of time which I didn’t even need but enjoyed. It’s nice to take it slow every now and then. I tied the girl’s hands to her ankles and laid her out spread eagle with her little pink pussy up in the air, easy to carve up like a turkey. I broke her legs like little wish bones and said a prayer, even though my fantasy was already coming true, taking the kitchen knife gliding it across my nipples until they’d get hard, painting my naked body with her blood. It was almost too easy. Then I just stuck one of her junkie-mom’s needles in the girls arm and I assume the cops just thought she went too hard on the smack because I never heard from her again.

Stupid Whore!

Killer phone sexA good woman knows her way around the kitchen, mama always told me. Good thing I’ve got some prime meat left over from the game I made last week. She was a runner, but I was horny so I couldn’t let her get away. Most of her clothes had already been torn off from running through brush since I chased her into the woods. What a stupid whore. She tripped and I sunk my favorite knife into her back, severing her spine to keep her from struggling any more. I was already pissed since killing the stock while it’s stress toughens the meat but I had eaten right in so long I decide it was worth it. I took a little taste while she was screaming, like eating sushi, tender raw meat, then had to make myself cum since I was so pent up from all the excitement. I still can’t get off while rubbing my pussy without taking the knife on myself so I nicked my thigh just enough to bleed so I could get off. The whole situation was just so fucking sexy that I had to share it with somebody. 

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: The Best Birth Control

castration phone sex knife tortureI have a pig for sale. It never ceases to amaze me how many worthless fuck pigs turn over their entire lives to me. Just a flat, “do with me what you want mistress for I am a worthless pig.” Yes you are a worthless pig,  and you bet your pathetic ass I will auction you off to the highest bidder for whatever twisted, perverted thing I want. I could auction you off to be tortured, to be snuffed out, to be castrated, or to just serve as a slave, fuck or house.

I was on the fence for this particular pig. So, I ran an ad just seeing what kind of hits I would get. I got offered $10,000 by a chick who recognized him as the ex boyfriend who gave her an STD. She wanted to castrate his disease ridden cock, take away his manhood so he couldn’t infect any more girls. I am a greedy bitch, but I told her she could take his junk for free. I can sell him without his man bits to be snuffed out or used as a slave.  I have no allegiance to stupid fuck pigs with a death wish anyway. But I do like to help a bitch out, especially when it’s all about revenge.

torture phone sex sadistic bitchShe was salivating when she saw him in his cage. We taunted him like a monkey in the zoo. Rattled his cage. He was blindfolded, but he recognized her voice. Shit himself too, just like a dirty animal. I pulled him out of his cage, made him clean up his mess, then forced him in the castration chair. It’s this little device I made which has a wood plank for a worthless pecker to be stretched out on, and straps for the arms and ankles. He tried to back out. Pleaded to keep his nasty dick. I have a strict no refunds no exchanges policy. You pay me to do whatever I want to you, fuck your cold feet.

I pulled his pecker to elongate it as much as I could considering its diminutive size. I nailed his balls to the chair too. I gave his disgruntled ex my big knife, but the bitch had a change of heart. WTF? I hate pussies. I yanked the knife out her hand, stabbed her in her worthless cunt repeatedly. Left the bitch alive but bleeding profusely; pretty sure she wouldn’t reproduce ever. The world needs less pussies. I then took the knife dripping in her pussy blood and took her ex’s dick right off. Didn’t go slow, didn’t numb him, just pulled his worthless balls out, twisted them into a knot, then a swift whack and his junk was gone. I then shoved his disease ridden worthless pecker in his wimp of an ex girlfriend’s mouth. “Suck on that bitch. Teach you to back out on a deal with me,” I yelled at her

Nothing went as planned, but at least I ensured two pansy ass stupid fucks who can’t follow through will never reproduce. Need a license to do just about anything in this world, but any fucking moron can reproduce. Well two less fucking morons can reproduce now.

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I love a good challenge

snuff sexI’ve always been good at puzzles, how could I not be? I am so creative and I like to see things fit together just the way they were supposed to… that’s why I’ll take up any challenge to cut a precious lil bitch’s body up and find a way to fit it into any container you have for me. I’ve disposed of many sluts this way and I greatly enjoy the task of trying to fit all those once sweet and breathing body parts into the most obvious or most bizarre containers possible. I like to have my fun experimenting with smaller containers causing me to have to cut her up into nice small pieces, almost like nice beef stew sized pieces. Maybe I’ll even keep a few for my dinner? Hmm, who could turn down free meat? And the fun I had with this delicious meat will make it taste THAT much better, every bite I will remember her struggle and screams and imagine all the blood I caused right until the life left those big doe eyes she had…so whatever I can’t cut up to those little bite size pieces can easily go right into the crock pot for a nice meal tomorrow! After I had done my teasing and torture, and of course had my way with that sweet pink pussy of hers, I made sure to tell her exactly how she was going to die, as I slowly cut her soft skin, she was the color red by the time I was done with her, I made her cry and beg until she couldn’t speak anymore – at last she finally bled out, and even her very own blood is what she tasted before she finally shutup for good. At this point it was so easy to completely saw through her body as she was no longer able to struggle but we all know it is no easy task to cut through bone so I did of course have to pull out my special set of tools. Now I’m going to use those tiny tupperware boxes that look like giant Legos and stuff them all full and bury them throughout the town – it will be quite the scavenger hunt for the police – if they ever grow a brain and even find the first one!

Some people never shut up

violent phone sexThe tedious things in life are what really get to me, should I really have to go do the shopping or pay bills? Uggghh! Unfortunately for me though, I am forced to take care of these things and that is how I ended up stuck sitting next to the most annoying woman on earth! She was nonstop talking on her damn phone, the whole room heard all about her medical problems and how she hates her daughter in law, blah blah blah, it went on forever! By the time I actually paid my bill and left I knew that I was going to kill her, how could I not? I waited for her to come out and followed the clueless bitch home, turns out that she lived all alone, I guess no one else could stand her incessant bitching either. Definitely made it easier for me to follow her inside though, she had no idea I was even there because she was still quacking away on her damn phone! That stopped when I hit her over the head with a bat, she dropped like a stone and her phone shattered and turned off and finally there was silence. I hit her again and again until my arms were tired and her head was pretty much obliterated, there was blood and brains everywhere but I’m sure her cats will take care of all that…

March Madness

torture phone sex renaMarch has been one crazy month. All the college basketball games have been on, and my father has gotten himself into even more trouble. That means his ass is in hot water with the bookies, and my ass is gonna have to get used to bail him out. Such is my life. This has been going on for years.
I got a call from Tony, one of dad’s lenders, telling me he was hosting a game night at his place and I was to be the prize. He left me the address and told me to look like a fan girl. I put together my best looking Michigan State University cheerleader outfit and did my make-up.
I got to Tony’s as instructed, an hour before tip-off. His place was filled with men of all ages, shapes and sizes. Many of them had been drinking and I could tell that they were looking me over like meat on a plate. I stepped into Tony’s Go-Go cage, which he had suspended at the corner of the bar. The rules were I had to give any man Tony sent over a blow job, and the winning better got to take me home for the rest of the night – no holds barred. I hoped that this time the winner would be someone kinder. Many of the men that ran in this crowd were rough.
Marty the bartender handed me a drink through the bars of the cage. Ahhhh a nice Absinthe to settle my nerves. No sooner had I downed the drink when Tony sent over the first of many men that night. I was all about the business and got right on my knees to give this guy head. He was a talker. Said his name was Lee and he hoped he would be lucky enough to win me. He had a lovely accent – which I could not place. South Africa maybe? London? Anyway it was nice to hear him talk. Sadly that did not last very long as he was an easy comer and did not last more than 5 minutes. I slurped up every drop of cum from his spent cock and smiled. He winked at me and slid me a $20 bill. Tony saw that this guy was trying to tip me and immediately rushed over. “That belongs to me” he bellowed “for this cum whore’s debt”.
I must have blown 15-20 men before the game was over. I lost count after Marty gave me another Absinthe. Finally it was down to the last minute of the game. The scores were close and I could hear the men jeering that they were going to be the one to take me home. I looked over the crowd of men and saw Lee nodding his head. He gave me the thumbs up sign like he knew he was gonna be the one. I smiled back and nodded. I hoped it would be him. Lee was a tall, slender man with ginger red hair. He seemed like a gentleman, and his voice was very soothing.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the final buzzer for the game. Tony got up to the bar and announced that the winner of tonight’s prize was Lee!! I could not believe my luck! Lee hurried over to the cage and quickly whisked me away to his SUV. We drove down a country road and pulled up to a big red barn. “Follow me”, he said politely. As we walked in, I could tell something was wrong. The lights in the barn were red and all I could see was dungeon furniture! Paddle benches, Saint Andrew’s Crosses and tables with restraints lined the whole perimeter. Lee forcefully grabbed my shirt and ripped it off me. He yanked my hands up over my head and tied me to the St. Andrew ’s cross. He took off his suit and tie and rolled up his sleeves. He opened up a rifle case that was filled with whips, crops, floggers and canes.
He took turns beating me with each tool for what seemed like hours. I don’t know if it was blood or sweat that was running down my back. I felt like I was about to pass out when he dumped a bucket of ice water on me. “No-no little one, I want you awake!” He untied my hands from the cross and dragged me over to a bench. He flipped me over on my tummy and spread my legs. He unzipped his pants and shoved his hard cock into my twat. Over and over again he pumped my slippery cunt. I listened to the hard slaps of his balls against me as he fucked me like a beast. Finally his breath became ragged and he dumped his load deep into me. He pulled me up by my hair and told me I was his cum whore from now on. He had paid off my father’s debt to Tony so he could have me. I was glad to be done with Tony but had no idea what the future would mean with Lee. I guess only time will tell.