Tag: Taboo phone sex

Torture Sex with The Punisher

torture sexTorture sex is not just something men do to me. I torture myself too. I am a pain slut. I was a cutter when I was a school girl. I think my pain tolerance grew from self-mutilation. Once I was a grown woman, I looked to other things to give me pain. Men are impressed with my pain tolerance. It is so high that I sometimes must fake cry. Men don’t like being shown up by a girl. Last night I hooked up with a guy I met at a BDSM club. Club members call him the Punisher. He loves to inflict pain. I had heard rumors about him but wanted to see if he was as bad as women say. I have a higher threshold than most women, so I needed to test things with him on my own. Fuck, I met my match. He was a punisher indeed. He had these long needles and he pierced my clit with them, and he used them on my vagina lips, making my pussy look like it had been sewn shut. He used more needles on my nipples. All my most sensitive parts were stitched with needs. Little droplets of blood coated my body. My cunt was wet. It was real pain. Not snuff sex pain, but hot mutilation pain. I think I will be seeing more of the Punisher.


snuff sexI knew snuff sex was the way to his heart but to keep him from wandering I had to amp it up. When my master’s ex-girlfriend started resurfacing, I knew it meant trouble for me. Not only was she a freak she was a pyscho willing to do it all. For a while now I have been asked to stab my holes for his pleasure. I have been adamant about not doing so. However, things do change. As soon as I saw I was quickly replaceable, I decided to do what his heart desired and ruin myself to the limit. I knew seeing me bloody would make him commit to me even more. Blood and tears get his cock off instantly. I did what I had to do to keep the pyscho ex away.

Violent Phone Sex is What I Deserve

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies consume me. I get high and my head gets fucked up with nasty thoughts.  I am a freak despite the soccer mom appearance.  I called up my stepson last night. We have a love hate relationship, but it works. He gets me high and then takes all his aggression out on my ass. He is a fucked up boy, just like I am a fucked up woman. Our kinky desires consume us. It makes for a perfect BDSM relationship. Last night, my stepson brought a bunch of friends with him for our date. I wasn’t prepared for that. I was not thinking gangbang rape porn, but that is what happened. His friends and him fucked every hole, even my pee hole. Let me tell you, having cocks rammed in my urethra, hurt more than three dicks in my ass at once. My stepson and his friends treated me like a piece of trash. They pulled my hair, spit on me, fucked all my holes and pissed on me too. They laughed as I pleaded for mercy. My stepson planned this. He wanted all my holes bleeding and ruined. Even though it hurt, I survived. I know he is dangerous to my health and life, but I have dark desires that can’t be curbed. I get what I deserve.

Blasphemy Sex: Hail Satan

blasphemy sexI am a Satanist and a witch, so blasphemy sex makes my cunt wet. I know, wicked, right?  Do I look like I go to church? I love to give Satan a tribute every month. I think the best sacrifices are those little ones who go to church every Sunday in their best clothes and sing hymns to Jesus. Delusional little brats. God won’t save them. Only Satan can do that. Hail oh Dark Lord. Darkness is more fun than light any day. With it being Sunday, I was up early scoping out the talent to give over to my Dark Lord. I found a blue eyed, blonde little slut. She had on this white baby doll style dress, Paten leather shoes and her hair was down in curls. She looked like the perfect sacrifice. I snatched her when no one was looking. I was going to ruin her pretty dress with her blood. I like red better than white. I took her to the cabin in the woods, placed her on my pentagram, read some satanic verses and stabbed her in the heart. I love dark magic and blasphemy phone sex. I read out some satanic verses and cursed her god as she bled out. No way, she was surviving. She was bleeding out. She had fight in her for being so young, but in the end darkness won. Evil always wins.

Accomplice Phone Sex Surprise

accomplice phone sexAs a submissive, accomplice phone sex goes with the territory. I started seeing a new man recently. Turns out he only picked me up because he thought I was a mommy. I’m old enough to be a mother, but I have never wanted to me one. When he found out I had no desire to get pregnant, nor did I have a little girl for him to fuck, he left. I was desperate to get him back. He is handsome, wealthy and not as mean as some of the other men I have dated. I got desperate. I knew he had no desire for my loose holes. I went to the park and lured a cute little blonde angel away. I drugged her, then put her in my car. I showed up at his house with a sweet young present. He was impressed with me for going the extra mile to win him back. It worked. I watched as he made his rape fantasies a reality with a super young girl. I was jealous he wasn’t fucking me, but I won him back. Sure, I sacrificed a young girl to win back my man, but she won’t find a better man to fuck. He will make her a ass rape porn star. That is of course if she survives.

Getting What I Deserve

Evil phone sex You promised me exactly what I wanted a night to remember. I don’t know it yet but I know you. You have been talking with me online with a fake profile. A few years ago I fucked you and robbed your wallet and few other valuable items while you were passed out from the drug I slipped into your drink. It has taken you sometime but you are ready to get your revenge. I think I am on my way to have a nice date with a sucker of a guy that I will also drug fuck and rob from. Little do I know what you have waiting for me. I pull up to your house and I knock on the door. I do not recognize you when you greet me. I walk in and for the first hour, everything is going according to my plan. After dinner, I suggest we have some drinks and that is where I plan to drug you. But this time I will not have such luck. You disappear and come back with two glasses of red wine and a knife hidden behind you. We sit down on the couch and I try to distract you but you are not having it. You look into my eyes and kiss me so softly and gently. I am in a trance for a moment. Bam, something hits my head and I fall off the couch and double over in pain on the floor. You throw your body on top of me and punch me in my face calling me a trashy whore. “do you remember me you stupid cunt?” Before I could answer with a no you remind me of who you are and what I did to you a few years ago. You are one of many that I fucked drugged and robbed so I barely remember your face or that night. But I have a feeling I will remember you after tonight.

Bondage Phone Sex Upside Down

bondage phone sexHe told me he was a fan of bondage phone sex. He told me that for my time as his BDSM slave, he would give me a bag of coke. He had me at bag of coke. I am a coke whore. It always leads me down dangerous avenues, however. I should have known better. When I arrived, I was hit over the head. I didn’t see it coming. I woke up hanging upside down, bound in an extremely awkward position. The guy I agreed to meet, was waiting for me with his monster cock out. He skull fucked me while I was dangling in the air upside down. Blood was trickling down my face from the blow to the head. Turns out he enjoyed my blood dripping on his dick. He said blood is great lube. I knew I was in over my head. I thought I was having some BDSM fun not snuff sex. I figured some whips and chains, and restraints, but he was strangling me and fucking me so hard I puked on his dick. Because of the position I was in, I ended up swallowing most of my own puke, which made me puke again. He was laughing at what a disgusting whore I was. I tried to think about the coke, but he was fucking me so hard from an upside-down position that I kept passing out. The head wound compounded my dizzy feeling. Eventually, he grew bored with me. He had cum so much he couldn’t cum anymore. I was dizzy, sore and bleeding from my head, so I was happy to be set free, but that didn’t happen until the next morning. He kept me to mutilate my tits and my clit. This was a far cry from some BDSM fun. It was torture sex.

Killed a bitch today

taboo phone sexI killed a bitch today but don’t worry she was just some stupid whore. She was just talking and talking and talking and I just snapped! I couldn’t take all the noise in my hungover state so I just slapped the shit out of her hard enough to knock her down. Then of course the bitch started screaming and crying so I went crazy and just beat the fucking shot out of her until she was finally unconscious, then I dragged her inside my house. Fucking bitch was so heavy too and that just made me even madder. So I tied her up and grabbed my biggest meanest  strap on cock, the one with the razor wire embedded in it and I fucked that stupid cunt to death! She begged for her life but I didn’t care I just shredded that pussy up! She bled out on my floor and after that I had blessed silence so that I could finally sleep.

Helping Him Make Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI started watching snuff movies with him. Then he asked me to help him make one. Many guys watch them with me, but few want to make one. Snuff films aren’t for the weak at heart. What shocked me most was that he wanted his stepdaughter to be the star of the show. I knew the girl. She is a teen tease. One of those mean girl types everyone would be secretly glad was dead. She is not even out of school yet and wreaking havoc. From what I have been told, she is trying to get her mom to kick my friend to the curb. I had him watch some snuff porn because it can be therapeutic to watch. After a few days of watching young girls get slaughtered, he told me he wanted to kill his stepdaughter. He begged me to help him. He has no money of his own. His wife is the cash cow. She inherited a bunch of money when her parents died in a car accident. I hated this teen whore, so I told him he could pay me later. I know I likely will never see the money, but I was helping a friend. I asked him if he wanted to fuck her first. I was surprised to hear no. Most guys want to use those young snotty holes first. He really did just hate the bitch. I decided to have some fun with her before I let him kill her. I sodomized her with a huge dildo. One so large that it shredded her asshole. She was crying. I wanted her to feel some pain. Little bitches should feel pain. She was pleading for her life when my friend slit her throat and watched her take her last breath. It made my cunt wet to be a part of his first snuff sex film.

Screaming while you laugh

Snuff phone sexMy suffering doesn’t mean shit to you, no matter how much snuff phone sex we have together! I can never catch a break because you just have way too much fun getting off to the demented torture that you inflict upon me! I’ve been a very naughty & very skanky whore lately but what’s really new?! You take your entire tube of Bengay and smear it all over my tits while you call me a stupid slut. It’s burning my nipples so bad while you smother me in it. I’m screaming and crying & begging for you to go a little bit lighter on me while you twist my sensitive breasts with your fingers & cause me pain but it only makes you go harder on me and want to inflict more pain. The more pain you can inflict, the harder your cock will become. It’s still not enough, you take your cigarette and smash it into my soft skin which causes me to rip and burn open wide. The Bengay is very flammable so when you use me as your ashtray it ends up setting my whole entire chest on fire! I’m screaming and you’re laughing…. I deserve every bit of this!