Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? When I was a younger mommy, strangers broke into our home. My husband and young brats were restrained and forced to watch as 3 men violated me in my marital bed. They strapped me down to the bed, put a ball gag in my mouth and force fucked me for hours. My family was powerless to assist me. My attackers kept telling them that I was a worthless cunt who deserved to be fucked like an animal. Treated like a dirty whore. One of my assailants wrote whore on my forehead. At one point I had 3 cocks in my ass at once like I was some ass rape porn star. Never had that much dick in my butt at once. It tore my rectum causing me to bleed all over my white sheets. I was crying, but not fighting for fear they would hurt me further, maybe even kill me in front of my boys. After hours of torture sex, I laid on the bed humiliated, bloodied, battered and scared. The masked intruders let the boys go and told them to attack me. “She is a dirty whore who likes it rough. Take your cock tease mommy and put her in her place,” they told my sons. Instead of helping their mommy clean herself up, they violated me all over again. Ever since then, I have been nothing but a fuck slut to my boys. Would you like to attack mommy too?
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Mommy is Your Whore
Snuff Porn an Opportunity of a Lifetime
As I am always looking for new ways of making money I answered an ad in a acting rag looking for a star female role in some kind of Snuff Film. I figured what the hell, I mean like come ON it can’t possibly be a real snuff porn, can it?
I showed up to this abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of a secluded Industrial park. All I could think to myself is go figure, how appropriate! I find the address and follow the instructions left out front. The place was a little creepy but then again they are shooting a Snuff sex scene here per the information I received. Finally I found the destination with about 30 other girls standing around for the casting to begin.
Having been introduced to the director I was told to disrobe and they handed me this barely there leather thong and some heels. I put them on and walked as I was told to do. I was then given a blindfold and my wrists were bound behind me. I was led to a cold flat surface and helped up on it and told to lay down.
There were scenes being shot already and once I heard the ruckus get closer to me I got nervous. I then felt hands on me and it felt like cold steel being dragged along my breasts. I felt a sudden sting and realized my breast was just sliced into. I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. My captors had me immobilized and silent. I felt like I was watching my own murder take place. Things started to get very cold for me and I felt a guy on top of me and slamming his cock deep inside my cunt. I wanted to get him off of me but I had no energy.
Before I could further comprehend what was happening I felt my life being snuffed out of me as something was bound tightly around my neck. I then awoke to realize I survived the ordeal and had been left there abandoned with an envelope at my side. Inside the envelope was a copy of the disk and 10 hundred dollar bills.
Screams in the night…
The man who changed my life followed me home one day. I was walking home from school. I kept my uniform tight and short. I wanted the attention. I was so sweet and innocent. I didn’t realize that everyone in the world is after something, just like this man. He followed me home, kept asking me questions about my parents. When are they home, do I like living with them.
I didn’t understand until later that night. I was laying in bed and I heard a gun shot. My mom was screaming. I walked down to her room and found her tied up, screaming. Watching my father slowly fade away. There was that man… He was fucking my sister. He wasn’t just fucking her, he had a gun to her head, making her beg for more of his dick. He smiled at me and asked me to come help her take his dick. He handed me a knife. I slit her taint open with one swift cut. I gave her one big hole.
HE continued to fuck my sister until she bled out just like my daddy. Then we worked on mommy together. After that night I was changed into the monster I am today.
Seamstress Morticia
I was walking home after a night of worshiping. I smelled like weed, and camp fire. I knew I would attract someone. Get them to follow me. My body was barley covered. My ass was hanging out, my tits were out. I knew someone would try to take me and have their way with me. I was hoping for it. I wanted to use my knew hunting knife. I acted like I was drunk, stumbling over myself. Leaning on walls and falling down like a stupid drunken whore would. I wanted to look vulnerable. I wanted to look like an easy target. As soon as I passed him, I knew he was the one. He was a big black man. I knew he was going to act like a nice guy and walk me home. But home was a dark ally, he threw me into the fence and started ripping my panties off. Just as he was about to put his dick inside of me I stuck my sharp new knife into his ball sac. It was like a hot knife into butter. So smooth, so easy to cut into his flesh. I did a number on his cock and balls. If he lives through that, He wont be so eager to help someone out next time!
Snuff Porn Family Reunion
I love it when a client of mine wants to put together his own little snuff porn with a little girlie he has already picked out. I know that the passion in the taboo phone sex session is going to be so hot and heated that I am going to have to get my cunt off too. When he showed me the picture of the little slut I got really excited. She was cute, tiny framed and blonde. Her little thighs showed the cutest little thigh gap and the way her hips were still thin made you really want to bury your face into that little brats cunt. All I had to do was find the little slut on the street, which I did. She was a little hooker, been that way since her momma sold her she told me. Fuck yea, I was about to end all of her street walked pain. I told her I would pay her double what the peedos were paying for her tiny body to have some snuff fun. I do not know if it was the money or how naive she was but she was ready to go.
I took the little slut back to the warehouse that I was supposed to meet my client at. He gabbed her hands and held onto her. Her eyes welled up as she cried out “Let me go Daddy!” Daddy? that was certainly a surprise to me, but it was too late for her now. I slammed the heavy metal door behind me and locked her little ass inside. She screamed and tried to run away, she said she did not want to fuck her Daddy and that the deal was off. I giggled grabbing a handful of blonde hair and dragging her across the floor back to the feet of her father. She did not have an option, and the only one receiving payment would be me. I took two large fish hooks into my hand and put one in each side of her mouth, making the perfect fuck hole for daddy to start getting hard. She cried as the corners of her mouth started to bleed.
My client loved every second of it though! He grunted as he shoved his cock past her thin lips. He told her that she was a good little whore, just like her crack head mommy. She cried, cheap mascara running down her cheeks. He bent down sliding his cock from her mouth and smiled ear to ear and she braced herself against the concrete floors. He told her to cheer up as she cried begging him to stop, he had a surprise for her which I went and grabbed. Her mother’s severed head was starting to decay in my hand. I loved listening to her scream as I tossed it to her feet. Her Daddy said that was getting him good and horney and pulled her up to force fuck her. She tried to fight free, but I was going to teach her how to work it. Finally I got the go ahead to finish her off and slit her belly open. I reached in and grabbed his cock pulling it into my own pussy, his dying daughters body still on it and rode him till he came!
Taboo Phone Sex: Sewn to Own
He said I was too beautiful. I thought he meant it as a compliment. Then he used my face as a punching bag. So when he said my body was too perfect, I knew I was in trouble. He started carving me up. Cutting my flesh. My beauty pissed him off so he took it from me. “Ugly whores make the best slaves,” he said as broke my nose and sliced my clit. He hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up in a morgue like room. I was trembling with fear as I saw all the cutting instruments next to me. I could smell the death in the air.
I glanced over and he was stitching up a dead girl. “She use to be beautiful just like you. Now look at her,” he said. His cock was hard. She was all scarred up. “Scars make you ugly. Ugly makes you submissive,” he kept repeating as he started fucking the dead girl. After he came in her corpse, he moved closer to me with a big needle and thread. I peed on the cold table from fear and disgust. I thought he was going to kill me like he did the other girl and fuck my lifeless body. Apparently he just wanted to unpretty me so I would never leave him. He did not realize I was his already.
He started sewing my cunt shut. “Now you won’t be tempted to be a slut,” he said with evil glee as he pierced my pussy mound with a big needle. I screamed, but he kept sewing until my pussy was closed for business. Swollen, bloody and sewn shut in the shape of a corset. Only he could untie my pussy for his pleasure. It was like a chastity belt, but painful and bloody. Now I was scarred, scared and submissive. His ugly fuck pig until he grows tired of me. I was sewn to own.
Snuff Porn Streaming
I used to be innocent, I used to be sweat. When I was younger my daddy was my hero. Then mommy left and daddy changed. He started talking about killing mommy, about fucking her dead body in front of me and my brothers. One night I heard a woman screaming, I thought daddy found mommy. I went down stairs and found daddy snuff porn streaming. I stood there in shock and silence as I watched the man on computer screen stabbing the naked woman. She was beautiful, but she didn’t seem to be much older than me. I made a noise and daddy turned. He was drunk and very angry. He grabbed me by my throat, choking me. He had no pants on and I could see his hard cock dripping.
He pulled me down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was calling me a dirty whore. He told me I looked too much like mommy. He said if I cant hurt mommy then I will hurt you. That was the first night. Daddy stabbed me, he shoved the knife up into my tight pussy. He fucked me with the knife and then with his cock. As I laid there, fading away I felt my daddy blow his load into my cunny. That night forever changed me.
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: Snuff Porn Streaming of a Mean Girl
I have killer phone sex fantasies I love to share on calls. Many rooted in reality. I have a dark heart and little tolerance for most people and things. I am consumed by revenge fantasies. You ever just get fucking sick of some people’s bullshit? Of their apparently charmed life? When I met John, I knew he understood me; matched my dark desires. So when I arrived at a cabin in the woods at his request, I was excited to see Ella. The blonde goddess from school who tormented me every day of my school life. Married now to some wealthy doctor. Still leaching off of others. Still a fucking cunt. Still thinking her shit don’t stink. And there she was tied to the bed like a present from God.
I grabbed her forcefully by her bleach blonde locks and asked if she remembered me. When she couldn’t remember the girl she bullied for 8 fucking years, I spit in her face and got out my movie camera. Snuff porn is a cash cow nowadays. I told John to have fun with the bitch. I wanted to watch her die. I wanted to direct her demise. Snuff porn streaming of her brutal and bloody death made my pussy drip. John is the perfect accomplice for a sadist like me. Equally sick and fucked up. Plus eager to please me. He fucked her while I filmed it. I’m not talking rough anal here. I mean fucked so hard she suffered broken bones, a prolapsed ass and had her girl parts scrambled. Of course fucking a whore with a serrated blade strapped to your cock does some damage.
She screamed and convulsed and bled. Pretty sure she would remember me now. The bed she was tied to was saturated in her blood and innards, yet the cunt was still breathing. Left her there for awhile dying a painful, gruesome death while the camera rolled so I could fuck John in a heated frenzy next to her dying body. Her blood soaked into my skin like cum. Finally, I ordered her death. Not because I was feeling benevolent, but because I wanted to play in more of her blood. John started fucking her with his razor blade sharp cock as he slit her throat. Blood splattered on the wall and me. Even covered my camera. People enjoy lots of blood and gore in snuff movies, so that is what I gave them.
We played in her blood for hours celebrating the death of a career bitch. Dumped her in the tub making it look like a suicide. Her once blonde locks were stained red from the blood. John the evil genius, arranged for our playtime in a cabin belonging to the dead bitch’s hubby. When my little revenge film hits the circuit, it will look so realistic, people will wonder if it is the first real snuff film captured on camera. What are your killer fantasies?
Taboo Phone Sex: Whats Your Poison?
The taboo phone sex tape I was listening to the other night gave me such an awesome idea. I usually like to do things messy, and love gore. However, I had an idea of poisoning a certain someone, and was going to have a lot of fun with this! I want the most exquisite outcome, and that requires the right dosage.
So this friend of mine is not really friend as I heard some things this whore has been saying and doing behind my back. The adoration I have for a romantic outcome will certainly be effective here. I will make sure this whore becomes blissfully taken by my puppet (he’s an attractive one that is head over heels for me). I can get him to do just what I need him to and he will be convincing, after all he will be dosed with a little something special also.
I have intimate knowledge of this whores favorite things and am aware of a certain deadly allergy she has. It just so happens that this thing that causes her reaction is available in an extract. To sweeten the punch I will add a little extra special proprietary blend I have been saving. I got this “special” poison from an Haitian Voodoo Priestess with another use planned for it. However things got messy before I could use it. I had a little party and fed my puppet some pastry with a cream filling that contained the poison allergen with the knowledge of how it will be dispensed.
As I am aware this whore loves giving blow jobs and I know she will blow Michael (puppet), and thus get just the fix anticipated. I am so giddy with excitement to see her foaming at the mouth and comatose. Once I have her corpse getting cool I will gather the male friends that have been dying to have intercourse with a dead girl. Oh the money and fame I will make off of this crack head whore who just didn’t know her place.
Snuff Porn Queen Dusty is Out For Blood
Snuff porn Queen Dusty is feeling a certain need to destroy someone today. Some guy royally pissed me off and he is about to get a dose of castration phone sex. I am livid and out for fucking blood! You see this total douche bag managed to fucking knock my bike over with his drunken stupor.
It just so happens this phlembag of a douche is a regular at this specific bar and I got just the information I need to track his ass down. You cannot hide from me I have my way of finding out what I need. So I get his address and make my plan after doing a drive by. Easy enough to break in and take care of what I need to do. So I park around the corner and head on over under the cloak of darkness. I let myself in and quietly find my way to where the douche is passed out.
Standing over him with a rag and duct tape I spit on him to see if he wakes. Nothing, Ok cool, I lean over and shove some panties in his mouth and put the duct tape across his mouth to silence any attempts to make noise. Grabbing my butcher knife from it’s case I lean in and start slicing his clothing off. Then I see my prize and grab my specimen jar filled with formaldehyde for preserving my token. With a clean slice I castrate this mother fucker as I look at how gigantic his eyes got. Laughing wildly I grab his cell phone and cut the cord to his home phone. See if he makes it through and when he does he’ll see the Polaroid of my bike.