Tag: Taboo phone sex

fantasy phone sex

fantasy phone sex

I am going to bed earlier then usual tonight. As I close my eyes me and my friend are in the woods. We started our summer adventures earlier then usual this year with some camping. She is a busty brunette, who is super sexy. You could say I might have a girl crush. We are in our tent touching each others wet cunts until we hear movement outside our tent.

We both freeze and stop what we are doing. She gets out of our tent first. There is a whole bunch of men dressed in black. They look like an evil cult. They snatch her and me and bring us back to where they are all gathering at.

They start singing and bringing out knifes. They take my sexy friend and tie her up. She screams but we are so deep in the woods that it really does no good. They tie her body onto a stick. Her hands tied tight by her face around the stick and her legs wrapped around the stick and rope tied around her ankles.

Her ankles and wrist are purple and red and look like they are going to fall off because they are tied so tight. They take a knife, cutting all of her clothes off. Her naked body is squirming.

They cut her from her ass hole up to her cunt and all the way to her nipples. Blood is dripping all down her as she screams and cries. They make me watch her. They start shoving sticks up the big gash they made from her ass hole to her tits.

Her blood just gushes out, they start rubbing her blood all over them and drinking it.

Oh my gosh is this still a dream? I want to wake up now! They start dragging me next to her lifeless body as their singing gets louder. Please wake up, please wake up!

Use me as you please…

accomplice phone sex kaliWhy are you wasting your time reading my blogs? You should be calling me. You and I, we need to find our next victim. I want them to hurt, I want to see the pain on their face and we are going to love it. That’s what gets us off and we can torture our newest victim as long as we want then at last relieve them of their pain and misery in any way you see fit. I hope they beg a lot, they always do. “Please don’t, no, please, I will do anything!” And we look at each other, making our victim have a glimmer of hope, then we get right back to it. My favorites are virgins, or super sluts. Virgins because their sweet pussy is untouched, perfect, and innocent… but not for long. The sluts, they deserve it and I know they fucking like it. Well, some of it haha. I know I am the perfect accomplice because my sweet looks and young face makes it easy to get any victim you want. It’s me or them, and truth it, as much as I am Daddy’s little accomplice I am also going to be his favorite victim. The one that get to live…Ugh, we need to do this soon, the whores will be flocking the streets in their slutty attire. If we don’t find the kind of slut that you want, then you should know I will always be horny, because I never stop wanting to fuck, and I never say no accomplice phone sex. I’ll be the best of both worlds for you, use me as you please. I’m waiting.

My First Snuff Porn Experience

Snuff Porn

I couldn’t resist answering your ad for a new snuff porn movie that you were casting for. I’ve done tons of different types of porn before and I’m one kinky fucking bitch so I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for me to make some extra money while indulging my freaky extreme side at the same time. I showed up at your studio and was very impressed with the set. You had me follow you down into a space that was set up like a bdsm dungeon. There were shackles, whips, paddles, cock cages, electrocution devices pretty much every sort of torture device imaginable. I was pretty impressed with the props and I couldn’t wait to see what scene I would get to play out. Once you brought in the girl that I would be auditioning with I realized that you weren’t just pretending. This was all 100% real and I would be using those instruments of torture on the little shaking sobbing blonde mess curled up in the corner.

She looked like she had been pretty badly beaten already, she had two big black eyes and a couple of cracked ribs from the looks of her. That’s when you told me that it was my opportunity to prove how badly I wanted to star in your latest snuff porn. I looked around the room to decide where to start. I reached for a wine bottle smashed it against the wall and rammed the ragged shards of that glass bottle straight up her twat. She shrieked as her body convulsed in pain, her skin turning a sickly gray as the blood began to pour in rivers from her bloody tortured cunt. Then I reached for the hooks hanging from the ceiling and shoved them through each of her nipples, then I turned the crank and slowly raised her up off the ground by her nipples. I reached for a baseball bat that was covered in spikes and I rammed that straight up her ass. Then I reached for a massive butcher knife and as she was hanging from the ceiling by her nipples with that broken wine bottle up her cunt and the spiked baseball bat up her ass I decided how I would deal her final death blow. I decided to cut her clitoris from her body and once I had done that I looked over at you jerking off behind that camera as I slowly drove that knife into her belly button and dragged it all the way way up the collar bone, cutting her right open up the middle and completely gutting her. All of her insides fell out and hit the floor as the red bloody puddle beneath her quickly grew larger until she bled out. How was that Mr. Director? Did I make the cut?


bloody phone sex

bloody phone sexI know how to make my master happy. I have been very bad lately and not obeying him. So I am going to go try and make it up to him. As soon as he sees me he grabs me by my hair and pushes my face down on his table.

My face slams down and my head starts pounding. He grabs his pocket knife and makes a small slit on my collar bone. It burns as my blood runs down my neck and into my mouth. My blood taste so good, like a metal.

He gets my shirt and rips it off of me. He ties up my hands cutting the circulation of my hands and wrists off. They feel cold and I imagine are turning purple. I deserve his punishment he is going to give me.  I just want to make him happy.

I crave to please him. He grabs my body and ties me up with my legs spread wide open. He cuts my pants off of my body, leaving me naked and freezing cold. He gets his knife begins making me covered in my blood.

I cry, telling him how sorry I am and begging for him to forgive me. He is just getting started as I look over to the left of me and see his power tools laying on the floor. My body shakes as I embrace each hit. I don’t want him mad anymore.

I can not even tell what part of my body is bleeding. He took a screw driver and jammed it up my pussy, over and over again. My pussy is gushing blood out. It feels like he is ripping me open. He puts his fingers inside of my bloody wet pussy and makes me lick his fingers up. I don’t know how much more I can take.

Taboo Phone Sex With A Killer

 Taboo Phone Sex



You are so very gullible and trusting although I think that a large part of your stupidity right now is coming from the fact that you’re mesmerized by my big tits. You’re always thinking with your cock instead of stopping to use the head on your shoulders for once. I approach you completely confident and lean over to whisper in your ear that I think you’re incredibly sexy and I want to take you back to my place and fuck you. You’re so egotistical that you never stop to think for one second that I might have ulterior motives. You’ve slept your way through half the women in town and you just see it as any other night. You make such easy prey I am really going to enjoy this. Once we get back to my place I take you down to my basement all I have to tell you was that I’m really loud when I’m getting off and I don’t want to bother the neighbors. You eat it up and get rock hard.

Strip naked while I take my time peeling my clothes off. I can feel your eyes glued to me as you stroke your cock in anticipation. I walk toward you with my hand behind my back holding my favorite steel blade. As I get closer I wrap my arms around you and press my lips to yours. I can feel your cock twitching against my thigh eager to fuck me as I plunge my blade into your ribcage. The gasp of pain makes my cunt tingle as I feel and see the blood trickling from your ribs. You double over in pain and shock and that’s when I pull the blade back out and plunge it into you over and over again laughing at the look of horror on your face and the muffled cries gurgling from your throat. Killing brings me more pleasure than the biggest cock could ever do. Once your body is drained of every last drop of blood and you’re slumped in a heap on the floor, I use your blood to masturbate and I squirt all over your dead lifeless face.

Strangulation Phone Sex Revenge

taboo phone sex angieNever ever screw over a man with a black heart that knows bitches like me. Of course she was a to stupid to know that and to stupid not to get caught. 

When he found out she had cheated, he called me and asked me to be his accomplice so he could teach her a lesson. We have spent many hours sharing strangulation phone sex fantasies so planning her demise was easy. 

I have a friend that works st the morgue. Talking him into giving me the key and access to the building was just a matter of giving him a piece of ass. I have done it many times before when I have the craving for sex with dead bodies. 

I was ready and waiting for them in the cold room of the morgue. As soon as they got there I threw him the cord which he wrapped around her neck and began to tighten. I watched as she slowly slumped to the floor, her body convulsing and my cunt twitching while I watched. 

But that was to easy I wanted to bring her back and inflict more pain. He ended it all to fast and I hadn’t had my fix. Laying her on one of the exam tables I took the paddles and began to shock her, first on the chest, next on either side of her head….nothing. But the way it made her body twitch made him want to fuck her. So I kept shocking her while he fucked her, spitting profanity at her. 

Finally I threw him on the cold floor and rode his cock with my hands around his neck until I came all over him.

Gangbang Rape Porn Star Makes Real Rape Porn Videos

gangbang rape pornWhen you are an underground gangbang rape porn star, men think you are up for grabs literally. I only do rape porn videos for the money. It is all staged. I’m not really being harmed. Hell, most of the time it’s pretty hot because the men I work with are well hung. I was clubbing the other night when some frat boys recognized me from a few of my online movies. They wanted to buy me drinks, but I blew them off. College boys aren’t my thing. I like older men.

I started to not feel well when I was dirty dancing with some men more my type. The suit and tie guys usually know how to spoil a gal. I got dizzy, and one of the guys helped me to the bathroom like a gentleman. We were not alone, however. About 10 other guys were in the lady’s room with us. One guy mentioned he was a fan of my work. Another said I look like I really enjoy ass rape porn. “It pays the rent,” I mumbled. “How about a freebie, whore,” one yelled at me. As I tried to leave, several men restrained me, while the others bound and gagged me. My clothes were torn from my body.

rape porn videosI was thrown against a dingy bathroom stall and sodomized with beer bottles while they talked about how tight my ass was for a whore. I could feel blood trickling down my thighs. I was crying. One guy grabbed me by the throat and pushed my head in a piss and shit filled toilet while the rest took turns force fucking my battered ass. My cries, my pleas, went unanswered. They fucked me like a rag doll. “This is life imitating art, bitch,” the ringleader said with a smile.

When they were done abusing me, each one pissed on me like I was a human toilet. I was covered in cum and piss, even blood. The dirty bathroom floor looked like a crime scene. I started to crawl to the door when I felt a foot push me down and use me as a mop to clean up the excrement all over the floor. They weren’t done with me yet. Not by a long shot. I should have hung with the frat boys.

ass rape porn

Let’s start with snuff phone sex

snuff phone sexI will go ahead and be first to say that I think every bad ho should die, and you should know the difference between a good ho and a bad ho, I am an example of a good ho. Sure I may have sex with a lot of people, I mean a lot, but that is okay because being a good ho taught me how to please people in the best ways. Even if I am an evil slut all at the same time… I don’t count.Now with that explanation you should have caught on by now as to what a bad ho is, but just in case you did not, I will go ahead and break it down for you. Bad hos deserve to die because they are selfish ass bitches. They will fuck anyone that walks, which is what I would do, but the difference is how they would fuck you. The way I start off is with snuff phone sex, just to get you all ready, while a bad ho would just make you come please her and do absolutely nothing for you. Honestly it pisses me off to the level of killing a ho…again! It has started to become my daily chore. It is so obvious who the good and bad hos are; and if you are a bad ho just know that you have a target on your back and one day or another I will come and end your life. Of course though it is not that easy and painless for you, I will first teach you a lesson. My methods vary so you will never know what I am going to throw you into before I strangle the life out of you and watch it drain from your face. The lessons I teach to all of the bad hos is exactly what they are doing wrong. They are force fucked for the pleasure of others and then killed by my hand.

Getting Sweet Revenge

taboo phone sex aliceYou think I don’t know your dirty little secret but I do. You’re a sick fuck, you like to stalk girls when they’re out alone late at night. You prey on the weak, dragging them into the darkest of shadows where you rip their clothes off and ram your inferior dick inside of them. You think that because you’re physically stronger that you can just take what you want. Well that all comes to an end now. The hunter is about to become the hunted. I put on my shortest skirt and my tightest top and I went where I knew you would see me stumbling around it was so very easy to convince you that I was drunk. You grabbed me from the back and pulled me behind the bushes. I had a surprise for you though. I wasn’t drunk at all. I pulled my stun gun from my garter under my skirt and zapped you right in the balls. As soon as you fell to the ground writhing in pain from the volts of electricity coursing through your body I tied your hands and your legs together. I cut your shirt off with my knife and used it to gag you so no one would hear your screams. Then I cut your pants and underwear away from your body and got down to stopping your predatory ways. I took my time as I slowly cut through your ball sac making sure that you felt every inch of your skin and tendons being cut away from your body. I reached into your sac ripped those balls loose and then I shoved one up your ass and the other down your throat. Then I gave a little wave over my shoulder as I walked away laughing as you lay ball less in a pool of your own blood.

Taboo Phone Sex: This Girl is Poison

taboo phone sexYou remember that insipid song “That Girl is Poison,” by Bel Biv Devo? I hate hip hop, but that song is my anthem. I am poison. Literally. When there is a man that annoys the fuck out of me, who won’t take no for an answer, who won’t get a fucking clue that I am not interested in him, I put on my special lipstick and give him head to die for. Meet Charlie. He used to a live mother fucker. Now he a dead mother fucker. Why? Because he mistook me for some pathetic desperate needy bitch playing hard to get. Listen up ass hats. When I say move along loser, you better fucking move along.

snuff porn poison deathCharlie hit on me at the grocery store. Like my “Goth I could kill you with my eyes look” wasn’t enough of a clue. He missed the big box of tampons and bottle of Midol I was holding. His biggest mistake was grabbing my arm as I tried to get into my car. Yes, the annoying fucker followed me to my car trying to get my phone number after hearing “fuck off you annoying loser” at least a dozen times. I got in my car, took a nice deep breath, and applied my special red lipstick. “You know, you are right. Of course I want to fuck you. I bet you have a huge cock and are being so persistent because you know the only cure for my cramps is a big fucking cock,” I said sarcastically. The sarcasm of course was lost on the loser.

castration phone sexAll he heard was fuck and his dick was out of his pants. I laughed, but of course he had no clue I was laughing at his shrunken baby dick. I wrapped my lips around his sorry ass excuse for a penis, counted to 5, took my mouth off his loser dick and guzzled down some mouth wash as I watched the poison take effect in the parking lot of Krogers. The paralysis set in, which made it easy to push him into the back seat of my car, so I could toss him in a wooded area on my way home. I watched as his body transformed into some zombie plague looking creature. When his dick fell off, I started singing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.” I should be getting paid for riding the world of annoying tiny dick mother fuckers. I dare you to hit on me with that shrimp dick of yours. I’m a castration junkie and I’ve got 99 problems but small junk ain’t one.