Tag: Taboo phone sex

Boiled alive

taboo phone sexThis stupid whore pissed me off so I decided that I would make some soup. Girl soup. I stripped her naked and shaved off all her hair and washed her very well. Then I started the pot boiling and added some spices and herbs and veggies and slowly dropped in my girl. I had her hanging by a big hook and lowered her into the boiling pot feet first so I could really make her suffering last. She was lowered inch by inch into the pot until finally she was fully immersed and completely dead. I cooked her for hours until the meat was literally falling off the bone and let me tell you, she was fucking delicious! There was far too much for me to eat all by myself so I decided on a wickedly funny way to share some. I went down to the local homeless shelter and fed them all some of my delicious girl meat stew and you know what? They all loved it!

Killer Phone Sex

killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what they wanted. I was out for a morning jog. It was super fucking cold. It felt like a winter day, not a spring one. There was frost on cars and even a little snow on the ground. It is almost June. I couldn’t believe this freak weather. I started to head back home because it was too cold. I ran by a car with a man putting something in his trunk. I think some one was behind me because the next thing I knew, I was pushed into the trunk. They were working together. Why, I was not sure. I felt like I was in that car forever. The trip was bumpy too, like a dirt road in the mountains. When the trunk opened, they yanked me out by my hair. I told them my husband was rich, but they retorted they didn’t want money. I was just the unlucky whore that fell in their laps. I was out in the cold wilderness. The middle of nowhere, I guess. I was going to be their snuff porn star. They wanted to kill a bitch just for the hell of it. First, they force fucked me. One in my ass and one in my pussy. As they tag teamed me, they choked me. Their hands were around my throat in a violent death grip. It was clear they were amateurs. Their methods of torture were sloppy and all over the map. They were just winging it. They wanted to kill and assault a woman and I jogged myself right into their trunk. I pleaded and begged, but no mercy was shown on me. They punched me, stabbed me, fucked my holes with broken branches and once they had their fun, they left me to die slowly and alone in the cold woods.

I Love Knife Play Phone Sex Calls

knife play phone sexI love knife play phone sex. My knives are my best friends. I have a variety too. Big, little, sharp, dull, some for stabbing, some for dismembering. I hate most people, but I love all my knives because they inflict pain and kill those I dislike. I met Charlie at the bar. We were talking about brats. He showed me his niece. She looked like a little cock tease. She had on these booty shorts and was twerking her ass. It was on Instagram and her settings were public. That little slut was inviting trouble to find her. We were talking about how girls these days love being cock teasing whores. I could see he had a boner. He couldn’t kill his own niece, but I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. We went to the mall and kidnapped a girl about her age. I was too far from my kill shack, so we got a no tell motel. I strapped her down to the bed naked. Charlie fucked her. He fucked all three holes. Left her bleeding and crying. I started cutting her tender flesh. I even stabbed her little cunt. I wanted her to die. She would grow up to be a self-entitled mean girl. I wanted her to hurt. Pure torture sex with my knife. She cried as she bled out on the dingy mattress. Charlie couldn’t believe I killed her. I had too. She saw her faces. She was full of his DNA.  I had him fuck her dead body for shits and giggles. I used one of my dismemberment knives to cut up her tiny little body. We took her dead dismembered and dumped her in the woods. Coyotes and foxes would eat her remains. That little cock teasing mall brat will never be found.

Snuff Sex Party

snuff sexIt was a snuff sex party. I thought it was a sex toy party. I was duped by the wife of a guy I know. She invited me to the party. I guess he thought I wouldn’t go if he was the one throwing it. Damn right, I wouldn’t have gone. Her husband is a sadistic tool. I avoid him when I can. He owns a fetish club I frequent. I guess if I was smarter, I would have smelled the setup. When she told me the other ladies were in the basement, I had a small thought something was up, but I thought maybe it was a recreation room. I stepped down into an unfinished basement and I knew. I swallowed hard and tried to run up the stairs, but the door was slammed and locked. Her husband and a bunch of his friends were waiting for me. He told me his club has rules they must follow to stay open. At his home anything goes. I can be their ass rape porn star or snuff doll. They wanted to torture me. They drew blood and bodily fluids. They left marks on my body, likely permanent marks too. They claimed I was a cock tease at the club letting men only go so far before I reminded them of the rules. In the owner’s basement, there were no rules. They smacked me around, punched me, burned me, fucked me and pissed on me. They did a lot more than that too. I thought I might die. I thought I was in a real snuff film. Before it came to an end, I wished I had been in a real one. I wish I could say I will never be so dumb again, but we all know I am a stupid taboo phone sex whore.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasy for Mommy

taboo phone sexI love taboo phone sex calls. The darker your desire, the wetter my pussy gets. I got high last night. I know that is no shocker. I was not out. I stayed home and explored my freak side with callers. I have some creative callers who want to kill me a thousand different ways. How would you like to snuff me? Guys ask me all the time what my favorite way to die is? I like it violent and painful. I think I am like you. When it comes to the phone, I need something more extreme and taboo than reality. My caller had mommy rape phone sex fantasies. Very violent fantasies. I love being force fucked. My caller has a cock teasing mommy. He told me how she wore see-through nightgowns in front of him and his friends. She fucked her son’s friends, all of them, but never him. I would have been frustrated and angry too if my  mommy whore neglected me but serviced my friends.  I love fantasy calls because they are therapeutic. We did a roleplay where I cock teased him for the last time. Mommy got knocked around. Slapped, spit on, kicked, punched and fucked. Fucked in mouth, pussy and ass. He showed his mommy no mercy for 30 years of cock teasing and neglect. I was super sore, swollen, prolapsed and gaped by the time he was done, but my caller got out his mommy frustration. Can I help you relieve some frustration too?

Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Not Your Girlfriend

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex is the only way you can serve me if you are not a victim. I am not your girlfriend. I am no one’s girlfriend. Guys IM me with “Hey Baby” all the fucking time. I am stabbing them repeatedly in my mind. When guys call me baby or honey on the phone, or worse, try to do a fuck call, my instinct is to chop off their dicks. So, my advice to you is that if you are not looking for a castration call, then you best not treat me like a girlfriend.  This is a snuff site. It is for dark fantasies only. Get the fuck off my page if you are looking for a blowjob because I have sharp teeth and a collection of worthless dicks in a jar. I am the woman of your wicked dreams, not your wet dreams. I can make your wet dreams come true but as your accomplice. You want to fuck and torture a young girl? No problem. I have no maternal instincts whatsoever. I will kidnap and kill any little one for or with you. Are you getting the picture? I make snuff porn not girlfriend porn. Again, if you are looking for a woman to fuck or give you head, go somewhere else or die. Yes, it is that black and white.

His wife set him up

taboo phone sexThe wife of a prominent business man came to me last week looking to set him up. Her plan was pretty fucked up, we were going to frame him for murder and make sure that he spent the rest of his life in prison where he would have no control over his money… that would all fall to his wife to take care of. Since we were talking about millions of dollars here I was very happy to help her. Her husband had an unfortunate fetish, he liked helpless little girls so I acted like the perfect bait. I acted like I was drugged and simple, maybe even a little slow and waited for him in his office late one evening. I acted like I was lost and had no idea how I even got there, he was ready to call security to remove me but once he saw that I was naked under my coat he was suddenly eager to be alone with me. He pulled my coat open and molested me and I let him, I waited until he was extremely turned on and rock fucking hard, then I quickly injected him with a powerful tranquilizer. Once he was passed out I filled his office with all sorts of evidence, even a little dead girl to complete the scene and called the police. They hauled him off to prison and I was paid very well, so this story definitely has a happy ending for me!

No Place for a Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sexIt is not a secret that I am a taboo phone sex whore. I can clean up well, look like a high class girlfriend but in the end, I am a dirty submissive whore. I was at fundraiser last night. I won the tickets. I never could have afforded to go to a black tie affair, but I wanted to go. I wanted to hobnob with the rich and famous. A friend styled me in a designer dress. She even hooked me up with her hair and make up folks. I didn’t think I looked or felt like I didn’t belong. Not until I met Jake. He saw through me immediately. He asked me what a whore like me was doing pretending she was something else. I wanted to act offended but the fact that he could see through me turned me on. Oh how wet it made my pussy. He pulled me into the kitchen area and told the staff to fuck me. He offered me up as a tip for their service. He was the host of the shindig and he gave me away for a gangbang rape porn. I was half mad and half aroused that he knew where I belonged. The help didn’t speak much English, but they knew I was a whore to use. They fucked me like a dirty trailer trash skank. Filled me up with cum and ruined my make up and dress. I guess that is what I deserved for thinking I could fit in at a high end gala when I am just a piece of trash.

A Slave To Your Torture And Pain

Snuff phone sexNot only am I a slave to you. I am a slave to the little twisted demon in my head telling me every second of the day that I need to be a bad nigger whore so I can feel the wrath of your strong hands gripping tight around my neck. This demon that runs deep inside my soul talks to me throughout the day, telling me to disobey you. I am a slave to your pain, I love it when you torture me, the harder you torture my already bruised and battered body, the more this nigger slave cunt of mine oozes out with pleasure. Master, when you torture me I know you care. The rage in your eyes, the way they turn red when I have done something wrong makes my slave blood boil with pleasure. That is when my twisted fucking demon comes out the most. Telling me to push you to the edge, I want to see how far I can take you until you snap my fucking black and bruised slave body in half. Do you remember when you pinned me upside down to that cold brick wall? I was shackled to look like a fucked up dirty snow angel. You told me you wanted to see my head fill up with blood. You sliced my throat a little, letting the blood rub down my face. Then plunged deep into my throat, showing me no fucking mercy. The rush you gave me was one I do not think I could ever feel again. Choking on your cock, cum, and blood. Listening to you yell at me telling me to swallow it up or fucking die!!! You are the Masters of all Masters. I will bow down with my nigger slave knees to you every day.

Domination Phone Sex Prisoner

domination phone sexHe told me it was a domination phone sex week for me. He kidnapped me and tossed me in his basement. I was chained up like a wild animal. Stripped naked, forced to lay on a cold, damp slab of concreate. I had to piss and shit in a bowl. My only nourishment for the week was his cum that I had to drink out of a bowl on a floor. No water. No real food. Just his cum. I was cold, scared, and alone. Bugs were in the basement. So many bugs that they covered my flesh like a blanket at night. The sound of the cock roaches and crickets drove me crazy. The entire week I was deprived light and basic human necessities. Today, he came down to give me his cum. He gave me more than that. He fucked my ass, my mouth and my cunt. I was dirty and I smelled. I had not had a bath since he took me, unless you count his cum and piss as a bath. I thought today was my last day alive, but he made me a deal. Bring me a young girl and I can be his accomplice, not his prisoner. It is survival of the fittest right? I took that deal. Now, I am free and have 24-hours to bring him a super young slave for his demented teen rape porn.