I am such a naughty girl that my family has always been there to make me behave. Today I was watching porn on my TV in the living room, thinking no one was home and touching my dripping wet pussy with my fingers. My Uncle Tom all of the sudden came from no where with a razor blade in hand and a stiff pole in his pants. He turned off the tv and stood in front of me,- now naked. He told me to sit up like a big girl and open my legs. He then took the razor blade and made little cuts along my aureoles. It burned! He then told me if I make even a sound he was going to punish me more. I couldn’t help but squeal as that blade cut my pale skin. He then grabbed my hair and through my face to the side of the couch bending me over to slap my pale ass with his belt until my skin wilted. He said that I can’t look at any man except for him. As he began to piss in my eyes. Oh ouch! I will always listen because I like the pain, blood, and ripped skin way too much, I can’t wait to be another persons victim.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Family comes first
Ass Rape Porn and Snuff Porn Made in the Back of a Hearse
Master had an idea for making ass rape porn. He purchased a hearse. I call it the snuffmobile because all the girls he makes his little porn movies with, never leave the vehicle breathing. He gutted it out, put in a mattress, bondage equipment, even torture devices. My job is to be his accomplice. I procure girls for Master, preferably young girls and drive it around while he entertains them in the back. It is surprisingly easy. Between hitch hikers, runaways, brats left unattended at the mall and drunk girls, I have been able to bring him lots of flesh for his mobile torture studio.
Today I brought him a tender young girl I picked up at the mall. She was lost. I went into Mommy mode, told her I knew her mommy and she was waiting for her in the parking lot. I shoved her into the back of the snuffmobile, where Master and his crew took over. I don’t like being involved in hurting little ones; it goes against my maternal instincts. But I want to live, so I have to do what Master wants. Dying goes against my survival instincts.
I could hear her screams from the front seat. Master had a camera installed so when his victim is left alone, he can see what she is doing while driving to our next destination. I peaked in while driving. He had her naked, spread eagle on the mattress. She was bound, gagged and being anally assaulted. He spanked her; fisted her tight little cunny to prime it for hardcore anal fucking. One of his henchmen was filming it all. The little girl was crying for her mommy as she got forced fucked in all her little holes. This hearse also served as a P-mobile. He was anally assaulting young girls in the back and filming it all.
This little girl that I helped kidnap was going to die in the snuffmobile. I know Mater well enough to know that he was not gonna risk letting her go when she could identify us all. I watched as he sliced her little bee sting boobies off. She laid their bleeding all over the white sheets again. The little thing was battered and broken, but the more blood that Master drew from her, the harder he got. It was a vicious cycle. He would cut off a body part, then fuck her. Cut off another body part, fuck her some more. Eventually she was just a lifeless little stump covered in blood with cum oozing out of her fuck holes. He was now making snuff porn.
He had me stop the snuffmobile near the city dump. He tossed her lifeless body in a landfill and we drove off to pick up the next victim. Next up to star in one of his force fuck porns and die in his hearse was a teen hitch hiker. Stupid cunt. She should know better than to take ride from strangers.
Taboo Phone Sex; You Better Run Piggy
New client that I have found a love and appreciation for. Not only is he a lover of taboo phone sex, but he is a master at making the best snuff porn. It is nice to find someone whose brain exercises my creative mind. He was a fan of how I stalked my prey and I was a fan how he mowed them down with his menacing hearse. How he would taunt them and torture them for hours leading up to their release.
He had lots of land and had turned his prized possession into something that could handle to terrain that he was driving though. I was fast too and equipped with spikes and guns and all kinds of fun things that made death race look like it was for little brats. I picked out who was to be our victim for the evening. She was a cheer slut and so very much to his taste. I invited her to his place with the promise of some white powder to please her nose with. She came running no problem and as soon as she got to the door I tazed her skinny ass dropping her to the floor.
I laughed as we pulled her by the hair. He hated them tied down. He loved it when they had all of that hope in their pathetic eyes, like they could actually get away. As long as they were good piggys they would not get nailed into the chair. Of course this cunt was dumb so a nail gun to each hand she got.
Something to shock her, but she could pull free from if she tried hard enough. A few hours of torture later we glued a real piggy snout all bloody to her stupid whore face. The hot glue went directly onto her skin and then we pushed it against it.
This is where he made the move that I loved so much. We kissed and then left out the front door “accidently” leaving it open. Sure enough like clockwork 10 mins later a naked bitch, bloody and still wearing her pig snout would dart out of the house straight to her disabled vehicle. She would look around making sure the coast was clear frantically trying to find her keys in her vehicle. As she put down the visor there they would be waiting. Of course they would not run. About the time she figured out that she was not going in where in that piece of shit car we would emerge from the garage in the death rod, his customized hearse, and ram into the little bitches vehicle.
We would circle her making her run run run. Yelling “you better run little piggy,” as we toyed with her mind. He would shoot just past her or just miss her legs on a pass. Of course he could hit her at any time but that was not the fun of the game. She screamed as she tried to evade the inevitable. I could not help but laugh when he finally ran her over. He just disabled her legs really; leaving her trying to crawl to what she thought was her freedom in the wood. I stood over her and grabbed the back of her hair flipping her over to her back. “What’s the matter little piggy, don’t you wanna play?” I chucked before caving her face in with the sledge hammer I carried over my shoulders. I chuckled licking the blood from my lips. He kissed the rest clean from me.
Snuff Porn Director Venus Enjoys Looking at Her Snuff Porn Galleries
I’m a butcher babe with quite a reputation, even a fan following in the snuff porn world. I made a dark underground film a few years back called Butcher Babe’s Bloody Harem. I’m not exactly Eli Roth or Rob Zombie. I don’t use a script or actors. If you were to look at my snuff porn galleries, you would see a very realistic quality to my work. That’s because my actors are victims. Just stupid whores in the wrong place at the right time for me.
As I was looking at some stills from my kills, I got wet. I needed to make another killer dark film. I cannot begin to explain the joy of duping wannabe actresses and actors into thinking they are making a little indie horror film, to have them die on camera. The look of horror on their faces when they realize I specialize in snuff pictures not horror films is priceless. I got myself jonesing to make another film, so I went trolling for a starlet. I found a young teen hitchhiker. They are the best. Always desperate for money and stupid as fuck. I asked her if she wanted to make some fast cash doing a snuff fantasy porn. I assured her it was all smoke and mirrors, just special effects. Asked her if she had ever seen the film 8MM. Explained it’s all fake like that movie. I think for the $500 I offered her, she would have let me gut her like a pig. Poor thing acted like it was so much money. Guess to a strung out runaway teen no one would miss, it was a lot of money.
I took her to my cabin in the woods where I have two underground gore porn directors who assist me from time to time in my film endeavors. Gave her cash, which I would of course get back once she was dead; then I doused her in fake blood while my two hung accomplices force fucked her. She was such a skank. She let them fuck her ass, skull fuck her, cover her in jizz without protection, all for $500 cash. I let the boys have some fun with her first, then I went up to her as she was hanging from the metal beam acting like I was going to cut her down and stuck a shank in her belly instead. A shank for a skank. That might be the title of the film. The look of surprise on her face as I twisted that sharp blade into her gut made my cunt drip. When I pulled it out, her entrails spilled onto the floor. So much blood and viscera poured out of her limp body. I was stepping in her entrails. This was going to make for another great little film.
My henchmen disposed of her body in the wood chipper out back, while I looked over the film and began to think of all the ways I was gonna spend my money. This film was better than my first. Maybe we could make snuff movies together? Killing is always more fun with an accomplice.
snuff porn galleries with Makayla
Taboo phone sex is no joke. My favorite caller really knows how to get me in the mood. Just seeing hearing his voice “Hello” Makes me wetter than the ocean. I put on my tight skirt and climb into my bath tub. He likes the idea of seeing my skin pop threw the tight clothing. He tells me what to do, and I am more than willing to do it. He loves to torture my cunt and to listen to my screams as I stab my pussy lips. This week when he calls I have a new toy to play with. I have tried it on my own but I wanted him to really tell me what to do with it. Its about 6 inches long and skinny but the needles on it hurt. I can wait for him to torture me this week. In the past I have had to sew up my own cunt. I love rubbing my warm blood into my cut up pussy. For him I’d do anything! Check out our snuff porn galleries .
The prey
Just got done doing my workout at the gym tonight, I am so exhausted. My body feels fatigued and I’m all sweaty. I start walking to the car when all of the sudden I feel multiple people grab me. My heart shoots to the sky as I start to panic. My body is forced to the cold asphalt as I began to take whips to my body, I try to curl up in a ball but there is no use. There are five men holding and spreading my body apart and down. Two other men are ripping my clothes off with knives. I feel their sharp cold blades graze my skin. I am crying anticipating the pain they are going to inflict on me. They finally stop whipping my naked body, now all my skin is risen, ripped , red and stings. They then began to chop at my nipples, my throat, my ribs, my hips, my pussy, and my thighs with their sharp and dull knives. I’m a bloody mess as they watch my body squirm and my body parts bounce around. They laugh calling me names and mock me. They then all take turns pissing on my cuts making them sting so bad! They all take turns fucking me in all my holes and spraying their cum all over my body and they just left me there. I crave to get their attention again, that was the only time I have felt important.
Surrogate Bitch
You said I look just like the lying cheating bitch!
Looking at me just made you angry, made you realize how much you hate her!
She hardly touches you. She always has a headache or something else to do! But you know she is fucking other men, sucking their cock, taking it in the ass!
But you can’t punish her so you take it out on me, doing all the things to me that you want to do to her!
You punch me in the face, knocking me to the ground. I tried to get up but you just kicked me in the ribs. Yeah, you were gonna give her what she had coming!
I laid there on the floor crying while you tied my hands and ankles. Then you picked me up and threw my body on the bench.
You were thinking of her the entire time you fucked my mouth, yelling at me, calling me by her name, telling me I was a fucking whore!
I could feel splinters digging into my nipples as you pounded your fuck stick down my throat, choking me with every forceful thrust!
But that was not good enough! You were going to have my ass the way so many men have had hers! That’s right! You were finally going to take back what belonged to you!
You back handed me across the face as you pulled your cock out, splitting my lip and breaking my nose! It hurt like hell but at least I could finally breath!
You propped me up with a huge log under my hips. I had no idea what you were doing and then I felt my tight little ass being torn open as you violently forced your way in with out warning!
The more I screamed the harder you pushed! You were still screaming at me, calling me by her name. I begged you to stop. I promised to love you and do what ever you wanted!
That’s when you said I was a lying whore just like her!
You said the only way to stop a whore from lying is to shove something in her mouth!
You came back around and and blasted that dick spit in my mouth and all over my face!
That’s when your cell rang. It was her! You were so sweet to her, “Yes baby, I will pick up some milk on the way home. Love you to. See ya in a bit.”
And just like that, without saying a word, you untied me and walked away!
DIY Snuff Porn
Snuff porn is already great, but when you make it yourself it’s even better. For years I have been making my own, I’ve just been really smart about it. You’ll never seen me in one of my snuff movies because I don’t plan on ever getting caught. Sometimes I’m not even in the same room as my victims and there are times when I never have any physical contact with them at all.
You might find that hard to believe, but it’s so easy to do. When I’m bored I browse online forums for suicidal people, those idiots are the easiest targets. Sometimes I’ll also look at forums for depression and drug addiction too because those aren’t as easy. It’s still fun for me though, I like a challenge. All I have to do is respond to them on the board or in a private message. I usually tell them that I want to help them to pull them in and believe it or not they fall for it almost every single time.
At first, I’m very sympathetic especially with my suicidal victims. Then, once I get them to confess some of their dirty secrets I act like they disgust me. I’ll pretend that I can’t believe that someone could be so awful, that maybe they really should just go ahead and kill themselves. For days and days I’ll just keep pounding that into their skulls, until they can’t think about anything else. If they don’t confess secrets all I have to do is talk about how boring they are. I’ll tell them how much space they’re wasting just by being alive. That will make them think that they’ll be doing everyone a favor by putting an end to it, which is true.
My favorite part is when they finally decide to go through with it. They’ll be messaging me for advice on the best way to do it and of course I’m more than happy to help. I’ll say that I need to watch them on cam to insure that they’re doing it right and so far everyone has played along with that. I’ve talked so many people into killing themselves now that I’ve lost count!
As far as the drug addicts go, they are a bit more of a challenge. First, I have to convince them that they don’t have a problem. Like this girl Tulia. She was addicted to everything and her life was a mess, it was very hard to convince that she didn’t have a problem. I just made it seem like society should accept her for who she is. Who are they to tell her what she can or can’t put in her body? They’re all just trying to control her and turn her into one of the flock. She fell for it. Not long after our first little chat she was shooting up heroin on cam for and even experimenting with drugs she had never even tried before.
All I had to do was sit back and just keep pushing her and pushing her until she finally overdosed. Playing games with her mind was entertaining, but my favorite part was watching her die. Tulia was trashing and convulsing violently. She was also foaming at the mouth too! Her suffering went on for awhile, even after she collapsed onto the ground. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed every moment of it.
Snuff Porn For The Light Torture Lovers
Master has started to really pick up a cult following of his snuff porn films. He decided that he wanted to branch into more categories besides his usual ass rape porn. He says these things to me but I am finding it hard to believe that Master is not manipulating me in some way. He loves every minute of pain I endure when random objects are probed into my anal cavities and my rectum bleeds so much I pass out. Still he insisted that there are other things that I need to do to impress my fans. Short of murder I was not sure what Master was asking of because if he could dream it in his sick twisted mind he could do it.
He strapped me to a chair and blind folded my eyes. I was terrified that I was going to be killed. It is a funny feeling when you are used as someone’s torture victim for as long as I had been. I was terrified that the next person whom was going to die at his hands was going to me.
Yet at the same time, this feeling of relief would come over my body when I finally accepted that the end was now. Suddenly my nerve endings were hit with a sudden sting. I screamed out gripping the edges of the chair, my wrist pushing against my restraints. The burning moved down across my bell, and down towards my cunt.
I took a second to compose myself. It smelled floral, and then I realized that it was warm. The overwhelming feeling of death had caused me to instantly freak out. He was burning me only slightly and dripping my body in candle wax. I quiet liked the feeling actually. He coated me in wax and then uncovered my eyes to a view of him holding a knife. That feeling came back and I started to scream. He gave me a devious grin and began to scrap the wax from my rib cage. I whimpered at the thought that any minute now he would dig in deep. He didn’t, he just continued with his mind fuck. Ass hole.
Babysitter Phone Sex Fun
Why anyone would ask me to watch their precious little ones is beyond me. But I love jumping at the chance to do just that. I watch as they bend down and kiss the brats goodbye. I can feel my stomach tensing and the juices start to flow as they brush a wisp of blonde hair out of that innocent, wide eyed face. Soon those eyes will be wide for an entirely different reason. Her Daddy has no idea what the words “Be good for Karma” means as he pats her bottom and stands to walk out the door. As soon as the door closes I begin to dial the number I know that he will want to come over and let me give him a therapy session. She is perfect for him, young and innocent, soft with straight lines and two pink little circles just above a flat belly that leads to that perfect Y. Not one inch of her is puffy or swollen yet. That will all change over the next few years, curves will form, flesh will swell and change, she will smell and taste different then too, nothing will ever be the same after that. Now is the perfect time. My hands are shaking when I hear his voice and I tell him how OK it is for him to come over. He knows I will talk him through every step of the way. He loves the way I cover the harsh edge of evil in my voice with the calm softness that coos at him and encourages him not to stop, to do it for me…..