Tag: Taboo phone sex

Titty Abuse


taboo phone sex

My master told me that tonight was going to be a hard night for me.. I wasnt quite sure what he meant until i was getting ready for him when all of the sudden he snuck up behind me and grabbed a fist full of my hair and threw me on the bed and hog tied me.  I could see a black brief case that i’ve seen master carry before.. It usually has toys and various tools he uses on me but they were always different.  He took out a pair of nipple clamps and clamped them on my erect nipples. It hurt but it felt very good. That is until he yanked on them as hard as he could. I let out a piercing scream. And master smiled deviously. Than he lit a candle and began to drip the hot wax directly onto my nipples letting it dry in place.. The wax was piercing hot but i have to admit it felt soo good. Than master took the nipple clamps off and took out some rope and tied my boobs together as tight as he possibly could within seconds my tits were turning a purplish color. Than he brought out a paddle and began slapping each tit as hard as he could.. I immediately began to get wet. Master than took out some clothes pins and began pinning them one at a time on each nipple and giving each tit a good hard smack afterwards. When he was finally done i had 5 clothes pins on each nipple. Master smacked my tits as hard as he could and than took 5 more and placed them on my pussy lips and one on my clit and spanked my pussy with the paddle. After that master left the room and did not come back until the morning. Where discovered my pussy was soaking wet. And i told him that i wanted more…

Snuff Sex w/ Fucking Demonic Bitch Goddess

Snuff Sex

I see your eyeing me and thinking about how you’d fuck me and shit. Well when I see your eyes undressing me like that I think about snuff sex with you as my Mother Fucking victim. Your just easy fucking prey for me to get my own demented needs met. I will lure you in and if you appear to have a useful sized of a cock, well I think I may invite you to my place. Oh, my place is just around the corner from the club, we can walk there so have another drink.

I slip a drug in your drink and then we finish up and you’re barely able to stumble outta here. One of my boys helps you over to my place. He knows my plans, they’re always the same. I fuck you really good and then as your still recovering from how fucking good a fuck I am. I take some capsaicin oil and rub it in the hole of your dick. Watching you squirm and freak in pain turns me on so much. Too bad your pinned down and strapped down unable to move. I love the screams and name calling and stand over you with a whip and administer lashes across your chest each time you call me something, other than Demonic Bitch Goddess. Satisfied like a fly in a pile of shit, I grab my boot knife out and castrate your useless sack.


Taboo Phone Sex with Submissive Aubree

I really enjoy watching porn  that has a lot of violence in it. When I go into the sex shop down the street to pick up a new toy or porno, they always have some kind of new snuff films in. I could browse their sections for hours and I get wet every single time. My favorite kind of snuff film is the fantasy rape porn which ultimately ends up with the woman being brutally fantasy raped, tortured and slowly strangled for his enjoyment. I love it even more when there is an accomplice involved. When I find the good movies like that I always fantasize that I am the accomplice and I get to help my master torture and bleed the victim like a stuck pig.

Taboo phone sex

I would ram my fist into her cunt and rape her ass with a baseball bat.  I would do everything and anything to please my master so I could be held in the highest regards, this way he would let me come over and over as we inflict the most sinfully pleasurable pain upon the victim together. Then he would fuck me so hard that I screamed, right over her lifeless body.

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

 I met some cute girls at the mall today. I offered them to come to my house for a little party and of course since they are impressionable and have little to non life experience they thought with their pussies in between their legs when I mentioned older boys there. I took them back to my place where my master was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

As soon as we got there he sedated them so we could tie them up and get them into the positions that most fancied him. We got the smallest tinniest virgin and put a noose around her neck and made her dance from the ceiling like a puppet. My master got underneath of her and shoved his cock inside of her and she had no chance but to bounce up down his dagger in fear for her life.

The other two awaited their fate watching their friend get bounced and tortured. Didn’t their parents ever teach them not to talk to strangers?

Snuff Porn with Venus

snuff pornDo you watch snuff porn? I used to all the time. Now, I make it. I’ve had my eye on this young whore. She cock teases all the men at the mall. She is a mall rat. The few times I go there, she is always there doing the same thing. Flirting with old perverts for free Starbucks’ drinks and food from the food court. She was going to be pregnant and on welfare soon. The mall is my favorite hunting ground. This little teen dream was easy prey too. I told her I was a casting scout for a SyFy Channel movie that was filming in town in a month. I had her come out to my car for a script and card. I pushed her in the trunk and drove to my old abandoned house I inherited. It looks so old and creepy on the outside, no one ever goes near the place. There are rumors of it being haunted by dead prisoners because my grandpa was an executioner at the old prison. It was his house and he was known to take home memorabilia when the prison was shut down. It is just local urban lore, but I love that it has a haunted house story associated with it. Its been my kill pad for a decade now. It was a secret basement underneath the real basement that is sound proof. That is where I make snuff movies. It is all set up with an old execution chair and table where the coroner would pronounce a death row inmate dead. Its prison furniture from the 50s. Super cool, super creepy. I brought my little whore out of the trunk and strapped her to the table. She screamed bloody murder. Her screams of fear made me wet. She called me a liar, but I told her she was the star of my own killer production. I told her to smile for the camera, then I dismembered her with a rusty chainsaw. So bloody and gruesome. I felt like Jigsaw.

Fun with Porn

taboo phone sex

So they made me watch another dirty porn today. I’m almost ashamed to admit how much it makes my kitty tingle. But maybe it is because this time I was picturing you and I on that screen. That man had her laid out on the floor, face buried in her cunt. She was withering all around, hands pulling his hair as if she was afraid he’d leave if she let go. I want that to be us. Oh lawd when he flipped her over and started spanking her ass, I could almost feel the sting from your hands on my ass. I just know though that after you spanked my ass until it was red you’d kiss it all better. I want all the pleasure you could offer me. I want to feel that fuckstick of yours buried as deep as it could go, in all of my holes.

A Cup in the Sink

Sadistic phone sexI was having a hot shower after having sex with a smelly john. The hot water felt so good hitting against my flesh. I was also enjoying a few moments of quiet reflection when my man burst into the bathroom. He pulled me from the shower by my hair also causing the shower curtain and rod to come crashing down. He dragged me into the bedroom and flung me against the wall. He pulled his leather belt from his pants and started beating me.
I cried out, “Why, why, what did I do!”
But he wouldn’t answer me. He just kept swinging his belt. He always waits for me to be in the shower to abuse me. He knows that wet flesh equals more pain. Over and over again he hit me with his belt until my body was covered in welts. I found out later that I got beat because of a dirty cup left in the sink, his dirty cup.

all tied up and a paddle

snuff porn

Today i received a text from daddy that said “I know you fucked someone last night without daddys permission, you havent been daddy enough attention lately. that changes TONIGHT” My pussy started to get wet immediately but i knew that meant daddy was going to be rough with me.   When i walked in daddy had rope and duct tape and in a firm voice said “get over here slut”. I quickly went and he pointed to the floor which always means for me to lay down on the floor. I lay down and he ties me up at my ankles and at my wrists. Than i see daddy pull out a pair of scissors.  He cuts my blouse and my denim shorts off exposing my pink lace bra and panties. He begins to roughly rub the outside of my panties…He tells me that my pussy belongs to him and him only.  Than daddy takes the scissors and cuts my panties off and rubs them on his cock.  He then stuffs the panties into my mouth and puts a piece of duct tape over it, and says “Daddy’s going to make you scream and i dont want you making too much noise”.  Daddy than slaps me as hard as he can in the face and tells me what a bad girl i am.   He grabs me by the arms and lifts me up and carries me to the couch over his shoulder he puts me on my stomach over the arm of the couch and all of the sudden i hear a loud SMACK…I immediately knew daddy had his paddle..the one with spikes without warning *SMACK* right against my bare ass cheeks. It hurt so bad but felt so good. He must’ve spanked me 40 times at least..  He flipped me over and smacked my tits with the paddle and said “are you ready to be daddys good lil slut again?” with tears in my eyes from the pain i nodded my head yes. He said “good girl”, daddy untied me and slid  his rock hard cock inside me and fucked me good and hard and when he pulled out, he flipped me over and cam all over my ass, and all i could feel was stinging. I looked in the mirror and there were marks all over my ass all slightly bleeding from the paddle.. At that exact moment i knew how much daddy loved having his slut all to himself.

Taboo Phone Sex Coke Whore

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is all I do. Incest, rape fantasies, extreme humiliation, rough anal and snuff are what guys want to do to me. Many guys call me because I am a natural red head too. Guys hate ginger whores. Not sure why, but even out and about guys say crude things to me and wish me dead. I was going to score some coke last night when the girlfriend of the dealer tossed a bottle at my head. She started encouraging her boyfriend and his friends to hurt me and force fuck me. She was speaking in Spanish. I didn’t understand much but she was calling me an evil cunt. That much I understood. Whatever she was screaming, it worked. The guys swarmed me, stripped me naked and force fucked me into oblivion. My head got smashed against the wall. I thought they would kill me, but after an hour or so of fucking me to near unconsciousness, they stopped at her word. It was like she was a witch controlling them. Suddenly, she was standing over my battered body yelling at me in Spanish again. She lifted her leg, pissed on me like a dog marking her turf. They all laughed at me. I could understand her saying I was essentially a red headed whore. I was tossed out in the rain in my torn clothes without coke. The Spanish bitch wouldn’t let him sell drugs to a ginger whore saying it was bad luck because I was cursed. I was jonesing so bad to get high, that I sucked a dirty old cock of a homeless dude just to share a line. I ended up partying with some street junkies, but not before they made me their ass rape porn star first. I came home, battered and reeking of piss, but at least I got high.

We killed her slowly

taboo phone sexMy friend brought me a little bitch to play with and we may have gotten a little too rough. He was supposed to bring the little bitch back home at the end of the night but instead we had to bury her in a shallow grave. I don’t give a fuck tho, I had a ton of fun forcing all her virgin fuck holes open and making her scream and cry and beg for her momma. He’s the one that had to explain to her momma where she went, not me! Anyway, it started off simply, we were just going to fuck her and call it a day but you know how excited I get! The second I saw her little pussy bleeding and torn open I just went into a frenzy and ripped her to pieces! I guess I just don’t know when to stop!