Tag: Taboo phone sex

Babysitter phone sex

babysitter phone sex   Babysitter phone sex was so hot that I decided to invite the guy over the next time I was supposed to babysit. He said that he couldn’t stay long so I figured everything would be fine. Once he got there, I went to the kitchen to get us drinks. When I came back, he knocked me out and tied me to a chair in the living room. I don’t know how long I was out for but when I came to, he was standing there with the two little ones that I was babysitting. I screamed and cried and begged him not to hurt them but he just laughed as he held them down and slit their little throats one by one, laughing at me the entire time. I pleaded with him to take me instead. He held the cold, sharp blade up to my throat as he untied my legs from the chair. He shoved me over to the bodies of the two little ones and forced me down between them. He cut my clothes away with the knife and told me he would cut out my tongue if I screamed. I struggled against him as he force fucked my fuck holes. I fought back, which pissed him off so he jammed the huge knife right into my chest. He stabbed me several more times as he fucked me. Once I was a bloody mess, he decided that he was finished with me. He slid that big, cold blade right across my throat and sliced it deep. He made a few more slicing motions, cutting deeper each time. The blood poured down my chest as I faded away. I was such a stupid little bitch for trusting him and I got used up and snuffed out.


Fatal Fantasy Phone Sex Accomplice

fantasy phone sexI specialize in fatal fantasy phone sex. Murder is natural instinct. Over time, society has tried to beat those primal instincts out of us. In the beginning of time, man took what he wanted. It didn’t matter if what he wanted belonged to someone else. Or if what he wanted was young. I bet you look at young girls and covet them. You are too afraid to take a young girl because you don’t want to get in trouble. Murder is the solution. Take what you want. Have your fun. Then kill her when you are done, so no one knows what you did. Hire me as your accomplice phone sex partner though. I know how to get rid of bodies. I help men like you fuck the shit out of some cute young thing, then I dispose of the tiny lifeless body afterwards.  I can even make you a home video of you fucking a tender age little pussy or ass. Guys love to relive the moment when they finally got to tear apart a super young hole. Let’s face it. Money talks. If you have money, you can buy whatever you want. You don’t need to go to some foreign country for it either. Let me help you fuck that bald pussy you want. I will get ride of the body for you too.

I made him a little bitch

taboo phone sexThis bitch owed me money… a lot of fucking money and she was not paying me fast enough so I had to do something drastic to get her attention. She has this son that she is so proud of, he’s so smart, he’s so athletic, he’s so perfect blah blah blah. I kidnapped that boy and broke him so completely that he will never be the same. I stripped him naked and hung him by his wrists in my basement and invited a few rough guys to come and break him in. They fucked his lil ass and his pretty lil mouth and reduced him to a blubbering mess. We dressed him up like a whore and made him sell his ass on the street to anyone that would pay and we kept him for days and turned her perfect little son into a dick sucking faggot with a taste for partying. I sent him home with an addiction to drugs and dick and told her that she was lucky I let him live… next time I he won’t be so lucky so she better pay me soon.

Leaving With Cash and His Dick

Accomplice Phone SexWe all know Daddy doesn’t really do the whole 9-5 job thing. He hustles and he pimps, and he robs and mostly uses me as his accomplice. So, we heard this new start up porn site was doing some auditions this week and Daddy quickly signed me up. It was one of those where you are hired, do the porn and immediately get paid in nice hard cash. That last part is what drew Daddy’s attention. I showed up looking as hot as ever and started my audition. The producer likes for all the girls to use him as a showcase for their skills. I have no shortage of skills, so I got down to it. I removed my top, leaving on only a short skirt, thigh highs and boots. I went to him and kicked his legs apart before lowering myself between and using my teeth to unbutton those pants and unleash his dick. It was already hard, so I didn’t have to work him up much. I led him to the nearby bed and laid him on his back as I slowly kissed him from his head to his crotch. I started licking his balls and then started taking that hard cock little by little in my mouth, teasing him as I went. I finally put the entire thing in my mouth and started bobbing up and down on it while playing with his little shitter hole. Just as he was getting ready to squirt his load in my throat Daddy appeared and put a knife to his throat. He threatened to slit his throat if he didn’t tell him where the cash was kept. The guy pointed to a safe and Daddy helped himself to the contents. Daddy could see the pout on my face and just sighed as he handed me the knife. I promptly slit that guys throat and cut off his dick to take as a souvenir. As we walked out with our cash and his dick, Daddy just smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Gangbang Rape Porn in a Dirty Bathroom

gangbang rape pornI was at the mall the other night. I was just shopping and minding my own business. I was not looking for trouble, but trouble finds me. Some men were following me around. I thought they were harmless. I am a sexy babe. I just assumed they liked watching my ass jiggle back and forth. I was near the new wing of the mall they are building. The Apple store is right before the blocked off part. I went in to get some accessories for my new iPhone. When I came out, the guys pushed me into the under construction area. No one was paying me any attention either. They dragged me to an unfinished, dingy bathroom. They wanted to make a gangbang rape porn. I was screaming but no one could hear me over the construction noise. One of the guys had rope. They planned this. I knew there was no way they just had bondage rope with them. They tied my feet together and my arms behind my back. I was struggling to move. They stripped me naked before they bound my limbs. Their cocks came out and they took turns fucking my mouth. I could barely move. The restraints were tight. They made me bob up and down on each cock. Then before cumming in my mouth, each one of the men shoved his hard cock up my ass. Most times I had a cock in my mouth and one in my ass. I was spit roasted. The bathroom smelled of stale piss and sewer water. It was obvious it was being torn down and rebuilt. I just wanted to get away from these violent men, but I was bound and gagged. Naked and covered in cum too. They passed me around for what felt like forever. Eventually, they grew bored with me. They left me naked, tied up and covered in cum on the dirty bathroom floor. Hours later a construction worker found me. Before he helped me, however, he fucked my ass too.

Women Have Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Too

rape phone sex fantasiesMen aren’t the only ones with rape phone sex fantasies. I met some women Friday night who had the same dark desires as many of my callers. I was in a gay bar. I thought it would be a safe retreat for me from the brutality of men. No gay man is going to want to hurt me. It never crossed my mind that some lesbians might. I was talking with some lipstick lesbians at the bar. I did my man bashing, and they bought me drinks. They were nice. They were attentive. They listened to my man woes. I thought we bonded. That was far from the case. They were plotting anal torture sex at the bar. One of them slipped a mickie in my drink. The next thing I knew, I was naked on a floor with a huge dildo in my ass. The pretty lesbians were in a circle surrounding me. They were cackling like witches as they took turns sodomizing my ass to ruin. They were not using lube. This was not for my pleasure. It was for their entertainment. I was crying but that turned them on. As they shredded my asshole, they mocked me. They called me names and slut shamed me. Those lesbians treated me more brutally than most men. I can’t even find comfort from women. I am a worthless whore.

Gangbang Rape Porn: Friday Night is Not Date Night for Me

gangbang rape pornMost of my girlfriends were out on hot dates last night. Friday night is date night. It is gangbang rape porn night for me, however. My phone was blowing up from texts. My BFF was trying to get me to join her out at some club. Tony showed me the texts. I was tied up and couldn’t respond. He circled around me mocking the fact that I thought I was worthy of going out on date night. I was bound like a parcel package. I was naked and cold. He didn’t care. I soon discovered he was not alone. He had a group of men with him. They might as well have been a pack of wild animals. He let them pounce me. They shoved cocks and fists in any hole they could find. That included my asshole. I tried to rock myself into a different position. It was my way of trying to fight. That was a mistake. They started kicking me. Some spit on me. Others pissed on me. They were drunk and mean. They reminded me of my father. I never had friends as a schoolgirl. I could never go to school dances or out with friends because I was too busy getting force fucked by daddy’s drunk friends. While my besties were drinking fruity drinks and letting men spoil them, I was tied up, forcibly fucked and humiliated. I don’t deserve a night of fun. I am nothing more than an ass rape porn whore.

Raised for Knife Play Phone Sex and Murder

knife play phone sexI was born for knife play phone sex. I have had a passion for knives since I was a young girl. My great grandpa taught me how to hunt when I was still a schoolgirl. He would tell me about different serial killers and teach me how to use a knife for a fair fight. I remember he told me anyone can win a gun fight but to win with a knife means you have skill not luck. Great grandpa had dark desires. He took me on a hunting trip with some of his cronies when I was a young schoolgirl. Girls my age were still playing with Barbies. I soon discovered we were not hunting animals, well at least not the 4-legged kind. Great granddad and his friends hunted criminals who got away with their crimes. The dregs of society, usually who could get away with murder because of their money. On this trip they were hunting a man who had murdered his wife and two young daughters, so he could marry his new young girlfriend. He was a wealthy white man who got off because he could afford the best legal team. When great grandad told me about this rich fuck, I wanted to kill him myself. I did too. It was my first kill. One of my great granddad’s group members tricked him into hiding out in the mountains to avoid the media sensation.  The men in the group told me I could kill him though. It was my initiation into this vigilante snuff porn group. I used my knife. I was not nervous or scared. I just lacked the precision and skill I now possess. I stabbed him violently in the chest until he was choking on his own blood. It was messy and quick. But, a girl never forgets her first kill. I have that knife in a glass box, along with a vile of my victim’s blood like Dexter. I don’t kill with such lofty purpose as my great grandpa did, but I did inherit his love for murder.

Bitch had to go

taboo phone sexThis guy I know had a wife that was the biggest bitch in the fucking universe. The kind of bitch that was always busting his balls and trying to control him and because she had a huge inheritance he was reluctant to just divorce her. That’s where I came in, I broke into their house on a night when he was out of town working and snuffed that bitch. I was very cruel and sadistic about it too, I tied her to her bed while she was sleeping and forced fucked her cunt with a giant dildo. She was screaming so I stuffed a pair of panties down her throat to shut her up and ooopsie she kinda choked on them. She was barely alive when I set the fire so I like to think that she suffered while she burned alive tied to her bed. Her husband will never be charged for it because his alibi is airtight so all in all I would say I was very successful in ridding the world of another bitch!

Training a Snuff Phone Sex Slut

snuff phone sex

Do you enjoy snuff phone sex scenarios? I was born to be a snuff victim. Ever since I was a young girl, men have used me for their own needs. I get it. I am a blonde bimbo whore. I get full of myself sometimes. Because I am pretty, I start to think I deserve to be treated like a princess. I was out last night with my owner. I saw this odd looking couple at the next table. She was not attractive at all. Her date was handsome and he appeared to be going out of his way to make her feel good. He was treating her like a princess. I told my master that if an ugly girl like that could be treated like a princess, then so could I. He smacked me across the face and called me a slut. He wouldn’t let me order food. I had to watch him eat a steak. I was hungry, but I was being punished. Others stared as he degraded me. He told other people to mind their own damn business because I was his property. I dreaded when we got home. I was correct in my dread too. He tied me up and beat me. For hours, he made me tell him what a worthless whore I am as he whipped me and kicked me. He fucked my ass too forcing me to lick off his dirty dick. I need more slave training according to him. He broke my spirit. He ruined my ass. Sometimes even a seasoned whore like me needs to be reminded what a worthless piece of shit she is.