Tag: Taboo phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Prison Style

ass rape pornI thought it was going to be a drug filled fun day. Instead it was an ass rape porn kind of day. My drug dealer decided to up his price for the holiday weekend. Now I pay for my drugs with sex like any other whore. But, I use way more powder than most whores, so I have to get pretty kinky for my white candy. My dealer needed me to smuggle some heroin up my ass to deliver to a friend on the inside. I can look like a sweet soccer mom, so I was the chosen drug mule. I didn’t want to carry a brick of that shit up my ass. For one, that is a drug that could kill me if it leaked into my body in that kind of quantity. Plus, it was big. No way a brick of anything was fitting up my ass. Wrong. After your ass is plummeted by about forty big black dicks anything will fit up your ass, even 4 bricks of uncut pure heroin. I walked funny from the drug bricks up my butt, but I delivered it to inmate 221 at the Riverside Correctional facility. I was not strip searched. I shit the bricks out in a bathroom where a guard on the take dispensed it to the inmate running my dealer’s business from the inside. I guess some leaked out because I was high as a kite after the potty. A guard intervened. Took advantage of the situation and  fed me to a bunch of prisoners who haven’t had pussy or female ass in a decade. I was fucked beyond recognition. Fucked bloody. Fucked to unconsciousness.  Fucked right into the infirmary. I really didn’t remember much, but it was caught on camera, so I guess I am a prison anal whore now. I may never be able to shit again properly, but I made my dealer very happy. That means I am going to have one hell of a holiday weekend.

Snuff phone sex Addiction with Makayla

Snuff phone sex

My daddy is a very twisted man, something deep down inside of him is rotten. His deep down rottenness is taken over his body. His Addictions are more than drinking and getting high. Now he can’t stop, I still remember the very first time I saw it. That was when I finally felt a connection with my daddy.  Daddy was on-top of this girl. She couldn’t have been much older than me but she looked just like me. I could see the light slip out of her blood shot eyes. Her face was blue and she was gone but daddy kept fucking her. He kept choking her, squeezing her neck harder and harder. Slamming his cock in and out of her bloody asshole. He forced his way inside of her holes. He got her high, tied her up and made her his very first victim. I had always questioned if he was even my father until that night. Watching him fucking her like that made my pussy so fucking wet. I knew I was just as evil and rotten as he was. Ever since then I have wanted to be fucked just like my look a like.

Torture Sex with Dirty Needles for a Teen Dream

torture sexTorture sex is so much fun. I picked up a hot teen slut at the mall over the weekend. She was the antithesis of me. Clean cut, fresh faced, self entitled and not a tattoo or piercing on her. High school cheerleader type. Daddy’s little angel. Mean girl who thinks girls like me are what’s wrong with society.  I decided to dirty her up a bit. I spiked her fancy frappuccino drink. She woke up naked in my basement chained to a pole. I had an array of things to torture her with, including dirty hypodermic needles I gathered from the neighborhood junkie hang out. When she woke up she immediately had attitude. I was doing Taylor Swift a solid by inflicting some pain. This teen dream needed to experience a teen nightmare to have a better appreciation for others. I started sewing her virginal cunt shut with dirty junkie needles. She was screaming like a banshee. No pain no life experience. No appreciation for others. She needed a nasty infection and some pain to teach her not to be such a little twat. I shoved a bunch on dirty needles in her cunt then  sewed her pussy shut with needles. I love piercing the flesh of young girls. Their blood is cherry red. Their screams are like angels singing to me. Her pussy was swelling up as I pierced her pussy. I could smell the infection. Have you ever seen a blue waffle? It is disgusting, even for me. But that is what I was turning her perfect pussy into: a diseased, infected blue waffle. Gangrene of the twat. Just so the whore would remember me better, I tattooed my name in her chest. Now she was a good dirty whore. Now she had something to be a bitch about. I told her if she ever told anyone what I had done to her, I would kill her but not until I made her watch me kill her perfect family. I think she knew that if a sadistic bitch could ruin her pussy, I could just as easily ruin her life.

Snuff Phone Sex Juliet

Snuff phone sex Juliet

I have some very naughty plans for us. Do you wanna hear them? Well here I go, if you keep reading you won’t want to turn away, read at your own caution. I wanna start our night off with a little knife play. Getting my clothes cut off by you sounds like the prefect start. Then I want you to tie me up.

I want to be tied up for you to fuck me as hard and long as you like. I am your willing victim. I want to be your dirty cum rag. I want you to choke me with your cock. You get to have full control of me, using me anyway you want. Fuck my ass, pussy, mouth, anywhere you want and cum anywhere. By the end I hope to be completely covered in your cum and barely awake anymore.

If this sounds like the perfect night to you too let me know. I want it soon.

taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex

I got knocked up by some jerk at the bar who is really just after some ass. He really doesn’t care that I am pregnant and insists on me getting an abortion since he is not ready to be a father. I ignored him which just infuriated him since I was doing what was not  being asked. I went home later that night which was a huge mistake.

I walked into my room and found a gentleman sitting on my chair with a gun pointed at me. I yelled at him to not shoot, begging him to spare me since I was pregnant. The masked man then grabbed me bounding my hands and feet together. I couldn’t help but cry and feel helpless as he began drawing a dotted line around my big round belly followed by an x.

I was screaming for help but it was no use, he placed a strip of duct tape over my mouth and just chuckled as he began cutting me opened tracing the dotted line with a very sharp knife. I could feel a sharp pain followed by an intense burn, then a slight coolness as my organs were exposed to the elements. The masked man began to sing as he continued to slash and snip his way inside of my body ripping out my unborn.

I screamed in pain as he continued to mutilate my body scraping every remanence of what was once there and alive. He held the unborn alien looking creature in his one hand and laughed at me as he squeezed it in his hand until finally it busted under pressure  bleeding all over his hands. I cried out loud since it was torture seeing something helpless just explode.

I sat quietly as the man began stitching everything back up cleaning my open wound. Right when I thought things couldn’t get worse he turned me around and began fucking my bloody pussy. I cried as I just took his hard large cock inside of me. Each time he penetrated me I could feel the stitches separating.

I cried as he pulled the tape off of my mouth encouraging me to scream. He began pounding my pussy harder telling me he was going to fuck me open. Until finally the stitches began to tear letting my insides rip open. He pulled out of my pussy and began fucking the gaps In between my stitches until he filled up my insides with his cum.

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

I finally awakened from what I thought was a nightmare but instead was a reality. I was chained from the ankles and wrists, while lying naked on what appeared to be a surgical table. I tried to scream but I had a gag on, and the more I panicked the more real the whole situation became. A man appeared from out of the darkness and began laughing, really enjoying the fear he saw in me.

He placed his cold white surgical glove on my breasts and began sucking on my nipples. His tongue then ran down my body until it reached my bald pussy. I felt an awful pinch followed by the smell of silver. When I looked down the man began cutting me with a scalpel. Carving his way from my pussy down my ass hole.

Blood began to gush all over since he made what was once two holes into one. I screamed in pain as he began cutting the skin around my ass hole.  Once he was done with my ass hole he began to snip and cut everything inside of my cunt  making sure there was no skin or folds just a giant seamless hole.

Once the man finished his little operation he began to fuck my giant bleeding Cyclopes hole making blood gush out getting him covered in it. He came all inside of me, squirting his hot cum load in me. He looked at me, and I knew he was not finished. He started to fist me. He was punching my insides.

 I do not think there is any happy ending to this story, other then his own.

Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornIt’s snuff porn Sunday. Every caller I have had today wants to kill me. That is not unusual, however, most men want to do very bad things to me. I have a tendency to bring out the evil in men. I remember this one time a few years ago. I was on a date with a Wall Street banker type. I had always heard that the men in the most high powered jobs are the ones likely more docile, more submissive with women. It makes sense really. Doctors, lawyers, CEOS… they have so much riding on their decisions, their actions, that they want to give up power in the bedroom. I thought I was safe from a night of abuse going out with Reggie. I met him at a Starbucks. He seemed in awe of my beauty and not in a “I want to take it from you,” sort of way either.

I don’t remember much about the date until I woke up in an executioner’s mask and  Reggie was choking me.  He degraded me as he abused my body. He ridiculed me for thinking an educated wealthy man like himself would actually want anything to do with a trailer park whore like me. He carved WHORE into my stomach with a razor blade so I would never forget what I am. In fact he sliced my entire body with that blade. Nothing deep, but there was blood. At one point I looked like Carrie at the prom. My entire body was covered in blood. Not enough to kill me, but enough to make me freak out. Enough to leave my body covered in scabs. Enough to cause a lot of pain. Imagine your entire body was covered in paper cuts. That is what I felt like.  He mutilated my flesh for hours while humiliating me.  He never fucked me. Well not with his cock. He abused my fuck holes with a baseball bat and other innate objects because I was probably “a diseased whore.”

I learned that day that no man is safe. I make even the meekest looking man do very bad things to me.

I made you want it!

taboo phone sexIt all started out as a typical domination session didn’t it? I had you there on the bed all tied up and helpless… just the way I like you. You seemed so nervous when I put a blindfold on you, like I was going to slit your throat or something, all I could do was laugh… it’s not like you could stop me! I bet you thought you won the fucking lottery when you felt a mouth on your dick didn’t you? Hahaha yeah you were super excited until I whipped that blindfold off and you realized who was actually sucking that cock! I bet you didn’t expect to see your own daughter down there did you? Awwwhhhh poor guy, you were so upset but that dick stayed rock fucking hard and I knew that deep down you have always wanted this. Shit, when I told you that we were going to have to kill her to keep her quiet you didn’t even hesitate! You just begged me to cut the ropes so you could help me! I have to say, I was a little surprised by your violence but I liked it! I wonder who we should kill next…

Teen Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn (3)

“You’re not going ANYWHERE till you beg for all our cocks, and all our cum.” I looked up at him, he had a fistful of hair and was jerking me around. I was surrounded by who knows how many dicks, and cocks. All big and throbbing and waiting for me. They were going to use me as their fuck toy and I had no choice. I opened my mouth and started begging, whining actually. He laughed in my face and proceeded to skullfuck my mouth. I was struggling but there were too many of them, and it was useless to fight them – it probably turned them on more. He kept saying “Come on bitch beg for it before we degrade you even more” And so I begged, and whimpered and stayed on my hands and knees, fucking sucking dick and getting rammed in both holes. My tight holes ached and I felt slippery with all their cum as they took turns using me as they pleased…

Snuff Sex Fun

snuff sexSnuff sex is what he wanted. His wish was my command. He paid me quite handsomely for a ripe young thing. It is always a pleasure when he calls me. We share a similar taste for pain and torture, even the macabre. I snatched up a little cunt per his liking. Blonde, angelic looking, oh so young and tiny. The key is taking a little one that neither of you have any association with; that way when she turns up missing you are not even considered as a suspect. Random acts of violence happen all the time. Little girls go missing all the time. When I presented him with Britney, his cock stood at attention. We were going to do very very bad things to her. We were out in the middle of nowhere. She could scream for mommy all she wanted. Mommy would not come. My client force fucked her little holes. They bled of course. She was so young after all. Still a virgin. The blood dripping down her thighs afterwards made me wet. He likes to fuck the little ones. I snuff them out for him. He likes to have fun with them before and after death. Sex with dead bodies, especially tiny young dead bodies is wicked hot. I took my knife, pressed it into her belly button and slowly twisted it in. Pinned her to the floor like a squashed bug. We watched as the blood drained out of her. We watched as the life drained out of her too. When her body was still warm, he shoved his cock in her dead fuck holes one last time as I masturbated. He came deep inside her asshole this time.  He loves fucking dead little whores. I love watching. We make a great team. Her body was so tiny she was easy to dispose of. I just chopped her up into little pieces and tossed her in the garbage disposal. Bleach and lye get rid of any DNA. It was another hot adventure together. I make a great accomplice.