Tag: Taboo phone sex

Need a Teen Rape Porn Victim?

teen rape porn

Are you looking for a teen rape porn victim? If so…I’m the girl for you. Let me tell you why, if you will allow it. You see…my Daddy is a drunk, a big  horny drunk at that. I don’t know where my Mommy went, but she went far away. A place where Daddy couldn’t find her and beat her and fuck her. She left me here for that. So ever since I can remember (like thumb sucking days old) my Daddy would come home drunk ready to make me his little bitch. He has never been easy or gentle on me, I don’t even go to school because I am always covered in bruises and slash marks from him beating me whenever I struggled, or whenever he wanted to simply take out some anger. I’m basically just his little rag doll. He does whatever he wants to me, and there is nothing I can do about it. I’ve accepted that. I realize my worth is nothing, and I know the only good thing about me are my tight little fuck holes. In fact, Daddy has drilled that into my head as he goes back and forth from my ass to my pussy, and even as he passes me along to his friends. He makes me say lots of degrading things while I am getting fucked, even thru the cocks I have shoved down my throat. “I am nothing but a worthless whore” “Please degrade me” “Use my mouth and ass, please!” “I am nothing but a fuck toy for you and your friends, I beg you to use and abuse me to no end” All this is easily interrupted by a smack to my face or a cock being shoved in my mouth, but what can I do? It’s all true!


Don’t go into the woods

The crackling of the fire and the sound of her choking on her own blood made me warm inside. I was so warm I couldn’t feel the pain just yet. I was tied up being forced to watch them hurting my friend. Kali had stopped fighting. Her body had gone limp 20 minutes ago. I can’t close my eyes, I can’t look away. They  are forcing me to watch.

Violent phone sex

It was 30 minutes ago when he walked out of the dark into our camp site. He asked if we were alright and if we wanted to share some fish he caught. Kali and I didn’t just want his fish. His shirt was off and we could see his rock hard body. That tattoos on his tanned flesh made both of our tight bald pussies throb. Kali and I stole some beer from our daddies. “Now are you two even old enough to touch a beer bottle?” He knew right away we weren’t even legal. Our assholes were puckered up, worried we were about to get into trouble. We did what we always do. Asked if there way ANYTHING we could do to make him forget our age. The way he licked his lips after he took that first drink of his ice cold beer made our pussies throb. I squeezed Kali’s hand as we waited for his answer. He sat down next to us by the fire, he opened his bag and handed us a big bottle of whiskey. We should have ran right then and there, He made our skin crawl and we were already too drunk to notice it was fear not sexual desire. 

2 girl phone sex

We smiled as he said “You two young ladies drink this here bottle and we gonna be just fine.” His southern drawl had my nipples so hard. I wanted him and the way Kali was looking at him, I knew she wanted him too. The whiskey was hitting us hard. I was so loopy and drunk that I could not believe my eyes. We thought it was just a joke. He chained me up to the tree and slowly cut my clothes off with his big sharp hunting knife, he gave me butterfly’s when he ran the back of the blade between my pussy lips.  I thought he was about to have kinky sex with me and Kali all night long. He turned from me to go to Kali, I thought he was just going to tease us both all night. He pulled out his big thick cock and made her suck him. I could hear her choking and gagging. Then I heard her scream… I could see him fucking her eye hole!

Torture sex

He was skull fucking her as he stabbed her in the back with that giant fucking hunting knife. After 20 minutes he realized she had been lifeless for the last 15 minutes. He pulled her off his cock, there he still warm body on the fire and walked towards me.

Taboo Phone Sex Party and Feast

Have a taste for some taboo phone sex with a twist of fate added for indulgence? Well if cannibalism phone sex brings you to salivation I will offer you sweet salvation. Bring one item from my list in order to be admitted to the Den of Sin motorcycle clubs event of the year. The List is printed on the flyer that was mailed out to a select few non-members so consider it your personal ticket to the event of your life, or death.

A virgin sacrifice is needed for the clubs survival, and well a dirty little secret about our founders, they are real cannibals and need the delicacy of human flesh to fulfill their life lines and ensure their ageless radiance. I guarantee this event is not to be missed by any of you serial killer types that have been successful. I will not have any in attendance that appear to be on the radar. I know who you are as I have my insider information.

Let’s get to the details, shall we. Under the open night sky we will gather at the center of our founders 30 acre plot of which is cleared only in the center. What does that mean? Well, the way in is heavily wooded and folks have gotten lost trying to find their way in. That is intentional due to the nature of our practices. Once you find the hidden circle of sin you will be welcomed by the visuals of the damned with young precious virgins tied to pillars, nude. You’ll find some of the darkest evil bikers gathering, with drink and fires ablaze all about.

There will be debauchery and chanting. You will inhale the essence of sex, blood, and that of burning flesh and hair. The most curious wonderful scent of culinary excellence is also there. You may be best not inquiring as to what the various meat offerings are. In the very center you will see an Victorian claw footed  bath tub with a fire pit in the ground beneath it. You may also notice a few deep ditches about and what looks like a wood chipper. Those are to properly dispose of the remains.

Taboo Phone Sex

Snuff Porn Road Rage

snuff pornSnuff porn was not on my to do list when I left the house to run some errands. I can be a dumb clueless blonde. I was self absorbed in my own world as I drove away from the mall that night. I was driving and texting so I never realized I cut a guy off when I ran a red light. Not sure how long he had been following me. I didn’t realize anything was wrong until he ran my car off the road on a desolate side road. I was taking a short cut home, bypassing the highway traffic. I hit my head on the steering wheel. When I looked up a bit dazed, I saw a shadowy figure in front of my car like something out of a horror movie. I rolled down the window thinking I had been in a car accident of some sort. He started yelling about women drivers. He was full of road rage. I got out of the car to apologize, but that angered him further. He punched me in the face. It must have knocked me out because I woke up tied and attached to some metal contraption. It was very dark and damp, clearly a basement. I was naked. I pleaded with him a thousand times over, but his road rage had only escalated. He took a baseball bat and beat me with it. I was helpless, tied up, unable to defend myself from the blows to my body. I felt my ribs breaking. Do you know what happens when your ribs break? They can puncture your lungs. I was starting to struggle to breath. I could taste blood even though I had no head injury. He laughed at me as my lungs filled up with blood. He sodomized me as I was dying. “Only good female driver is a dead one,” I heard him say before everything went dark.

A Day in the Park: Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesMy callers love to hear me share my rape phone sex fantasies. All women have them, right? It is just not considered politically correct to admit you have rape fantasies. I told this one caller months ago that one of my rape fantasies was to be taken spending the day in the park. Coincidentally, I spent Saturday at the park by myself. Honestly, I was not thinking of being gang banged or anything like that. I was just hiking in a nearby national park. Getting high, while up high on the mountains. I was not paying attention to my surroundings as usual and before I realized I was in danger, several men rushed me. I almost fell backwards into the gorge. I was saved only to be tied up by mountain climbing rope and suspended to a tree. At first, they just taunted me calling me names like stupid whore.  Then the torment escalated. They hit me with sticks and threw rocks at me like I was a piñata. I screamed for help, but none came. A rock hit me in the head. Blood started running down my face like I was in some horror movie. Talk about a wrong turn. I was in a secluded part of the park not marked by trails. I had no cell service. The men left me bleeding hanging from a tree.

bondage phone sex A single hiker came by what felt like hours later. I was so excited to be rescued. He was not exactly the rescuing type. He saw an opportunity and he took it. He cut me down with a knife, left me tied up and force fucked me. My mouth, my ass and my pussy were all up for grabs with him. He never spoke once to me. Just grunted like a wild animal as he shoved his cock in my fuck holes. I was violated twice in the middle of God’s country. Finally, a park ranger rescued me, but because drugs were found in my system, no one believed my story. They thought I got high and fell down a hill. When I got back to my house, my caller I shared my day in the park rape fantasy with called me to see how I was healing up. I will never know which one he was.

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

I was walking home from playing with a friend and I was pushing my bike through the neighborhood yards until I came across some neighborhood boys. They were much older then me and asking me lots of questions. I was just trying to get home since it was going to be dark soon, but they were making it nearly impossible for me. They grabbed my bike and pushed me down and asked if I was the neighborhood whore like they heard. Before I could say anything the pushed their cocks out of their pants and began to pound my face. They kept smacking me around and they all took turns holding me down. They were grunting and pounding my holes. I was begging for them to stop, but the more I begged for them to stop the harder they took initiative to pound my little cunny harder. They laughed and did hand shakes as they took turns fucking my holes.

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I was partying a little too hard this week and I obviously put myself in some compromising positions. I made some friends on the beach and they insisted that I get with them and have some drinks. I didn’t have any hesitations, and I just wanted to party hard. They all looked at me waiting for me to shoot my drink to the back of my throat. I guess that sign right there would be the turning point for most people to catch on that they might be in some trouble, but not me. I was desperate for a good time and before I could really fathom what was happening, I got dizzy and light headed. My eyes got heavy and everything got blurry as I passed right out. I was fucking drugged like a pathetic stupid dumb whore. After I awoke from my black out and tried to clear my vision, what I saw was horrific. Dude after dude, pissing all over my helpless unmovable body. Get up and run, right? No, wrong. I was tied up in an “x” position. I was bloody and could not tell where the blood was coming from. It burned and shot stabs throughout the nerves in my body. I squirmed and squeaked. My holes were gapped open and I could feel the breeze of air slice my naked body right in half. Goose bumps broke out through my body, that the men were mocking and laughing about. I was the biggest joke. All I wanted was to break free, I had to face the reality that this might be my dead end.

She got what she deserved!

accomplice phone sexGod this bitch is so annoying! All she does is lay around all day long and bitch about literally everything and I just can NOT take it any more! This bitch was on my last nerve so I fucking ended her miserable life last night. You know the funniest part of all of this was the fact that she is always crying and whining about how she should end her life, but when it came time for her to die, she begged me not to kill her! Ridiculous for real but her begging didn’t matter to me at all, I have no fucking mercy at all. I tortured her slowly and then invited several hardcore men to come and fuck her to death. They fucked all of her holes, stretching them out until they were ripped wide open and filled with cum. Then when she was almost at the point of death, we took her outside and lit her on fire! It was fucking amazing!

Victim or Accomplice?

taboo phone sex

I hate you, I really hate you. But what am I supposed to do? Nothing, I can do nothing. I know you are stronger and better and I will never get away from you. Your cruel words, your heartless thoughts and actions – you could care less about me and you have made that clear. I bet you could be the one to snuff my life out and me not even know it. Me not even have any control over it or anything. Why would I? I am a useless submissive slut. I should be the victim always, unless of course being your accomplice to find other little whores to fuck, violate and snuff out. I haven’t got any control, no I don’t. I can’t say no, I can’t refuse if you and your friends and theirs friends want to use me. If they want me as their toilet, their rag doll, their cum dumpster. I can’t say no when asked to help find a beyond young girl with a puffy pussy that needs to be fucked. That needs to be violated over and over again! Just like me…so what will it be today, for the man who wants me to hate him – victim or accomplice?

Summer Snuff Porn Season Begins

snuff pornSchool is out for the summer. Everywhere I look there are tender little morsels ripe for picking. Most people look at little ones and see future teachers, lawyers, mommies, daddies or doctors. I see  brats and cock teases that need snuffed or tortured. Often times, I snatch a brat for a friend or accomplice. Every now and then, like yesterday, I nab one just for me. I went with this little dick cheese brat at the mall. He made fun of my appearance as I walked by the arcade. He was going to grow up to be a sex criminal. It was written all over his smug face, so I decided to put him out of the future’s misery. I saw him waiting outside for the bus to go home, alone. I sat on the bench next to him, endured his fowl mouth for a few minutes before I chloroformed him. He woke up naked in a junkyard tied up. A junk yard makes a good snuff porn site. So contaminated with germs, on the outskirts of town and tons of places to stash the body. Plus, lots of dirty sharp objects to inflict maximum pain.

I sodomized his boy ass with a rusty old pipe. Listening to him cry like a little girl made me so wet. “Not so tough now are you, jagoff,” I seethed as I pushed the pipe deeper into his back door.  When I pulled the pipe out, it was covered in blood and shit. I hit him in the head with it. Not enough to kill him; just enough to hurt and maybe make him a bit retarded.  Blood was running down his face. Tears too, but it is blood that excites me. Normally, when I castrate, it is older men. It would be like shrunken balls for my collection. I found a rusty old beer can, cut it open and used the sharp part to cut his little walnuts right off. I was going to keep them, but decided to shove them in his mouth for shits and giggles. I cut 666 into his thigh, right at the femoral artery so he would bleed out and die. I left him on the hood of an old junk car with some satanic items so the police would think his murder was at the hands of some devil worshiping cult, not just some sadistic bitch starting her summer killing spree with a bang.