Tag: Taboo phone sex

Girl’s Night Out

Ass rape porn

I normally love girl’s night out but when my best friend ditched me at the bar to go meet her boyfriend I was fucking pissed. I sat at the counter ordering shot after shot until I could barely see straight. That’s when you found me, just another drunk whore. It didn’t take much convincing to get me to go home with you when I couldn’t even remember my own name. As soon as you shut the door you dropped the nice guy act and slapped me hard across the face, knocking me to the ground. You dragged me to the bedroom by my hair while I kicked and screamed but it was a futile attempt. You threw me on the bed and ripped off my clothes. I was begging you to stop but you just hit me harder and pinned me down. Your rock hard cock finding my wet hole and thrusting in hard. You just cared about getting off. I guess my pussy wasn’t enough because you flipped me over and forced your thick dick into my tight little asshole. I screamed out in pain but you just pushed my face so hard into the bed I couldn’t breathe. I must’ve passed out because I woke up naked in the street with cum leaking out of my ass. You tossed me away like the worthless piece of trash I am.


We fucked that bitch up

taboo phone sexMe and my friend found a little whore and snatched her up right under the nose of her stupid mother. That bitch was paying more attention to her phone than she was to her little brat so she deserved to lose her. Oh it was so fucking hot! My friend was making that little whore suck his cock in the car before we even got a block away. She was crying and begging us to take her back to her mommy but why should we? If that bitch really cared about her fucking crotch fruit she would have been watching her right?? Well she wasn’t so now we get to fuck her and torture her and kill her. Maybe when we are all finished with the little whore we will return her to the park we snatched her from so that her neglectful whore of a mother can find her well fucked badly beaten corpse there. It would be a fitting punishment for her I think.

Taboo Phone Sex Pain Slut

taboo phone sexBody built for taboo phone sex was why he called me. He said I looked like a woman who could handle some pain. He had no idea. As a teen girl, I was a cutter. It didn’t start off as liking pain. It was because it was what I could control. How deep I cut, how long I cut myself for, where I cut myself were all variables within my control. A few years later, I was using razor blades on my flesh because I needed pain to cum. I am no longer a young girl. I have been inflicting pain on myself and letting others inflict it on me, so I am now a seasoned pain slut. When Ted told me to do things to my body, he thought I was faking things because I was not crying, I was moaning. Pinching my clit, slapping my ass, pinching my nipples is youngster play to me. If you want to hurt me, you need to bring your A game. Once I told my caller I was a seasoned pain slut he had me burn myself with a cigarette. Now that hurt because I burned my clit.  I also rubbed Icy Hot up my asshole for him and I won’t lie, that hurt. I am pain slut. It just takes the right sadistic man to find my pain threshold with torture sex. Is that you?

Torture Sex for Coke-What Was I Thinking?

torture sexHe said it was torture sex I would enjoy. He was wrong. I don’t think any woman enjoys torture.  If I wanted my bag of coke, however, I had to let him do his medical experiments on me. He was like some sort of demented med student. He sells coke and high-end pharmaceutical drugs, but pills have never been my problem. I like cocaine. Cocaine doesn’t always like me though. Thankfully I was high last night because he put a cattle prod in my cunt and shocked me. It was the most awful pain ever. I was pissing myself and convulsing. He was stroking his cock. He said this was for a medical experiment. Instead of paying me cash, he was giving me coke. This was no medical experiment. This was torture for pleasure, his pleasure. He put the cattle prod up my ass too. I twitched so bad I thought I was having a seizure. Honestly, this was as hard as I had ever worked for a bag of blow. He even used a speculum on me and sprayed my insides with some sort of chemical. It burned and made my pussy bleed. He said he was sterilizing me, but I had a hysterectomy last year. He was just torturing me some more. I let him think he had left me barren because he got off on my tears. I just wanted my bag of fucking coke, but he was not yet done with his medical fetish phone sex experiments. He pierced my clit with a hat pin and laughed as I bled. I wanted to scream to him to just give me my damn coke, but I knew better. He was a sadist and I was his muse. I think he might have been a Nazi doctor descendent. Thankfully, I got my coke. I went home and dulled my pain with white line after white line.

Tinder Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn

I didn’t think I would grow up to be a gangbang rape porn star. I wanted to be a ballerina. I had big dreams of being someone special, but I am just a submissive cunt. Men never tell me I am special. I met this guy on Tinder and I was hopeful for once that I would have a real date. You know, a date where I can dress up and the guy holds open doors and stuff. It seemed like that might be what was instore for me, but it went awry quickly. Very quickly. He had only been in my house a few minutes when his friends busted in to join the party. He said he knew who I was because he had seen my snuff porn site. Him and his friends wanted to gang bang me and fuck all my holes. I couldn’t fight because there were three of them and one of me. They were like animals. They shoved all three cocks in my holes at once. Three cocks in my mouth made me gag and puke. Three cocks in my pussy made me cry. And, three cocks in my ass made my ass prolapse. Today, I can barely walk. I am sore and bruised up. No more Tinder dates for me. I guess I will never be treated like a princess.

Ass Rape Porn Nightmares

ass rape pornI didn’t believe in hypnosis. That all changed when I met Pat. He wanted to help me slay my inner demons. That was only partially true. He wanted to get in my head and fuck with it. He brought out Cassie, by inner bad ass bitch. Cassie betrayed me. She told Pat things I don’t even admit to myself. Dark things about my father. I think he talked mostly to Cassie and the two plotted against me; played mind games with me. I am terrified of two things in this world: spiders and my father. Ever since Cassie ratted out my secrets to Pat, I am having the most terrifying nightmares. The one that haunts me the most is being tied to my bed with what appears to be a spider’s web. I hear a noise, a loud noise then I see it. A monster in corner of my room. One leg comes out of the darkness, then another. I suddenly realized  this 8 legged freak was Godzilla sized. My heartbeat is racing so fast, I think my heart might burst. As the freaky ass spider approaches me, it’s head turns into my father’s face. Suddenly, it is half man and half spider, a metamorphosis of my two greatest fears. Then, the creature made an ass rape porn with me. I was never so scared in my life. But it is lingering. This fear I have of my father showing up at any moment again. I didn’t believe in hypnosis until I met Pat. Now, I am mind fucked forever.

Daily snuff sex fun

snuff sexCum is like vitamins for me. I have to have it period point blank. My mom thinks her boyfriends are off limits. Yeah right! As if, My mom and I are more like sisters; she had me uber young, and it’s a toxic relationship. I have always been her competition in her eyes. All her boyfriends fawn over me, and I love the attention. I won’t deny it at all. I like making her mad and taking her boyfriends away. Once they come around, they start to cum inside me. I have something that dominates and hypnotizes them. I am a freak, and I am all for snuff sex. Its something my mom won’t do but I sure as hell will do that. My mommy also doesn’t swallow. As for me, I need cum shots and hard fucks every day.

Snuff Porn: Summertime Girls Beware

snuff pornDo you want to make snuff porn? It is summertime. Do you know what that means? It means lots of scantily clad little whores. Teen whores, younger whores, even old whores if they are your thing. I just like to kill women and girls. Most females hate me, so I have no problem killing bitches of any age. I like the kill, but the hunt is what gets my cunt wet. Searching together for the perfect little slut together; one for you to fuck and one for me to kill.  You can kill her too if you want, but most men just want to explore their rape phone sex fantasies and leave the clean up to me. Again, killing tender age girls doesn’t make me squeamish, so I up fucking them doesn’t make you squeamish. I so love to watch a little girl get fucked by a much older man. Oh, summertime girls better beware when we get together.

I made some new snuff porn

snuff pornI made some new snuff porn and it is hot as fuck! I got me a little whore, she was very small and totally innocent, she had never even seen a cock before. So when I had the bitch tied spread eagle on a bed surrounded by dick she was scared to death. It was so hot to see her cry like that, she was begging for her momma and screaming in pain it had me dripping wet in no time flat. I really took my time with her, making sure to get close up shots of all the blood as I cut her deeply. I even fucked the bitch with a butcher knife boy did that make her scream! Unfortunately it also killed her, I wanted this one to last all day but I only got a few hours to play with her even tho I tried to go slow.Oh well, it was still hot as fuck!

Kidnapping Phone Sex: I Have Abduction Fetishism

kidnapping phone sexI will admit to having extreme kidnapping fantasies. I have what is called abduction fetishism. Kidnapping phone sex arouses me. The idea of a man picking me up or snatching me up some place makes me wet. I love the unexpected. I got it too. My car broke down on the highway. It was dark and raining. My cell had no reception. I was hoping I would see an exit for a gas station or something. An older man offered me a ride. I knew it was risky, but I was desperate. Plus the risk of being abducted came into play also. He did take me to a gas station, but he was working with someone. I got out of his truck, went around to the pay phone on the side to call my husband and that was the last thing I remember before I was hit on the head. I woke up naked and blindfolded on a floor. What woke me up was piss. Some one or something was pissing on me. I woke up screaming, demanding to be released but that wasn’t happening. I had been abducted. Scared for sure, but I was more aroused because of my fetish. I was being used for ass rape porn. I had been kidnapped for sex slavery. A used up dirty old whore means men can use me rough because I am at the end of my usefulness anyway. No need to keep my holes tight because nothing is tight anymore. They passed me around fucking my ass and fisting my cunt. I never saw their faces. They used me, then dumped my body in a dumpster. I got away, but I smelled like sex and garbage. Never take rides from strangers girls, not unless you enjoy being a dirty taboo whore and have an abduction fetish like me.