My suffering doesn’t mean shit to you, no matter how much snuff phone sex we have together! I can never catch a break because you just have way too much fun getting off to the demented torture that you inflict upon me! I’ve been a very naughty & very skanky whore lately but what’s really new?! You take your entire tube of Bengay and smear it all over my tits while you call me a stupid slut. It’s burning my nipples so bad while you smother me in it. I’m screaming and crying & begging for you to go a little bit lighter on me while you twist my sensitive breasts with your fingers & cause me pain but it only makes you go harder on me and want to inflict more pain. The more pain you can inflict, the harder your cock will become. It’s still not enough, you take your cigarette and smash it into my soft skin which causes me to rip and burn open wide. The Bengay is very flammable so when you use me as your ashtray it ends up setting my whole entire chest on fire! I’m screaming and you’re laughing…. I deserve every bit of this!
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Screaming while you laugh
Snuff Sex Revenge
Snuff sex fantasies are one thing, but he wanted me dead. I owed him money. I owed him coke too. A few months ago, I stole a bag of coke. It was a small bag. He didn’t need it. It wouldn’t have made him much money. When he found me, he made it clear that what he was doing to me was a matter or principal. He couldn’t have people thinking he was soft. His posse was with him as he tied me up. I was bound and gagged and scared, very scared. They took turns kicking me. It didn’t matter that I was a woman. I stole; I had to be punished. They fucked my ass raw until it prolapsed, then the leader of the pack, the one I stole from, put a zip tie on my prolapsed ass. I screamed out in pain, but that was nothing compared to being branded. He spelled out the letters Thief on my ass. Thief, forever branded on me, so no one would ever trust me. Him and his posse sodomized me. They beat me up. They tortured me for hours and they burned my flesh. All so one drug dealer could save face. My body will never be the same because I stole an itty bitty bit of coke.
Some bitches are too stupid to live
Some bitches are really too stupid to live and this dumb whore I found passed out on the side of the road was one of them. She was drunk as fuck and she went with me even tho she had never seen me before in her life! She was stupid and careless and deserved to lose her life because of it. I took her right to my basement playroom and laid her down on the table and restrained her and that dumb bitch still didn’t even realize that she was in danger! It would have been no fun at all to torture a bitch that was that fucked up so I let her kind of sleep it off for a while and when she finally did wake up she finally seemed to realize that she was in a whole lot of trouble. She started screaming and crying and all that did was turn me on. I took my time with her too, breaking bones, cutting her and forcing all her fuck holes wide open before finally killing her. I rid the world of one more stupid whore and I really think we are better for it!
Snuff Porn Maker
Snuff porn is more fun to make than to watch. I know. I watched it for years, but now I make it. It is a lucrative business. I have no conscience. I am a sociopath, which means I can kill anyone and not feel an ounce of remorse. Guilt is not something I have ever experienced. No remorse either. When Mr. D told me, he wanted an ankle biter to fuck and kill, I snatched one in plain sight. She was super young and cute. Her parental unit was flirting with some one else’s husband and scooped up her little angel. She was a little cash cow. Not only was Mr. D paying me to make snuff movies with her as the star, I would make money from my streaming clients too. He was nervous. It happens. Men who want depraved things, freak out when they finally get it. I gave him a shot of whiskey and I did it for him. Eventually men like him warm up and join the torture fun. I was fucking her baby butthole with a massive strap-on. He pulled his cock out and stroked. The more whiskey shots he did, the more courage he got. He joined in on the fun. His dick in her tiny hole was hotter to film than my strap-on. She screamed like a banshee. Screams and cries just make me wetter. Their pain my pleasure. Same for Mr. D. After he was done filling her tiny holes up with cum, we slit her throat and fucked in her blood. Normally, I don’t mix business with pleasure, but his cock was huge and killing little girls turns me on like nothing else. He came in her pussy and ass, then came in me and still had cum left to shoot in her dead body. Snuff sex is a huge aphrodisiac for people like me and Mr. D.
I have been a really really bad girl lately. “An insolent little slut,” like daddy says. I have not been listening and have been disobeying Daddy’s direct orders. Daddy hates when I talk back, a little whore should know my place he says. Because of my naughty behavior, daddy told me he had arranged a terrible torturous punishment for me. He chained me downstairs in our basement for a week without food until I learned my lesson. My tummy hurt and just when I thought daddy was going to let me go from punishment, 6 huge black men stormed down into the basement and tore my clothes off of my fragile skinny body. They paid daddy for a chance to wreck my little body and have their rough rape fantasies played out. They beat me and kicked me until my bones split and my skin turned purple. Then they forced their cocks in all my holes until I was raw, bleeding and dripping with cum.
Twisted Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Most men have rape phone sex fantasies. It just that some men are more violent than others. I like the more violent fantasies. I harbor deep dark desires. Many so taboo, I cannot tell my closest friends for fear they will send me to the psych ward. I have several sides to me, but my strongest side is a submissive whore who struggles to tell dominant men no. I had a what the fuck am I doing moment the other night. I was on a date with a dominant man, but he wasn’t attractive, nor was he rich. The submissive whore side of me struggled to tell him no. The gfe side of me was like what the fuck, this guy is a total loser. I excused myself to the restroom and never came back. I ditched him at the restaurant because I don’t like confrontation. I forgot he knows where I live. He broke down the door in the middle of the night in a rage because I left him. He had fire in his eyes. Before I could call 911 or grab my baseball bat, he had me in a choke hold and was forcing his cock in my mouth. It was rough oral with some strangulation phone sex moves. He was skull fucking me and choking me. I saw him eye my baseball bat and I knew I was in trouble. He reached over my head with his free hand and grabbed it. He was so angry, I thought he might beat me to death. Instead, he sodomized my ass with it while he continued to crush my windpipe. He was calling me names and making me apologize to him for being a worthless cunt. Suddenly, he was more appealing to me. I know. I am a twisted bitch. He went from dominant to sadistic and my cunt got uber wet.
sadistic phone sex with Nasty Natasha
Sadistic phone sex with the nastiest accomplice on the site is a pure privilege. You are instantly hook hearing how detailed and fucked up I honestly am. You have never met a slut as vile as me and you probably never will. They don’t make them like me anymore. I am every bit of a submissive to you but such a domme with other sluts. I can make your wildest dreams come true. I can turn a innocent slut into a complete whore. I like them drugged up and doped up. When they are under the influence they will do anything for us. I get these young sluts addicted to you daddy and from there on its magic. Having hot teens all over your kingdom is all you ever wanted. I train them to amaze you and beat them merciless. I have to rough them up and show them discipline and respect only the best for my king.
Taboo Phone Sex Whore
When you are a taboo phone sex whore, anything goes. In my real life, men know that if they have what I need, they can get away with murder. What they have that I need is cocaine. I am a suburban housewife with a dirty secret life. None of the normal drug dealers will sell me coke anymore, so I need to frequent the more extreme dealers. The ones that make me work for my fix. No one wants to fuck me in exchange for drugs anymore. My holes are too used up. Nothing is tight on me, not even my ass. That means the only way I can get my coke is humiliating myself and putting on a show for the men in power. Last night, Big E wanted an ass rape porn show, but not with cock. He had a series of huge dildos lined up for me to ass fuck. Each one bigger and more daunting than the other. The first couple weren’t bad, but as I moved down the dildo line, they got thicker and harder. One had Ben Gay on it, so I was fucking it while my asshole burned. My eyes watered, but I plowed through it. The one after that had little shards of broken glass super glued on it, so I tore my ass with every thrust. I was bleeding but I had to keep entertaining Big E and his friends, or I would have ruined my asshole for nothing. The last one was so wide, I felt my asshole rip. I have had some big dick inside me, but nothing as thick as the last dildo. Now, it had no glass on it, but it was lubed up with more Ben Gay. My ass was torn and bleeding now, so the Ben Gay hurt a thousand times more than the first time. My ass was ruined. Prolapsed, torn, bloody and burning like a son of a bitch, but I got my coke.
I killed a bitch boy
I killed a little bitch boy and trust me, he definitely deserved it. He was weak and wimpy and he even had a girl’s name! Why should a man like that be allowed to live? First thing to go was his manhood, it was just like him weak and small and useless so I bound it up and cut that useless little knob right off. Then as he stood there bleeding profusely, I began to beat him with a heavy rod, each blow broke bones and crushed his flesh and every second of it got me wetter and wetter. He was crying and begging me to stop but his cries were getting weaker and weaker as he bled out, I knew he couldn’t possibly last much longer. I beat him until my arms got tired and by then he was dead, the little faggot got exactly what he deserved.
Daddy’s basement is where all of his torture happens. It’s dark, soundproof, and most importantly, escape-proof. I tried to run away from him, so he punished me by dragging me to the basement, stripping me naked, and leaving me in the dark and cold for days. He didn’t return unless it was to force fuck and beat me. After two nights I was begging for food and water. Instead of giving me food or drink, he told me I could eat his cum and drink his piss if I wanted to survive bad enough. He forced his cock into my mouth and fucked my throat. I was so hungry I swallowed every drop of his cum. He pissed on my face and my open mouth. In my thirst, I drank as much of it as I could and then licked every drop of it off of the floor.
He made me stay in the basement for a full month. My only food and water source was his and his friends’ piss and cum. In my desperation, I swallowed it all.