Tag: Taboo phone sex

Babysitter Phone Sex With Snuff Goddess

Babysitter phone sex

I love the feel of that red rain dripping down on me in the bath. The gooey coagulating blood of those young sacrificed bodies bled, and dumped after being defiled and destroyed in every possible way. I’m the babysitter phone sex snuff goddess that really loves the virginal defilement and the way the blood tastes and feels when a certain level of excitement releases those chemicals altering the blood ever so slightly and like a properly aged wine it tastes divine.

I want to be your hired girl and it’s well known how much you are sick of those brats I am “caring for” tonight. I have full anticipation in some real fucking messy fun. I’ve a couple guys coming buy to assist in the defilement but, daddy I’d rather have you join me instead. Leave your wife passed out drunk in a hotel room and return to deal with things. I’ll be waiting and torturing the sluts of yours the whole time.

Torture Sex Play with Indigo

My best friend can be so stupid at times. I am her friend of course but me getting off is more important to me. This is why I had to set her up to show her how pleasurable pain can be. The argument we had last week about how having a hook put in your ass and the being fucked was so offensive to her. I attempted to explain that it could be very pleasurable, she just was so closed minded.

Torture sex

I decided later that night after the argument that I would show her that not only are the hooks pleasurable but that pain in genera could be very hot and satisfying.  A friend of mine helped me ab duct er without knowing who had kidnapped her. We put a hook in her ass and fantasy raped her mouth, her cunt and tortured the shit out of her. By the time we were done she was begging for more and so wet you could wipe the floor with her cum juice.

Snuff Sex Whore For Using and Disposing Of

Hi! I’m Geneva and I am nothing more than a fucking toy for you to use as a snuff sex dolly. I am too uselessly dumb to know how to do much more than look pretty and always primping. My tits are fake, my lips are Botox and my whole body is plastic to be perfect like a sex slave doll for the use of the sickest twisted perverts. I’ve been conditioned to understand I am a useless fuck toy. I deserve your beating my face in and giving me a bloody nose because I was too dumb to understand how I was expected to act for you.

When I am really out of line you take me down to the riverside and have a gangbang fest of bums to fuck me and cum in and on me. Then I am left to let the four legged friends to take their fix. Sometimes this goes badly and my neck will have a nice chunk taken out by one of them… but I can be shoved into the river, what’s left.

Snuff Sex

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sexI was chained up and it was dark except for the overhead light beating down on my naked flesh above me. I was gushing blood but I could not tell where it was coming from. I was completely soaked from head to toe. The guy responsible for this was standing over me, his cock was out. He was happy that I was finally awake. He said I keep drifting in and out of consciousness.

He lowered the table I was in and took a sharp blade and cut off my nipples. He slid his dick right into the fat of my tits and began to fuck away the fat from the muscle. He was mashing up my tit fat while he jerked his cock inside of my tits. His cock was saturated in my blood as he jerked himself off inside of my tit flesh.

He made me lick his blood covered cock and moved it down to my cunt. He pushed his way inside of me cunt and began to stab my uterus as his cock slid in and out of me. I wish he would just kill me but he says that would be no fun.

Ass Rape Porn of a Bimbo

ass rape pornI wanted to make an ass rape porn. I have made many before. I’m an anal sex addict. This one was different, however. I hooked up with these guys looking for an anal sex whore. I thought they just wanted to give me a hardcore ass fucking, but they wanted more than that. They wanted to kill me. They wanted to snuff me out. When I am horny, I don’t always think with my head. In hindsight, they looked sketchy as fuck. Greasy hair. Skin like meth heads. They smelled too. There weren’t choir boys. These weren’t even Hell’s Angels. These were street junkies high as fuck wanting to hurt a bitch and I handed myself to them on a silver platter. They shot me full of something. Heroin I think. I got immediately high as fuck. When they started cutting and burning me, I was laughing at the pain. That was nothing compared to what they did to my ass. They fucked me with a hot pipe of some sort. My asshole was burning. They fucked my ass after they burned it. Talk about torture sex. Even high as fuck, I could feel the pain of my torn asshole being filled with hot cum. As they fucked me, they strangled me too. One dude even lit my blonde locks on fire. I put it out but slapping the sides of my head, but the smell of burnt hair is almost as bad as the smell of burnt flesh. I woke up this morning in the ER. They dumped me in an alley. I guess someone found me. Good thing too because I was naked, and it was below freezing last night. I need to be more cautious about who I fuck, but where is the fun in that?

Guzzlin’ A Cum Bomb


Teen Rape Porn




I woke up with a funnel down my throat and I was already choking so hard I could barely breathe.
That’s when I realized I was swallowing tons and literal actual tons of shit and piss from a beer bong.
I had some how gotten lost on campus and ended up being the subject of hazing by a frat who were
enjoying their first gang bang kegger. I was tied down to the table and the tube was almost all the
way down my stomach. The shit smoothie pouring down my throat and and I was pretty positive it
could not get worse than this but that’s when they whipped out their dicks and started filling my
stomach with jizz. My tummy bloated up like I was pregnant, I was so full of cum. Then they sliced me
open and fucked my belly button as if it were a flesh light. Finally when they were done with me
they skinned my body and used me as their new battle flag during Greek week. I wonder what the football
is made of.

Castration Phone Sex with Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is by far my favorite. I am not a man hater. Guys think that because I like removing some dude’s nuts that I am some ball busting male hater. I look at what I do as charity. I am stopping the spread of stupidity. I am stopping the spread of misogynistic behavior. If a guy begs me for junk removal, he is no man. He doesn’t deserve his testicles. Those are for winners. Many times, however, I take a guy’s junk for free. I consider that charity. I did some fine charity work over the weekend. The mall is my hunting ground. Usually when I am there, however, I am hunting young flesh to exterminate. I have noticed a dirty old pervert stalking the jailbait for weeks. Facial recognition programs told me he was on the sex offenders list. He diddled some young girls and showed his old creepy genitals to some other girls playing in the park. He was clearly hunting new victims. I appreciate other sick fucks, but I do hate a certain type of P man. The ugly fat slobs with no game who even a fat ugly girl would reject. I confronted him. I explained I knew who he was, and I would report him for violating his parole. He tried to pull a knife on me in the food court. I knocked it out of his hand and pushed him into a public restroom. I yanked down his pants, laughed at his small pecker and cut off his balls. Right then, I de nutted the creeper.  I had nothing to stop the bleeding because I planned on drugging him and doing this at home. I flushed his nuts down the toilet and told him he won’t be preying on young girls again. I walked out of the bathroom with a big smile. I heard later a man had been rushed to the hospital, the victim of a violent castration. He is an old pervert who preyed on young girls. The list of suspects who wanted his balls, I was sure was long. It was a charitable castration.

Snuff phone sex- Aubree’s Death Dream

I am not usually a person who gets vivid dreams that scare me, but last night was different. I dreamed last night that I was at a party and I met this good looking guy there. his man asked me to go home with him, which I did because he seemed nice enough,, cute and I wanted to fuck him. When we arrived at his house he let me in, offered me a drink and we chatted by the fireplace, while he seemed to be waiting for something. He leaned in to kiss me and I just fell over.

Snuff phone sex

At that point his whole demeanor changed. He got this evil grin on his face and started to undress me. He then fantasy raped my pussy brutally and tortured my unconscious body while strangling me. He flipped me over and did the same to my ass. As I started to come to, he was still in my asshole. He pulled a knife out from under the couch cushion, put it up to my throat and slid it across. As I lay there bleeding and my body dying, I had an out of body experience in my dream. I was watching myself dye. I woke up shortly after that in a sweat and realized I was alive, but my pussy was soaking wet.

Snuff Porn

snuff pornI was hired to make a snuff porn. I have a reputation as a no taboos freak. For some coke and some money to buy coke, I will do the kinds of fetish films other women refuse to do. I am not proud. Snuff films aren’t real anyway. It’s fake blood and guts, like a horror film. I showed up at the address the casting agent gave me. It didn’t look like any set I had seen, and I have been on a few. In fact, I saw no one else. I wondered if I had the right address. I had no cell reception, so I couldn’t text or even call anyone. I walked around a bit, then saw the house. It looked like a horror film house, so I assumed that was the place to be. I walked in, called out for anyone. No one responded. I walked around a bit. No electricity. The house was covered in cob webs. No one has been in this place for decades was my guess. I used the light on my iPhone to illuminate my way. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. A shadowy figure; menacing. Tall, maybe deformed. I heard the chainsaw and I shit my pants. Was this the movie? Or was this my own Texas Chainsaw Nightmare? I ran. Ran smack into a room of dead dismembered bodies. Even high, I am scrappy. I buried myself under a pile of limbs to hide. I was fucked up, but this didn’t feel like a snuff movie. This felt like death. I laid motionless in the dark under a pile of bloody limbs wishing this was a bad dream. I heard foot steps, but I couldn’t see anything. Then, I head the mysterious figure say, “Are you ready to die Blair?” At that moment the chainsaw came crashing down thru the dead bodies. Blood splattered, I felt pain then everything went dark.

Accomplice phone sex: Shower song

I am in a much better place financially then I use to be. I was just thinking about how my life was back then when I was broke and could not afford the things I wanted. I started to remember some of the crazy shit I use to do to get money and the things I needed. I remembered this guy I use to date back then, he was a drug dealer. It started off by doing coke with him and then it led to us fucking and so forth. There was a time I recall when we both needed some extra cah and had to do some robberies. We had broken into this really nice house in a nice part of town for some quick cash. We were just gonna break in and grab a few things to pawn.

Accomplice phone sex

We didn’t know it at the time but their daughter was home and ad no idea someone had broken in. I made my way upstairs looking for jewelry and heard some singing, the girl was in the shower singing one of my favorite songs. My boyfriend walks up behind me and says “let’s have some fun”, He pulls her out of the shower and as she screams he slaps her across the face. His dick was hard as he undid his pants, told me to hold er legs open and he fantasy rapes her sweet pussy. I cannot help it but I got so wet from watching He asked me if that made me hot, why yes it did and I wanted to watch him fuck her again!