This fucker has been fucking me and some other bitch as well. It’s not that I am jealous, but I don’t let any swinging dick lie to me without punishment. So I told him to come fuck me that night and of course he was late because he was with the other bitch. I sucked his dick when he arrived, pretending not to smell the stench of that whore’s pussy still on his dick. I sucked him and fucked him for hours and then he fell asleep. I took my knife and put it on the stove to make the blade burning hot. I then cut his nuts off in his sleep. As he lay there screaming holding what used to be his sack I slapped him and told him that his dick was mine, and he disobeyed sharing it. He screamed and cried and apologized like a little bitch. It was pathatic. I shoved my knife in his voice box just to shut him up. Its bad enough he was dumb enough to lie to me, he was a weak bitch also. But to be so pathetic! Be gone..Bitch!
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Taboo Phone Sex Slut!
Taboo phone sex with Makayla
I could not fight him off, he just took me. Middle of the day and people around. They just kept walking like they did not hear me screaming. Maybe they thought he was my pimp coming after me for money. He got me to him home and threw me down the stairs. I know my ankle is broken the bone is sticking out of my skin. He walked down laughing his evil laugh. He ripped my panties off and stuck his cock inside of me. I was screaming trying to fight him off. “You like this don’t you! Your pussy is wet, you are a dirty whore.
You love it! Tell me you fucking love it!” He came inside of me as I screamed. He chained me up to a wooden pole in his basement. I am not the first one he has taken. I am not the last. I sit here on the cold floor, screaming for help. I am bleeding and watching the door at the top of the stairs. What is he going to do next? Is he going to end my life? Tell me what you would do to a druggy whore locked in your basement.
Incubus Impregnation
On my latest adventure I found an old mansion. It was neglected, everything covered in dust, smelling of musk, death and desertion. Looking at the stairway which was once so obviously grand in it’s deteriorated state sent shivers up my spine and an electricity straight to my cunt. It was deliciously eerie. I felt a presence in the air and I was drawn to this old place. I was tiered and decided to grab the blanket from my car and the basket of food and sat on the old stair case enjoying my meal. The ambiance in this old place had me horny as hell and I couldn’t help using the empty wine bottle to fuck my wet pussy on the stairs. Satiated and full my eyes fell heavy and sleep overtook me. That is when I felt the evil incubus of the manor. His spirit heavy pressing against my body, I could smell the stench of his breath close to my face and the cold chill of his member pressing into my cunt. His weight paralyzed me, not with fear, but with an exhilaration that comes from experiencing pure evil. I hope he impregnated me with his evil seed…
Bad Seed Snuff Porn: Bye Bye Mommy
As little ones, we are force fed obey your elders, respect you parents. It’s bullshit. Not all parents are created equally. Not all mothers deserve to live. My mommy dearest was a strung out welfare whore who cared more about her next fix and her next check than she did clothing and feeding her brat. I saw the Bad Seed as a wee one and it excited me that someone so young and angelic could be a murderous little brat. She was my hero.
I plotted my mother’s demise for years. Then one day the opportunity presented itself like a gift from God. She dragged me through the belly of the city late one night to score. I watched her fuck some gross old man up against a dirty alley wall for some money to give her dealer. We were in the subway and it was not very crowded. It was dark, dank and creepy. Like out of a horror movie. I saw a door past the subway car and I wandered off, hoping she would come look for me. The only folks in the station that night were hookers, johns and junkies. No one would remember seeing a little Goth girl.
I stood waiting for my cunt mother to come find me, half expecting she wouldn’t even notice me gone and thwart my evil plan. But she came yelling at me like a crazed junkie jonesing for her next fix. I stood there in the door frame refusing to come to her, until she was right next to me grabbing my arm. One shove with little hands and down went the junkie whore. As she bounced down the creepy old subway stairwell, I heard her cries. I heard her bones break. I heard her skull crush. I walked calmly down the stairs, getting aroused by the blood splatter until I saw her dead body. I took her cell phone, snapped a picture of her laying there broken, battered, bloodied and dead. My first kill memory. I took enough money to get home and left the rest.
Went back home unnoticed in the night, crawled into bed and slept like a baby knowing my worthless whore mommy was dead. Police ruled it an accident. Another dead junkie no one would miss. I went to live with my Uncle and his brats. Had a much better life. Grew up to be smart, creative and even more deadly. If you can kill your mother, you can kill anyone.
Taboo Phone Sex MILF Forced Accomplice in Japanese Snuff Porn Hostel
I had been locked up in a dungeon for days. Sodomized repeatedly, denied food and water, even denied sleep. I was desperate for freedom. So desperate, I made a deal with my captor. A deal that still haunts me to this day. He had a fetish for Asian school girls. In my community, not many around. At least not the ones old enough to drive yet. “Bring me four young chinks Blair, and you go back to your suburban life,” he said. I was weak, so I made a deal with the devil. I tried to convince myself that he was just going to force fuck them. I knew better. Snuff porn Japanese was most likely their fate, but I shot up to escape the reality and kidnapped some young Asian girls to save my own skin.
The folks in my gated community don’t know my dirty secrets, but my captor did. I had to return with the girls or be exposed as the drug addicted incest mommy I am. It was easy to snatch them up too. These four angels are always together; they are sisters. I picked them up from school in the soccer mom van, lying to them that I was asked to bring them to home. I was shaking as I delivered them to hell. I am not a religious woman, but I prayed for my soul anyhow.
I tried to escape quickly, but was forced into a front row seat for what I knew would be snuff porn. He made me an accomplice to keep me quiet. No one will miss Japanese school girl whores he said. He had this all planned. I was the key to making it happen. He played me. Knew how to break me. He had a studio all prepared. Little girl bedroom set like you see in those munchkin porn vids of brats who were on the back of milk cartons for months. My stomach was turning. He had drugged the girls but they looked scared. If they could see the torture devices on the other side of the wall, they would shit their cotton white panties.
Suddenly several other men appeared. This was more than just snuff. This was like Hostel. Dirty old men bid top dollar for the Japanese school girls I kidnapped. They could do whatever they wanted to the girl they bought and my captor would film it as a way of keeping them from getting a guilty conscious. The first girl on the chopping block was purchased for $300,000. Money can buy you anything. I watched scared, riddled with remorse as he force fucked her tiny teen holes. The more she cried, the harder he fucked her. She was a virgin from all the blood gushing out her holes. Her owner liked the blood so much he slit her femoral artery. Blood gushed out her leg, her skin grew paler, she collapsed
He didn’t want her dead, not yet at least. He took his belt and tied it around her wound to slow the bleeding. Then he fucked her some more. She was thrashing about, crying hysterically. He invited the other men to join in. They forced their dicks in her tiny holes for hours before they turned into a pack of rabid dogs tearing her limbs off; biting into her flesh. She laid there in a pool of blood, dismembered, still twitching as the camera rolled and the men shot cum over her eviscerated body. I was numb. I killed her to save my own skin. My captor shot a needle in my vein so I could get through the next three shows.
You would be surprised of the evil that lurks in the basements of nice houses owned by supposedly nice people in gated communities. Money buys you anything, even the torture and murder of young Japanese school girls.
Taboo Phone Sex Harper Makes A Snuff Porn Japanese Fans Will Be Dying To See
Sometimes I have to admit I am even impressed with what a taboo phone sex slut like me can come up with. When I was asked by one of my many fans to make a snuff porn Japanese fan’s like him could appreciate I was totally up to that challenge. I decided that with him funds and my brains this would be a well funded adventure that I could take fun advantage of. I sat down with him and sketched out a plan, then it was onto the happy hunting of my little Jap skanks. They were easy to catch too, slow, quiet voices and every last one light as can be.
I got 4 teen sluts to participate in our little venture. They were all crying and begging to go home their mommies. The two of us could not help but laugh. “We are going to play a little game my slant eye princess'” I started to announce to them. “Me and my friend Akio are going to go hunting, and you see, you are our prey.” The girls all started to whimper and back themselves into the corner of the room. They were jumpy as they bumped into each other. “Of course we will be fair, we are going to turn around and count over the loud speaker to 100, there are weapons on the table in the basement,” Akio went on to speak before I interrupted him “Now run little Jappy’s RUN!”
The girls screamed, one of them went to take the lead shoving to of the others onto the ground. Once the girls cleared the room Akio started the count down by hitting a button on his computer system. The two of us started laughing. We could see the girls running around like mad trying to get away. We knew they would look for a way out first, to escape, not knowing we were stuck on Akio’s father’s island. That guy was as sick as he was. After the count we went down to track down the girlies. Too easy there were three of four little sluts all trying to get off the island.
Akio scared them shooting towards the ground. One of the little sluts tried to shoot at us, missed every single shot. Akio did nothing but laugh and release his entire clip into them. He killed two of them right away. The third was injured but still mustered to tell Akio he was a pathetic loser and would burn in Hell. Akio kicked into her, making her squeal. I liked that squeal. High pitched and yippy he went over to the one last live one. He yanked up her little blue skirt and shoved his cock into her tight virgin cunt. He licked the blood that was on the side of her face then put the mega phone to her mouth so the last girl could listen to this one scream for mercy as she was force fucked right in he Jap V-Hole!
The last one was harder to catch. We came up on her and she was wearing a yellow track suit, just waiting for us. Akio went at her slashing the side of his face open with a sharp blade. She wiped her wound onto her finger and licked it off giving him a menacing look. I bit the edge of my lower lip. This one was hot, she was feisty and I liked that. Her and Akio went at it and the little slant eye slut wound up on top. She took her knife and sure enough, she stabbed Akio over and over again right in his dick! Good little girlie. Before she got to me I smirked at her, it was like we connected and I told her she won the game. Maybe a future companion? I hope to have fun with her in the future!
I Am Waiting
It has been some time since he has come to me for his special therapy. You see he has dark desires and fantasies that he feels are so wrong and yet they feel so right. I am his fallen angel, the one that soothes his savage beast, that leads him to his desire and whispers in his ear that it is all OK. I urge and encourage him to take her. To run his hands along the lean straight lines of her underdeveloped body. To inhale the sweet innocent sent of her flesh. To let all of his senses be consumed with the desire of his flesh. To shut out the sounds of the voices in his head that are keeping him from enjoying the one thing that satisfies every fiber of his being. I am his accomplice, his voice of reason and I give him permission to feel what he longs to feel, to take what he needs to have and to loose himself while satisfying the both of us….I miss him.
Worth Every Penny
You’re finally here and I am finally ready for you to get what you paid for. I watched you buy me from that scummy guy in the basement of that shithole. Now I am in your mansion and you gave me pretty things to wear and allowed me to shower and smell sweet for you. I lucked out – you are handsome and have a certain dark charm about you. I know I will not live through the night, but if I am going to be snuffed then I am glad it will be by a man like you.
You enjoy toying with my body and using small blades and needles to cause pain and bright red blood to drain from my nipples. You lick it off and then kiss me so that I can taste the sweetness that pumps through my veins. The pain is what I crave and you are delighted that you finally bought a girl who enjoys it. You keep telling me that I am going to die, and I just smile and say nothing. You appreciate me showing no fear.
You fuck my body slow and hard as you continue to slice my torso and arms. You do everything with exact movements and the designs of cuts look gorgeous on my tiny body. You lean down to cover yourself in my blood and it looks so gorgeous on your strong chest. I reach up and touch it with my bloody hands, leaving my prints dragging down your stomach. As you cum deep inside my tight pussy, I know the time has come for me to say goodbye. You place the blade next to my right ear and pull it to my left. I feel myself getting cold and the vision of your piercing eyes begins to fade. I hope I was worth every penny.
Babysitter phone sex
I am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.
After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.
Rape phone sex fantasies
I was at work today when my boss asked for me to stay late and help him close the store. He also needs me to help organize his office, but I am unable to do that tonight. As the night comes upon us and the last of my co workers have left, I make my way to his office. He seems to be intently watching something on his computer screen and does not even bother getting up.
I tell him I am unable to help him organize the office tonight, but I can help him clean. He does not seem to care for my answer and tells me to close his door and come near him. I do as he says, and he tells me to look at his screen. I then notice his cock is pointed up towards me and the video playing on his screen is a film “made from home”. He tells me he made the video, as the girl screams and cries in the background. She puts up a good fight, and before I can react he grabs me and tells me he wants me to make a movie of me. I start trying to fight him off but I have no luck as he overpowers me.
He rips my black dress off of my body as he undoes his belt and whips his snake out. He pounds himself into my pussy, not being gentle at all. I start whimpering begging him to please stop. He only gets more off on that as he holds me down and rams himself into me, making a mess of his office. Blood starts dripping down my legs as he viciously stretches me out.