Tag: Taboo phone sex

Accomplice Phone Sex Fun

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex is fun for us both. I know many men out there fantasize about doing very naughty things to young girls. They have violent and illegal thoughts about girls who have not even developed hair on their pussies yet. The problem is they lack the balls to make fantasies realities. That is where I come in. I am that devil on your shoulder telling you to force your dick inside her tiny cunt, ass and mouth. I do not care if you kill her. If you are with me, the bitch dies once you are done having your fun. This way we do not live in fear of her talking. Little whores are a dime a dozen. We can kill one and find another one just like her. We can fuck little cunts, kill them and find another one and do it all over again. Little girls go missing every day in the US. Most of them never seen again. There are not enough resources to look for every missing brat. If those brats are brown or black, you can be confident that no one cares. At least no one in power to do anything to find the whore. Hunting along the boarder of Texas is the best. So many brown whores being smuggled across the border and only the coyotes around and they can be bought. Little whores go missing on the border every damn day. Most sold into slavery. The rest buried where they will never be found. Think of all the fun we can have exploring your rape phone sex fantasies with something super young. Something no one will even know to look for. You get to fuck their little wholes, and I can do the rest. Every day, new meat to fuck and kill.

Torture Phone Sex Fuck Meat

“Oh what a sweet piece of fuck meat” is what I heard him sneer at me as I was being circled. I was walking home from the club last night. It’s not always the best thing but I am always doing what’s not best. This guy pulled up and tried getting me to get in his car. He just really wanted to give me a ride home. I told him no thanks. He was offended by my dismissal.

He stopped at the corner ahead of me and still tried to get me in his car. He got out of the car and started walking around me looking me up and down. I just stood there wanting to be out of this situation. He started to get aggressive and laugh at me. He shoved me down and took his way with me. He beat the crap out of me and fulfilled his filthiest bloody rape fantasies on me and ruined my face with his punches.

Torture phone sex

Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasy

kidnapping phone sexI have kidnapping phone sex fantasies. They are common role plays for my callers. Not always am I willing to be napped and taken to an uncertain fate. Last night, was one of them. My car broke down in a rural part of town. I had no cell phone reception, so I had to walk until either I could get a signal or find a gas station. I found Pete before I found the others and that turned out badly for me. I thought he was a good Samaritan, but that was not the case. He was an evil opportunist who saw a woman he could prey on easily. I took his ride not knowing I would end up in the basement of his dingy house as his victim. I was not the first one who had been there. I could tell he was a seasoned predator. He tied me up to a beam above me. I was naked and bound. And I was terrified. No one knew where I was. No one was looking for me. I did not even know where I was. He had a cattle prod, and he took pleasure in shocking me repeatedly. I was convulsing and pissing myself. He just laughed at me. He had an erection from my pain and humiliation. I pleaded for mercy. I even lied and said my husband was rich and would pay for my safe return. He told me no one would look for a used whore like me. He kept shocking me with the cattle prod. He even put it in my ass and my pussy. I was shaking violently. I even bit my tongue. I now could taste my blood. Eventually, he cut me down for his rape phone sex fantasies. He did not mind how I smelled because he fucked me for another eternity. I passed out at some point and woke up in the back seat of my car, which was still on the side of the road. I was a hot mess with burns on my body and cum in my holes. My kidnapper nowhere in sight thankfully.

Strangulation Phone Sex Fantasies

strangulation phone sexDo you like strangulation phone sex fantasies? I made the mistake of telling this hook-up last night that I enjoyed erotic asphyxiation sometimes. I used to be part of a club for that. We would put our necks in nooses and masturbate together. It was accident proof because there were club members who watched and cut the restraints if we passed out or got close to that. Men and women were in this club. I like a little pain with my orgasms, but I do not want to die. I was sucking on this guy’s cock immediately after telling him my hot story. He put his hands on my neck and choked me. He had it confused. Erotic asphyxiation is where you are being strangled and masturbating, not strangling someone else while you get off. He told me he understood what it was, but he just wanted to strangle me. Suddenly, our encounter was more like a snuff porn than a hook up. He had both hands around my neck as he skull fucked me. He was saying concerning things like, “I could kill you right now and they would never find your remains.” I was on a Tinder hook-up. This was not some guy I met on the dark net or a fetish site. I thought he was just a normal horny man tired of being couped up inside. I thought he just wanted some pussy. He did want my pussy, but he wanted to strangle me too once I spilled my beans. His hands were big and strong. He was powerful and he had that look in his eyes. The look that tells me my life is inconsequential.  I could feel how little he felt for me because I was choking and gasping for air. I was fighting to breathe as his hands finally choked the last ounce of life out of me. No doubt he came on my dead body when I was still warm. You would too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Snuff Movies and Full Moon Fever

snuff moviesEvery full moon, something comes over me. I am no longer content with just watching snuff movies and masturbating. I become even more homicidal than I already am. The next one is a little over 2 weeks on May 26. I am already planning my homicidal killing spree.  I am like a werewolf when a full moon arrives. I cannot control my murderous urges. I can make Michael Myers or Jason Voohrees look like Hello Kitty on a full moon night. I will kill more than either of them did in all their movies combined, just in one night I know it is taboo and illegal to kill but I blame it on the moon. I have my knife collection already ready. I have a massive collection too. I own bayonets, switch blades, daggers, swords, hatchets, combat knives, a few shivs, scalpels, machetes and straight razors.  I just need my victims. I usually have a murderous type each full moon. I will rotate between murdering men, women, and brats. Is it wrong to wanna kill the tender age? Their full moon is up. Honestly, I do not care if it is. I could be sparing a brat a life of physical abuse, drug use, poverty or heartbreak. The real hell is on earth. The real devils are people like us who have dark desires. There are plenty of spoiled brats or self-entitled twats that deserve to die. I bet you agree. I bet you know some personally. Maybe you want to join me for the hunt and the kill. You can fuck the little twats and I can kill them. Now that the weather is warmer, and this virus has an end in sight the streets will be paved with wee ones to prey on. In the darkness with only the glare of the full moon, no one will notice if a little one wanders away.



Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are the best. I am a kinky bitch. I always have been because I like to party. I was partying with these guys the other night that promised me coke for every freaky thing I did. They wanted me to mutilate my ass hole. They gave me a huge baseball bat and told me to sodomize myself. They dangled a big bag of coke in front of my face, so I shoved that bat up my asshole with no lube. I was high and not feeling much pain. I did prolapse myself, so I took my coke and left. They were disappointed. I just did not realize how much until they busted into my house late at night to fuck me some more. This time I was not as willing. They were not trading favors anymore. They broke in and had a plan. They were going to take me against my will. They tied me up to my bed and took turns fucking my ass, which was still sore. They joked about shoving my prolapse back inside me. I was crying and begging for them to stop. I mean I do have home invasion phone sex fantasies, but this was too much, even for a dirty anal whore like me. I was tied up. Nothing I could do. I had no negotiating power. They fisted my ass until I was shitting and bleeding on myself. They wanted to pay me back for cutting them off before they all came. They zip tied my prolapse and put Ben Gay on it. I was screaming in pain and I am a pain slut. A certain amount of pain makes me wet. Over that and I am pleading for mercy. They abused my prolapsed ass all night. Left me tied up covered in my blood and shit for my sons to discover when they woke up.

A Final Moment Of Ecstasy

Taboo Phone SexI could see the raw pink skin beneath the ropes that bound them to their torture devices.

They knew their fate and they did not care!

Sluts being lead to the slaughter by soft tongues beckoning sweet pussy juices….hard cocks promising one final transcendent moment of ecstasy!

The blade that sliced through their exposed clits was almost undetectable as their cunts clenched and contracted, spitting sweet pussy juices through the pain!

Their eyes rolled back in their heads and they did not notice the deepening color of that sweet cunt nectar as it turned from milky cream to pink and then red.

A pool of crimson drips beneath their mutilated lips as the knife plunges deeper into their cunts , destroying their virgin wombs!

I watched as their delicate white necks grew limp and could no longer support their heavy heads!

It is only then that his cock begins to rage through the blood, pounding through the torn flesh, draining his balls and spewing cum into shredded tissue that could no longer surround or embrace his throbbing rock hard meat!

And I found my untouched cunt, waiting, yearning, and dripping at the erotic torture, the final climax that was my fate!

Ass Rape Porn Star Gets Nailed

ass rape pornIt is no secret I am an ass rape porn star. My ass has made me a lot of money over the years. More than I expected. I am a high school dropout. I have a GED, but I am not qualified for much. The only way I can make money is off my body. I started off fetish modeling for BDSM magazines and that led to anal porn. Turns out if a woman is willing to let men ravage her ass, she can make a good living. My ass has seen better days, but I am still in demand. Some of my gigs are less savory than others. This weekend was one of them, but I was desperate for money. I have not had as many gigs this past year, and I need the money. Beggars cannot be choosers. When Joel called with a gig, I did not ask the questions I should have asked because I was desperate. I heard the money amount and agreed to the job. I arrived at the studio where he said to be. Unlike most porn sets, there were no cameras, no crew, no anyone but one guy and he looked mean. He introduced himself as Joel and took me to a dingy room with a dirty mattress on the floor. His Go Pro was set up on a stand to film us. I wanted to ask questions, but I should have done that before. Now, I was in trouble. Now, an ass porn could turn into a snuff porn. It nearly did too because he choked me as he fucked my ass. I was gasping for air and begging for mercy. I got no reprieve until he nutted. He filmed the entire anal torture. I have a big blue mark around my neck and a busted asshole. I did get paid though and beggars can’t be choosers.

Accomplice Best View

Accomplice phone sex


Being that I am a submissive slut I know my master loves when I am a good slutty accomplice. So, when he said we were going for a ride I knew that meant we were going to find a new young slut for him to use. When he spotted the one he wanted, I went up to her and told her I had lots of candy. With a swift move she was in the car with her mouth covered. When he got her to his place, he made sure to undress her and tie her up. As he paddled her bare bottom, I could see her skin swelling up. It sends a tingle down my body to my pussy. When he is nice and ready all he wants to do is stick his big fat cock in her tight little asshole. Watching him pump his big cock in her ass as her little face cries makes me wet and I can’t help but play with my pussy. While I finger my pussy and watch him abuse her tight ass, I can’t help but smile knowing this is going to be her last memory. Before he cums he grabs her by the neck and chokes her hard. As her body starts going limp, he starts moaning and I know he is filling her up I can’t help but start pumping my pussy harder so I can cum along with him.  

Snuff Phone Sex for the Entire Family

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex gets men off more now than ever. I attribute it to being cooped up inside with the family. The boring family. I get calls often for family annihilation. Sometimes, I get to kill the patriarch and sometimes I am just killing the rest of his family. Family annihilators are always showcased in crime shows like Criminal Minds and the Law and Orders. There have been many in history who took their wives and brats like that Colorado dude Chris Watts. I get it. Wives nag and brats suck the life from you. Sometimes life would be better without them and some new hot thing on the horizon. I have killed my share of narcissists and brats before, and whores too. I have just not killed an entire family, but when I met Tim, I wanted to waste him, and anyone associated him. He hired me to kill his family and shift blame off him. I am a contract killer; however, I have standards too. He was an annoying tool who wanted to waste three young girls who could make me a lot of money in the sex trade. He was a tool, a jagoff, and every name I could think off. I took his money, but I did not stick to his plan. I called my friend who pays premium price for pretty whores and the younger the better. I sold his wife and three brats, profiting off them twice. I made it look like the wife ran off with them. My client thought I killed them and got rid of the evidence. I came back the next day and snuffed him out. I take killer phone sex seriously. He did not deserve to live. I made it look like a suicide and blamed him for the disappearance for his family. I wanted to carve the tool up. Take his cock and his balls, but to stage a suicide takes restraint. I put him in the bathtub drugged up and slit his wrists. He bled out slowly, but he knew I killed him and took his money. The next day the news was blasting family annihilator headlines and just counted my money with a smile.