Tag: Taboo phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesIf you have murder phone sex fantasies, you are not alone. Most men harbor them; usually for a woman. My stepson has them for me. Since he was a wee boy, he has hated me because I was his father’s whore. But daddy married the whore and left the Madonna, my step son’s mother. Now, he is all grown up and his hatred is fueled by drugs and years of plotting revenge. He got in my face the other day and let off some steam. I called him a pussy who couldn’t get over the past. I didn’t realize he was high on meth. He flew into a rage, claiming he had fantasized about killing me for two decades. I told him he couldn’t kill me because pussies don’t act, they just whine and bitch. He snapped. He smacked me across the room. I tried to run, but he lunged at me, grabbed my leg and pulled me back towards him. He ripped off my clothes and set them on fire, while he tied me up. “Who is a pussy now, bitch,” he seethed. He pulled his cock out. I knew what was next. First, he pissed all over my face while laughing at me; then he fucked me. My cunt and my ass got fucked like a man with pent up rage would fuck: savagely. I was bleeding and crying. I couldn’t make him listen to me. I didn’t think he had this in him. Years of nothing but passive aggressive comments and now, I felt like he might very well kill me. He kicked me in the gut repeatedly like he was channeling A Clockwork Orange. I thought he was done, when he fell backwards on to the couch. Then he picked up the light, tightened the cord and wrapped it around my neck. Everything went dark.


Killer phone sex

killer phone sexI was feeling kind of risky, since I wanted a total stranger whom I have never met to come over to my place and basically beat me senseless, while at the same time forcing his will on me to do sexual favors. I want to be dominated I want to experience pain in a whole new light. I answered my door to a normal geeky guy who didn’t seem to fit the bill of what i would presume as an animal. My opinion on him changed very quickly the moment he slammed the door shut behind him. He grabbed me and covered my mouth, so I could not scream as he began to punch me in the stomach multiple times. I became winded and ,all I could do way lay on the floor like a bitch hoping to catch my next big breath of air. I looked at him with a scared kind of look since this is not what I expected from him. He smiled at me with such delight and began kicking me with his his big feet, I felt my ribs cracking I let out a scream and instantly regretted it. He jumped on top of me and began pounding my face in with his hands until I could no longer see out of either eye. My Nose would not stop bleeding since it was really broken. I just cried since this was way to painful for me. I begged him not to hit me anymore, and he agreed If I decided to suck his big fat cock. I grabbed his cock with my bloody hand and began sucking  the best I could with two fucked up eyes a broken nose and mouth full of blood. He just kept pushing my head down deeper and deeper down his dick. I could hear him cussing at me and telling me what a nasty whore I was as I continued to work his sausage down my throat, He was not very content since he grabbed at my hair really fucking hard, twisting it all around his hand pulling it up as I sucked him off, I tried so hard to concentrated but it felt like my hair was about to come off my head. I stopped sucking to scream and again I regretted it. He threw me on to the floor ripped off my shirt exposing my boobs. With one hand he twisted my nipple and with the other he began fingering my pussy. I guess I didn’t scream loud enough for him so he reached down to my tits at eye level and with his teeth he bit off my right nipple. I screamed out loud as I did my best to coupe with the pain. I begged him to stop that I wanted no more of this and his response was pushing my head down as he stretched out my pussy. I squirmed and begged him to get off of me. I tried reaching back to grab his balls so I could escape and instead I kept getting stuck into the back of my head, I began seeing stars and feeling light headed and all I could do was wait and stay still as he fucked and filled my holes. When It was over he turned my body over and looked me straight in the eye and watched me take my last breath before he slit my throat watching me bleed to death. His face was red with such anger but smile was from having fun.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: I Will Have You for Dinner

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is always in season. Sure, I prefer to roast you outside like a pig over an open flame. However, despite hurricanes and chilly weather, I can still prepare a feast fit for a queen. My girlfriends were out celebrating a birthday when we saw Scott. He looked like he would taste delicious. He also looked submissive and rather pathetic. Looks tasty and subby is the best combo for a dinner date. We bought him a drink then asked him to dinner. When back at my place, my friends undressed him and rubbed him down in a butter garlic sauce. He loved it. Seriously, he was just happy for the attention from hot bitches. I planned on boiling him in my big pot before roasting him in my industrial size oven. I wanted to stuff his ass like a turkey. To do that, I had to loosen up his ass with my big strap on. His asshole was tight; clearly virgin ass. I told him to imagine I was ramming a spit roast through him. I thought he might spontaneously cum. I told him he would do us more of a service in our bellies than in our pussies. He wanted to be devoured by us. Once his ass was loosened up a tad, we stuffed it with a variety of seasoned fruits and veggies to give him flavor. He was getting the equivalent of torture sex but was rock hard. I decided to let him boil alive. The humane thing is to drug your dinner first, but I am hardly humane. Plus, he was clearly a pain slut who wanted to enjoy every moment of the meal preparation. The scent of his flesh cooking in boiling water was intoxicating, as were his screams. I know how to prepare a great meal. The women in my family have been having men for dinner for decades. Scott proved to be a delectable meal. If you can’t satisfy me sexually, perhaps you can satisfy my belly by being a nourishing meal.

Ass Rape Porn Fantasies

ass rape pornWhen I was younger, I watched ass rape porn all the time. I told myself, I can do that. My daddy loved abusing my ass when I was a young girl. He enjoyed sharing my ass with his friends too. It was nothing for him to have a poker night with the boys that ended in an anal gang bang for me. When I ran away, I told myself I could make it as a fetish porn star. I was right. Almost 20 years later, my ass is still taking a pounding. A good pounding too. I told this guy I met at a fetish bar that I loved anal sex. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a fog in the bathroom with a group of men fucking my asshole. I was covered in cum and saliva.  I had no idea how I got there; I assumed I was drugged. They were flushing my face in the toilet, pissing down my throat and fucking my ass two to three cocks at a time. I was being choked with my own blonde locks. No one was using condoms. There were so many guys. I knew none of them. They were smacking the shit out of my tits, face and ass. I was going to be black, blue and gaped in the morning. I would be lucky if I could walk or sit in the morning. Silly boys had no clue who they were force fucking. I am no choir girl. I would have gladly gone into the bathroom with them without being doped. I want to be a gangbang rape porn star. I am still waiting for the guys who can ruin me, maybe even snuff me for good. Could that be you and your friends? I double dog dare you.

Young Prey Leads to Taboo Phone Sex

Hunting young prey is one of my favorite taboo phone sex roleplays, and what we do with the captured victim is what really fuels my corrupt sick mind. Can you just smell the sweet scent of those young things we are about to capture then it’s that spicy yummy scent of fear that overcomes them when their perceptions are skewered and they can’t quite comprehend what is about to happen to their young luscious bodies. We strip them down with knives and scissors as I laugh the whole time and accidentally *smirk* nip a little nipple making a droplet of blood appear.

The pure intensity of seeing this young thing naked and the scarlet streaks that appear as I have a little teasing fun with my knife over her sumptuous flesh. Take her innocence with that manly cock, just rip her tight cunt and fantasy rape her fuck holes as I draw pictures in blood on her flesh. I will piss in her mouth and make her choke as she tries screaming when you rip into that pussy and ass. Taking her to the point of shock makes me hotter than ever to grab a machete and start hacking at her limbs. The spewing of blood as you ejaculate in the burning ripped holes is just too fucking hot. I think we need to play a game really soon, don’t you?

 Taboo Phone Sex

Yes Father may I have another?

I went to church for some reason a few days ago. Maybe feeling uneasy about all the things going on, fires, floods, it seems to be apocalyptic. I’m not in fear of hell or anything; don’t believe that type of thing. I think I wanted… no, actually I know I wanted to mark something off my fuck-it list. I had made an appointment with the priest of the local church in hopes of finding what I wanted.
I sat down in his office, it smelled old and musty, I couldn’t totally put my finger on it but I thought it smell like sex. The priest came in and sat behind his desk, folded his fingers together and said: “How can I help you, my spiritual follower?” I couldn’t help but start laughing, he was so pompous and self-righteous I didn’t feel nearly as bad about what I was going to do. I took my gun out from my purse, smiled and pointed it at the so called spiritual man. He looked startled of course and asked what I wanted and said I didn’t have to do this. He thought I was there to rob him, he tried to tell me drugs aren’t the answer and the church doesn’t keep money blah blah blah. I laughed more and said “I’m not here for your bullshit religion. I’m more evolved than believing the garbage you people try to spew.” I explained that I was there to just plain fuck with his head. I told him to call in his youngest nun into the rectory. He hesitated but I told him to think about what life would be like with a colostomy bag and catheter because I blew his dick off, but I would put the gun on his shaft and aim it towards his asshole. “How are you going to fuck little boys if you have no cock?” he said nothing but picked up the phone and called out to his secretary to bring in Marta the newest nun to join. We waited for her to come in, the “holy man” started to whimper a little. I just shook my head at the pathetic man. The nun knocked and entered. “Yes, father?” she asked. I turned around pointed the gun at her and told her to stand next to the priest. She quickly glided over to him, and my play began. “Father, lift her habit, let’s see the panties nuns wear.” The nun protested at first but the priest scolded her. Interesting, I have a feeling this has happened before. Her habit goes up and what do we see, black thong panties, thigh highs, and a recently waxed pussy.Blasphemy phone sexEven my eyebrows went up on that. The priest swallowed hard and I asked him if that made his mouth water. He only nodded with his head down. “I think you two have done this before, I want to see what you two do together.” The priest took her over his knee and began to spank her bare ass. She moaned with each smack. “Ah, you two are a set of kinky fuckers, huh?” I was all too happy to make them push what they do further. I told him to put his hand underneath her and play with her pussy while he spanked her harder. “But she’s a virgin.” I shrugged … “so what, do what I told you to do.” She doesn’t seem bothered by the instruction so I sat back and enjoyed the show. She moaned and gyrated with every smack and without prompting she yelled out “YES, YES father may I please have another!” holy shit I thought well this will be more fun than I thought.
Tune in next time when I finish this monster blog.

Gangbang Rape Porn in Exchange for Drugs

gangbang rape pornIf you enjoy gangbang rape porn, I have a story for you. I was at this guy’s house last weekend to score some party favors. Not my usual dealer, but I heard from a friend he would fuck a woman in exchange for dope. I was cash poor, but pussy rich. Not like I have not fucked for drugs before. It’s just sex? Means nothing. My dope, however, means everything. It is how I function. I get there and he is not alone. There are like 50 Mexican dudes there. I don’t know if it was a house party or just his posse. They all looked me up and down like I was fresh meat. I could understand a few words like punta and gringa. They wanted to fuck me. I was in way over my head. I was planning on fucking one sleazy guy for some coke, not an army of men. I had no say in the matter. They grabbed me, ripped my clothes off and slammed me down on the floor. Big brown hairy cocks chocked me until I puked. They didn’t care. They just saw my fuck holes open for business. Strong hands pinned me face down in my own vomit while I got sodomized, fucked and fisted. Other men were circle jerking around me, dousing me in cum. I was violated like a street corner hooker. I could feel my cunt and ass bleeding. I could feel the life being choked out of me slowly and cruelly. I was in pain. I couldn’t speak from all the cocks rammed down my throat. They were laughing as I gagged and gasped for air. Finally, they stopped. No idea why. I guess I had drained them all. I was a ball of sweat, blood, cum and puke.  When I tried to slither to the door, a foot stomped me on my back. “We aren’t done with you yet gringa,” one of them laughed.

Snuff Sex is Hot Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best sex. Have you ever thought about killing a girl as you were fucking her? I am sure you have fucked some twat waffles in your life. Maybe even a young girl whom you were afraid might get you arrested if she spoke to the cops about what you did to her. Killing someone as you fuck them, solves the problem. I know. Have I ever told you that I like young boys? Teen boys have rock hard cocks. No issue getting hard or staying hard. I find them on Tinder. They lie about their age or use a brother or even a daddy’s account to hook up with chicks. One boy hooked up with the wrong chick last week. That wrong chick was me. He knew I was out of high school by a decade and a few years. He knew I was a Goth chick. I thought he was a slightly older man at 34 with a sick side. This boy showed up at the motel I arranged for us with his vanilla hard cock. Now, I liked his dick. Not the first teen boy I fucked. But he was the first teen boy I killed while fucking. He was disrespectful. Called me an old bitch and a slew of other derogatory names while his dick was in my cunt. I made myself cum with the use of his dick, then I fucked him some more reverse cowgirl so I could slice his nuts off while his dick was inside me. He pushed me off him, made a big deal out of the slice and dice job I did on his balls. He started talking about daddy being a cop so I stabbed him about a 100 times until he was bloody dead mess. I don’t care your age or who your daddy is, if you can’t be respectful to a goth goddess, I will make a snuff porn with your dead body. Men or boys can never forget who is in charge.


Oh well bitch is gone now!

taboo phone sexWell I wasn’t going to kill this bitch at first, I was just playing with her a little! But yanno, one thing led to another and next thing I knew she was laying there dead! It’s really not my fault tho, I was just fucking the bitch with one of my special strap ons, you know, the ones with the razor wire wrapped around it? Well she was just screaming like crazy! It was very loud and I couldn’t take the chance on anyone hearing me so I started choking her to shut her up. Well I guess I choked her a little too hard cus she went all limp and died on me. Oh well, next time I will try and make the bitch last a little longer!

Snuff Sex Whore For the Killer in You

I know there is a killer lurking inside of you and this snuff sex whore is the perfect useless cunt to really bring it to the forefront of your mind and desires. You catch a glimpse of me flirting like fucking crazy with various men to get what I want. You watch me all night being manhandled by one man after the other as you catch little packets of drugs being passed to me and multiple drinks being bought for me. Then finally you see me stepping away from my flirtations and as I sneak away into the ladies room.

As you figured, the dumb cunt failed to lock the door behind her and you push inside locking it behind you. There I was as expected, snorting fucking lines as I sit taking a piss. Too wasted and dumb to make out what was going on you grab me by my hair yanking me off the can and spilling my blow. More concerned about my blow I started stumbling over my words but you just kick me in the gut after punching me square in my face. Bleeding nose and keeled over you yank me by my hair again to face you as you stuff your cock in my mouth. Forcibly face fucking my you call me a dirty cunt and berate me about not properly wiping my whore cunt after pissing. Asking me why any guy would want to stick their cock in that filthy cunt as you take my drink that was on the counter and pour it over my cunt. You need to be cleansed you say. The vodka stung my cunt and you just laugh and pull out from my face. You knee me in the face causing blood to spurt from my nose and as I attempt to scream you shove my piss soaked panties in my mouth.

You start to give me a taboo phone sex fuck I’ll never forget, well that is if I live through it. Taking my pussy with one harsh thrust landing a big fat cock deep in my cunt and ripping me to bleeding. You laugh as you keep thrusting in me as I am on my knees you grab me around my neck with both hands until my body becomes limp. Filling me up with your seed once you know I am dead was never so pleasurable.

Snuff Sex