Torture sex is hot on the phone. The reality is very different, however. I do a lot of torture type phone sex calls. Men just love to abuse a druggy MILF. I think it is unresolved mommy issues. Apparently they like to do damage to women in real life too. I met this guy at a high end, supposedly classy bondage club. But, he was anything but classy. He was not into old fashioned bondage like the club portrayed it’s members. When I met him, I asked for another room immediately. Even his touch gave me chills and a pit in my belly. I knew he was dangerous. That didn’t sit well with him. He was asked to leave the club for creeping out the women. He stalked me after I left the club. Somehow he broke into my place and turned my home into a torture palace. He used my own S and M equipment against me. As I was tied up in the basement crying, he tormented me with a knife. He cut my nipples. He sliced my flesh around my breasts. The more I screamed, the more he cut. I tried to not cry and grimace, but he was rough. “You got a bad vibe from me at club, did you whore,” he seethed. “Well you ain’t seen nothing yet, whore,” he insisted as he sliced my left nipple off. I let out a deafening scream that alerted the neighbors I guess. Before long I heard the sirens. He looked at me as he inserted his blade inside my pussy and said, “Give the police anything about me bitch, and I will be back to ruin you permanently.” Is it wrong that I want to see him again? I have a love hate relationship with sadistic men.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Torture Sex Mommy
Knife Play Phone Sex with a Blasphemous Bitch
I’m a blasphemous knife phone sex bitch. When I kill my prey, I make sure they know they going to hell because there is no God. I look them square in the eyes as they are praying to their make believe God for help. “If God existed, do you think he would let some random bitch kill you,” I always inquire before I gut them like a pig. God is dead. God is nonexistent, but the devil is real and alive inside of me. I think the clinical terms for me are insane, sociopath, narcissist, crazy ass bitch. Well maybe the last one is not a clinical term, but it is my favorite. I like to spread fear not joy. I like to bring death not life. This world is over populated with assholes, dip shits, annoying fuckers, brats and whores. Think of me as population control. Really, when you think about it, I am a do-gooder who is making this world a better place by killing the ones we don’t need. You will thank me one day when I off that cheating whore girlfriend of yours or kill that demanding boss who has never given you an ounce of respect in the decade you have slaved for him. Hell, you may even thank me when I decided to kill you because you are too weak and pathetic to stand up to either. Fuck God. Fuck you.
Ass Rape Porn Pays for My Addiction
I love ass rape porn. I am an anal Annie. Always have loved cock up my ass. I discovered the joys of anal sex when I was pregnant and about to pop. I was so horny, but my belly was too big to fuck in most positions, so my husband fucked my ass. I loved it. I get fucked more in my ass now than I do my pussy. It is no secret I have a coke habit, a very expensive one too. I often make money off my ass. I use to score drugs for free, but as my dealers tell me, I am not a tight little whore anymore. No one really wants to fuck me, well not for the amount of coke I want. I have had to get creative with how I earn my party money. I am a taboo phone sex whore. Men on the phone enjoy force fucking my ass and sodomizing it with all sorts of objects not designed for the ass, so I thought I would take that to the Back Pages and offer up my ass to men for a price. It is keeping me well supplied in coke. Turns out men of all ages want to brutalize a Milf’s ass. Most recently, I was hired by the football coach of a local high school. He thought it would be fun for his team of horny teen boys to have an ass to take out some aggression on. I love young boys. To get paid to let a football team sodomize my ass seemed like robbery in a way. They didn’t pay me enough. It was gangbang rape porn. They stockpiled my ass. At one time there were a dozen teen cocks in my ass. It prolapsed and bled. They even choked me as they shoved their cocks in my ass. I had to suck their bloody shit cover dicks clean after wards. They didn’t care they hurt me and likely ruined my ass. Future callers.
Sex Shop Shopping Spree
I was bored at my house today so I decided to go do some shopping, mainly at one of my favorite sex shops! It’s always so much fun seeing what new toys they get in stock, I love adding to my collection! One of the workers there was super sexy and he turned me on so much while he was showing me all of their new merchandise! Since it was just me and him in the shop, he said he would give me a great deal on my purchase, the more I buy the more I save! Of course I had to get one of everything! He even let me go into one of the private rooms to test out the toys before buying! One of my favorites was a vibrating and twisting butt plug with an attached monster cock dildo. Fuck, it made me cum so much there in the store, I know this is going to be my new go-to toy! My other favorite item was a dog leash with attached dog collar. The person holding the leash has control over a little button that makes the collar shock my neck every time it’s pushed! The nasty freaky ass fantasies are already flowing in my head! I caused major retail damage today but it was worth it! You can never have enough sex toys, the more the better! The best part is bringing it all home and putting everything to use! I am so excited to explore all these new toys while I’m having phone sex!
Torture sex
I feel a sharp pain ramming in and out of my ass. I try to move away as quickly as I can but I soon learn once I look down at my feet that I cant move, my ankles are tied to together and strapped at the ends of this metal table. I am hunched over on my side and pleading and crying for whoever they are to stop. I look down at my thighs and just see blood
My red sticky blood is covering me like a blanket while the man behind me keeps ramming a sharp razor blade that he made himself in my ass. He tells me that he loves seeing how much I gush blood. Before I know it, I am almost relieved to have his cock shoved deep and hard into my ass hole. He is laughing as I whimper from the pain.
He starts to reach over and dig his fingers into my skull. His bloody finger nails find their ways into my eye sockets. I scream loudly as he digs my eyes out of my eye sockets. He does not stop grunting or laughing as he is ripping my eyes out of my head. He even asks if I forget about my lacerated ass hole? Before I can even answer he starts to piss right inside of me.
It burns so much having his piss in my sliced open ass. I can not even imagine what he has planned next I can not see a thing.
More Taboo Phone Sex Is My Sexy New Year’s Resolution
I’m a taboo phone sex whore, so I am no stranger to pain or kink. I made a New Year’s resolution that I needed to expand my sexual horizons this year so I placed at ad recently on the back pages for escorting. I just worded it as stripping since escorting is actually illegal. I was surprised that I got a call for a Bachelor Party. But I guess I should not have been surprised because most strippers fuck, especially when hired for a private gig. I didn’t think much of it, in hindsight I shouldn’t have gone to some stranger’s house with about 50 other men there too, but I want to take more risks in 2017.
The house was pretty fancy. There was an entertainment room bigger than the house I grew up in. It had built in speakers and a stripper pole. Oh, and a stocked bar with a bartender. I did a few shots, then they cued the music and I went on the platform for a pole dance. As I bent over to shake my naked ass, cigarettes were flicked on me. Before I could turn around , they tasered me. This was certainly more risk. As I was down on the ground in a pool of my piss, they tasered me again. This time to the pussy. I was flopping around like a fish out of water. They showed me no mercy. They were laughing at my pain. I told them they could do anything they wanted to me as long as they didn’t keep tasering me.
Because they knew I didn’t like electric shock, they kept doing it. I could smell the slight hair on my pussy burning from the electric shock. As I was down, they decided that they would make a homemade gangbang rape porn. They fucked me like I was a dead fish. I was just lying there, motionless as they rammed their dicks in my fuck holes. It was an awful night. I just told myself it would be over soon and I would have rent money and lived up to my goal of having more dangerous experiences in 2017. No. They came on me and threw me out doors in the cold with nothing but my jacket and purse. I ended up with frost bite on top of electrical burns. No money as promised. Now I will have to take even more risk because the rent is due Friday or I am homeless. 2017 is already promising to be a dangerous year.
Torture sex in the new year
I started my new year off with a real bang because I had a sweet little victim, she was perfect for torture sex. She was small for her age, really delicate and she was so terrified that she pissed herself as soon as she saw y playroom. Of course I couldn’t let the little whore make a mess like that without punishing her right? I rubbed her face in it like she was a disobedient pet, then stripped her and beat her half to death. She was begging me to stop hurting her, it was music to my ears, I wanted her to beg and scream and cry, all that shit gets me wet as fuck! I made her last all night, by the end she was begging me to kill her… that was the only mercy I finally granted her. Then I threw her little body in the bonfire and burned her until she was nothing but ash in the wind.
Pussy Punishment
I was drunk as fuck at a dungeon bar last night when I met a sexy ass dominant man. He dragged my sexy ass to the back of the bar into one of the BDSM play rooms and told me to strap myself into the sex swing harness. I did what he told me and strapped myself in while he brought over a case of tools to play with my dripping wet pussy! He whipped out his thick, throbbing cock and started stroking it to me while he sharpened his scalpel. I was begging him not to hurt me too badly but he laughed in my face as he shoved that sharp scalpel right into my dirty fucking cunt, making incisions and stabbing into my cervix. I was screaming in pleasure and pain as he dug deeper and sliced open my clit. Blood was puddling on to the floor below me and it only made my pussy wetter! I feel so sore today but I’m ready for round two!
More Snuff Phone Sex for 2017
Snuff phone sex is the perfect way to start off the New Year. My only resolution this year was to wreck more havoc. I want to kill more people. I want to dismember more folks. I want to up the torture and the pain. I want to castrate more men. I want to kidnap and destroy more little ones. I want to get more revenge. I want to put more losers out of their misery and ours. I want to see more blood and guts. I want to hear more cries and pleas. I want to consume more flesh. I want to ruin more lives. I want to fuck with people’s heads more. I want to kill more for profit. I want to kill ore for pleasure. You get the picture, right? I want a lot of snuff sex. So far, 2017 is looking like a great year. At the stroke of midnight last night, I killed my first victim for 2017. A precious little blonde angel. I saw her so sweet and innocent at the mall. Her adult companion was paying more attention to his phone than his angel. I rescued her but she had to die after what my accomplice did to her tender little body. He wanted to ring in the new year inside the tightest pussy and ass he ever had, so I gave him what he wanted. For a price of course; a very hefty price. You have to pay for your naughty taboo predilections. But, think about it. If I am your accomplice, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. I even do the clean up and disposal for you. You have all the fun but I take the risk. Something tells me I will be hearing from you soon.
We had to kill her
A friend of mine had this drunk bitch at his place, she was so wasted that he could pretty much do whatever he wanted to her so he invited me over to play. By the time I got there though, shit had gotten real crazy! He was fuckin her ass when she woke up and decided to get all pissed off about it, he got pissed off and beat her fuckin ass. Now she was huddled in the corner all bloody and he didn’t know what to do. Well, there was only one thing we could do, we had to kill her! May as well have some fun with her first though right? We fucked all her holes open, first with his cock and then with my biggest strap on cock, the one with that is wrapped in razor wire. Bitch bled out and our problem was solved!