Tag: Taboo phone sex

I Know What You Need

taboo phone sexI have been partying for days and I am not ready to stop, want to join? I don’t mean that pussy shit either. I mean hardcore partying, the kind of partying that leaves little bodies on the floor if you know what I mean. The kind of partying that would make the headlines. I don’t care, I am not shy about it, I am always pushing it. I had a guy the other day who thought he would try to dominate me, that was a big N O. Anyways, I let him start with his act, big, bad, and degrading and then I stopped him mid-sentence. The shock was incredible and my pussy pulsating with the power I was about to unleash. I worked him into a ball of putty. A ball that I would mold and control. I knew what he wanted before he did. A strong woman to make him do things. Not just things but very perverted degenerate type of things. The kind of things that involve little bitty tiny holes. Virgin pussies and virgin asses and flat chests. I tend to throw in a little cock and ball action too, you know for fun. Anyways, I had a blast, and he wouldn’t stop cumming. I knew what he needed before he did, and I know what you need too.

I Want o Be Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sex

I love being an accomplice phone sex partner. In the world of submissive slaves, I paid my dues. I worked myself up the food chain and have earned the right to help you kill and torture little sluts. Some guys even hire me to procure them a tender age slut. As a woman, I can lure a girl to her demise much more easily than a man. Girls lack the same stranger danger feel for women that they do for men. I am here helping men fuck little girls because of that. Over the weekend, I helped Stan. As a slave, I watched masters, even my own father, trap young girls and do very bad things to them. I know what I am doing. For almost 20 years, I sat back, watched, and learned. Now, I am in the driver’s seat. I brought Stan, Ashley. She was this cute little raven-haired beauty queen. She resembled his niece who has been cock teasing him since she was in diapers. He likes to watch the little Miss Sunshine girls. He books hotel rooms where little beauty pageants occur and watches the little contestants strut their stuff. I made his dark fantasy of exploring rape phone sex fantasies with one cum true. I posed as a pageant parent, kidnapped one and brought her back to this seedy by the hour motel where Stan was waiting. His dick was already hard from the anticipation. I had her drugged and dressed in her gown and a tiara on her head. She was a cutie. He was balls deep in her virginal cunnie when she woke up crying. I gave her a hot shot and she passed out again. Turns out I overdosed her. I am still learning my drug dosages. He got to fuck his beauty queen and explore his more morbid sex with dead bodies fantasies, and I got paid. I ditched her lifeless body in a field 100 miles away from the crime scene. Her body likely will never be found and if it is, her death will be penned on some P man on the registry. I am a great accomplice.

Be The Devil Inside Of Me

Blasphemy phone sex


Have you been ruined by the rules of society and the Christian masses?  Did the normie’s infiltrate your brain and tell you to praise Jesus and go to church every Sunday?  Are you ready to be broken down and taken on a journey to the darkest most demented demonic place?  A place so dank and blasphemous that it reeks of filth and bile?

Welcome to my disgusting soul, where anything goes as long as it rebukes all that is holy and sacred to the pious populace.  No crosses, crucifixes or other false idols will offer you any protection from the depths of my devilish depravity.  But don’t worry, you’re going to fucking love it!

Ever have bloody butt sex on a church pew?  I know a quaint little sanctuary in need of some salacious activity and I can tell the preacher likes to watch.  I’ve been following him and his family for a while now.  He’s definitely the type who wants to see some dark deviants defile the sanctity of his rectory and house of worship.  We could just break into his little cottage and terrorize his whole dumb family.  

His prudish wife needs to be taught a lesson.  I’d like to milk your cock while the whole Christ loving clan watches until you shoot your load all over the pages of the bible, then make that bible beating bitch lick up every bit of it.  Doesn’t the thought of her being tied up and forced to suck jizz off of John 3:16 in front of her frightened family sound like just the most fun?  Then you can just take turns butt fucking all of us at your whim and whimsy until you are satisfied with your work.

I just want to see your eyes go black with lust and hear the beast behind your grunts as you fuck and backslide your way toward the dark side.  Then I’ll know the demon has it’s gnarled claws sunk deep into you, too.


Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornSnuff porn Sundays are a thing with my stepson and me. My husband is watching sports all day and I go visit his boy. My husband thinks my relationship with his son is maternal. It is nothing of the sort. I go to visit him so I can get some free coke. Well, I guess it is not really free because I have to work for it. And his relationship to me is out of necessity. He needs me. I am his cash cow. I am his 911 call because if he needs money, I can help him make it. He needed money. I needed coke. We helped each other out early this morning. When I arrived, I knew the drill. I knew I would have to subject myself to his violence. Today was a bit different. He had another woman tied to a chair waiting for me. I was not sure what was going to happen, but I was nervous. Since she was tied to the chair, my guess was she was not there to hurt me. He was going to abuse two hot milfs at once. He started on her, and what he did made me nauseated. He burned her flesh. First, with cigarettes. Then with a hot poker from the fire place. The Bitcoin sounds were going crazy. He was making bank. What was he going to do to me? Her flesh was peeling off her body. He was going to kill her. He has never killed a woman before.  At least not to my knowledge. Then suddenly, he untied me and told me to pick up a poker. It was not a choice. I could tell if I was not his accomplice phone sex partner, I would be tortured to death too. The Bitcoins were on fire and so was this woman. I felt guilty and sick to my stomach over what I did. My stepson is a murderer and I helped him. But I survived and I got coke.

Cheating lover dick chopping

castration phone sexMy boyfriends been fucking around on me with some young whore. I’m so pissed, but I have a plan. A Lorena Bobbitt type of plan. But this mother fucker wont be getting his dick reattached! And he won’t be asleep in bed when I hack it off with a butcher knife. I’m going to invite his little lover over and make her watch as I cut his cock right the fuck off. He walked in today with her sitting in the kitchen as I was sharpening my knife set. He thinks I don’t know that my niece and him are screwing behind my back! The stupid fuck didn’t even see the new hamburger grinder on the counter. I saw him ask why she was here and start acting strange. I’m going to act like I have a headache and go to bed and wait for him to sneak out into the teen whores room! Once full inside of her I’m going to sneak up behind him and chop his cock off while still in her little tight teen pussy! I will grind it up and force my niece to eat her sister’s boyfriend’s cock!

Addicted to Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexCastration phone sex will always be my favorite type of call. I do love being a snuff queen too, but I take perverse pleasure in separating a man from his family jewels. Like more pleasure than I should. I am not picky about whose nuts I sever either. I will take them from a man who looks at me wrong. Big dicks or small dicks, I take all balls. It is true that I mostly take the balls of small dicked losers and tools who do not understand the term consent. But I have taken the nuts of men who most women would fuck in a heartbeat. I am not most women. I do not fall for a nice body and a pretty face. Hell, even a big wallet does not impress me much. I met Trevor at a Goth bar. He was dressed all wrong, so he stood out. His metrosexual pretty boy looks told me he was either lost or too drunk to realize he walked into a bar where the chicks would eat him alive. He came right to me too. I rolled my eyes, sighed and then mind fucked him. He was too drunk to understand my body cues or even the words that were coming out of my mouth. He was a sloppy drunk. A rude one too. He followed me into the unisex bathroom. He pushed the door open and fell on his face. Now, I knew I could overpower him. I had sobriety on my side. He was quasi lucid but mumbling so much I could not understand him. He lost his balls that night. My guess he does not remember the sexy Goth goddess with the serrated knife who chopped off his balls in the bathroom of a Goth bar. I left him passed out on the floor face down. I knew folks would just step over him to pee and never realize his balls were gone. I gave him a shot to knock him out and blur his already impaired mind. I am sure he woke up when the bar closed, but by then I was long gone. I just enjoy the torture sex of male genitals. It is kind of my addiction and I never mind removing a set of family jewels.

Teen phone sex accomplice slut

teen phone sex

Teen phone sex sadistic accomplice knows that you enjoy little girls! Your a sick fuck who also loves forcing those bad mothers to watch us! I still remember the day one of my “daddies”  had ne scoping out “homeless alley” to find a young brat of a druggy slut and pay for her with a vg fat wad of cash. All the mommy had to do was come with us and she would have a nice safe place to do her dope. She knew what we wanted. It was like she was relieved that we finally chose her and her little daughter. A sweet young girl like me was no threat, but the cash in her pocket told her that I had a friend waiting for us. And when we got to the no tell motel I made her and her daughter wash all the street grime off. It was an hour before you showed up. Mommy had a fat rock on the end of her pipe and the girl was fed and sleeping like the blonde haired angel she was! I still remember the mom looking at you after she took that sizzling hit and asking you not to hurt her daughter too much. I couldn’t believe how she watched me as I ate her daughter out waking her up to pleasure. How the mom sucked your cock before her daughter learned what being choked with a dick felt like. I shared your cock getting it sloppy wet and ready to penetrate that little pre-whore cunny. Her mommy seemed relieved that she only had to watch and that her daughter was making money for her. She had no clue that the last day on earth for them was that night. As you shot her mommy up with a massive load of dope to stop her heart. And her daughter would never be found either.

Used Jail Slut

Taboo phone sex

Waking up in a jail cell is never fun, but waking up in a jail cell with several different cocks in your face while naked is scarier! How the fuck did I get here? I can’t ask questions or even scream because I have a black cock choking me, down my throat! They pushed my legs up above my head and began licking my ass hole and my pussy! I still can’t scream with a huge cock in my mouth and can’t run away because I’m held down and locked in! You can barely hear my scream through the cock in my throat as another cock is shoved into my dry shit hole! The rest of the night I’m used up by seven different cocks!

Dating a Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sex

When you are a taboo phone sex whore, guys call you for all sorts of dark things. When you are dating a man who finds out you work for a snuff line, the same is true. I have been seeing Alex for a few weeks now. We met in a fetish club, so he knew I had some kinks I like to explore. When I told him about my job, he did not freak out. Most men freak out when they find out I do phone sex. They do not want to hear a thing. Alex wanted to know everything. He wanted to hear what men’s most violent fantasies were. He asked about how wet I get on snuff sex calls. He asked me if I would ever meet one of my callers. I explained that we sign a contract for our safety and the safety of the company not to meet anyone. He then asked me if I could meet any of my callers, who would it be. I thought it was a trick question, so I assured him there was no one I talk to that I would want to meet. Then his entire demeanor changed. He got this angry look in his eye, and he punched in the face. My nose and lip started bleeding. I was shocked. Then a nightmare unfolded before my eyes. He was a caller. Not a recent one, and one honestly, I had forgotten about because he was a tad obsessed. He stalked me, found out where I lived, and set me up. He was angry I did not remember him fondly and that I would not want to meet him. My new boyfriend was a psycho killer. His hands were around my throat squeezing so hard, I thought I might puke. I passed out instead. I woke up on a burning bed, screaming for my life. Pleading for my life, but he just sat there with sad eyes and a psychotic smile watching me burn to death.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesDo you have murder phone sex fantasies?  I hope so. I am full of them. People think I am full of rage if I want to kill so many people. Not at all. I just like killing. I do not kill folks I hate or have beef with because that is a trail that leads back to me. I have gotten revenge, but it has been years later and usually done by an accomplice. I like to trade murders. That is where I kill someone who I have no affiliation with for you. And you return the favor. This has long been movie plots, LOL, but it is my way of taking out the trash from my life safely. I am smart and I am patient. That is how I never get caught. Crimes of passion are almost always solved. I met Mark online in a dark net chat room. He had a problem he needed fix. He was looking for a gun for hire to take care of his wife who was milking his millions away in an expensive divorce. He would be suspect number one if he did not have an airtight alibi for the night of her murder. It took me awhile to stalk her and kill her, but that was two years ago. I went to Miami to kill her while he was in Phoenix. I made it look like a robbery gone bad. I told him one day I would need a favor and he could not refuse. I did his murder for hire for free because I knew a day would come when I had a problem that I needed taken care of too. My problem was a former teacher in high school who tried to explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me when I was young. He did not count on me being smarter than him at that age. Even though he was never able to fuck me, I told him one day my revenge would come when he least expected it. I waited almost 20 years for my revenge, and I used Mark to do it. I really wanted to be the one, but it could have come back on me. I thought Mark might balk at it but when I told him the why, he was glad to help. He even castrated the bastard for me. That was his touch. Sexual mutilation is always a female suspect in the eyes of cops, but I would be in the clear. So far no one has come asking questions. Mark and I got away with murder. I will always get away with murder because I am a smart taboo phone sex bitch.